My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 307: Foul dragon

readx (); The two giants quickly pulled apart.

Xiao Chan didn't have any unnecessary expressions, but she was a little afraid of the tigress beside her, but Huang Lan couldn't help but also used a breeze technique, which covered the whole body of the stone giant with mysterious and mysterious, making her body a lot lighter, but soon she I found that I still couldn't keep up with the one in front, even if the stone giant under him was desperately running.



East entrance of the village and town, a group of people gathered together from a distance, with a panic and panic on their faces.

There is a quagmire in the center of them, surrounded by a strong smell of fish. This was originally summer, and it was a mountain village. It immediately attracted countless flies around the quagmire, and the sound buzzed, which really made them panic and It was the things in the quagmire that were horrified, and one fell from the sky—


When the villagers just started to change the sky, they thought it was very unusual. They thought it was the first thunderstorm in early summer. It was just a bit strange. The weather was neither sultry nor any warning. The dark clouds came so suddenly. But when several people went out to greet the children who were playing outside and went home to avoid the rain, they saw the group of children shouting into the sky, cheering unceasingly, and saying that they saw the dragon.

Although the ancients were ignorant, they were not so credulous. Just when they were about to punish this group of children, they saw a shadow fall from the sky and crashed into the waterhole at the east entrance of the village. They smashed the waterhole into a quagmire. Long crater.

And the loud noise of shaking the mountain naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

Then there was this scene in front of me.

Some people knelt down and prayed, respected them as gods, prayed for good weather, and others were terrified, fearing that the behemoth would climb up and eat them, and the old man saw that it was wrong, and he greeted his children to fetch Come and pour water on the dragon to make this quagmire more moist.

This dragon looks a little fat, covered in sludge throughout his struggle, and he can't even see the original appearance, only the outline of scales. It was constantly struggling and rolling, and seemed to be very tired of such an environment, but could not get rid of the shackles of sludge. It occasionally jumped up, but could not fly.

The dark clouds still swept through the sky, the world seemed to be filled with a heavy atmosphere, and the air seemed to be thick.



A piercing shriek, like tearing a person's eardrum, accompanied by a crackling sound.

The villagers raised their heads and saw a huge falcon hovering above them. They seemed to hesitate to land or not. The monster's heart was good, but he didn't realize that his size was enough to disturb him. This group of ordinary people. dudu1 ();

"So big ... so big eagle."

"It's so big, it's already refined!"

"Can it be that the monster can't succeed, is it for this dragon?"

The villagers talked nervously. Some timid people shivered, but they dared not escape from the siege of others. Some people who were near their homes ran back in fear and closed the doors and windows.

Feared that the eagle suddenly swooped down and took them away.

Not long afterwards, a young Taoist with a month-long white ribbon flew from afar and gracefully fell outside the crowd. There is no doubt that Yan Li's appearance has successfully attracted everyone's attention and even made them ignore the sky. Huge falcon hovering.

"Fairies, fairies are on top, please be worshipped by the little old man!"

An old man knelt down immediately.

This seems to have caused a chain reaction, regardless of whether men, women, children, or children are on their knees.

In this world, most civilians believe in God and worship Buddha, but at the same time they are very ignorant because of lack of education. . In the eyes of these fools, a very intelligent animal may be scolded as a monster, a woman who can spell may be regarded as a demon, or may be regarded as a fairy, but it is obvious that the affinity of this robe is not What is the giant eagle is much larger, especially this Taoist still came from the sky, the face is as rich as jade, the temperament is also outstanding, in modern times it is estimated that there will not be fewer fans.

Yan Li nodded and looked at the people with a smile, very divine.

"Everyone please come up quickly."

Everyone stood up, but they saw that the huge falcon changed its shape, and suddenly swooped down. When it was ten meters away from the ground, it saw a flash of white light, and it turned into a man in a black and gray feather robe. Whistling straight down and landing on the ground, but only a slight sound, as if the slight squat movement removed all strength.

Everyone immediately opened their eyes and was startled again.

"Goblin! Goblin! Really a monster!"

"Fairy, there is a monster behind you, look at it!"

"The monster that eats people, the monster will eat people, the fairy saves us." Dudu2 ();

The man in the black-grey feather robe sneered and said mockingly: "It seems that I should have fallen early, when they were still kneeling, they would not be afraid."

"Your lord laughed, the world is ignorant, how can you blame your lord, even if you want to blame, I should blame me for getting them up too soon." Fear, this is my friend, his name is ... Black Eagle Daxian, we are here to help you. "

But the people were still frightened, swallowing slobber constantly, the only good thing was that they no longer shouted monsters.

Yan Li continued to persuade, and spent a lot of effort, and finally succeeded in making them less afraid.

About half a stick of incense, the first monster behind finally arrived, his body is a Timberwolf known for its speed, then the second and third places are also monsters, and only saw a virtue until the fifth A Taoist who came with a strange magic weapon, until most of the monsters came together, and the rest of the Taoist talents arrived.

Faced with so many strangely dressed people, the surroundings quickly became noisy and there was a lot of discussion.

Fortunately, many of these people were dressed in a robe, and they were afraid of being scared when they saw something strange.

A group of monks and monsters couldn't take care of them. Their eyes stared at the dragon in the mire in amazement.

"Sure enough, it is a train, it's really an insight."

"This dragon fell from such a high place but nothing happened, it is worthy of the legendary god."

"How do I think this is a bit like a big loach in distress?"


Suddenly, the earth rumbling and trembling, rhythmically, everyone turned around and saw two stone giants who were taller than the house in the distance striding at the meteor. , Especially after approaching, they saw a few people sitting on the stone giant.

"God, why are so many gods gathered here because of this dragon?"

"The gods bless you, the gods must bless me for the Zhongxiang test."

Anyang controlled the stone giant to stop, jumped down, looked up and looked left and right at the very helpless rabbit essence, she was just scared, and now she did not know how to get down.

"Come on, jump down boldly, I follow you!" Dudu3 ();

The rabbit looked at him deflatedly, carefully let go of the hand holding the stone giant's head and the gap, and jumped down.

Anyang really caught it, and only felt a fragrant fragrance. The body of the rabbit essence is very soft, light and nothing, and the touch of the skin is very soft and smooth. Put it on the ground steadily before putting it Opening her arms around her waist, and at this moment, I wonder if it is the tempting talent that comes with the rabbit essence itself or that she hasn't been close to the female **** for too long, and he finds that he has a reluctant taste.

Behind the stone giant quickly arrived, Huang Lan jumped straight down, landing lightly, with a handsome and handsome posture, Xiao Chan crawled down the unevenness of the stone giant and the gap between the stones, but also the comfort of self-reliance After landing, although tired and a little embarrassed, she still prefers this way than Anyang grabbed her collar before throwing her down.

The rabbit essence still stood beside him by pinching his clothes, feeling her legs were still a bit soft, and her skin was already very white, like snow. At this time, her face was pale and even more dazzling.

The giant stone is not so easy to ride, but she has no complaints.

Amount, she can't complain, after all, she can't even speak.

Anyang glanced toward the center, holding the rabbit essence in one hand and squeezing Xiaochan in one hand until he saw the dragon trapped in the quagmire.

A strong fishy smell came out, making people involuntarily cover his mouth.

The calculation of the biochip is very accurate. This dragon is about twenty meters long, with an average diameter of more than one meter, and the thickest abdomen is about two meters. It looks a little bloated, especially because it is constantly jumping up, like It seems a little ridiculous to want to fly into the air. Not only does it not have the prestige of the Chinese totem, but even the wind and rain can not know where to go, it is like a big loach.

The rabbit looked blankly in front, and his eyes quickly turned into curiosity.

Xiaochan was a little afraid, and looked at the front cautiously, while quietly looking around.

Several Kunlun disciples wearing moon-white robes stood up and built a sparse protective circle around the dragon. At the same time, Yan Li also stood up and faced a crowd of civilians.

"Okay ~ ~ Don't talk, folks, listen to me, this is the legendary dragon-falling incident, it is not known in itself, everyone leave here immediately, go home and close the doors and windows Dealing with it, staying here again is not good for you, and it is best not to peek, otherwise it will easily lead to inexplicable disasters. "

Hearing these words, all the villagers were convinced, looked at each other, and soon dismissed them. They closed the doors and windows, and did not dare to look at them, fearing that they might bring disaster for themselves.

After a while, there were only a few monks and righteous monsters left here, but they were not much better than the villagers just now. After all, they had never seen a dragon, especially a dragon so embarrassed.

Several disciples of Kunlun have formed a group and worked together to attract a small rain cloud. The raindrops provided enough water for the dragon and cleaned the sludge from it.

Until then, the original appearance of the dragon did not appear.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.) "Daoyou, watch the event, watch the temptation of stockings, see the beauty giant. Milk, see the beauty school flower, please pay attention to the WeChat public account (beauty home search meinvjia123 and hold for 3 seconds to copy)

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