My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 311: Back to Kunlun

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The heavy rain had not yet fallen, but the ground was already messy.

The wind blew up the dust on the ground, raging continuously in the air, and the dust whistled like smoke on the road. The fallen leaves of the weeping willow and jujube trees on the roadside were also flying wildly, some even hit Anyang, and occasionally a bright lightning fell with thunder and thunder, reflecting the low profile of the village house and the vicissitudes of the wall, like a pair of wind and rain in the dark Mountain scrolls.

The domestic dogs raised by the rural people barked, and the silence was torn to pieces.

And in that low-rise house, a series of figures opened their eyes one after another, the first were the monsters with alertness far exceeding humans, and then the people who walked the world and were already used to the nerve-cultivating monks. The disciples who just came down from Kunlun Mountain might not have noticed anything unusual about the thunder and thunder at this time.

Xiao Chan woke up suddenly from a light sleep, with a pair of smart and beautiful eyes sparkling in the dark, her ears trembling slightly, she sniffed her nose, turned her head to look next door, but did not feel the familiar order A breath of peace of mind. She was always insecure, and she couldn't help but curled her legs in the corner.

Suddenly, the door of the room on the other side seemed to open.

Xiaochan turned over and got out of bed, put on his shoes and ran over with small steps, opened the window and glanced out, just like a lightning splitting into the sky, and a back that quickly went out was extremely healthy.

Lightning flashed away, leaving only the remnant of the retina and the air overlapping, but the fox itself is a nocturnal animal, and the darkness at this time could not block her sight. I saw that the figure still maintains graceful calmness in high-speed movement. This is the heroic posture and habit of large cats, especially the exaggerated figure curve like a sports goddess. There is no doubt that Huang Lan is a tigress.

Xiaochan hesitated a little, then pushed open the door and followed Huang Lan away.


Anyang suddenly discovered that the pitiful light between heaven and earth began to fill up. Although it was still very dark, it had returned to the normal level of the night. At least it was as bright as the day under the action of eyesight, and each lightning burst in the air. In his eyes, it was as dazzling as a nuclear explosion, leaving a net-like spot that even stayed on his retina for a long time.

Bright eyesight is still too unintelligent to adjust the sudden increase in exposure.

A group of figures flew from the house and gathered around the falling dragon. They all looked surprised at Anyang as if they had been here for a long time, but they did not ask much and turned to stand quietly. Someone kept a certain distance and looked at this creature that exists only in mythology and has the power to call the wind and rain, some people looked up at the unpredictable weather, and some people pinched and calculated.

"No, I only spied on the trajectory of numerology today during the day. Today is a sunny day. Why is it now covered with clouds?"

It was at the time of surprise that the decadence and sorrow in the central falling dragon's eyes gradually disappeared, crawling out of the quagmire, and standing on all fours on the ground, paws pierced deeply into the ground, and suddenly lifted his long neck towards the cloud With a loud roar--

The sound of the dragon sounded through the sky.

The people with tingling eardrums remembered the records in the books and myths.

Dragon, born to control the situation!

At this time, even the disciples of Kunlun Mountain who were sleeping drowsyly were awakened, and many walked out without wearing clothes. Even the rabbit essence who slept abnormally and peacefully under the action of hypnotism opened his eyes, feeling the noble breath filled with heaven and earth at this time, subconsciously touched his side, but panic only touched an empty cold. She was stunned, and suddenly remembered the scene when she was going to leave her hard in Anyang, Houshan. She was blindfolded with a thin layer of water mist and turned her head to look around nervously, trying to find the figure. But I saw the empty room, without the familiar breath.

he left!

But ... why didn't I wake up?

In other houses in the villages and towns, countless civilians have also woken up, only to find that there is a panic breath in the air, and they are scared to tremble, but they dare not go out, and even dare to peek through the window.


This dragon that didn't say a word when it fell down at dusk. At this moment, it shocked everyone, including Anyang who arrived here first.

The dark clouds and wind and rain reflected in the sky swept away the desolate image previously established in the hearts of everyone, and the whole body seemed to exude the majesty of the mythical creatures, and the scales that had fallen off the body grew back in a blink of an eye, and even the sludge did not know where to go. At that moment when the lightning flashed in the sky, the cyan scales on its body reflected the dazzling light.

The earth dog barking at it closed its mouth and shuddered prostrately, not even wailing, and the flies that buzzed around it had long disappeared, even the Taoists who watched around could not help but retreat. After one step, I couldn't say anything like this dragon like a giant loach.

Xiao Chan hid behind Anyang nervously, as if she could gain a sense of security. She held out her hand, trying to grasp the corner of his clothes like the rabbit spirit, but she stiffened when she was about to touch the corner of the clothes, and her eyes flashed. After a trace of hesitation and fear, he shook back his hand tremblingly.

The green dragon turned his head, and if there were nonchalant glances at the crowd, he drew a dragon claw from the ground, leaving a few deep holes, and grabbed another stone, and the claw was as deep as it was inserted into the tofu. Going in, I continued to look up at the thunderstorm cloud that was tumbling in the air, and my eyes were full of nobility and delicacy.

Anyang breathed a sigh of relief. The direction the dragon was looking at was just where he was. He could even see his reflection in the huge dragon's head when lightning struck, but he didn't expect it. His tense behavior was just that the dragon adjusted his body.

So powerful, is this still the fat dragon that fell this afternoon?

The disciples of Kunlun Mountain arrived here. Yan Li, who was headed, looked at Anyang, who was the closest to the dragon, and quickly walked forward to stand side by side with him.

"It's leaving."

The voice just fell-


An earthquake-like thunder sounded, and the eardrums buzzed. The sky radiated a huge lightning that penetrated the distance between the earth and the clouds. It seemed that the accumulated power for a long time was suddenly released, and the energy exploded in a flash Frightened, the countless lightning forks also illuminated the earth.

At this moment, this falling dragon suddenly jumped, exactly the same as it tried countless times during the day, but it easily jumped to tens of meters high, suddenly vacated, and meandered in the sky, like this The piece of heaven and earth is generally dominated by Thunder, and it disappears into the thick clouds in a blink of an eye.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The lightning flashed back and forth against its figure, the cold and magical reflection of the dense dragon scales, the picture of it standing on the earth looking up at the sky, roaring up on the head, and the scene where it finally rose up. It shocked everyone's heart and soul, and from beginning to end, it did not care about this group of monks and righteous monsters.

The sky was still thick and the dark clouds began to dissipate, and soon the starry sky and the bright moon were exposed, and the falling dragon had disappeared.

The disciples of Kunlun Mountain hurriedly came up with something very precise like an hourglass, and the function seemed to be calculating time.

"Fortunately, so far, it has only stayed for about four hours. If there is no accident, this turmoil will not be too strong." Yan Li was relieved and seemed to say to himself, he He didn't ask Anyang why he was here. In his mind, Anyang could even ignore the trajectory of numerology in advance and obliterate in advance, and contacting a falling dragon would be insignificant.

Anyang did not respond to him. A cyan scale appeared out of thin air on his hanging hand, and he stroked it before putting it away.

He was afraid that this dragon scale, like this dragon, would disappear without realizing it.

The people dispersed in silence, but no one talked about it, probably because most people were not familiar with it.

In the room——

The rabbit squinted in the corner of the wall, pulling his ears, his red eyes had dimmed a lot, a look of helplessness, and some faint fear. After all, this is a thunderstorm day, and here is a place where she is completely strange, not her nest, strange and thunder, enough to make her very scared.

Until the door was suddenly pushed open.


The rabbit turned his head subconsciously, and saw Anyang standing at the door. He glanced at himself suspiciously. In a moment, a few doubts in his eyes turned into amusement.

She stood up from the ground immediately, wanting to be closer to him, but stood at a loss as if at a loss. A pair of white hands unconsciously stirred the windbreaker belt on her body.

Anyang glanced down and saw the pair of black flip-flops, stepped on by a pair of small and delicate feet, could not help smiling, stepped over the threshold and closed the door smoothly, no matter what the rabbit spirit was thinking, walked to the side of the bed Sitting down, taking off his clothes and lying on the bed, he waved at the rabbit.

"Come here and let me sleep."

The rabbit walked past, and took off his trench coat and lay beside him, curling up and letting him hug him ~ ~ Blinking his eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Anyang didn't care about it, so she found a comfortable posture to take her into her arms, only to feel a soft and warm hand, full of delicate and smooth skin, slim waist. But at this time in the middle of the night, he didn't care about it, and gradually closed his eyes.

But ... I finally had an addiction to holding a pet and a hot bed bunny girl to sleep.

The next day, early in the morning.

Disciple of Kunlun has packed up his luggage and is ready to report the dragon fall incident to Shimen. He has even been unable to investigate the evil.

This made Anyang a little surprised. They came here hard and did n’t expect to see a large army of demons. This matter came to an end in advance, but this is also good. He can also have time to study and study the seized. The magical knowledge in several books, by the way, turned the two golden pill into their own mana instead of accompanying the group of disciples around.

"Thank you very much for your help to Kunlun, but now the sky has a dragon falling to the earth, indicating that the world has changed suddenly, and the exploration of the demon is over. Out of the best response, you all have kindness to Kunlun in this matter. If you can return to Kunlun together with Yan Li, there will be good rewards. "

Yan Li said with great arrogance, no one knows that their so-called exploration of demons is itself a task that is enough to deal with demons.

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