My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 315: Re-enter Kunlun

<> The genius remembers "→ Net." In one second, and provides you with wonderful novel reading.

The rabbit essence was stunned again, glanced at the steamy bucket from time to time, more often looked at him blankly, his hands entangled, a twisted look.

Anyang lost his smile.

I have slept all over, but now I'm embarrassed.

Also, at the beginning, the rabbit essence, who was very vague about the concept of clothes, ran everywhere in a bunny uniform all day and night. When was he so shy in front of him?

But looking at the shy face of the rabbit, he could only compromise.

"Okay, I won't do it anymore. I turned around. If you don't wash it, you'll be cold ..."

He hadn't finished his words yet. The rabbit seemed to be afraid that he was not happy. He immediately reached out to untie the belt of the windbreaker, and then bowed his head to unbutton one by one.

Anyang could not help swallowing.

The windbreaker is the kind of bow tie that he wears, and the one that opens when pulled, and this windbreaker was originally his. It was a bit loose when it was worn on the rabbit essence. When she unbuttoned the button, the whole dress was opened and exposed. The inside looks as if it is not worn, but it is half-covered, adding a touch of style to this attractive body.

She only wore white fur like underwear, wrapped her upper body like a tube top, and squeezed a snowy and delicate gully. This chest did not have D, at least there was C, and the lower body was wrapped like an ultra-short tight skirt The buttocks and intimate parts are a pair of white and slender, and a large piece of snowy skin is exposed, reflecting the luster like ceramics, and it is not like a demon.

Well, she was not human.

When the rabbit essence stroked casually on the chest, the only shady cloth on the upper body disappeared out of thin air, and the two white and soft soft flesh flew out immediately, as round and perfect as a jade porcelain bowl upside down on the body. The shape is embellished with a touch of red, which is a little deeper than the pink mentioned in the ordinary book. It is very delicate and tender, and it is trembling with her movements.

Anyang felt a dry mouth for a while, and quickly turned his gaze, otherwise he would be killed by fire.

Behind him, Rabbit Jing stopped his movements, stared at him in a puzzled manner, and lowered his head to look at the two white and soft **** on his chest. She did not change the shape due to gravity, but she did not know. How tempting this is for men, even curiously poked with his fingers, his fingertips easily got stuck in it, and he bounced back amazingly when his fingers left. 【△ Net WwW.】

She couldn't understand why Anyang saw that this would be the side reaction.

Does he hate this?

But there is no way for her to become a humanoid, and she ca n’t change it, and she ca n’t change it.

Rabbit Jing withdrew her doubtful eyes. Until now, she is much better than the original ignorance, but she still hasn't realized how much damage her perfect body has to men. In the words of the Taoist practitioners , She is destined to have the power to cause trouble to the world, and in the original numerology trajectory, she did cause the world to be unrest.

There was a soft sound of water, which was especially clear in the room.

Anyang took a deep breath, calmed the restlessness in his heart, and said to himself again and again in the heart.

"Cultivation requires peace of mind, to learn to control your emotions, not to be controlled by desire, but really the inner emotion-desire is okay, the sanity affected by foreign objects is the most shameful and can not be tolerated."

"Even if this person is harmless to oneself, even if this person is unintentional, it must not be reduced to her charm talent, even if it is not monasticism, no matter what, it is a good thing to cultivate a firm heart ..."

"Wow la la."

Hearing the sound of water, Anyang almost broke the power.

He could almost imagine that the rabbit was standing in the room without a trace of snow-white body, and he did not care about him. Bloody areas that may be exposed.

Anyang meditated on the Qingxin mantra from the previous days, and finally suppressed the uneasy emotion.

And when he turned around, the fact proved that all resistance in front of the rabbit essence was futile, meaningless, and of no value.

The rabbit essence is already sitting in the bathtub, and the attractive part of the upper body is half hidden in the water. Under the shadow of the steam, there is a more hazy beauty. , Exquisite clavicle and greasy skin, slender and elegant neck, curled hair hangs a little bit, soaked with water, so that it cluttered on the skin.

Further up, it was a pure and beautiful face, but he was staring at him intently, with doubt, curiosity, and ... caring.

I want to come to the rabbit spirit, think he is a head twitch, right?

Is not prepared.

If Anyang feels that her skin is thick enough, she will not be refused by taking off her clothes and bathing with her at this time. At most, she just makes the girl shy and overwhelmed.

Unfortunately, he was not so thick-skinned, and he didn't look lascivious.

In a trance, he remembered his "close-fitting" maid, anyway, it was still a vixen. It was not a little bit worse than the rabbit in front of the inverted beings. Forgive her for not developing well. The most important thing is her. Her character is very vigilant even when she is close to her. Fortunately, she has spent more than three months at night. In the end, she is not as intimate as this rabbit who has met halfway.


If Anyang thought about it, he no longer looked at the rabbit bath. He walked to the bed and lay down on the bed. He took out his mobile phone and looked at his personal data. The system released the first soft music and glanced at the music that was suddenly sounded. With a startled rabbit spirit, he could not see the scenery in the bathtub from this angle, and he began to squint to rest.

The tone of "Time Code" is very soft and beautiful, and it is easy to relax with the shaking candlelight.

Not long afterwards, another burst of water sounded, and the slight clatter of ladle easily overshadowed the piano sound, but this time Anyang did not open his eyes. He was still silently modifying the parameters for the mana operation model to make it run. The efficiency is higher and the error rate is lower.

The rabbit was changed into the white cloth robe at the beginning, and looked curiously at the mobile phone that was sending strange and beautiful pure music, and crept toward Anyang, trying not to disturb him.

The door opened, and then closed again.

Anyang finally opened his eyes impatiently, glanced at the empty room, and turned his head down to look at the phone: "The system, will only single loop?"

The sound of the system is still cold and without emotion: "There is no option to play music in my program settings. If the selected person needs it, please manually select the music you want to listen to."

Anyang: "You don't even change songs automatically even if you travel through time and space?"

System: "..."

Anyang: "Since you turned into a mobile phone at first, please be professional."

System: "..."

Has proved that the system is very intelligent. As soon as he said it, he immediately changed to a "Weekend", although it is not very harmonious to play piano music in the classical world of monastic civilization.

When the door opened again, the rabbit came in with a tub in her hand. I do n’t know how she communicated with the shop ’s second child, and she still had soap horns in her hand. This should be learned from Xiao Chan. She took a serious look at Anyang Youzao lying in bed, quietly took the clothes he changed and washed them together, and hung them one by one by the window.

Fortunately, she remembers what Anyang once told her, after washing the clothes, they should be hung in a ventilated place.

Judging from various signs, the rabbit essence is not stupid even if it is not as smart as Xiao Chan.

Anyang figured out a line-up of ancient books, looked through the oil lamp, and occasionally glanced at the rabbit spirit who was still struggling with the clothes, thinking in his head.

The skill of washing clothes, is it like the birth of a child, was born in ancient women?

If Xiao Chan comes tomorrow and finds that the rabbit essence has robbed her of the job, will the rabbit be hit and eaten in a rage?

It wasn't until the rabbit unraveled his robe that he climbed onto Anyang's bed with his hand that hadn't been wiped tightly, and pressed it tightly against him, squeezing him a little inside, he put down the ancient book.

Anyang reached out and wiped the soap horn foam on her face, not knowing how to get it up, and turned over again, holding the warm and soft rabbit in his arms, in short, he had to find a comfortable posture, It was only a piece of the bed that no one was sleeping, not so warm.

"I lie for so long, are you warming the bed for this fairy?"

Anyang lowered his head to look at Rabbit Essence, and Rabbit Essence blinked at him, his pure and pleasant face was very tempting. The two looked at each other silently, but he always felt that he was losing money.

No, you have to earn it!

Anyang looked up and down on the rabbit essence wearing only three-point white fur. The plump **** and snowy gully were in front of him. He could even smell the faint scent, so tempting, but the rabbit essence did not know him. At this time, the evil in the heart, even less aware of his temptation, lay beside him full of dependence, as if he was very satisfied.

"Sin guilty."

Anyang said to himself, but could not help but stretch out his hand, firm and slow, and gently pressed on the raised softness of the chest.

The rabbit's body fluttered instinctively. The whole person seemed to be stunned. His eyelashes were trembling, but he did not dodge or block. He stared at him with open eyes, as if to ask—

what are you doing?

Anyang quickly withdrew his hand, not afraid to continue, but afraid that he would not be able to bear it, and it would be bad by then.

And the feeling between the fingers is still lingering in his heart ~ ~ makes him feel like a horse.

Can't be held with one hand, soft and elastic, and it feels amazing!

There is no doubt that the rabbit essence is really born for the scourge of the world. This touch is almost perfect, which is beyond the ordinary people's imagination. There is nothing comparable.

Anyang dared not touch the second time at this moment.

The rabbit spirit is still puzzled, lowering his head and touching his breast, nibbling his lips, but he can't ask if he wants to ask, but she doesn't know that her expression is really tempting.

But Anyang didn't see it. He pulled up the quilt and reached for a finger. The direct wind blew out the candlelight.

One night of peace, only breathing sounds heavier than usual.

Early the next morning, the passage of Kunlun Mountain was opened again, that is, the location of the original waterfall in Kunlun Town, but this time the guard is much stricter, and not everyone can get on it.

Anyang and his party walked up to the top of Kunlun Mountain step by step by Yan Li's personal reception.

The sea of ​​clouds is tumbling, bathed in the morning's refreshing sunshine, like a sparkling ocean.

(Recently, I ’m not in a good health, I ’ve got a cold, I ’m always talking nonsense, my brain does n’t listen to the imagination, and my hands are sloppy. I do n’t know what I ’m writing, especially about rabbit essence. I do n’t even know what I wrote, cough.)

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