My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 336: Cannonball scrubbing


With a scream, the cluster bombs began to separate when they were near the ground, and pieces of bullets were separated from the mother bullets and scattered into the Shushan camp. They immediately triggered a shocking explosion under their terrifying eyes.

There was a bang.

The ground was trembling, and the flames and rising dust almost swept around and devoured everything!

There is no doubt that a large group of Shushan disciples were devoured.

Yu Qing, who was flying in the sky, was unstable again. A pale scarlet face lifted, wowing a spit of blood, but he gritted his teeth and stared at the figure in front, his eyes full of fierce killing.

"Break Sword Point Fate!"

I saw him whispering, reaching a few times in the chest acupuncture points, the mana surged, and suddenly broke through several meridians. The already severely injured weak body suddenly radiated more energy than the normal period, and suddenly rushed up. .

But that complexion was even paler.

The disciples of Shushan who were n’t swallowed by the cluster bomb quickly recovered, divided some of them to re-bite their teeth and assembled the sword array, and some began to cast spells under the guidance of the elders. They are undoubtedly mental attacks and auxiliary strikes. Want Anyang to stop.

But the spell was just halfway through, and the fingerprints were pinched out. The disciples who cast the sword array also forgot to output the mana. The long sword thrown fell to the ground, and even the elders of the Shushan faction and the masters were fighting. The demon and the right way are also stunned.

They stared at the sky staring blankly at the sky.

A spinning black hole appeared out of thin air, exploding like a fierce spell. The black hole continued to rotate, covering the sky above the head, revealing the mysterious blue light and powerful suction from it, easily covering the large spell below Limelight.

"What, what is this?"

Some people looked at the sky and muttered to themselves, but found that they couldn't help but fear.

As for what is fear, is it probably the unknown mystery and the shock of this vast scene?

Someone faintly saw the other side through the blue light shining in the black hole, it seemed like a world, so strange.

What kind of world is it, with its vast mountain valleys, hordes of steel monsters, and immense power, among which the powerful can also use a variety of appalling spells; it is protected by a hemispherical and translucent cover The strange city has a magnificent and magnificent castle built on the mountain, a huge steel humanoid galloping on the earth, and naturally there are people and creatures.

Although this was just a glimpse, it left many people with an unforgettable impression.

"Is that ... fairyland?"

"Is there really a fairyland in this world, a fairy, a existence that we can't reach?"

Anyang was also stunned.

He didn't expect that a legion's support would have such a big platoon. It was like a super cool fantasy fantasy game promotional video that a super-high-tech special effects team had spent years to create.

Isn't it just a hundred mechas, eh, it seems really difficult to send it over silently.

Black holes don't care what they think, only to complete their mission.

The next moment--

A series of figures appeared in the black hole, and as soon as they appeared, they crashed down, causing a gust of wind and howling.

If you look closely, these figures are all metal bodies, and they are much taller than ordinary people. Some of them are silver-white and streamlined, and some are silver-gray and strong. They are handsome and magnificent. , Just like a **** soldier!

"Boom ..."

Mechas weighing at least ten tons each fell to the ground without cushioning, hitting deep pits, blowing up the yellow sand, and making a loud deafening noise, the ground seemed to tremble.

The monks around were almost dumbfounded.

It also includes those powerful monks.

"Are these ... legendary sky soldiers?"

"Suddenly appeared, coming from the sky, are they from the fairy world?"

But some people were even more shocked, because they noticed that the humanoid armor, which is five or six meters high, seemed to be similar to Anyang, which was covered with silver and white armor. There are also on the body.

If you think about it, someone's complexion will inevitably change.

An Anyang is so terrifying. Isn't it more difficult to get so much metal armor?

So far, some people can only pray that these Heavenly Soldiers have nothing to do with Anyang.

But sometimes it is counterproductive.

In the only mech that was only three meters high, Angel frowned. She didn't know why she came here. She was clearly attacking a group of mechanical creatures on a long distance. But at the next moment, she immediately opened her eyes, feeling that the familiar breath was approaching herself, which came from the bond brought by an Anzi badge on her body.

She understood immediately.

Everyone understands more than her.

So all the mechas turned around in an instant, facing the rapidly flying silver-white figure, manipulating the fuselage and saluting instantly, and the sound from the mech external loudspeakers spread far and wide, deafening.


The monks of mainland China naturally cannot understand the language of Pallans, but this does not prevent them from seeing the respect of the group of metal giants like Anyang for Anyang. They were shocked and speechless.

Especially the Kunlun disciples and old-school.

"Senior Anyang is a fairy from the fairy world?"

"Anyang Taoist has the ability to predict the turmoil of the world and tamper with the numerology of Heavenly Dao, and then he can protect himself in Heaven Dao's anti-bite. Lao Dao also said that Da Luo Shenxian may not be able to do this. It ’s not a mortal, but now Anyang Immortal Master summons the Heavenly Soldiers to fight in order to truly expose his identity and twitch. ”

"Unfortunately, the old Tao should not be so foolish, it shouldn't be. The Anyang Fairy Master lost his way to save the people, but my Kunlun didn't protect the Fairy Master well, and regarded the Fairy Master as an ordinary cultivator. Taoists, sitting and watching Shushan so rampant, I do n’t know if my predecessors would consider me Kunlun as the same party of Shushan. "

"Ah, if you know today, why should you be!"

"I have learned the heavenly numerology for two hundred years, but now I can break the life philosophy of the heavenly people, but I have forgotten how to behave."

The old man complained about himself, but Anyang was frosted. When he arrived at the Tianbing camp, he turned and looked at Yu Qing, who was afraid to go forward: "Yu Qing Daoyou, now you should see who can protect you!"

Yuqing gritted her teeth and realized that she could not retreat. She had to sneer and could amplify her voice and said: "Pretending to be a ghost is nothing more than puppetry, psychic summoning, etc. It might be the art of evil spirits. Still trying to deceive us? "

As he said, he quietly gestured to the lower part, and the disciples of Shushan formed a group again, but the elders of Shushan quietly spread out, and went to the Xianshan Cave House camp, which had always been good friends with Shushan or entered into a covenant. Not yet fighting, ready to ask for help.

Anyang sneered and did not rush to attack, so he looked at him quietly like he was waiting for his help.

In the end, the Shushan faction did not say who was moving, and no one was stupid. There were more than a hundred armored tanks than an armored regiment. The mighty fuselage stood silently. Although there was no mana fluctuation, The vague killing and iron blood are not a joke.

There is one exception, that is the Tibetan show fairy house.

Anyang waited for the disciples of the Tibetan show fairy palace to gather and began to cast spells. Then Shen Sheng ordered to the soldiers: "I saw, the female disciples in uniform plain clothes, the male disciples in white robes, and the power among them. In short, as long as you rebel, you can erase them all! "

A neat answer came from the ground: "Yes, General!"

The Mech Legion slammed and acted like a fly, some started to rush on the ground, and every step was a bang, and some opened the thruster and flew into the sky. The light blue light did not have the main thruster of the armor. The same, as fast as the sky soldiers.

Twenty sharp-edged mechas fired first, and their main role was to pour out firepower against the ground. They continued to reap their lives while constantly moving their position to find a suitable high ground for attack. The two No. 7 airborne energy rapid-fire guns were undoubtedly better than The No. 8 airborne energy rapid-fire gun welded on the tank is even more terrifying and almost destructive.

Tianbing ’s fire control system is also undoubtedly, where to fight, where to fight, the huge rumbling sound accompanied by the blazing flames, covering the entire ground camp, in an instant, countless Shushan and Tibetan show disciples were bombed into pieces .

"Boom ..."

This is real cannonball scrubbing!

It has huge power, high accuracy and high rate of fire. It can almost cover the camps of Shushan and Zangxiu. It is so precise that it does not miss every inch of the land and does not repeat the blows, just like the experienced old farmers. Like plowing fields, passing by next to each other, but harvesting is a piece of youthful and fresh life.

The disciples who had not yet constructed the spell collapsed instantly, and there were countless deaths and injuries. I still remember what resistance, and I did n’t even react. I was already torn up, and I could n’t feel the pain or the flames of the flame.

No one can defend!

This is just the first wave!

Yu Qing, who stepped on a sword flying in the sky, is undoubtedly the most conspicuous, and his dress is no different from that of ordinary Shushan disciples. The Tianbing, who is the top combat machine of Pallans, has received the attack order from Lord Jiang, but he ca n’t care How could it be possible to fly into the sky without stepping on an ancient sword without carrying a flying device.

Sitting in the cockpit, Linda first locked Yuqing in the internal war system, which meant that the enemy was given to her, and then she lifted the airborne heavy laser gun in her hand and began to recharge.

Yu Qing naturally saw this scene, and also felt a terrible murder, almost cold sweat, without hesitation is a sword tactic, so that the ancient sword in his hand turned into thousands of sword shadows, piled into a sword curtain, layer after layer Blocked by layers.

However, his crisis did not weaken in any way, so he didn't care about the harm he exerted on the body twice, and began to desperately output mana to form defenses, not only the sword curtain, but also various defensive spells.

And he had time to read the spell in the future, and the laser muzzle instantly turned red.


A crimson ray of light flashed through the sky, instantly pierced the heavy sword screen, leaving a crimson fiery huge hole, and also destroyed the defensive spell on Yu Qing, leaving a huge hole in his chest, Almost only the edge of the meat is still connected. From the back, you can see through the front chest, as well as the burnt body and internal organs caused by the laser beam.

With this blow, Yu Qing is dead!

He didn't even think about evading the aiming system of the mech of the Holy Light.

The face of the monk below is full of disbelief. The majestic Shushan is so powerful that he will be killed by one blow?

It wasn't until the corpse and ancient sword fell from the air and fell into the ground that they could not react.

"Heavenly soldiers are definitely heavenly soldiers, gods, who besides the gods, who has such a strong power!"

"Fortunately, we didn't provoke him, otherwise it would be us who died here?"


Linda turned around and greeted Anyang with the six-meter-high body of Sacred Light Mecha, and then began to again attack the Shushan and Tibetan show disciples who were difficult to kill or began to escape .

After all, God ’s orders for adults are to be completely erased, then you ca n’t let any one go, otherwise you have n’t seen them for so long, do n’t you still want to leave an incompetent impression in God ’s heart?

She does not necessarily leave an incompetent impression in Anyang ’s heart, but Anyang has left a ruthless impression in everyone ’s heart. All the disciples of the Shushan Tibetan show did not stay, and they all turned to ashes in the energy cannonballs that scrubbed the ground. Limbs can't stay, or they are pierced by the flash of red light while avoiding escape, leaving a dead body and a black hole on the ground.

Everyone saw it as a distress.

"Zangxiu Immortal Mansion, that is Tibet Xiuxian Immortal Mansion, I still dream of finding a Tibetan Xiu disciple to be a mate!"

But Tianbing will not show mercy to his men ~ ~ and will not pity Xiangxiyu.

The battle situation is actually already doomed, but in front of the **** general, other arms still begin to join the saturated attack.

The air-strike mech flies like the sky, but it does not move at high speed, but stands in the sky. The relatively small but equally terrifying energy rapid-fire gun starts to pour from the sky to the ground. The heavy electromagnetic gun of the trial mech cooperates with the holy light The mechs are cleaned and killed, one for each shot, and no one can stop the heavy electromagnetic guns from bombarding.

"Boom ..."


In the countless deafening explosions, a violent sound wave seemed to blow people's hair and fluttered. When I opened my eyes, I found a huge ball of fire rising on the ground, causing the earth to tremble, and exploding a huge explosion on the ground. Deep hole.

Anyang summoned out to attack large monsters or destroy defensive formations, formations of leveler mechas also fired the first shot.

A disciple of Shushan gritted his teeth and shook his sword. He grabbed the sword and threw the flying sword in preparation for resistance and counterattack. However, he was instantly annihilated by flames and explosions. Even the elaborate long swords were blown into pieces and spattered. Some Tibetan show disciples were terrified and were about to escape, but fell to the ground, revealing snowy long legs and a pitiful expression, but she was greeted by the shells of the No. 5 heavy energy cannon.

This is a massacre, violent, and short-lived.

But it left a deep impression in the eyes of countless bystanders, whether it was the right way or the demon.

(There was a power outage at home, it has been off for a day, and it was hot. I had finished the code at midnight last night. I was going to go to bed this morning when I am going to revise and update the upload schedule. I woke up in the morning and found that there was a power outage. Some, the 4,200 words in this chapter is equivalent to the number of words in two chapters of many authors.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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