My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 345: Revisiting Yunding Mountain

Genting Mountain.

This mountain is still a holy place in the hearts of many monks and mortals. It is more like a fairy mountain than the Xianshan Cave House, rather than the location of the famous schools of the famous mountains.

Even those mountains can really be called fairy mountains, at least not far away from the fairy mountains, surrounded by aura, towering into the clouds, and occasionally we can see the Daoists with temperaments like the Xianxian coming out of them, but no matter how these Daoists are out of the dust, they are not fairies. There is no fairy on the fairy mountain.

But Yunding Mountain is different. In the legend, there is a fairy bridge on Yunding Mountain. You can see the fairy when you walk through the fairy bridge. That is to say, there is a fairy living on Yunding Mountain. Although this is just a legend, no one can know the truth. At least the Kunlun, which is true and practical, has not been able to explore the secrets of Yunding Mountain at its peak. At least no one has actually climbed to Yunding Mountain, at least never Someone walked across the fairy bridge.

Since I do n’t know the true and false, more mortal people who need spiritual support and sages who need to find a goal to cultivate the fairy road are more willing to believe that there is a **** on Yunding Mountain, so that some people will ask God to worship Buddha. Look for peace of mind, so that only those who practice fairy roads can look forward to becoming immortals and gods and practice hard.

Even many people who do not practice immortal Tao, also hope that there are really immortals on Yunding Mountain, at least this gives them a higher destination, allows them to see more distant targets, let them know that they can actually go further along the way , Can give them a lot of comfort. See, all those who practice immortal Tao can become immortals. Then aren't we those who practice immortal Taoism to be immortal? And so on ...

Even Kunlun, who holds the truth and truth, will not blatantly refute that there is no fairy on Yunding Mountain. In fact, they have rarely talked about Yunding Mountain since they failed to find the truth. Even Shushan who pursues sword and walker's path, they also hope that the gods really exist, then the mystery of the sword fairy they are pursuing may become a reality.

But who knows, are the three thousand avenues pursued by these groups of monks really insignificant?

For at least a thousand years, I have n’t heard of any school who became immortals, who lived forever, who cultivated sword immortals, or who controlled fate, so many schools even fabricated lies other than feathering and rising immortals. Can be immortal, just like the real world monks can go to the Western Buddhist country after death, just like the real world people who are virtuous will be enshrined as gods, as big as the gods, as small as the land. These people are already dead. Does anyone know if they have gone to the fairy kingdom of Buddhism?

If anyone says that they do n’t want the gods to exist, except for the demons that wreck the world, then there is only Anyang.

He has a heroic picture of conquering the world. If nothing unexpected happens, it will become a reality in four months. He does n’t want to really encounter greater resistance than those who practice monks. Contest with heavy artillery.

Maybe the fairy will fall into the dust, or the invincible Silver Moon Legion will return, but this unknown war can still be avoided if possible. There must be a temptation before fighting. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, he will lose. Is big.

This is a trial in advance!


A sharp whistling sound seemed to pierce the eardrum.

Angel drove the ruling mech across the sky, and the propeller power was already at its maximum. At close range, ordinary people could not even see the silver mech flying in front of him, only to hear the huge sound and strong The airflow blows the branches down and leaves falling.

The next moment, he has entered the field of Yunding Mountain.

A strange incident happened. When the ruling mech rushed into Yunding Mountain, the speed suddenly slowed down. The huge contrast looks like she suddenly changed from high-speed flight to prohibition, and the speed is slightly faster than ordinary people. Just like a small boat floating in the air, below is a wave of transparent water like air.

But the propellers on the soles of the feet and the back clearly sprayed a long light blue light, and even the auxiliary propellers on both waists and shoulders were running at full power, indicating that this mech is now emitting strong power. , Only an invisible thing blocked her.

Angel's surprised voice came from the Legion Channel, accompanied by a strong electric current, such as being disturbed.

"General, this is an unknown force field. It is not like a force field. It's magical, because I can't feel any other restraints except for the slower speed, but I feel its strength. I think the Sky Force is Specialized in fighting against mechanical creatures, it is not good at solving this matter. If the Star Warship equipped with a powerful field shield arrived here, it would be a large propulsion and crushing tank, or some biased technical arms. , It is possible to solve this force field with performance. "

"Change the speed measurement method, measure the speed based on the difference in ground speed, and report the speed!"

"Yes, General, ... my current speed is 2.13 meters per second!"

"I know." Anyang nodded and waved his hand, "All air combat mechas, ready to go!"

"Yes, general!"

After a series of sharp roars, fifty mechas took off one after another. They first flew back for ten kilometers, circled, and suddenly accelerated towards the location of Yunding Mountain, but when they entered the range of Yunding Mountain, they remained like An Qi slowed down so strangely.

It's like getting into a thick liquid.


Anyang frowned, carefully watching the newly added 50 mechas, feeling much faster than the ruling mechas before.

"Report the general that the speed of the air strike mech is 5.98 meters per second!"

"Report the general, the speed of the Sky Sword mech is 6.75 meters per second!"

There was a surprise in Anyang's eyes. Sure enough, the speed was much faster than before!

Looking at the silver-white ruling mecha, it is obviously much faster than the two ordinary mechas.

"Angel, report speed!"

"General, my speed is 14.66 meters per second!"

Anyang's eyes lit up. In order to confirm his conjecture, he even went into battle personally and put on armor to start the rush, as expected, now his full power speed is more than three meters per second, much faster than the original, while Angel and other machines A also speeded up a bit.

"Marine mech turned on the booster and started climbing Yunding Mountain!"

"Yes, general!"

The land mecha didn't accelerate, and began to run directly, with a light blue light sprayed from behind. When he rushed into the range of Yunding Mountain, the speed also slowed down, but it was not much slower than the flying mecha, and it was also a few meters per second. .

Anyang thought secretly and watched silently.

The trial mechas equipped with the Silver Moon Legion ’s exclusive power system and booster system are naturally the fastest. When they entered Yunding Mountain, Angel ’s speed was 3.17 meters per second; the Holy Light mecha is due to the larger size and the role of war. The direction is also different, a little slower, they make Angel faster by 3.16 meters per second; the number of bladed mechas is the largest, and when they pour in, Angel is faster by 2.95 meters per second; the heavy hammer mecha and the peacemaker machine Because A is so big, it is slow and at the same time it has the greatest strength. They added 3.64 seconds to Angel!

These cannot explain the performance of the mech, because the size, design, side of the action, and the most important number must also be considered, but these add ups have allowed Angel to fly at a speed of 30 meters per second.

It also proves that Anyang's conjecture is correct!

Even if there is a prohibition on Genting Immortal Mountain, even if it is set by the immortals, it is by no means immense. To a certain extent, it can prohibit certain creatures from climbing the summit by means of "ingenuity", or simply not let people climb, but Beyond this limit, it can no longer limit all "intruders" to the same speed because of its limited power. The greater the strength of the "intruder", the faster the speed it can reach, the smaller the limiting force it can exert, and the greater the number of "intruders", the greater the number of people who impinge on the prohibition, which it can exert on each The smaller the limit of an "intruder" is, it is equivalent to being apportioned.

It can also be understood that it is tired of coping, unable to do anything!

"Angel, keep up, keep the image intake, increase the power of the communication system, report the information to me, and save the captured image at the same time, if the transmission is interrupted, take it back and show it to me!"

"Yes, general!"

Anyang lowered his head and looked at the image displayed on the 3D floating projection of the watch. He no longer controlled the direction. Anyway, as long as he was "violating the rules" flying within the range of Yunding Mountain, he could continuously put pressure on the ban. He also Without letting other mechs retreat, for the same reason, only allowing so many people to hit the ban can guarantee Angel's ease.

The speed of 30 meters per second ~ ~ is already 100 kilometers per hour. It seems that it will not take long to climb the top of Yunding Mountain, even if you have a speed of more than 20 kilometers per hour. Bridge, well, provided that this thing really exists.

The picture from An Qi still has a gentle mountain breeze and the scenery is just right, but it is obviously disturbed. It seems that there are many white beating melon seeds on the picture, and the picture is also in the frame skip.

The time passes by one minute and one second, the picture is still the same, if it is seen normally, it should be pleasing to the eye.

But Anyang is very irritable!

He had realized that his wishful thinking had failed.

If the legend has such a bit of authenticity, the man walked forty years before ascending to the top of Genting Mountain, and the scenery is different every ten years. Now Angel has been flying for so long, but not a quarter of it has arrived ! The four scenes will not change suddenly, there will always be a gradual process, but the picture from An Qi is the same as the one at the foot of the mountain, maybe it has not reached one-tenth!

Is this mountain too high?

How could it be impossible for Gaogao to stand against the sky? No matter how high it is, it is impossible to break out of the stratosphere? And it only took 40 years to reach the top. Even if a person walks slowly, he can walk nearly ten thousand kilometers for one year in a row. Forty years, how quickly can he walk from the earth to the moon!

Then there is only one explanation!

Anyang bowed his head and looked at his flight speed, as well as An Qi's flight speed, for a while.

The more you fly upward, the more restricted you are and the slower your speed, including the Sky Corps.

Now I am the real one!

"Angel, come back, you can't fly up."

"Air and land mech clusters, use artillery to open the way, try to break this force field!"

"Yes, general!"

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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