My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 352: Your fairies


"Song Hanshan, don't know if the husband still remembers?"

Anyang stunned, thinking suddenly, then looked at Xiao Qian embarrassedly, and quickly said, "I can't have anything with her!"

He naturally remembers Song Hanshan. After all, Song Hanshan helped him find a job for Xiao Xueer and An You. It was only he who remembered that he once went to Shangri-La for dinner at the invitation of Song Hanshan. He accidentally met Jiang Xinrou, his ex-girlfriend, and drank more. Finally, Song Hanshan sent him back.

It was already very late, and the next morning his clothes were taken off.

Xiao Qian must have seen and remembered Song Hanshan at that time.

Seeing his embarrassed expression, Xiaoqian covered her mouth and chuckled, as if seeing through his thoughts, and then looked at the rabbit essence and Huang Lan next to her eyes, and said teasingly: "I know that you have always cleaned yourself, I won't be jealous ... rest assured, Song Hanshan sent you back that night and left. Well, I was scared away. I took off my clothes and I wiped you. "

Anyang just relaxed, nodded, and with Xiao Qian's eyes glanced at the rabbit essence, and touched his nose. I don't know what would happen if Xiao Qian knew that the rabbit essence was his accompany sleeping girl.

"I remember she was Miss Qianjin of Mingyang Group, how did you get in touch with her?"

"Gosh, husband, don't you know our strategy for the An Group to get involved in electronic products?" Xiao Qian opened her mouth and made a very surprised look, but the faint smile between the eyebrows and the tone of voice Exaggerated and ridiculously tell everyone that she intentionally.

"Of course I know that this is one of the initial development directions, or I signed it!"

"Gosh, you still remember!" Xiao Qian stared at him with exaggeration, then immediately pursed her lips and made a grudge, "Who is like you, throwing us everything to do, one You ca n’t see any people in the month. When will you go to the group to inspect it? Maybe security wo n’t let you in! "

Just like before, the woman named Qiuyan did not know him!

"Okay, I know that you have to work hard, I can't help it, the system is mandatory." Anyang smiled shamelessly, touching her long hair to comfort, but she didn't feel ashamed at all, "still said Let ’s talk about the development of the Ans Group ’s electronics! "

Anyang also knows that there is no such thing as a hands-free shopkeeper who does nothing in the novel. Even investment alone needs to control the direction. If in reality someone really hands such a big company to a woman, even if the company is Founded by myself, when the business is carried forward in the hands of this woman, this person is more or less likely to eat soft rice. After all, reality is not a novel. People often admire people who can show stronger wrists and show up more often.

But he will not. On the one hand, because of the badge, all the senior members of the Anshi Group are under his control; on the other hand, it is technology. Almost all the technical support of the Anshi Group comes from the existing technology and research bases of the Doomsday World. In his hands; there is also the biggest support of An's group, political rights, which often allows this giant ship to rampage without worrying about hitting the rocks. There is no doubt that this aspect is still firmly controlled by him.

Therefore, only in the presence of him can An's Group thrive!

Xiaoqian lying on the sofa tilting her feet, without the majesty of the past, only facing the charming of her husband in her own house, she was not very good at pretending to be a posture, this gentle woman is the real her.

The long legs with a light ivory luster, round and well-balanced, soft legs, and exquisite soles, pearl-shaped jade-like toes like petals are very attractive. But she didn't realize it, thinking intently, shaking the leg slightly.

"I think about it. The Ans Group is profitable anyway. I am not very concerned. It is because the Ans Group is very strong today. I only went to a few meetings and met a few people. Recently, the Ans Group ’s electronics Technology companies are particularly powerful. If you search the Internet, you will find that our product advertisements are everywhere, mainly several epoch-making electronic devices, intelligent systems, micro 3d projection systems and the like, which have caused widespread worldwide Concern and the uproar of many netizens. "

Anyang was ashamed. Xiaoqian was so infected by his thoughts that he was worthy of being a husband and wife. That's what he thinks. Anyway, it's just a tool for making money. Someone is responsible for the operation, but why does it do so much? I didn't expect Xiaoqian to think so!

In silence, he said: "So you bought the famous group?"

Xiao Qian nodded his head rightfully: "Yeah, with our Ans Group, they only went bankrupt except for the acquisition. For their production line and sales line, as well as some existing equipment, I reluctantly signed the acquisition treaty. In addition to Song Hanshan's famous group, there are Shengan Group and Blu-ray Electronics. These three famous domestic electronics and peripheral groups have basically been acquired by us. "

Anyang looked at Xiao Qian, who didn't care about the lifeline of others at this time, and couldn't help but slap: "Now even looking at An's electronic technology is a behemoth, it seems that your plan is not small this time!"

Everyone knows that even if Anshi Electronics masters the leader and sweeps the market, it will not be possible to occupy all the high-end and low-end markets of various equipment. After all, there are oil and water leaks, and the well-established old companies like Mingyang Group are not so easy to collapse At most, it has shrunk dramatically, from a multinational group to a small company. However, since Xiao Qian has said that they can only go bankrupt except for being acquired, it must be that the Ans system has exerted certain forces beyond the clear face, and this power, even if it is the famous group, Shengan Group, etc. Incumbent big companies are also unable to parry.

"Yeah, the monster, not only Anshi Electronics, but now any subsidiary of the Anshi Group is Pangran ......" Xiao Qian didn't finish, suddenly realized what, and narrowed his eyes and stared at him, " What are you trying to do is not small, it is us, us, obviously your industry, okay? "

"Good, we, our industry, but if you want it, it will be given to you!"

"I don't want it. I wouldn't bother to worry if you let me help you!"

"Who bothered you, was originally to let you pass the time, who wants you to do it yourself!"

Xiaoqian wanted to learn the sneer of others, but found that he couldn't make such an expression at all, but instead showed a smile, he also got up the corner of his mouth, thinking about it, and diverging the topic: "Say, Husband, guess how I recognized Song Hanshan? "

"Have you not seen her?"

"Yeah, I have seen it, but I have forgotten for a long time, and it's been half a year, so I glanced at it."

"I thought you always remembered!"

"You keep remembering it, I won't remember it, and I won't be jealous because of her." Xiao Qian said with her head up, her hair scattered and covered a large area of ​​the sofa, her eyes reveal the color of memory.

"Then how did you recognize her?"

"I didn't recognize it." Xiao Qian admitted frankly, and then said, "But I don't remember her, it doesn't mean that she doesn't remember her husband, when we signed the contract to drink coffee, she said she knew a man named Anyang. People, and then I know. "

"You still drink coffee!"

"No, drink and play, hard, like traditional Chinese medicine ... Fujun, please pay attention to the focus!"

"Cough, so what do you say?"

Xiaoqian stopped and turned to look at him. A gentle smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, but she smiled a little weird and a little teasing. She also blinked at him and said, "I said to her, what a coincidence, my husband Also called Anyang! "

Anyang froze for a moment, but couldn't help smiling, rubbing her head without speaking.

Xiaoqian is now more cheerful than before.

Sure enough, the environment has changed people greatly.

Xiao Qian let his hand rest on his face, feeling the temperature of the palm and the friction of the skin. He looked at the rabbit essence staring at the palm of his hand through the finger joints, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and said: " Song Hanshan ’s method is also good. It seems that not only the husband has a good vision, but the people who can see the husband are not ordinary people. "

"What means does she have?"

"She has more means, bright and dark, twists and turns, various calculations, I will not say much, so as not to destroy her image in the mind of the husband, I still tell you about the Ans system Recent developments, commercial, political, and military. "

"it is good!"

The two have n’t reunited for a long time, even if there is no love whisper between the young couples, they should talk about relaxed topics ~ ~ But after all there are three female goblins beside them, they can only talk about these more serious topics .

Anyang gradually narrowed his eyes for a while, and suddenly, unconsciously, the organization he had created on a whim has grown into a amphibious giant ship, and it gradually became obscured!

The science and technology of the apocalyptic world is a little higher than that of the real world, and there are deep space amnesia and scientific and technological information from Marvel. It is now being developed at a very fast speed on a rocket. If these technologies in the military and civilian fields formally lay out the world, then there is no need to resort to the political and military influence of the Ans system, and business alone is enough to choke the arteries of the world!

If someone sounds unbelievable, a young man less than twenty-four years old can actually build such a huge ship that God cannot complete in less than a year. Look down on this difficulty!

But it does n’t matter if they believe it or not. Anyang ’s current forces are not what they used to be. It ’s an exaggeration. If he wants to destroy the environment where he grew up and destroy the sheltered haven where he has always rested, he can always go from Pallans. Redeployment accomplishes this. So he doesn't have to worry too much about what happens to others when he discovers his anomalies, and he can boldly announce his identity, of course, if he is in the limelight.

In the real world, it is always easy to relax. Anyang thought about it, as if he had shed some burden, and almost fell asleep. Fortunately, Xiaoqian only gave him a little rest and woke him up.

Normally Xiaoqian would not do this. If he is tired, Xiaoqian will find ways to give him a rest, but now the situation is a little different.

"Husband, don't you mean to take your female goblins to buy clothes?"

(Looking for a house, I ’ve been a little busy lately, moving things like, well, prepare to concentrate on codewords, and ask everyone for your support.)

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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