My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 354: Mother Zhang tears the roast rabbit

Rabbit Jing couldn't help but be afraid, holding Anyang's clothes corner, ignoring Xiaoqian next to him, and carefully asked: "Anyang, why do they keep staring at me?"

Anyang smiled and turned back: "Because you look so beautiful!"

The rabbit stared at his eyes, and his pure cheeks were slightly red when he reacted.

Anyang smiled and glanced around, sighing.

This ... this really affects traffic!

The rabbit essence looked around curiously, Huang Lan was a little subtle. After all, she was a little more educated than the wild rabbit essence, just like the gentleness and politeness when she first came to Anyang to learn the spell in the old Taoist temple. .

The most implicit is Xiao Chan, she just secretly looked at it with the afterglow of her eyes.

Because there are too many people in the modern city, there are always people on the street passing by you up close, which makes Xiao Chan very uneasy. She looks up and looks helpless, always staring at everyone who walks by her, Tensioning tightly, while subconsciously leaning closer to Anyang.

Fortunately, these people are mortals. She has practiced for so long, she has learned many small spells, several powerful spells, and is a monster body stronger than human beings. Self-confessed that these mortals should not cause much harm to her. .

Her expression was in inverse proportion to the rabbit spirit.

"A lot of cars!"

The rabbit leaned quietly into Anyang's ear and said, not yelling out loud.

"There are big cars, I remember, I remember, this is called a truck!"

"A big and tall house, Huang Lan can no longer say that she can jump on the roof anytime!"


Suddenly, the rabbit essence stood still and looked at the other side dullly. At the same time, Huang Lan and Xiao Chan both shrugged their noses and smelled the strong roasted fragrance, mainly cumin, various flavors and more The rich spices make it far more attractive than mainland China.

This is the taste that Xiao Chan often eats on the road before, and later Huang Lan also tasted it occasionally.

Anyang followed their gaze, and for a moment, quickly grabbed the rabbit's eyes and pulled away.

The signboard with yellow characters on red background is very eye-catching.

Mother Zhang tears the roast rabbit!

There is a smaller sign below, which reads the prices and pictures including roasted rabbits, spiced / spicy rabbit heads, fresh pot rabbits, etc. The peeled and cooked rabbit heads are extraordinarily grim, and the cuteness that does not restore the original, even Eyes are gone.

I don't know how the rabbit with the purest heart will see how it feels!

It wasn't until I walked through this area that I couldn't see the roast rabbit shop in the back. Anyang put down his eyes covering the rabbit essence. Fortunately, the rabbit essence had absolute trust in him and no brain trust, so I didn't struggle. Let him cover his eyes and move forward.

Huang Lan and Xiao Chan glanced at each other, and both looked away, but they also sucked their noses unnaturally.

Really fragrant!

In order to avoid the rabbit essence, they have n’t eaten rabbit meat for a long time, and have been hunting for half a year. Every time they see the fat and rich hare, they sway in front of them, even without a gun. Watching her leave, this feeling ...


The rabbit essence looked at Anyang with red eyes, and did not speak, but the soft and weak expression had already shattered his eyes, which attracted countless people to covet. Fortunately, this is the real world with a sound legal system. In towns, some people can't help but commit crimes!

Well, she still saw it.

Anyang glanced at Xiaoqian before reaching out to touch the cheeks of the rabbit, and squeezed gently, saying, "These rabbits are not wild rabbits with parents, they are all artificially raised, they are silly rabbits, nothing. I do n’t understand. You also know that people eat meat. These rabbits are meant to be eaten by humans. If no one eats them, they will not have life, so do n’t be sad, you know? "

Rabbit Jing nodded very cooperatively, but his expression was still very sad.

She knows this by herself. People want to eat rabbits, and foxes and tigers also want to eat rabbits, so she is prepared in her heart, but she is not afraid that someone will eat her, but only to see so many similar products made delicious and discharged She always had something strange in her heart.

The pictures of the wide appetite in the eyes of humans were very frightened in her eyes.

Silly rabbit, isn't he also a silly rabbit?

Rabbit Jing quietly reached out and grabbed Anyang's clothes corner, in order to absorb the sense of security, and at the same time gritted his teeth to settle down.

Did n’t the fox and Huang Lan often eat cute animals, they were disgusting at the time, and now they are used to it, and they have to get used to it slowly, anyway, they are no longer rabbits, now they are rabbit essences Now!

As you practice day after day, you will slowly distance yourself from the rabbit!

Like now, I don't like to eat alfalfa anymore!

Xiaoqian looked sideways at the rabbit juggling the hard-whitened hand of Anyang's clothing corner, and quickly withdrew his gaze, holding Anyang's other arm indifferently, but looked back at the invisible one. The roast rabbit shop showed a playful smile.

This rabbit is really cute!

But her eyes are also a bit puzzled. Through this long-term observation, although this rabbit spirit is very evil, it can be called a charm of beings, but it is too simple to understand. According to her understanding of her husband, she should not be a person who only looks at her appearance. It is also unlikely to fall in love with such a goblin who is simpler than the little sister next door. Is there any other story?

Recently, my husband is very fond of this rabbit essence, but it is more like spoiling my neighbor's elder brother to my neighbor's sister, which is naturally not as pure as relatives and siblings, but it is not full of men and women. It's a bit strange.

Xiao Qian thought.

She is happy to find someone for her husband to pass on the lineage, but the premise is that this person must pass the husband ’s pass, at least it must be the husband ’s true love, if she meets both morality and integrity, she can even Give up the position of a wife.

But this ignorant rabbit spirit seems to be a bit substandard.

At least in her opinion.

"Fujun, the weather is very hot, shall we find a place to drink a glass of water?"

"Well, good!"

Xiaoqian showed a hint of smile, and took Anyang forward: "In front, there is a love in the front, let's go there."

Anyang nodded and followed her.

Classical beauty Xiao Qian has a gentle smile, a little baby fat on her face, a white dress, a very casual dress, very different from the strength of ordinary work, this side is exclusive to the beauty of her lover.

Anyang didn't even realize it, but the eyes watching him almost jumped out.

Xiao Qian held his left hand, and the more blessed rabbit spirit held the corner of his clothes on the right, and looked around softly and weakly, but the hand always held him tightly. Next to him is Huang Lan, who is tall and exaggerated, far from being a supermodel and a goddess of bodybuilding, followed by Xiao Chan wearing classic and gorgeous clothes that are slightly hotter at this time. This handsome man is the center of everyone.

This is a very jealous picture!

I do n’t know how many people want to shout: let go of those two, ah, three girls, let me come!

When sitting in the Aisili shop, the whole shop's eyes were suddenly attracted, accompanied by the sudden change of music, their table by the window immediately became the focus, and there were many people who secretly watched them. Innumerable, even if you bring your girlfriend, you can't help but look at it, and the result is the whipping or twisting of your girlfriend.

Ordered a few glasses of cold drinks, a few ice creams and two desserts. It was almost past afternoon. Originally I came out to buy clothes, but still sitting here to avoid the hot summer days, blowing air conditioning and enjoying the rare comfort.

Rabbit carefully studied the decoration for a while, and looked at the vertical cabinet in the corner with curiosity. She naturally felt that the cold wind was blowing from the mouth above the cabinet!

But she still shrank a little, apparently the roast rabbits just left her a psychological shadow.

Huang Lan also saw it, but she didn't intend to comfort the rabbit essence, but laughed and said: "If you are made into a roast rabbit, you can definitely eat more than one person!"

The rabbit was stunned, his eyes were horrified, and he unconsciously glanced at Anyang and Xiaoqian. Having been with Xiao Chan for a long time, she also learned bad things such as random thinking and conspiracy theories, unfounded worry about the world, and random worry.

If I were really made into a roast rabbit ...

Someone chopped down their rabbit hair ~ ~ Open-ported and laparotomy, cleaned it, skewered it on an iron rack, grilled it over the fire, sprinkled salt and cumin while blowing thick smoke with a big fan, yes By the way, your head will be made into rabbit heads of various tastes and be bitten!

Hiss, it ’s terrible to think about!

Looking at her deep worry and fear, Anyang couldn't help but smile: "Okay, she's timid, don't tease her, you tigers and foxes are also stripped to make clothes."

Xiao Chan's ear trembled, and when she heard this sentence, she was a little uneasy.

She can remember that Anyang always said that she took her skin and used it as a hat!

Huang Lan, the tigress, disagreed and sneered: "What's the matter, natural selection, survival of the strong, humans killing tigers, don't tigers have to eat people before, I remember when I hadn't become a demon before I ’ve eaten it too, but it ’s not tasty at all! "

After a pause, she added a sentence: "It's even tastier than fox meat, well, it's still delicious rabbit meat!"

Huang Lan laughed with pride as she watched the vigilance of Xiao Chan and Rabbit Jing. It attracted many people in the shop to look at it frequently!

Soon, three animals that ate meat or vegetarians ate ice cream and finished cold drinks. They only ate a few pieces of dessert. The rest was basically solved by Anyang and Xiaoqian. After a rest, they went out of the store. Return to daylight again under air conditioning.

Ten minutes later, Anyang frowned and glanced back.

A Ferrari F430 and a Porsche 911 followed behind, hanging near and far, and had been following them for five minutes, from Nanjie Road to this side. With his eyesight, he can clearly see the young man sitting in the car. He looks average, but the clothes are very gorgeous. He is looking at them with some admiring and coveted eyes.

But there is no haste, like waiting and watching.

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