My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 373: Expedition Assembly Order

Once the expedition order is issued, all parties gather!

Now centered on the Silver Moon Lord, around at least hundreds of large and small **** generals surrendered to the Silver Moon Lord and became the subsidiary God General of the Silver Moon Lord, and these people are generally led by the Earl. At this time, receiving the expedition assembly order of Silver Moon God General, each subsidiary **** will quickly gather the Sky Soldiers without hesitation, except for the necessary local defense forces, almost all of them came to Silver Moon.

For a while, the civilians were worried. When they saw such a large march, they thought that large-scale war would break out again.

The peace has been fascinating for such a long period of time recently, and I do n’t want to go back to the days when the artillery and the generals are all mechanical creatures, and the homeland on which I live can be broken at any time!

The giant city in the distance is very nervous, thinking that the reputation has recently risen, the power has grown, and the Silver Moon Legion, which has always been known as "Mecha Destroyer", "Shrine Guard", "The Strongest Arms of the Civil War", etc. In the days when only small **** generals were subdued, they would have to fight against the threat of mechanical creatures!

Because the recent Angel is testing whether a humanoid such as a sky soldier can practice Taoism, this series of troop deployments are all done by Earl, Linna, and Nightingale.

The test results are very encouraging.

It stands to reason that there is nothing to practice in a few days, and Angel has not cultivated mana, but when An Yang fine-tuned the cultivation practice for the unified body structure model of the Silver Moon Legion, Angel was in a very short time. Within a short period of time, there was a clear sense of gas, and the progress was extremely fast, even faster than the ordinary people with the same physique and excellent qualifications.

Anyang did not hesitate. Naturally, he vigorously promoted it. Every soldier under his command must practice!

But he did not consider the civilians of Pallans, because the boundaries between the generals of Pallans are too blurred, and the civilians can move around at any time, and may even become a new god. He does not want to use it to improve his own soldiers. The means of strength did marry clothes for others, and Pallans ’civilian loyalty was not high, the population was small, and the benefits were not proportional to the pay.

If every civilian is marked with a badge, then the cost is too high.

So Anyang decided that for Pallans, only the God General or the Heavenly Soldier who had been badged can practice Taoism.

This not only ensures that your efforts can be rewarded, but also ensures that practitioners of Taoism can keep secrets, which is tantamount to killing two birds with one stone!

Next, he will begin to input the unified body structure model of each Tianbing arm into the bio-assist chip to fine-tune the cultivation method.

At this time, the corps of the gods and soldiers of the subsidiary generals were rushing to the silver moon collar. Various arms and legions were lined up in neat formations, some of them roared from the air, like tearing the sky Bai Yun, some of them are walking on the ground neatly and heavily, as if the earth is shaking, that is far more powerful than the ancient heavy cavalry regiment.

Pieces of mecha legions gathered here, from a distance, it looked like a stretch of metal sculpture formations, and the scene was particularly shocking.

Another ten days later, Yinyueling Castle's top room.

Anyang handrails stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched the army that had been installed outside the generals of the gods, and more than 20,000 sky soldiers gathered together. The front line was clear but integrated. Most of the soldiers of the sky soldiers have been included here, covering all aspects, heavy fire support type, high maneuver support type, continuous fire output type, heavy equipment advance type, high maneuver advance type, long-range precision strike type ...

Of course, under the sight of many civilians from afar, these extraordinary heroic mech units are nothing more than two kinds.

Air combat mechs, land combat mechs, or those you know, don't know, or simply the Silver Moon Legion and the Non-Silver Moon Legion!

With so many mecha armies, let alone expedition to the backward world of Shenzhou, if you fight separately and have enough supplies, it is not too much to conquer the earth!

As for the Earth ’s nuclear bomb ...

Let's put it this way, nuclear bombs are after all a deterrent weapon. If deterrence and one-hit kills cannot be guaranteed, this thing is of little use. As long as the heavenly soldiers do not gather together, no country will be willing to plant mushrooms on the earth.

And even if a country chooses a nuclear defense, it may not be successful. Modern technology cannot tell whether an intercontinental missile carries a conventional warhead or a nuclear warhead, but it does not mean that Pallans ’technology ca n’t do it. The onboard scanning and detection system is called metamorphosis. It can accurately and quickly identify intercontinental missiles carrying nuclear warheads, and evade and intercept them.

The flight speed of modern intercontinental missiles is probably between Mach 20 and 30. Because of its design problems, most of the armor of the sky soldiers may not reach this flight speed, but it is not too slow, and the flexibility of the armor when flying is far Higher than missiles, there are also early warning systems, fire control systems, computing systems, and sighting systems that far exceed Earth technology, and the possibility of evasion and interception is also great.

Even if it is unable to escape the bombing of the nuclear bomb, the interception failed due to some very low probability accidents, but it is okay to leave the explosion center at a critical moment. The next step is the confrontation of nuclear explosion shock waves, radioactive pollution and airborne energy shields. . After all, the earth and Pallans have lost the technology of several generations. Although they are now broken, they are still far worse than the earth.

Throughout the history of modern history, the higher the degree of technological development, the greater the gap in military power caused by the technological gap, and war will be seriously unbalanced. For example, when the United States air strikes a country, the air force of a country has been shot down before seeing where the US fighters are. By the way, the American science fiction blockbuster is fictional after all, with strong heroism. In fact, if an alien high-tech warship really invades, the probability of being defeated by the earth ’s weapons is almost zero. The greater possibility is the earth. There is no power to fight back, and even all military forces are destroyed in an instant.

This is all foreign language, no more mention.

Because of this battle and the particularity of the opponents, the well-known Silver Moon Legion still has little use, but because of their powerful lethality against mechas and mechanical creatures, it is more suitable for defending the Silver Moon collar and certain peripheral defenses. The attached **** generals in the circle prevent mechanical creatures or other giant cities' troops from taking advantage of it.

Therefore, this mighty expeditionary force is still dominated by Tianbing mechas with large-scale killing, continuous firepower output, and easier supply. Undoubtedly, 90% of these mechas use energy cannons as weapons In addition, a few single-armed and ultra-long-range sniper mechs are supplemented, and land and air combat are basically mixed.

There are a thousand Silvermoon Legions involved, but it is only a symbol and deterrent, and it is responsible for battlefield control and command.

Anyang clicked on the watch that God's heart turned into a few times, called An Qi, and then continued to watch the scene of the army gathering outside.

Soon, Angel came.

Anyang sat on a recliner and looked into the distance, while An Qi stood quietly behind him, talking one by one, and his voice echoed in the spacious room.

The two did not pose as subordinates and superiors, but they were not as calm as friends. After all, An Qi regarded the status of the two as heavier. This is a lot more stubborn than Linna. Adults are always God-admired adults, and he is the Heavenly Soldier under his command. No matter what kind of God he calls out from him, he cannot escape the destiny of Heavenly Soldier.

Fortunately, I met this **** general.

As An Qi thought, there was no change in the expression on her sweet face, but there were faint ripples in her eyes while answering Anyang's question.

"The Yinyue Legion's cultivation practice has been completely released, and all the sky soldiers have begun to practice."

"You did very well!"

Anyang nodded, praised her, and silenced again, before pointing to the army of heavenly soldiers below.

"Then your task is to break them all up and reorganize them, and do a good job to limit the number of people in each organization to between ten and one hundred. To deal with the forces of small monasticism, the ability to hunt monastery is powerful, and at the same time, there must be a Sky Soldier of the Silver Moon Corps as a connection node for each establishment. It is not necessary to control the establishment. After all, not all of the Silver Moon Corps are command types. Talent makes sense as long as it exists. "

"In addition, the existing expedition communication channel is obviously not enough, and more than 20,000 soldiers are too complicated to notify. To build a corresponding sub-channel for each system below, it can be uniformly scheduled or can be accurately commanded by each system. This The framework can be retained for future use, so that after running in, it will also help us to mobilize the troops of the affiliated generals to fight in a big battle. "

An Qi listened quietly, and began to think deeply while writing down his words.

"It is estimated that you will have a few days to wait until you are busy, and you can let the legion take a good rest, or clean up the mechanical creatures outside our silver moon. I will come back afterwards. It will be the day of our expedition. During this time, you will be ready to prepare supplies, especially weapon maintenance products, ammunition, and energy blocks! "

"Yes, general!"


Real world, in the living room of a small villa.

The hollow with a faint light suddenly fainted, revealing a mysterious breath through it, and the space seemed to be distorted in an instant.

A leg wearing black bright leather boots and straight trousers stepped out of it, followed by Anyang in a straight officer uniform, which appeared to be exceptionally tall and tall, pursing his lips calmly, but with those deep and steady eyes. There is a kind of unsmiling majesty, which is undoubtedly very different from his ordinary temperament.

The dark blue void disappeared instantly.


A soft voice came from behind him, with a little smile.

Anyang turned his head helplessly, and Xiao Qian seemed to always love to appear behind him quietly, and still watched him quietly across a few meters, the standard female ghost acting style.

However, he walked for several days and only came back twice. It is rare that Xiaoqian could still give up the things outside and waited for him in the villa.

Looking around, the villa was empty, only Huang Lan curled up lazily on the sofa, a pair of legs wrapped in cotton tight sports stretch pants appeared extremely slender and powerful, and the tight cotton sports shirt revealed a belly curve with a vest line , Exposing the exaggerated curve on the chest, two tight **** propped up the clothes, squeezing a deeper groove than usual under this action, the wheat-colored skin added a wild temptation.

When he saw him, Huang Lan looked up and was a little surprised by his dress, but he just said a little hello and ignored it.

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