My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 375: The army is rushing to the battlefield

Xiaoqian walked over with a smile, picked up the grass cakes on the ground one by one, threw them into the trash can, and returned to the stall, and bought a few more for her.

Anyang said: "This cake looks green and green, but it's not grassy, ​​it's matcha. You try it. I don't know if I'm used to it."

Rabbit Jing hesitated to pick up one, looked pretty, and very cute, seemed a bit reluctant to eat, but under Anyang's eyes, she put one into her mouth. Sure enough, it tastes weird. It doesn't have the same taste as the grass she thinks, but it's still pretty good. Even if you don't eat it, it's good to just look at it.

So she put it away carefully, and then looked at Anyang, her eyes blinking and blinking.

Anyang waved his hand not far away, and a Buick business car came from a distance and stopped in front of them.

"Let's go back and tell you something."

When he returned to the villa, Huang Lan was enjoying himself at the table, implementing Xiao Qian's words, without waiting for them at all.

She dominated two chairs by herself, sitting on one under the buttocks, stepping on one leg, her posture was extremely domineering, and her style was unmatched.

She was eating and eating, and suddenly heard the sound of opening the door, she couldn't help but stunned, turned her head, and saw Xiao Qian and An Yang's surprised eyes. Although she was fleeting, she was still caught. So she immediately embarrassed, put her legs down, stood up and wiped the chair back to the original position, and sat down elegantly, her waist straight and straight, as if nothing happened just now.

Just looking at this time, she is definitely a well-known after everyone.

Anyang didn't care much. The king of beasts should be in this position.

No one walked beside him to Huang Lan, pulled out the chair that had just been stepped on and sat down, and by the way motioned Xiao Chan and Rabbit Jing to sit down.

"I'm going back to China tomorrow. Do you want to join me?"

When the words fell to the ground, Huang Lan showed his thoughts.

Rabbit Jing blinked his eyes and didn't recover. Xiao Chan was nervous and stared at him to observe his expression.

Anyang smiled instantly: "I think I will be staying in Shenzhou for a while this time. I would like to ask if you want to go back and have a look. It means nothing else."

Huang Lan finished her thoughts and frowned, saying, "I really want to go back and play. Although it's fun here, but there is too little aura, just go back and see what you are going to do in Shenzhou."

Anyang looked at Rabbit Jing and Xiao Chan again: "How about you?"

The rabbit essence sits next to him, and at this time he has already pulled the corner of his clothes, and his thoughts are exhausted.

It's impossible for Xiao Chan to stay alone in the real world. Just being with the strange female ghost Xiao Qian is a great torment to her, or she is more secure around the scholar.

Xiaoqian looked at them with a smile, and poured a pot of black tea.

She naturally guessed what her husband would do in Shenzhou World!


Doomsday world.

A group of young people walked out of a flour production factory, with a mixture of horror and excitement in their faces, discussing the latest decree issued by the Ministry of Education of the recently reformed government system.

Originally, the reform of the base's government system was enough for these young people who lacked recreational activities to discuss for a long time. After all, this is related to their future lives. However, it easily overshadowed the limelight of reform, which shocked many people to the unbelievable, but also triggered a discussion boom throughout the base.

There are about three such shocking moments in their lives, so shocked that the world outlook and life outlook collapsed!

The first time was a cataclysm. The RT virus caused the familiar world to collapse instantly, and the world was full of cannibalizing zombies. The life that was originally unsatisfactory but did not worry about the danger of life was broken instantly, and it could only shrink in one The place fears to avoid zombies and worry about food, so that it will not be starved to death!

The second time is the soldiers at the base. I do n’t know when they will start. The civilians at the base find that the soldiers seem to have become super warriors in science fiction movies. They are powerful, responsive, and flexible. Surgery. They can easily cross the floor and the surrounding wall, they can also fight with a group of zombies with a knife, can jump a few meters, and can hit the head of the zombies several kilometers away. Some officers have golden defense shields, while others can fly, stealth and teleport, which is tantamount to challenging their cognition!

The third time is this time.


Is it the kind of ancient legend?

The kind that only exists in movies and TV series?

Can be immortal, can learn spells, can live forever?

What a joke!

However, under the assurance of the senior government official Zhou Mingyuan, and repeatedly stated by the new Ministry of Education, people have to believe even more incredible.

No matter how you believe it, the lives of the end-time world are like grass and mustard. It is a great gift for the base to provide them with refuge, let alone a comfortable environment for eating and dressing, and a brighter future. Even if this is just a base with the highest The mischief dominated by the Chief Executive on a whim, they must also act according to his will.

Otherwise, no one can forget the life surrounded by zombies, and no one can ignore the elite army of tens of thousands of bases.

However, many people still believe.

In the final analysis, it was the first two shocks that made their acceptance much stronger.

The cataclysms that swept the world can happen, super soldiers can appear, and mecha units like alien troops assist the expedition to Pingnan City. What else can't happen?

Maybe the super soldiers at the base became so powerful because of Taoism?

While the young people were nervous, expectant and excited, the sky suddenly heard a whistling sound, as if something was swiping overhead, tearing the sharp noise from the space, they could n’t help but looked up Look, I saw a team of silver-gray individual soldiers flying quickly, and couldn't help but show admiration, and I was amazed.

If only I could join the army!

Look at this armor, how handsome!

However, they did not feel strange. At Huaibei No. 1 Base, which is close to the military zone and training zone, they can often see the armed forces entering and leaving. It is common for science fiction and cool flying armor formations to appear. Novelty has long been drowned in time, in many people ’s words

Whether it is military or civilian, the base's black technology is endless!

But a group of people soon realized that it was wrong.

Because usually only a team of flying armor formations flew over, but at most a few teams, but today the roar of the head has been resounding, almost tingling their eardrums, looking up, one team after another, the flying formation roars However, the standard type, the special type, and a few reloaded types, like watching a magnificent science fiction blockbuster.

More and more white marks left in the air crisscross.

What is this base doing?

A few people looked at each other, and they all said they were dumbfounded.

Looking at this posture, it is totally about to start a major war, but who is the target this time?

Sweep west wind province? Then there is no need to dispatch so many troops!

Could it be to destroy the large forces formed by the remnants of the former Royal Forbidden Army of the Imperial City? But the imperial capital is too far away from Xuechuan Province, and there is no profit at all in this battle!

No one knows the combat effectiveness of this group of troops better than those living inside the base. Everyone was originally a super soldier. Now that this high-tech armor is added, it is even more powerful. This army can easily conquer any of the world. In one place, even the empire before the cataclysm was estimated to be difficult to resist!

Qiao Yan is a talented student at the former Imperial University of Xuechuan. She was fortunate not to have died in the cataclysm, but was also lucky to be rescued by the base expedition soldiers. She originally worked for the base political affairs office. Now after the political system reform, she He was assigned to the base propaganda department, mainly responsible for external propaganda, that is, broadcasting the situation of various bases to the world.

At this time she watched the sky full of armored formations roaring past, almost endless, she was also shocked.

Relative to ordinary people, she is more aware of the distribution of the base ’s force. So many troops have exceeded the total number of garrisons at Base One. It is likely that the troops of the other three bases are also pulling back, even the most front-line defense and development troops in the distance. Gather here ~ ~ Otherwise there will not be such a large scale.

Think about having entered the Huaibei base for two years and seeing so many troops for the first time.

Just looking at these troops, I feel that the place where I am now is full of security. No matter how many zombies are outside, I am determined to fail this line of defense.

She was stunned again when she walked out of this alley and came out on the street!

The main road has been blocked by the Ministry of Public Security, the ground seems to be shaking, there is a rumbling sound like a heavy drum, and the soldiers covered in silver and gray armor, who can't see the head, walk in a neat formation on the street, The body looks taller and sturdier because it is covered with metal armor. It contains a strong sense of power. The lines are clearly defined, there is a small ion cannon on the shoulder, and a handheld ion cannon or a large-caliber electromagnetic rifle or heavy electromagnetic machine gun A kind of hand-held weapon, with a curved sword slanted beside it as a cold weapon, there are traces of gaps in various missile compartments on his body, and an electromagnetic pistol is also carried around his waist. There is also unparalleled combat power.

Armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery, and missile vehicles were also mixed in the middle of the military formation. They were slowly loaded with familiar and unseen weapons, which looked particularly shocking.

Qiao Yan's eyes widened, and he could not help thinking, base what to do!

But she didn't understand it. With the authority of a small announcer, she was far from being exposed to such secrets.

She could only stand on the side of the road with many people. Watching this army, which was far more shocking than ordinary soldiers because of the sci-fi armor, passed by, she stretched her neck to see their marks, barely able to recognize the nearest one. The team seemed to belong to base number three, and from time to time, burst out of exclamation with others.

Rumble ...

The footsteps continued.

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