My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 402: zoo

Anyang returned to the villa, parked the car and walked out. Before opening the door, he saw a picture that surprised him through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

Xiaoqian and the three female goblins sat on the sofa together, leaning forward, all leaning forward, staring attentively at the front LCD screen, the picture above was constantly beating, and he could see clearly with his eyes. That is actually a very old game of fighting game!

Anyang pushed open the door and walked in, his face stunned.

Huang Lan is holding the handle, constantly pushing and manipulating the characters, Xiao Chan sits next to him and looks extremely fascinated. The rabbit essence is also very serious. It seems that I do n’t understand but I just think it ’s fun. Comrade Xiaoqian was commanding lightly beside him.

That picture is simply not too beautiful!

Xiaoqian found him back first, covered his mouth and smiled, put his eyes on Anyang for a moment, and then quietly watched Huang Lan play.

Rabbit Jing and Xiao Chan also found Anyang who was approaching. One turned to look at him, his brows were light, and there was a trace of happiness on the pure face. After seeing it, Anyang wanted to eat humans.

Huang Lan ’s alertness naturally requires no words. Maybe Anyang just felt close to the villa. She felt it, but she was addicted to the game and could n’t extricate herself. How could she beat this computer-controlled character? Keep pressing keep pressing.

So Anyang sat silently next to Xiao Chan on the far side, and watched Huang Lan play games.

Huang Lan's responsiveness and hand speed have nothing to say, that is, his brain is not very easy to use, many moves are not clear, but even this is very good, but the computer is obviously more difficult, and may even be The difficulty of hell, there are no gaps in all kinds of continuous moves, making people unpredictable!

what is this?

My wife, a thousand-year-old ghost, plays games with a group of female goblins?

This is to lead them to the wrong way!

Anyang's mouth twitched, but he didn't have any opinion on this, but it was a good thing to let them and Xiao Qian become familiar with each other.

This game of game fighting is short in one game, and it will end soon.

Huang Lan was defeated unsurprisingly. Although she only had a trace of blood when she was defeated, it was this small piece of scarlet blood that became the sky that she could not cross in the morning, telling her that she was human The failure of the brain to challenge the computer is a battle enough to load into the history of AI.

Anyang immediately stood up and said, "Let me try it!"

Huang Lan glanced at him and gave him the handle, with a gesture of watching the play.

Although she did n’t feel that she had beaten Anyang without armor, it was also because Anyang had too many means, and Anyang had digested too much Jin Dan recently, which led to the rapid advancement of cultivation. If she and Anyang had a fight before For simple fighting, she feels that her winning rate must be greater.

As for responsiveness, you seem to be questioning the whole feline?

Sure enough, within a minute, Anyang was defeated, and there was still only a trace of blood left in the computer role.

Xiaoqian smiled and said nothing. This game, including more games in the USB flash drive, was tailor-made for female elves. The computer program was optimized to near perfection. Take this ancient fighting game. The setting of each set of consecutive moves is written with reference to the optimal calculation, and the interval between some moves is even less than 0.01 seconds. It is difficult for humans to match such a fast neural response, and it ca n’t keep up with the hand speed. .

Do n’t look at it. Anyang and Huang Lan seem to be able to kill most of the computer ’s blood, but that ’s a necessary loss. It ’s almost impossible for an ordinary person to really kill all the remaining blood. Even Anyang and Huang Lan must also practice for a long time, and it is only possible to become familiar with this game!

Anyang touched his head helplessly and lowered the handle. He didn't say much when he saw the mystery. Huang Lan went to toss.

Rabbit Jing opened his eyes wide, blinked twice, and stared at Anyang. She seemed to have a simple mind and could n’t figure it out. She could n’t believe that she lost to the invincible hero in his heart. Can beat it! Why can't you beat the person shut in this little glass?

Xiao Chan is similar.

Only Huang Lan took the handle and gave a hearty laugh.

Xiao Qian interrupted them and said, "Since the husband is back, let's go to dinner, and it's already cooked."

Anyang nodded and followed her.

It seems that Xiao Qian got along well with them these two days!


Since they had three female goblins, their meals have been extraordinarily rich. At least there are many types. The meat and vegetables are soaked, and they are not the same as the meat and vegetables that ordinary people eat. Meet the following characteristics-

The vegetarian dishes are all vegan, and there is no meat oil. The meat dishes all eat meat, and there are many, such as the plateau minority who eats meat.

This is not like a man and four women!

But think about a genuine tiger, this seems normal.

A few people except Xiao Chan are a little restrained, they all naturally start eating, and the division of labor is clear!

Rabbit is a vegetarian. Huang Lan, a tigress, eats meat. Xiao Chan occasionally tastes dishes with meat and vegetables, but more often eats meat. After all, it is not in the original Binzhou City. She does not need to be an old man. The poverty and the preciousness of the meat are forced to frown and eat greens.

Needless to say, Xiaoqian and Anyang, a female ghost who does not need to eat, a pure human being, can eat anything.

"Husband, why don't we go out and play?"

"Okay, anyway, I should not go today and tomorrow, where do you want to play?"

Xiaoqian lowered her head and thought for a while, but the result was very helpless: "I didn't go out too much, I don't know where it is fun, why not ask sister Huang Lan them!"

So Anyang turned to look at the three female goblins and asked, "Do you have any place to play? Let's go play together in the afternoon!"

Xiao Qian added the sentence: "The opportunity is rare, but you should cherish it. Maybe the husband will leave after two days because he has something to do."

Huang Lan said calmly: "You decide, let me say, I think the game is fun."

This older girl is almost destroyed by the game.

Xiao Chan bit her lip and said nothing, only shook her head.

Well, this fits her character very well.

Rabbit Jing looked at him with his eyes open, with a leaf of green cabbage in his hand, probably still thinking.

Well, it may not be understood.

So Anyang asked again: "Do you have any place to go these days, but you haven't?"

Huang Lan looked at him calmly, and at the same time he slowly wiped the oil at the corner of his mouth with a tissue. The more charming and wild face seemed to look down on everything. The illusory eyes that were indistinguishable from humans were indifferent to fame and fortune. game.

Xiao Chan still shook her head and poked the bottom of the bowl with chopsticks.

The rabbit spirit looked away from his head and said seriously: "Zoo."

Anyang immediately decided to make a decision: "Okay, then the zoo!"


After eating, they drove two cars and went straight to the largest zoo in Jinguan City.

Anyang still drove the small convertible, next to the restrained Xiaochan, bowed his seat belt and his clothes corner, only occasionally raised his eyes to look at the tall buildings in front of the city and the bustling streets next to it, no Look up without talking.

Open until the door of the zoo.

This small convertible can't be hooked with luxury. At most, it can only make some young people who are not out of school look more, which makes it not attractive, but the X5 in the back is not much more expensive. Females, all with a clear sky and national appearance, are either classical and gentle, or young and charming, or **** and full of wildness, beautiful women who have never seen in a lifetime, like suddenly they have joined together.

The five people stopped the car and bought tickets together.

In fact, Anyang ’s expectation of the zoo was limited to his childhood, because Yancheng did n’t have a zoo at all, but when he grew up a little, his interest in this thing dropped to zero, but because of this, he grew so big Haven't visited the zoo yet.

It ’s not bad to go shopping with the three female goblins today. On the one hand, he filled out his childhood fantasies, and he satisfies the curiosity of rabbit shrewdly and Xiao Chan hiding embarrassment. Play is of no importance to him, the important thing is to accompany them.

The rabbit spirit was quickly attracted to all kinds of animals, especially if they were kept in cages. They were not scary at all, they were not scared at all, and she is now a qualified goblin. Fear of these ordinary beasts and snakes.

Xiaoqian and Anyang walked together, occasionally pointing at the animals and whispering something.

The most exciting nature is the rabbit essence. She runs around bouncing around. Here and there, take a look. Sometimes, she is called Xiao Chan together. When she sees something new, she will be as surprised as a child. And whenever this time, Xiao Chan who silently follows her will consciously keep her distance.

Xiaoqian and Anyang looked at them quietly with a smile on their faces.

Suddenly, the rabbit essence stopped and glanced forward at the fence, pointing excitedly to the foxes in the enclosed flat ground before turning back to look at Xiao Chan without blinking. Say--

Fox, look, your kind!

Xiao Chan approached silently, looking at the few red foxes held inside, pursing her lips tightly without saying a word.

The foxes were eating food thrown by tourists secretly and heartlessly, completely unaware that they were in prison, and were watched by countless people for fun.

The rabbit looked at her with a wink, and quickly shifted the subject.

This time, she looked back to Huang Lan, but felt that it was so far, there were people shaking in the middle, her expression seemed not enough to convey her meaning, and she did not know that Huang Lan's brain could not understand it. Look at it, it ’s a snake. "

Huang Lan looked back at the idiot's eyes: "What do you want to express?"

The rabbit spirit is unabated ~ ~ changed direction and pointed: "Huang Lan, look over there, there are several **** bears!"

Huang Lan's eyes were a little disdainful: "What's so surprising, I have eaten more than you have seen!"

Rabbit Jing walked a few steps forward, and then turned back and said: "Huang Lan, I saw the tiger eh!"

Huang Lan nodded slightly: "I can see it."

But when she looked over there, she was disdainful.

It's sad that the king of all beasts has been reduced to being watched in a big pit!

PS: That's right, I like to write everyday in the city!

In addition: the previous chapter was published repeatedly, I am very sorry, the latest starting point is really stuck, the author is also unintentional, but the VIP chapter can only be deleted by the editor, and the weekend editor does not work, so it can only be deleted tomorrow, this Chapter calculations are more compensation, I am very sorry, I hope you understand.

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