My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 409: protector

For a long time, Anyang stood up.

Acer Wei immediately stood up.

Anyang glanced at her, but her eyes were trance, as if to see her being arbitrarily grabbed by a muscle-filled orc with a height of two or three meters, snapping her neck with a bang, or being sent into a prison cage.

After a pause, he squeezed out a friendly smile and said, "I want to walk around."

Ace Wei lowered her head and replied very softly: "As you wish, Master Master."

Anyang nodded and went down.

There are wheat fields, mills, watermills, lakesides, grass and mud, and huge scarecrows in the wheat fields. Only when you get closer can you see their greasy features. Anyang knows that this is actually a delicate killing machine-the puppet of the wheat field, but it has become a real scarecrow who can't move because of losing power.

He passed by the civilians who were weeding. Most of them were worn and worn, and their faces were fatigued with signs of years and hard work, but their eyes were very peaceful, and at the same time they paid the most sincere respect to his mage ... and fear.

He walks while thinking, because this mission world does not have a clear mission goal, so he acts quite freely, he can stand on any side to do anything, or even hide in a corner to wait for the end of the plot, but time and space shuttle after all Very precious, he needs experience and gain.

Either like the master of this world, take this time and space shuttle as a trip, focusing on experience, gain wisdom and knowledge, and life perception, or you must seriously consider what you want to get in this world, what to do, and what should be done To fight for.

Until the sky gradually darkened.


A house in the village was illuminated by torches, and there were many villagers in it. The elders mobilized the villagers to prepare a "rich" dinner for him. In fact, they were some wheat cakes and dried meat, but it was already very rich for them. Of course, the most important thing is home-made rum and ale.

The atmosphere gradually warmed up, and the villagers accumulated long hours of fatigue to relax completely at this time, they cheered and shouted like a party for the lower class.

Anyang carried a wine glass and stayed in such a noisy environment without any discomfort.

The faces around them are very strange, with obvious traces of poverty and fatigue, like vicissitudes, but without the experience of the wise man, only a wrinkle and gully potholes remain, blue eyes become under the years The muddy, white skin becomes dull, and the more clearly defined face becomes more three-dimensional.

For the yellow races, such faces are very strange, with a strong exotic style, which may be difficult to adapt to, but the smile on their faces is diluted with rustiness, even for a person who is not familiar with this world. Enron melted in it.

They did n’t dance, they did n’t have good wine glasses, they did n’t have exposed dancers, and they could n’t compare with the noblest robe or elaborate leather armor, even if they changed into their cleanest clothes, but this did n’t stop their emotions. What's more, they also have a distinguished mage as a guest.

With a bang, the flames ignited all around, causing a burst of exclamation.

Anyang smiled and withdrew his mana, and the flames went out, but the amazing eyes around him did not diminish.

Until these eyes turned to awe, and proud of being able to drink with the master of powerful power, the atmosphere suddenly rose to a climax.

"Honorable Master Guest!"


The villagers held up the glasses in their hands and allowed the wine to slosh and spill out.

Anyang also smiled, raised his hand like a beer mug, bowed and saluted.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm, it will make me unforgettable all my life."

"So, let's toast to the distinguished Master Guest!"


Everyone cheered and poured a big gulp of the wine in the glass. The simple farmers seemed to be drunks.

Anyang smiled a little. He even saw Aceville ’s father drinking too much because of the drunken drink, and the yellow liquor ran down his beard, but he burped indifferently, but raised his hand and wiped it with his sleeve. It will be ignored after wiping, and his face is satisfied.

Ethel was sitting alone, holding a small cup and taking small sips, peeking at him from time to time. If other young people tried to approach her while drinking, they would immediately receive a strong warning from her father.

This extremely simple reception was nominally for entertaining the distinguished Masters, but more belonged to them. Entertaining Anyang was just an excuse. This group of tired and no-entertainment civilians has been expecting such a relaxing activity for a long time. .

It wasn't until late at night that the reception was considered over, when most people were already drunk.

Anyang's mana was easy to get rid of the wine. He put down the cup calmly and called the elder to the side, his face gradually dignified.

"Elder, I want to tell you something."

"Master Master, what do you want to say?"

"I want to say that I actually have the ability to predict, and I just foreseen that a disaster will come to Azeroth in a few days. The first thing is the western wilderness. If you do n’t leave, the entire village will be swept away. among them."

The elder was stunned for a while, and the blushed wrinkled face swept away the alcohol.

"Master Master, I hope you are kidding!"

"No, elder, I am serious, and this is my warm gratitude and gift to you."

The elder's expression was a little hesitant: "Master Master, now the whole continent is in peace, the guardian is the most powerful time, how can disaster come, and what should we do in case of disaster, do we need to leave this life A century-old village? Our food is still in the fields! "

Anyang frowned and said, "Elder, my predictions will not be wrong, but I just tell you that the power of decision lies with you, and I will not force you, but if you are not willing to leave, you will probably all pay the price of life . "

The elder nodded and said solemnly, "I will consider it."

Anyang nodded and said all that.

His residence tonight was at Aceville ’s home, because Aceville ’s father insisted that it was an honor for him to entertain such a distinguished guest. Zhong got the accommodation qualification of Anyang, which made him cry and laugh.

To be honest, the accommodation here is not good. Although the climate is dry and there is no smell of moisture, it is not very good. The surrounding walls are surrounded by wood and stone. The head is a low thatched roof and the bed It's also tough, it's better to build a tent or sleep in a buggy.

It's just that others have a good heart. He really doesn't have the qualification to dislike it, and he can't use his own standards to live up to the kindness and simplicity of others.

Anyang feels that the mage spirit of this world is still worth learning. Even if he is strong, he is not arrogant. He maintains humility and gentleness to everything, and strives to make him always learn with awe and treat everything as an experience that enriches his wisdom.


at this time.

Anyang sat cross-legged on the bed, studying the plot while studying the spell.

According to the system, the general plot is based on the movie, and a few details refer to the game. Although the movie shows few things, the specific settings and macro background are still based on the game. In this case, the power system of this mission world is not high, at least he Not necessarily cope with.

Not to mention Sargeras, who possesses the power to destroy the planet, all kinds of legendary characters, the guardian Medivh, are difficult to deal with. Medivh in the game was corrupted by evil energy, controlled by Sargeras, fighting his own righteous personality, and finally was eliminated by Khadgar and Lothar while he was mantra, so there is not much The second shot, but in fact Medivh is a very powerful mage.

Here is the occupation of the guardian, and the concepts of the Tirisfal Parliament, Kirin Tor, and Alodi.

The Tirisfal parliament is a mage organization quietly established in Azeroth to fight against the demonic forces represented by the Burning Legion. The Kirin Tor six-member council was a branch of the Tirisfal parliament, and later became an independent leader of the magic kingdom of Dalaran.

In the original book, the council will occasionally select the most potential mage as the guardian, and inject supreme mana for it, but in the movie, Kirin Tor is appointed to appoint the guardian. I do n’t know whether to respect the original or apply the movie in this world.

The function of Alodi is similar to the guardian, that is, the mysterious mage that Khadgar saw in Kirito in the second half of the movie. The original Alodi is the first guardian, the male half-elf mage, who invented The knowledge of mana and the method of giving others created the profession of guardian.

The guardians are worshipped by all life of Azeroth, they shoulder the responsibility of resisting the invasion forces of other worlds, while maintaining the balance of darkness and light. They have the supreme mana and wisdom. They are passed down from generation to generation. Generations are stronger than generations. By the time Medivh ’s mother was the human with the strongest power in Azeroth, they even “beat” the powerful final boss. Grasse.

Not to mention the power and knowledge inherited by the ritual body through the ritual, he also has the power to travel through the world. He has traveled around in search of wisdom and knowledge. He is known as the Star Master, and his power is not what Anyang can contend, even light. Easily release the power system of mainland China.

The world also has the mysterious and powerful Naru, Archimonde of the Burning Legion, Kil'jaeden, the guardian dragon, the demigod, and the BOSS Sargeras, the Burning Legion strong enough to resist in the void. Wait……

Therefore, he has no way to cross the world, and his strength is far from enough to push the Orc Legion or Azeroth. He also expects that those unrelated to the movie plot will not appear, otherwise he will probably be passive.

Anyang thought for a while and gradually narrowed his eyes.

When he opened it again, there was a light in the gap in the window.

He waved his hand and pushed the window open with invisible mana.

A window is actually a window panel nailed up by a pile of wooden boards or whole wooden posts. It can block the wind when it is put down, but it can also block the light, and this is the only light transmission in this dark room. Once it is pushed away, it is a real window, not even an iron window frame.

The ups and downs of the high-risk peaks in the distance are clearly visible, and the sky is pale with white, indicating that it seems to be a good day today ~ ~ Anyang waved the other hand away from the window The pillar stood up to support this thick window.

From the distance, there was a crisp and distant sound of iron hitting, the night crow's hoarse and empty cries, the dim lights of the scattered houses in turn, and the faint cooking smoke rising from the roof, the villagers got up very early, I don't know this The package does not include those of last night's hangover.

Acer Wei also got up very early. Her figure was alive by the fire. From time to time, the sound of metal utensils clanged. Anyang could accurately locate her position without pushing the door. By the way, she smelled toast, butter and The taste of dried meat.

[In order to celebrate my mother ’s birthday this morning, I almost forgot to update!

In addition, I have to ask again, does anyone play Weibo, add my Weibo is good, "Jasmine Street", so pitiful!

Finally, if you can, please support the original. The author ’s creation needs motivation, the codeword also needs to eat, and the author needs to survive. Please give us some support. Well, the original will also bring you a better experience. 】

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