My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 416: Ironforge



A huge orc head protruded out of the snow first and shook his head violently.

This head is much larger than ordinary humans, very rugged, and has light wrinkles between his eyebrows, but it can be seen that he is still the strongest age of an orc, with two large fangs on the corners of his mouth, inlaid with several iron rings. Decoration, not who can Durotan be?

Then came Orgrim Doomhammer.

The first time they did not look for their own people, but looked up at the standing figure in the distant sky.

"Damn, my Orgrim Doomhammer, vow to destroy you!"

Orgrim raised the warhammer and yelled, but the figure, which was wrapped in metal and could not see the specific appearance, did not pay attention to him.

Anyang's gaze stayed on Durotan from beginning to end: "Durotan, do you remember what your original world was like?"

Dulong froze for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "What do you want to say to me?"

"So, do you remember the evil energy, do you remember it destroyed your home?"

Durotan narrowed his eyes and looked at him without speaking.

"You are wise, upright, trustworthy, brave and scheming, and believe in the glory of the orcs. You are a great chieftain. You can see that Gul'dan has destroyed Draenor, and you are going to destroy the world. Then, you think you win After this war, will this world belong to orcs? "

"Obviously, you can't have this place. Gul'dan will destroy it again. You will still be a dog. Before the overthrow of Gul'dan, the war between you and the inhabitants of this world has no meaning!"

Durotan was a little preoccupied, he had been thinking about this for a long time.

He raised his head and wanted to ask why the stranger knew them, why they knew what happened in their world, and why he knew Gul'dan and his evil energy, but he hadn't had time to speak, this figure had flew away. By the way, only a faint word left echoing.

"Trust me, if you are willing to slow down your pace, many of your people will avoid life danger."

Durotan and Orgrim looked at each other, breathing heavily. Obviously, this person's words caused them to think, but it was not enough to deter the powerful ones.


Anyang's armor kept accelerating, whistling into the western wilderness and heading towards Ironforge.

It happened to meet the villagers of Frio village migrating to the forefront military base of Azeroth on the road.

So far, it has been almost a day, and they have walked less than fifty kilometers in total.

Anyang fell helplessly, looking at the wheat field puppet who was fighting with the farmers, without hesitation, he adjusted the ion shoulder gun out of the weapon cabin, and laid it flat on the shoulder with a click, and then two rounds of light blue translucent The light group silently cut through the sky and slammed into the puppet in the wheat field.


After a dull explosion, the tall puppet of the wheat field was suddenly torn apart and fell to the ground with black smoke.

The farmers turned back in amazement, and then they saw Anyang standing behind them, suddenly burst into cheers.

"Long live Master!"

They sighed with relief and lowered their weapons, feeling full of security.

Acervie also looked over, with a little splendor in her eyes, but she was gray in the blink of an eye.

Anyang talked to them for a while and then flew away. He did n’t **** them like the Virgin, but his flight was not a straight line. Instead, he flew along the route of the western wilderness into the Elvin forest to the town of Flashing Gold. Shooting and destroying directly can be regarded as clearing obstacles for them.

As a result, his speed of travel was undoubtedly greatly affected.

It's just a pity that I didn't meet the legendary migrant worker who built Stormwind City and failed to get paid.

Entering the Elwynn Forest, there are no longer puppets of wheat fields wandering in the fields by the roadside, and Anyang is relieved, and he has done so. This forest is naturally also dangerous, but Kingdom Avenue is also much safer, at most some beasts, or some violent creatures, but even if those creatures are cleaned up, there is no guarantee that there will be no wandering from other places. So he chose to ignore.

Anyang flies all the way at the highest speed, the armor almost swipes in the air, crosses the gold town on the transportation hub of Elvin Forest, and overlooks the powerful, magical and epic storm city at a height of several thousand meters. Soon he left the border of the kingdom of Azeroth.

The surrounding temperature gradually dropped, as if all the way to the north, the altitude continued to rise, from the spring and autumn season into the winter.

I do n’t know how long after, the ground has been covered by ice and snow. A magnificent and magnificent snow mountain appeared in front of him. This snow-capped peak is far more magnificent than in the game. In fact, it covers a vast area.

Dan Moro!

In the upper half of the Dan Moro Mountain, a city was built on the mountain, and the majestic and magnificent standing on the edge of the cliff was covered with ice and snow, which added a sense of divine solemnity. But if you look closely, you can see that these castles are all next to the surface of the mountain. The real city is inside this snowy mountain, or this snowy mountain is the castle. The only buildings you can see are just this huge underground castle leading to the surface Just the entrance!

Anyang stopped decisively, standing in the sky, looking at the picture of the ice and snow castle with his eyes wide open. He had to admit that he was also shocked.

If someone wants to build a castle on top of this snowy mountain, it will cost countless manpower and material resources. If someone can build a castle equivalent to the entire mountain, it is undoubtedly a miracle in the history of architecture. The snow mountain was hollowed out to build a city, which is simply unimaginable!

Probably only a degenerated creature like dwarves, born with the ability to control the earth and stones, can such a city be built?

Anyang thought silently that the cost of Ironforge would probably build several Stormwind cities, right?

It is said that even a city on the surface such as Stormwind, Stormwind officials still owe the wages of the migrant workers of the Defias Brotherhood.

Anyang did not care to offend the main city of dwarves and gnomes, especially their defensive strength was not bad, so he dropped down in the distance, took off his armor and replaced it with a white robe similar to the cloak of this world mage, which melted into the snow In one go, I started walking towards Ironforge.

According to the plot in the movie, Losa should be in Ironforge.

Cluttered footprints appeared behind him, and the sky was full of snow and snow, slowly extending forward, and climbing up this snowy mountain.

After about half an hour, he stopped in front of the huge gate of tens of meters. This magnificent building is no less than the tall buildings of the earth.

At the same time, the guards of Ironforge also discovered the strange stranger who was near.

Two dwarf soldiers wearing iron armour and holding spears protruded their heads standing tens of meters above the ground and shouted at the bottom, but the sound quickly submerged in the snow. They glanced at each other, unsure if the mysterious person below could hear their voices, turned around and gestured for the companion to go down and check.

Anyang actually heard it, but he did not respond, just stood at the gate and waited.

After a while, there was some movement in the gate of the castle built like the ancient gods, a side door opened, and the two dwarves with spear guards came out, and the spear pointed at him, strange to this name. The people were waiting for him, and his eyes looked up and down on him.

"Depending on your dress, you seem to be a mage?"

"Yes, my name is Anyang, a wandering mage. I traveled around." Anyang raised his head and showed a strange face for people in this world, relatively flat, from the wide hood of his robe The facial features, black eyes, and the outline are not so clear, and the skin is yellow.

"Anyang?" The dwarf frowned, looking up at his deep black pupil slightly, his beard trembling slightly, and said, "Mage, your name is as strange as your appearance. I don't remember where in the world people have and You look the same! "

"Yes, I come from other worlds and travel to Azeroth by accident."

"From other worlds? Hiss ... you have the power of a guardian!"

The two extremely strong dwarf babies expressed shock!

Anyang shook his head, and he dared to say this in front of Old Leiqi, but in Ironforge, facing Magni Bronzebeard and Lothar, he did not pretend to be his own power and pretended to be an astral mage The qualifications are not qualified to compare with the demigod-level Medivh.

"No, I was caught here by a powerful force for some special reasons. I was a guest in the western wilderness a few days ago. I accidentally foreseen the arrival of the evil force. To that shocking force. "

"That's why you came to Ironforge?"


"But if what you said is true, the Black Swamp over the Redridge Mountains is Stormwind City, and you should first report this news to King Stormwind."

"But I want to see Commander Lothar more."

The dwarf suddenly froze: "Commander! How do you know he is here?"

Anyang smiled mysteriously: "I said, I have the ability to predict."

The dwarf hesitated and said, "Wait here, I will ask the sir!"

Anyang nodded his head with great demeanor and turned to look at another dwarf who stayed in place and was still waiting for him.

These dwarves are as short as he imagined. Their height is about one meter two or even shorter, but their body is very strong, and their bust and waist are even wider than one meter * of humans. ~ ~ The proportion of muscles is very large, and the arms are as thick as the thighs of ordinary people. The impression is that they can easily lift a giant axe or warhammer, and can also slam people into flight!

In short, their combat power is absolutely inversely proportional to their height.

Anyang smiled at the corner of his mouth, muttered a few short spells, and the invisible mana suddenly added several buffs to him.

Breeze, inviting magic, the body of Vajra, and the conspicuous technique of protecting the Buddha's light were replaced by his invisible technique of the six armor.

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case, he had to be cautious when entering this castle that the orcs never broke.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, the dwarf had come down. Somehow, he also brought a whole team of heavily armed dwarf warriors.

[Seek monthly tickets, seek rewards, seek a birthday for the motherland of the motherland, and pay attention to Weibo "Jasmine Street". ]

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