My Time Travel Phone

: Chapter 419 Your friend Khadgar is online

Anyang holds a tablet in his hand, no one knows where he took it from, and no one sees his movements. All eyes are attracted by some blue projections suspended on the tablet. A picture of an orc march.

As he moved, the picture kept changing.

The picture finally stayed on the full-body picture of a frost wolf tribe orc. For comparison, a picture of a human soldier was placed next to it. It was one of the two soldiers who patrolled the western wilderness village of Frio.

Needless to say, they are not as tall as the Frostwolf.

Lothar withdrew his gaze, took a deep breath, and said, "This is the orc."

The officers suddenly panicked, and King Lane also walked over from the table and walked to Anyang to take a close look at the picture.

As Anyang felt for the first time, in front of the warriors chosen by these orcs, ordinary human soldiers are like children.

King Lane took a deep breath and said solemnly: "How did they come here to bypass the guardian?"

Lothar reminded next to him: "The Guardian has been gone for a long time."

King Lane said: "He is not gone, he is just hiding from us."

Lothar added: "No matter what, he can't hide from us anymore. Your majesty, please call the guardian immediately."

Anyang frowned and stood up and said, "I can't summon the guardian yet. In my foreseeing, you are still a helper."

King Lane then focused his eyes on Anyang: "Where are you from the mage?"

Anyang nodded: "Your Majesty, I came from another world, I came to you by accident, and inadvertently foreseen this disaster, so I went to the Black Swamp to find these invaders, and I learned their information through some means, including Your message, finally found Commander Lothar. "

King Lane was silent, he didn't seem to ask, and the mage had already answered everything he wanted to ask.

"Master, what is your name?"

"My name is Anyang, and my full name is Anyang."

"Then Master Anyang, thank you very much for your help. We will deal with this matter next."

Anyang looked a little ugly, and asked, "Your Majesty, are you going to cross the river and demolish the bridge?"

King Lane said politely: "Not so, but this matter is of great importance and should be handled by us and the guardian. What you have done is enough for all the people of Azeroth to be grateful. I do n’t even know what to do How to repay you ... "

Anyang interrupted him: "I said, I can't summon the guardian yet, we need to wait for a helper, Lothar, and I told you, this is far more complicated than you think, this is Sagra A conspiracy that Sri Lanka has been planning many years ago, do you think it is just an invasion? "

Lothar came over and stepped on the ground to make a soft sound until he stopped in front of him, the two were less than a foot apart.

With the blood of the Vrykul and the only descendant of the Araxi lineage, he is much taller than Anyang. At this time, if he is so close, ordinary people will certainly feel no small pressure.

Obviously, he was deterring!

"Then you should tell me how complicated this matter is!"

"It's not time yet!"

"How many things are you hiding from me? It's about Azeroth!"

Lothar's voice is a bit violent!

He led the soldiers to fight, and his temper was naturally not as gentle as the mage or nobleman.

Anyang raised his head and began to look squarely at the man called the Lion of Azeroth. His tone suddenly fell: "Commander, I hope you can understand a little bit before shouting, I am not from Azeroth , I have no obligation to protect your people. The life and death of all of you are irrelevant to me. Even if the orcs destroy your country and the entire continent, it has nothing to do with me, but I still choose to report for you. Use my prophet to win for you, if you are attached to your own blood and anger, I will sit and watch you slowly go to destruction! "

King Lane took Losa and said to Anyang: "Master, you must understand that the guardian is the strongest in Azeroth. He has enough power to protect us from invasion. If you want to stop us from calling the guardian I hope you can convince us. "

Anyang frowned, took a deep breath, and began to say: "Maybe you are not clear about the origin of the Burning Legion and Sargeras, why are they so obsessed with destroying Azeroth, the orcs and Sargeras of Draenor World? What does it matter, why did they invade Azeroth, and what are they driven by, but it does n’t matter, I can tell you, and the people we have to wait for will not be here long. "

King Ryan and Lothar looked at each other and saw the emotion in each other's eyes.

Anyang answered what was not asked, but they chose to listen wisely.


a long time.

Anyang walked out of the king's room and glanced at the knight guards on both sides, relieved.

Finally convinced Lothar and King Lane, and cost him a lot of tongue.

As for why Anyang stopped them from calling the guardians ...

Nonsense, everyone who has seen the movie knows that Medivh was born with evil energy!

Although Medivh ’s mother, Aegwynn, had won the battle with Sargeras at the beginning, Sargeras was completely intentional. The insidious and cunning he had already taken the opportunity to possess Aegwynn and then moved to Medivh. In the body, it can be said that the current Medivh has long been corroded, but it is not complete. He is still fighting the fight between justice and evil, and the good side is trying to resist Sargeras.

Anyang knows that with the gradual progress of the story, this generation of inheritors, who can protect the entire Azeroth with his own power, will eventually fall, or that he is kind and exhausts his power to help Azeroth. , Ultimately controlled by the evil body, and then Medivh will undoubtedly become the big boss of the movie plot.

Now another important person in the plot, once a disciple of Medivh, later gave up the glory of the guardian of the trainee because of faith, and Khadgar, who was selected by Alodi (the first guardian), has not played yet. In the original book, it was one of the trio who killed Medivh. In the movie plot, he defeated Medivh himself and resisted the invasion of evil energy.

In the plot, Karazhan (the mage tower where the guardian is located) where Lothar and Khadgar went to summon the guardian. Khadgar was guided by Alodi and slowly discovered the secret of Medivh and the portal. And got help from Alodi. If Lothar is now carrying her, ah, leave Khadgar alone and go to Karazhan, what if the early guardian ca n’t find Khadgar? What if Khadgar "failed"?

Is it possible that Anyang will go shopping with Medivh in the end?

It's terrible to think about!

That is the guardian standing at the peak of the mage, able to fight against the existence of gods!

Anyang is thoughtful, well, let the hero of the plot solve him.

If you have your hands on your sleeves, you have a certain degree of confidence. After all, you have to be careful. In fact, Medivh has a bigger factor in his heart. It is the kindness of his struggle with the evil, otherwise how could Losa and Khadgar kill. It is close to the guardian of the demigod!

But what if something goes wrong? Medivh knew Khadgar and his childhood friend Losa, but did not know him!

As Anyang thought about it, he walked out of the storm stronghold and looked up at a tall tower in the west of the city.

With his eyesight, he can see the magnificence of this tower, just like the Babylon Tower that was not built in mythology. It should have been a few years old. It was covered with blue vines, and there was a faint wave of mysterious power from inside.

This is the only surviving magic academy in the east, an arcane academy full of knowledge and wisdom!

Anyang lowered his head, holding a letter written by King Ryan in his hand, probably equivalent to a charter visit order, free access to the Arcane Academy, and a chain of tokens that he did not know what to do. For his credit, he walked towards the towering tower.

At the entrance of the college is an old man with heavy glasses, gray hair and wrinkled skin on his face. After reading his autographs and tokens, he looked at him very carefully. The muddy eyes contained surprise. , As if to see people through.

"Are you a traveling mage from another world?"


"So, what are you doing at the Arcane Academy?"

"Seek wisdom and knowledge."

"Young Master, can't the knowledge of your world satisfy you?"

"The magic in our world is different from Azeroth, we have another spell system, so taking this opportunity to visit Azeroth, I asked the king to come here to see and see the magic of Azeroth. System .... This is a reference to the arcane system and a fulfillment to me. "

Anyang nodded slightly and answered very politely, achieving the ultimate in style and self-cultivation.

However, he felt a pain in his heart, far less elegant.

What seeks wisdom and knowledge, what reference and enrichment are all nonsense, his purpose is only one--

Copy Azeroth's spell system!

Not only did he want to copy it at the Arcane Academy in Stormwind City, he also had to kill Medivh and go to the Karazhan Mage Tower, which is hundreds of meters high to copy!

Karazhan is the crystallization of the wisdom of the guardians of all generations. When watching a movie, a tower of mages is astonishing enough ~ ~ The result is full of books, which can let the top warrior of Losa climb the stairs and get angry The gasping wizard tower is full of books. Can you imagine how terrifying this is?

What three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation are too young to be placed in that vast collection of books!

Anyang does not seek to be able to copy all the magic of Azeroth that has been developed for so many years into the database. At least it is necessary to clarify its general principle to the point where he can learn magic. Even if he does not learn, he can give Doomsday or China People on the mainland have more choices.

Of course, the magical destructiveness of this world is not small. Except for some academic research types, those that are destructive must also be strictly restricted.

As a result, he devoted himself to taking root in the ocean of knowledge and wandering wantonly.

Until Kingdom soldiers came to him and rescued him from this ocean.

Khadgar had arrived, and according to the general description he gave, the soldiers of the kingdom discovered him in advance on the vast plain outside the storm city.

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