My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 420: Anyang that shines

[The chapter name is wrong, it should be chapter 429. 】

A force covered with gorgeous heavy armor, almost everyone, walked through the depths of the jungle, the footsteps sounded neatly, and the sound of the armor collided.

Although the size of their team has shrunk severely than before, everyone still does not change their face. Moving forward step by step, the knights or officers riding on the warhorse also straighten their waists, squinting their eyes from time to time to prevent There may be another raid.

In the middle of the team, three horses dragged a huge cage, and the cage dangled, with an orc and a mixed race in it.

Two people riding horses are accompanied by the cage, one is wearing a gorgeous blue-gold armor, and the other is wearing a simple white robe.

"Orc, are you from the Frostwolf clan?"

Anyang asked.

Lothar and Garona looked at him in surprise, and the orc in the cage looked up.

He uses orc language!

Garona and Lotsa asked at almost the same time:

"How do you understand our language?"

"How do you understand the orc language?"

Anyang shrugged and looked at him slightly frowned, looking at his Losa: "I said that I came from another world, and I am neither Azeroth nor Draenor, since I will always say Azer Russ ’s language, why ca n’t I understand the orc ’s language? "

Losa suddenly raised her head in amazement, and then sneered: "It makes sense, do you still have the magic of learning languages?"

Anyang did not answer, but spoke in Chinese, English, Japanese, Pallans ... and so on, and he showed a circle in front of Lothar. Straight show that Lothar's black line and ignorance, he closed his mouth, shrugged his shoulders, and once again paid his most sincere contempt to the Lions of Azeroth by action.

"Hey, orc, you haven't answered me yet, are you from the Frostwolf clan?"

The orc lowered his head and stared at him with Yu Guang, silently, a gesture that killed me and wouldn't let me speak.

The gaze was very dark, completely different from his violent and fierce face, like a wolf in a trap.

Anyang will naturally not care about this, he said to himself: "It should be a person of the Frostwolf clan, I just chatted with Lothar, he said that you have a white wolf as a mount, and it seems that only the Frostwolf clan People have not accepted Gul'dan's evil gifts. If you are not a member of the Frostwolf clan, you should have died just now. "

The orc finally moved and said dullly: "Human, why do you know about our tribe?"

Anyang smiled, glanced at the unbelievable Garona next to him, and said, "My name is Anyang, and they all call me Prophet."

"Prophet?" The orc repeated.

"Yes, those who can know what will happen in advance. In addition, I can spy on the knowledge and people I haven't seen, just like the evil energy of your Frostwolf clan and Gul'dan." Anyang paused, revealing his thoughts, and sighed, "If I remember correctly, your chief should be called Durotan. Speaking of this, this is really a respected chief, who has the wisdom that ordinary orcs don't have. , And an upright heart, so he refused to let you accept evil energy, and one day, he will find things that other orcs can't find. "

"What's the matter?" The orc was surprised, and asked again.

"Gul'dan's evil energy."

"What's wrong with Gul'dan's evil energy?" The orc with thick nerves and straight heart was easily led by Anyang.

Just now he made up his mind and never let go of anything, absolutely not to say anything to this group of weak human beings, but now it involves the clan, the other party also accurately and magically called everyone ’s name, he opened the box as soon as he spoke It won't fit anymore.

"Look, look at the dense forest around, look at the greenery and life around, haven't you seen it for a long time? Didn't you find out that Gul'dan used evil energy to control you, and he used evil energy to destroy you Where Gul'dan uses his evil energy, it will become as unwieldy as your world, and his evil energy will destroy everything. The energy of the devil is by no means a cry, that is the energy given by the real demon! "

Anyang's tone became more and more urgent and heavier when he said this sentence, and finally shouted with a dull voice.

This also makes this passage more shocking.

The orc opened his eyes wide, he felt he was getting older, and his head was a little bit out of the way, but it did.

However, he will not forget the identity of himself and the human being, and he must remain vigilant.

"So what?"

"That means Gul'dan will also destroy this world!"

"This world doesn't belong to us, what about destruction, what's the matter to me?"

"Did you forget the purpose of your coming here, your own home was broken, so you came here through the door of darkness and wanted to occupy it, but if this place is also destroyed, you are still homeless and still upright Displacement will still lose all this! "

The orc no longer spoke. He lowered his head, and deep thoughts appeared on the wrinkled and scarred face.

He wanted to refute what the man said, but his inner integrity and honesty told him that what the man said was true, so he had to agree!

"Human, what do you want to say?"

"You think about it, what should you do then, look for another world under the leadership of Gul'dan, and then, Gul'dan will continue to destroy one world after another because of his ambition, you will Become a tool of his war, and your purpose can never be achieved! "

The orc finally recovered, he was straight, but not stupid.

From these words, he had already seen through the weak human's intentions.

"You want to provoke the relationship of the tribe, you want us to frost wolf tribe to rebel against Gul'dan?"

"Not what I think, but your chieftain, and the great Durotan thinks so!"

"No, the chief will not think so. We are not strong enough. Our strength is not enough to fight Gul'dan. The chief will not do this. This will push the Frostwolf tribe into the fire pit. Guldan's character will Slaughter everyone in the Frostwolf Tribe! "

"Then if he doesn't do this, the entire tribe will fall into the fire pit and you will become Gul'dan's tools of war!"

The orc was silent for a moment, and he could not confirm his thoughts again.

Perhaps ... Durotan will really do this.

Anyang's language calmed down, looked up at the sky, and said with exclamation: "Durotan is a person worthy of admiration. As you said, you are not strong enough, your strength is not enough to fight Gul'dan, but for the tribe Durotan had to do this. In this fight, if you do n’t have a strong helper, you ca n’t cope with their power and conspiracy. Durotan and the Frostwolf tribe are likely to pay the price of their lives. ”

The orc was brainwashed ... ah, it was wrong. The orc woke up and stared at him, silently, and said, "What should I do?"

Anyang said calmly: "It's very simple, you help Durotan, and I will help you!"

The slightly older orc was very vigilant and said: "What do you want, our tribe will never leave this world, and you also want us to give up our attack on the human kingdom!"

Speaking of this, his voice fell deep: "We can't go back anymore, we are homeless, except here, we have nowhere to go ..."

"You misunderstood, I'm not from Azeroth, here is not my home, I don't care what you do here, in fact I come from another world, I sympathize with you, I don't mind you here Occupy a place, but what I am against is a crazy and meaningless war. What I am against is that you destroy this place and then kill all humans, just like you did to the Draenei in Draenor! "

While saying this, Anyang felt like he was shining!

Fortunately, his face was thick enough to lie without blinking, so he barely kept his holy image.

Just like the side, Garona saw that his gaze had changed a bit.

After thinking for a while, Anyang added a sentence again: "I drive out evil, not orcs, do you understand?"

The orc was silent again, then looked down at the shackles that locked him, and said helplessly, "But I can't do anything."

Anyang shook his head: "I will let you go, but you have to guarantee that you will do as I thought!"

The orc immediately said solemnly: "The orcs never lie!"

Anyang nodded, looking at Lothar who had been examining them.

Lothar asked in a timely manner, "What have you said for so long?"

Anyang told him in Azeroth's language.

After listening, Losa squinted and took a breath: "So, are you actually provoking?"

Anyang shook his head: "I'm just pushing the progress of time. With Durotan's character, it's a matter of time to rise up against the orcs, but it is useful to Azeroth if the Frostwolf tribe was completely slaughtered by Gul'dan, or Azeroth together against Gul'dan! "

Lothar was silent for a long time.

He could see the pros and cons, but he always felt that Anyang had come too unusually, which made him suspicious.

After a while, Lothar asked: "How can you guarantee that he will listen to you?"

"He assured me that!"

"Guaranteed ... Do you think this is a child's play?"

"Orcs won't lie!"


Lothar stared closely at Anyang, and it took a long time to withdraw her gaze, and nodded insignificantly.

"Okay, just do what you said. Anyway, we already have a captive. The captive was also killed, and let go and let go!"

"You will know in the future that your decision now is right."

"I hope so, in fact, I do n’t believe you either. I just remember that you have n’t deceived us so far. What you said is all right. What you do is to help us. Here I use the commander of Stormwind City. Thank you for your name. "

"Ha ha."

Anyang laughed twice and felt a little ashamed.

The ancient sword with the sapphire hilt appeared in his hand, and he easily split the lock and chain of the cage with one sword, and then split the shackles one after another. This gesture like a sharp kitchen knife cutting tofu saw Lothar for a while. Frightened, he involuntarily looked at the thin sword.

The orc escaped from difficulty, turned back to look at Anyang, and immediately roared, rushing towards Garona in front.

But before he could get close to Garona, he was caught by a slender hand that was stronger than him, and he couldn't move forward anymore!

The orc froze ~ ~ looked down at the hand that looked weaker than the orc's child, but contained great power and swallowed.

Not only him, but Garona and Lothar next to him, including Khadgar onlookers, were also shocked.

This disparity in the thickness of the arms, and the strength shown is diametrically opposite, so it is easier to give a strong impact to the heart!

Anyang Shen Sheng said: "Stop, orc."

The orc was startled, his body relaxed, gasping heavily, and looked at Garona.

Anyang asked: "What's your name?"

The orc whispered: "Gurush."

"Very good, Gurush, you have to remember, I saved your life, otherwise you would have died long ago, and then gave you freedom."

Anyang remembered that the orc captured by Lothar in the original plot was also the same. Garona talked with Lothar and violently wanted to kill her, even breaking free of the shackles, but the moment he rushed towards Garona, Lot Sa Yi pierced his sword and cut his throat.

So he said it was not an exaggeration to save this orc.

The orc bowed his head obediently: "Thank you, prophet!"

Anyang pursed his lips and pointed towards the forest by the road: "Then you can leave, if you go now, and you can catch up with them, they will think that you were running behind them, just lost their way Delayed time instead of being caught by us and then released. "

The orc glanced at him again without answering, and ran into the thick grass.

Immediately, a loud whistle pierced the forest's newly restored tranquility, and he was calling his Frostwolf mate.

The soldiers and officers around were unclear.


The orc captive finally caught, why should he be released?

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