My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 432: Garona: He wants to sleep with me

On the plains outside Stormwind City, several figures rode on horses and galloped horses, stepped across meadows and plains, mountains and lakes, and traveled into the distance.

The scenery along the way is extremely beautiful, full of the colors of Western magic epic.

When Anyang turned back, the majestic buildings of Stormwind City and the tall Master Tower of the Arcane Academy had been far behind, with a large green forest and grass in between, and a river meandering against the distant sky at dusk The brilliance and white clouds of the mountains make this city extremely distant.

The road ahead started to move up, they were going to cross a mountain, and the horse's speed slowed down.

Lotha in a gorgeous armor walked on the front, Garona and two officers followed behind him, Anyang followed to see the scenery, Khadgar walked with the book on the back, and sat on the horse with a flicker Reading, seems to be extremely focused.

The sky was getting darker, and they were still on the mountainside, on a road receding against the cliff.

It is estimated that it is more than 1,000 meters above the ground, and the ground cannot be seen down. The distant sky is red clouds at dusk, and the white clouds are churning. On the plane, the ground is bare and there are no plants, only the gravel.

This scene has a fantasy and weird beauty.

A loud horse hissing made this beautiful scene more angry.

Losal lived on the warhorse and finally stopped. He turned down and stood on the side of the cliff road halfway up the mountain, and said, "Let's rest here."

The two soldiers dismounted immediately after hearing the sound, and began to release the bags.

Lothar, while sorting the supplies and weapons hanging on the warhorse, said to Khadgar: "Nerd, your first vigil tonight."

Khadgar was helpless: "Dear Commander, my name is Khadgar."

Lothar snorted and turned around and bowed to him decently: "To my most sincere apologies, Khadgar, but I promise that if you do n’t keep a vigil, I will throw you from here You see, the height here can break you into patties! "

Khadgar was speechless, and had to say, "Well, I'll start vigil now."

Anyang watched with a smile next to him, and stood up after their farce ended: "No, in the spell system of our world, there are many kinds of spells that can replace our vigil, and they work far more seriously than we do. sleep tight."

Losa surprised him and said, "What are you saying is true?"

Khadgar bowed and said, "I am looking forward to seeing this magical spell, Lord Prophet."

Lothar glanced at him with a smile, and said, "You just don't want to watch the night, just look at your reasons, how justified!"

The poor little mage was speechless for a while, and he simply stopped talking to him so as not to be bullied.

Anyang shook his head with a smile, pinched his fingerprints and began to read the spell.

Mountain and water psychic art!

Suddenly, a rumbling noise came from the side ...

There were surprises in the eyes of Lothar and others, and they turned their heads in unison, and looked towards them cautiously, but the sight they saw made their pupils shrink.

I saw that on the cliff road they had just walked through, there was a crack in the cliff. The dense ground was like a cobweb. The earth was trembling, and huge stones fell in the dull sound. If life is generally rolling on the ground trembling.

Under the gaze of their eyes, the stones quickly piled up and formed two stone giants with a height of five meters!


Khadgar exclaimed, his gaze circulating on the stone giant.

The spell in Anyang's mouth stagnate, and his fingerprints were collected. The two stone giants came to life as if they were alive and walked towards him step by step.

Bang! Bang! Bang! ...

This time the ground is really shaking!

Lothar, Garona, and even the other two officers opened their eyes wide and looked at the scene in shock.

The weight of the two stone giants is ten tons. The height of five meters and the extraordinarily sturdy body can be called a behemoth. It is bigger than the orcs. The dull noise and slight tremor of the earth between them are also explaining to the world How terrible the strength and weight of these two stone giants are!

In front of them, the orcs were like a child under ten years old, so short and thin.

The stone giant quickly stopped in front of Anyang, bowed slightly, knelt down with a bang, his knees smashed the ground with dust, and the debris cracked by the powerful weight and strength burst out, just a sound It shocked everyone at the station, and the dust rising more than a meter in height made them unable to open their eyes.

Of course, more than one meter high, that is, the giant stone's knee is just a little up.

Anyang changed his fingerprints of control and gave them orders with psychicism. They stood up and spread out step by step at a heavy pace. They stood on both sides of the road one by one, turned their heads to scan around, and began to play the role of guards. Gives a strong sense of threat.

Khadgar withdrew his gaze and asked, "Is this a mountain giant?"

Anyang shook his head: "This is just a spell, similar to the controllable elemental creature called out."

After returning to God, Losa immediately turned around and asked, "How can this thing be killed?"

As a commander, he has a sensitive sense of war.

Anyang laughed: "If you can break it up, even destroy it, but I can revive it at any time!"

Losa suddenly took a breath. He glanced up and down the two stone giants with powerful deterrents. This ... this is made of stone. The orcs are also flesh and blood, and they can easily pierce with a sword The chest, but this stone giant is not only many times taller and heavier than the orcs, but also the whole body is made of stone. How can ordinary soldiers pierce with a sword, let alone break it up.

There is no doubt that this is a nightmare on the battlefield of ordinary soldiers, no one can beat the monsters that gallop!

"How many of these things do you summon in one performance?"

"Up to five, maybe six, but it will be cumbersome to control."

Lothar was shocked again.

He realized that this prophet seemed to be able to withstand a team of elite knights alone!

Anyang looked at him with a smile on his face, and his eyes had a look of jokes.

But Lothar was Lothar after all, and the commander was not so intimidated, not to mention that he was always unscrupulous in the absence of business. So he only showed a little surprise, and soon turned his gaze to Garona: "Is this thing terrible with pets raised by orc children?"

Garona stared at him coldly, without speaking.

Lothar laughed.

After laughing, he got up and walked to a stone giant, reached out and patted the hard stone body, squinted his eyes and thought about it, and asked, "Are these two clumsy, bulky men reliable? Are you sure? Can they keep a vigil for us? "

Anyang nodded: "Of course."

Lothar withdrew his gaze and looked away.

Because the stone in the cliff next to the mountain has become part of the body of the stone giant, resulting in a huge hole, which is recessed, the space of the big hole is not very large, but it can also accommodate two or three people to sleep, at least avoid rain.

"I think I know where to sleep tonight."

"If you are not afraid of dust on it, please."

Anyang smiled and saw that the guards beside him piled up the firewood, which was ignited. He did not hesitate to point his hand at the spell, and the pile of firewood ignited.

This is undoubtedly praised by Losa: "It is very convenient, don't worry about forgetting to bring flint when you go out!"

Anyang chuckled again, did not speak, and turned to look at Khadgar, who was wandering around the giant stone.

This little mage seems to want to study the structure principle of the stone giant.

It is a pity that he is completely ignorant of the knowledge of arcane magic, no matter how he uses his magic energy to penetrate the stone giant, the feedback is always the strange power and strange structure he has never seen, which makes him More and more curious about the spell system in Anyang's mouth.

When the sunset at dusk fell off the horizon, the light here quickly dimmed, only the fire radiated orange and red light, burning crackling, the night wind in the mountains was also very high, the temperature was very low, only the fire can provide warmth, So a few people basically rest around the fire.

Lothar sat back against the inner wall of the pothole, nibbling with a roast lamb chops in his hands.

Garona lay in the center, because the hole was not big, so she was the only one who could lie down.

In order to keep out the cold, she was covered with a thin blanket, covering only the following. The dress of the orc has always been simple, and there were not many places covered by light armor. But the beautiful face is tempting for innocent boys.

Khadgar is the pure boy.

He sat and stared at her without blinking. When Garona sensed that his eyes were open, he immediately lowered his eyelids, pretending that he was looking at his own hands with a look that looked amazing. The naive approach can only deceive himself.

Lothar couldn't help smiling anymore, but he still kept a little calm, biting the meat and nodding and said, "Well, great, at least you didn't read."

Garona withdrew her gaze ~ ~ After thinking about it, he said, "He wants to sleep with me."

Khadgar suddenly shuddered and pretended to be stupid: "I didn't hear clearly what you said just now."

Lothar held the lamb chops for a while and cast a surprised look. It seemed that Garona was so direct.

When he recovered, he looked at Khadgar and then Anyang. He couldn't help smiling at the corner of his mouth, almost biting the meat in his hands.

Garona said calmly and seriously: "If you sleep with me, you will be injured."

Khadgar couldn't hear it anymore and quickly explained: "I don't want to sleep with you, okay?"

Garona nodded: "Very well, you won't be a good companion."

Lothar finally couldn't help but laughed, holding the lamb chops and seemed to want to block his mouth.

Only Anyang remained calm, after all, he has seen this conversation many times!

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