My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 439: Hard resistance

Lothar just looked at the sky, just a hint of smile, but Yu Guang glanced at the orcs around him, his face froze immediately.

"Medwin, stop now!"


Lothar shouted to no avail, picked up the big sword and split towards the barrier, but was bounced back fiercely, almost unable to hold the sword.

The black hand also glanced at the sky, then lowered his head and stared closely at Anyang, who had just finished showing his powers, pulled the reins, rode the giant wolf, held his long-handled heavy hammer with one hand, and faced the floating Anyang rushed over, a dull roar in his mouth.

According to his rich experience in war, the primary solution in the war is this kind of mage. Although this mage looks very different and very powerful, for him who is brave and belligerent, it is the strong opponent who can arouse his blood. It is the strong man who can bring him more honor.

Behind there are tribal shaman groups, all of whom have strong healing abilities. Blackhand feels that even if they lose, as long as they do not die, they can fight again!

The black giant wolf roared repeatedly, and his feet ran dull on the ground, moving forward like a wind. When approaching Anyang, it suddenly split its mouth and exposed its full fangs, carrying its owner's fierce jump, and suddenly jumped a few meters high. .

For a time, it seemed that there was only this wolf jumping attack on the entire battlefield.

The black hand also jumped bravely from the back of the giant wolf, bravely lifted a heavy hammer to the steel mage, and he was domineering for a while.

Anyang looked at him silently, taking every action of his into his eyes, but floating motionless in the air.

He could see the fierce expression and the tremor of fangs in the eyes of the black hand, the hair of the black wolf under his crotch was naturally swung by the high-speed movement and the wind, even the carvings on the hammer and the depressions left by many battles, even There is also the leisure to look around in amazement at the orcs and human soldiers around ...

In fact, with the performance of the armor, he can lift off the air at a speed far faster than his jump, but what is the need for him?

The ion shoulder gun went down slightly, both doors locked the skin of the black hand not covered by the plate armor, and the missile compartment in front of the chest was also opened.


There was a loud noise in the air, and the huge fire that burst at that moment was as dazzling as the sun.

The heat wave suddenly swayed, and the invisible shock wave caused the coal dust and gravel dust on the ground to spread out in a circle, pulling the eyes of countless people, whether orc or human, no matter which end of the barrier.

Lothar raised his arm to cover his eyes, and when he lowered it, the huge fire had dispersed.

In the place just engulfed by flames, Anyang's figure covered with silver and white armor was still suspended, and the long blue light of the foot stepped on the bottom of the foot, and there were several large pieces of uncharacterized charred black bodies on the ground below, and torn A black giant wolf on half of his body.

Blackhand is an extremely powerful fighter, which is beyond doubt, but no matter how powerful a fighter is, it is difficult to resist such a strong explosive force.


Orc Chieftain-Destroyer, Blackhand died!

Whether on the side of the lightning barrier or over there, the human soldiers cheered and looked at this prophet with great power with respect.

The orcs roared and thumped their chests.

It's just that they don't have much hatred in their eyes, but they have respect for the strong, and the roar is just because it is on the battlefield.

"Don't pay attention to him, he will fly and give it to the shamans!"

"We kill all these humans!"

The orcs gathered slowly, including the reinforcements and shamans in the rear, and the power brought by them shocked the humans on the other side of the lightning barrier. They realized that Medivh had erroneously segregated his companion with the orcs, which meant that they would face so many orcs alone.

Anyang was not in a hurry. Anyway, this barrier did not isolate the sky. He could rise to the sky at any time and go away.

Moreover, it seems that the barrier is not so strong. If there is no way to do it, it is not impossible to try to break it. The magic system of the Divine World seems to have such a method of breaking the enchantment and destroying the structure of fixed power, but it ’s a pity The thing is that he has not learned.

But he didn't need it either. It happened to be a head-to-head confrontation to completely activate Lothar's suspicion of Medivh's seeds and let them take root!

King Lane yelled Medivh's name outside the barrier, just like Losa when Karen was trapped in the original plot, and like Losa at the time, he did not get any response.

It's just a little different, that is, he is always the king, and no matter how deep he is with Loza, it is impossible to stay here for him.

No one can guarantee how long the lightning barrier can last. When the effect of the barrier is lost, if they do n’t go, they will once again face this menacing army of orcs. As a king, he must first ensure his safety, then Is responsible for the entire storm kingdom.

So when King Ryan shouted a few times without getting a response, and ordered the knight to try to break through the barrier and failed, he could only leave with sorrow and helplessness, but when he left, he turned around and pleaded with Anyang: "Prophet, if you are capable Please protect Lothar for me. "

Anyang didn't answer, so he was chanting spells and casting spells all over his body at this time.

He wants to prepare for a head-to-head confrontation with this orc army!

Khadgar went to find the guardian, and Garona executed the king ’s retreat order. When the guards and knights left, only a few old Lorza ’s subordinates were left. Looked at the highest commander of the army, some were stunned, some could not help but kneel down to the ground, and some picked up the shield and tried to hit the barrier continuously, enduring the pain burned by the current, but Was bounced back again and again.

Lothar and Karen stood side by side, and also stood with twenty or so soldiers, holding the big sword in their hands to the front, eyes full of perseverance.

Lothar whispered, still unreasonable, "Children, can you fight side by side with your father, is there a feeling of blood boiling?"

Karen glanced at him and swallowed quietly: "No, father, I think I might die with you."

Lothar pretended to relax and asked, "Are you afraid?"

Karen replied: "Afraid, but I am a soldier!"

Lothar chuckled and looked up at Anyang again, shouting: "Prophet, if we die, please leave!"

Anyang stared coldly at the fact that the father and son were still talking before they died, and did not respond to Lothar's words. Instead, they kept reading the spell all the time and glanced at the sky.

The vortex summoned by Medivh is still raging, filling the sky like a huge funnel, where lightning flashes violently, blocking the sunlight.

God help me too!

Anyang's eyes condensed, and suddenly a thick stack of yellow paper cut into a brave human figure appeared in his hand. He tried his best to urge the psychic art of mountain and water, and the puppet art.

By the way, several BUFF spells were cast for the human soldiers.

At this time, the orc army has slowly surrounded the human soldiers, and the two sides suddenly joined together.

Lothar and Karen began to show their might in front of the orcs. With their exquisite fighting skills and their strength and speed, the body became harder than steel. The BUFF spell wandered freely among the orcs, constantly holding Human head.

Not only they, but the soldiers on the human side also gained the ability to compete against the orc warriors.

But as more orcs became available, the BUFF spell gradually became unsupported, and they began to suffer injuries.


A blazing blast of flames struck, accurately hitting a human soldier, and the powerful force instantly hit it several meters away, hitting the lightning barrier and was returned with a snort, but he should have died. However, he survived under the spell of King Kong's body, but was seriously injured.

This is undoubtedly more uncomfortable than death on the battlefield!

A strong orc carried the knife and hurried towards him.

But just then, a thin piece of yellow paper floated down from above and slipped in front of him.

This piece of yellow paper was cut into a fierce evil spirit, with greasy features, thick eyebrows, inverted triangular eyes, rosacea, mouth full of fangs, pointed ears, and even nails were cut sharply, Then there are almost perfect body lines, muscles, joints and even fingerprints are clearly visible, and a set of very strange clothes drawn.

There is another point that cannot be ignored, that is, this paper is filled with strange symbols that are meandering and twisted, and are blood-like monster colors.

The orc didn't think much, only a little stunned, groaned, and went on towards the human soldier.

His afterglow glanced casually, and saw the side near the human camp, all over the sky with strange yellow paper painted with red symbols. Most of them are like this in front of them, but there are some more grim and weird, with a thicker body and denser runes.

He had just taken two steps, but felt a gust of wind blowing through it, which was chilling.

The piece of paper that just fell to the ground suddenly filled up, the enchanting symbols on the paper disappeared, and the lines outlined in the strokes were highlighted into substance. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a ghost with blue-faced fangs, scattered hair, and claws like hooks. Without a word, he rushed towards him.

The orc was still stunned by the gods, and the ghost had pierced his chest with pointed claws.

At the same time, the yellow paper falling all over the sky began to turn into evil spirits at the same time, just like the demons they had in mind.

A piece of paper kept filling up and expanded at a rate visible to the naked eye, becoming huge and turning into a huge ghost.

This ghost is at least three meters tall ~ ~ Born very ugly, his hair is burning with green flames, burning like a candle, one eye born on the top door and one growing on the chin, one is a triangle, the other It is half-moon-shaped, his nose is open to the sky, and the hole is to the ground, like a snail's tentacles, sometimes extended, sometimes retracted, one of his ears is in front, one is in the back ... !

Such a figure is basically one storey high, undoubtedly much stronger and stronger than the orcs.

There are also some yellow papers turned into yashas that are more than two meters high. When the outlines of clothing and body become clearer, their differences from ordinary yashas are revealed.

These smaller yakshas are not very sturdy, but they are slender and powerful, and their faces are still very brave. There are two pairs of wide wings behind them. When the fan flaps, the wind blows up, which also drives themselves to fly, dexterously. Orcs attack!

This is almost the entire stock of paper puppets made by Anyang Xiu Dao for so long.

Of course, there are those who have just portrayed success--

Soldier ghost!

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