My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 459: You only care about your sister Xue'er

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The next day, Anyang packed himself up and prepared to go out.

He has already greeted the seniors of the Ans Group and asked them to reserve a summer part-time job for Xiao Xueer and An You.

The Ans Group has a wide range of positions and many positions are required, but most of them are professional. They also recruit part-time summer vacations. However, most of the places are for students who have excellent professional skills or have great potential. The summer part-time job of the class, and the quota has long been looted.

So Xiao Xue'er and An You's work are not much different from last year's Mingyang Group, they are specially arranged for them, but last year Song Hanshan added to the salvation of Anyang, and this year It was Anyang, the big boss behind the scenes, who spoke specifically for his sister.

When he left the door of the villa, there was construction activity not far away. A villa was being built halfway, and a large number of construction teams were busy.

Anyang glanced at it, and quickly withdrew his gaze.

It took more than ten days to repair such a villa by half, and it was indeed very fast. It seems that the group of people did not bother.

It is important to know that although the area of ​​this villa is not large and the decoration does not require much luxury, the difficulty is not low.

Not only the design styles are very different, but the environment requires a good structure. The special structure with a bit of mystery is already complicated. Not to mention that a huge and solid basement is required under this villa, just like the establishment of a The underground training ground is average.

And Anyang also requires that the surrounding environment be maintained and fine-tuned during construction, to ensure that the villa is blocked by the dense forest after completion, and the corner of the villa cannot be seen from the bottom of the mountain.

Fortunately, it is not easy to block the main building of the villa with trees, and I do not know how much the engineering team has spent.

But in any case, this hill, which originally had only one family, will soon have a second building.

This is also the residence that Anyang prepared for the three female goblins, because it is newly built and the conditions will be much better than the existing villa.

When this new villa is completed, they do not have to live with Anyang all the time.

It's not that they can't be with Anyang. In fact, Anyang and Xiaoqian don't care about these, but fortunately when Anyang was there, they could only live with Xiaoqian when Anyang was away. Well, after a long time, they will be a little uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

In this way, no matter whether they have ever had it or not, there will be no feeling of being sent in the future, and this villa and the original villa are on a hill, very close, they can see Anyang at any time, and they can Meeting with Xiaoqian will not make Xiaoqian feel lonely.

Generally speaking, they will not be too close to Anyang, which will make their identity appear awkward, and they will not be too far away, which will lead to rustiness, or make them as if Anyang has abandoned them.

In fact, Anyang did not bother to entertain them.

In this regard, Xiao Qian also agreed.

In fact, she, who was born in an ancient official family, had no objection to the goblin living in the villa, even more so than Anyang. After all, the ancients flattered the truth that a chicken and a dog ascended to heaven. For large households, it is common to have an entire family. Relatives from distant homes will come over. Private friends make use of them in their homes. Sometimes they have to get money for rubbing, eating, and drinking. These are common things.

For her view of "the husband's harem support group", no matter how long she stayed in the villa, she would not feel that it should not be. On the contrary, she just passed the time and made herself less lonely and boring. This group of "sisters" have a good relationship.

But after coming to the real world for so long, considering from the standpoint of modern people, living in someone's home for a long time will indeed feel uncomfortable. Under the fence, even if she wouldn't look at the three fairies, she had to consider whether they would feel uncomfortable.

After all, their good friend is Anyang, and the people who have deep feelings with them and get along with them all the year round are also Anyang. When Anyang is there, they can naturally live here through intimacy, but once Anyang is gone, this big house is She was the only one left, and facing the authentic lady of Anyang all day long, the fairies would definitely be a little uncomfortable.

Even though Xiaoqian has worked hard with them these days, it seems that there has been no small progress, but it is still not as good as Anyang, which has been with them for a year in the Shenzhou World. Fox, with Xiao Chan's character, not everyone can be very close to her.

Xiao Qian feels that giving them an independent residence is still a good choice.

Not only let their husbands take care of themselves, but also let them live comfortably, not to face their own constraints.

I have to say that having a good wife at home is also a blessing.

Anyang sighed and stepped out of the woods.

The sunlight penetrated the branches and leaves behind him, and turned into a beam of light hitting the ground, leaving a mottled.

But when there was no cover from the dense branches, the sunlight shone on the ground neatly, leaving a golden yellow color to symbolize the blazing color. It is the high temperature of midsummer.

Long-term plane shuttle, no one can guarantee what season the world is going to, and how long they have to stay there, coupled with the current physical fitness and Taoist cultivation is getting stronger and stronger, it is not so much about the outside temperature. Sensitive, it is always easy for him to ignore the current season.

Fortunately, under the reorganization of Comrade Xiaoqian, the clothes were not worn wrong.

Anyang went straight to the garage and drove his ultra-low-key BMW X5 directly to Jinguan University Town.

He was n’t going to pick An You and Xiao Xueer because they were always in Jinguan University Town, and he just said something anyway, he did n’t have to run too far, so he simply had a cup of coffee in a Starbucks near Jinguan University Town Yes, that ’s Starbucks ’redemption.

When he arrived, An You and Xiao Xueer had been sitting in the store for a while.

The store is air-conditioned and has enough power, but it is cooler in their dormitory, which can make people forget the summer heat.

Anyang just stopped the car, and saw Xiao Xueer standing at the door waiting for him, and gathered a pair of slender straight legs, with a sweet smile on his face, completely like a girl who was waiting for his little boyfriend. I don't know how many customer shop assistants attracted the attention.

After all, the girl is too beautiful, and she is taller and more developed than her peers.

Xiao Xueer waved at him as soon as he saw him, but because the environment here was relatively quiet in the afternoon, she was very polite and did not shout, but she waited for Anyang to come to her before shouting Anyang brother, sweetly said: "Xiaoyou is inside, we found a place where the air conditioner is sufficient."

Anyang responded with a smile and followed her inward, but her eyes could not help sweeping her back.

Xiao Xueer's dress is very casual today. Rarely, she doesn't wear a tight-fitting skirt, but it is a little similar to Anyou's favorite style, full of youthful vitality, and does not have the urge to bite when meeting. , But it undoubtedly reveals the unique atmosphere of this young girl.

That kind of beauty is the greenness and tenderness that comes with this age, which is nothing for a mature woman after all.

What's more, Xiao Xueer's figure is more noticeable than many mature women!

Because of the hot weather, she also wears very cool, white denim shorts tightly wrapped up the buttocks hips, the lower edge of the jeans is designed with a whisker, just like the lace to the soft thigh skin below, shallow The gray tight-fitting elastic shirt was tightly attached to her, sketching the girl's slender waist and exquisite figure curve. Underneath was a pair of ordinary shoes, but the pair of slender straight legs was more conspicuous.

This is a tempting little stunner!

Anyang withdrew his gaze and had walked to their previous seat.

An Youzheng was sitting on the seat bored, as if she had been waiting for a long time and became impatient. She propped her chin on the table with her elbows, and stared at the black coffee in front of her eyes a little unreasonably, even when Anyang arrived I just lifted my eyes and glanced, and didn't say hello.

She was wearing a pair of light blue denim shorts and a white t-shirt, revealing a pair of white raw thighs, and a pair of rose-red sneakers on her feet. It seemed that the youthful vitality was stronger than Xiao Xue'er, as if it would be soon. Girls who go out to play tennis or go shopping with their girlfriends.

Perhaps compared to her, Xiao Xueer is ultimately more sexy, and she is more like a college student than Xiao Xueer.

Anyang smiled calmly and said hello: "Xiaoyou, I haven't seen you for a long time."

He is indeed, has not seen this girl in a short time.

This is what people are like, they do n’t feel anything when they are always there, but if they are separated, maybe the spider web in the corner of the house feels a little missed.

An You glanced at him listlessly and said, "I've seen it a few days ago, and you brought me cold-eating rabbits, four pounds, huh, huh, I probably don't want to eat cold-eating rabbits in my life, um, but At that time, you just talked to your sister Cher downstairs, and it ’s normal for me not to remember. ”

Anyang touched his nose, embarrassed.

Xiao Xueer had waved to greet the waiter, and at the same time turned his head and asked, "Brother Anyang, what are you going to drink?"

Anyang and the two said, "Thank you for a cup of black coffee."

Xiao Xueer quickly reminded: "Black coffee is very bitter!"

Anyang smiled: "I am used to drinking."

And Anyou stared at the black coffee in front of her, and turned her head to look at her girlfriends, and she could n’t help but complain: “Why do n’t you remind me that black coffee is so hard when I order it? I know I like sweets. "

Xiao Xueer said innocently: "I thought you knew that black coffee is bitter, otherwise why do you order black coffee as soon as you come up."

An You exhaled for a long time: "I thought it tasted like chocolate!"

Xiao Xueer paused ~ ~ reminded: "Chocolate is also bitter ..."

An You was stunned, and Moe asked: "Is it?"

The waiter next to them listened to their seemingly very interesting conversation. Although it was very pleasing to see the two little women at close range, standing here slightly bowed was not the case after all, so he confirmed and asked: " A cup of black coffee, is this the case? "

Anyang turned his head and smiled: "Well, a cup of black coffee, plus a cup of mocha, thank you."

"You're welcome." The waiter answered politely and went on.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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