My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 462: An Yousheng doubted

Upon getting off the car, Xiao Xueer naturally walked with Anyang, and took his arm by the way, very intimate.

The body fragrance of the girl came from this summer, and the delicate and full **** of a larger scale than their peers were next to his arm. He was constantly in contact with the bumps of walking and the transformation of his body, he could feel The perfect shape, as well as the girl's unique tenderness and elasticity, make people daydream.

"Brother Anyang, which department do you say I should go to?"

"This depends on where you want to develop in the future. If you want to do marketing, go to the marketing department. If you want to do planning, go to the planning department. If you want to relax, you can also work as a clerk. If you are skilled, you can also do it. Internship in the technical department, you will learn a lot of things you can't learn in school. "

"I do know that the technical staff of companies such as An's Network must be very skilled. It is probably a great **** outside, but, Anyang, did you forget that I studied civil engineering, and I don't have network architecture or programming? Yes, it seems that I can only be a clerk. "

Anyang suddenly realized that he had forgotten this.

But having said that, is such a delicate and beautiful woman really good in the architecture department?

After thinking for a while, he comforted: "It doesn't matter. It's not bad to be a clerk. You can also go to other departments."

Xiao Xueer yelled again and asked, "Does each department have a part-time job in summer? It's strange."

"Of course, what's so strange."

"I just think that large international companies like Ans Group should not easily hire part-timers in summer. Even if the recruitment will be very demanding and will be very sought-after, those positions should have been robbed by many excellent talents. And it ’s empty, it should n’t be too much for us to choose at will. ”

Anyang touched his nose: "Relax, I'm here."

Xiao Xueer immediately said sweetly: "Good ~"

The two of them chatted in the front, Anyou followed helplessly in the back, and quickly entered the door of Anshi Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Their getting along at this time is a bit like when they first met a year ago when they were shopping in the Ayr Mall, Xiao Xueer and An You were walking in front. Anyang followed the picture calmly alone, but the role was obviously reversed. The helplessness felt by Anyou far exceeds that of Anyang.

After all, this is her girlfriend and brother!

An You glanced at the intimate Xiao Xueer holding Anyang's hand, which seemed very indifferent and could not help feeling a little.

If you change other close relatives and siblings, it is estimated that this is the case?

However, there are many relatives and siblings with bad relationships, at least more than those who are close enough to hold hands on the street. Although they are strange like them, they ca n’t be found without finding them. After all, the same father and mother gave birth, Growing up on the same roof does not necessarily mean getting along well.

Anyang was not as proud as she thought, but instead felt a little uncomfortable.

Xiao Xue'er's figure is really hot, and the girl's delicate and upright is unique, with her beautiful face, when she is so unprepared to hold a person's hand, if someone does not want to fall into trouble, then he It must be a sage, because even a woman can't help but sigh Xiao Xueer, this little stunner.

Obviously, he is not a saint.

And he is not a beast, so he has to hold back.

Anyang glanced at Anyou next to her eyes. After all, she was so intimate with her best girlfriend in front of her sister.

But more is a very subtle feeling, some have never experienced in Anyou, but experienced it in her girlfriends, this young sister Anyou has never been so intimate with him, but she was in front of her My girlfriends did this naturally, which has to be said to be ironic.

Sure enough, my sister is still good outside!

But this set of eyes fell on Anyou's eyes, which brought a bit of provocation and ostentation.

You see, your best girlfriend, now holding my hand!

"It's terrible!"

Anyou gritted her teeth and glared fiercely.

At this time, the manager of the personnel department of An's Network Technology has been waiting at the front desk. Anyang quickly walked over and introduced them to each other. Of course, the manager appeared as his friend. Then, the manager took Anyo and Xiao Xueer went to visit the working environment.

It was estimated that it was the first case in history that they could be personally taken by the manager of the personnel department of the Anshi Group when entering the “summer part-time job”.

But the manager who did not know Anyang before, nor did he know the identity of Anyang wiped sweat, completely treated the two beautiful girls as little ancestors, and kindly introduced them to the company's various departments to let them make choices. They have not yet introduced various entertainment facilities and leisure places etc ...

He hadn't been in contact with Anyang before. Anyang didn't talk to him until today at the coffee shop. Originally, he only received a call from Shen Chaowen, the big boss of An's Group, and said that Let him be well received, with a solemn tone.

He still remembers what Shen Chaowen said at the time:

"To give you a piece of advice, it ’s best to take good care of them. You ’ll benefit later. By the way, I ’ll give you a warning and take care of them too. If the two little girls are wronged here, it ’s not wronged, then Your career at the Ans Group is over. If you are wronged and shocked me, congratulations, your life is over, so you ’d better take it seriously and do n’t allow for sloppyness. ”

Until the moment when he saw Anyang, he was told if there was any involvement in it, this is his real big boss.

And these two girls are undoubtedly the sisters of the big boss!

Sure enough, this is a person who is likely to take over the shares of An's Group. No matter how bad it will be, it will also shoulder a heavy responsibility at the headquarters. It is absolutely beneficial to please her.

So the manager at this time is like a waiter receiving important foreign guests, with an extremely respectful attitude.

Anyang found a place in the tea house inside the group and did n’t care about the others. He was too lazy to care. Even the manager ’s discerning person could see the abnormality at a glance. He did n’t care. If Anyou could see anything, Then he was too lazy to conceal, and he was also indulgent about this matter.

Even if he doesn't want to break his peaceful life with his family, he will not let himself be too embarrassed, and the necessary calmness should still be maintained.

Especially in front of Anyou.

But it wasn't just that Anyou and he did not deal with him. When he was younger and not mature enough, he and Anyou didn't deal with it either.

Outsiders come and go, but rarely pay attention to him, no one dared to bother him even if he noticed.

The Ans Group ’s benefits are excellent, and the best is the working environment. The group has various entertainment devices, even holographic games, and various leisure places. The ultra-cheap luxury restaurant inside is like Google. The same as the headquarters. But it is these good things, reminding all employees how comfortable and rare it is to work at An's, and more inspiring them not to lose this job, making them work harder, so that they will really sink their minds in these entertainment facilities and leisure There are no people on the scene. After all, they are all social elites, with minimal self-control and balance.

Silently waiting ...

A waiter poured a glass of lemonade for him, and he went on without a word. It was very quiet from beginning to end.

It's hard to imagine that within the company, there is actually a dedicated place to wait for the employees of the company. Even if this group of employees are all social elites, the salary that Anshi has given them will allow most people to enjoy excellent services no matter where they go Treatment, but within the company, this is still a bit incredible.

Just like in reality, many people who are used to working overtime can't imagine the environment of the world's Internet giant Google.

But here, this is reality.

Therefore, in addition to the surreal technology provided by Anyang, An's can still attract many of the best elites in society as the dream workplace of countless people, thus making this giant ship more and more indestructible. Especially in branch companies such as Anshi Network Technology, most of the employees here are highly paid people who enjoy extremely high treatment. Even a month's salary can make many people unable to earn a year, and such an environment makes them more This is reflected in being respected as employees, working more relaxed and harder, and creating more wealth for An's, far exceeding the principal of these facilities.

And other companies want to dig people from An's, it has become a fantasy.

Overall, this is a favorable investment.

Gradually, the glass in his hand was empty. The waitress, who looked very good and looked like a college student, changed it for him again. There was still no word in the whole process. It was silent, but quiet. The sense of tranquility, accompanied by soothing music, will undoubtedly make people relax more thoroughly.

But Anyang found that while the waiter was sitting on the slightly dark bar, his eyes kept sweeping on him, with a little curiosity.

She should think of him as the young manager of the company, or the second generation of a big man, and then thought he could not find it, so she has been quietly looking at this man with a little temperament, and he ignored it. Accepting her curious gaze calmly.

Soon, the manager returned with An You and Xiao Xueer.

Anyang put the cup down, patted the folds on the clothes, and stood up to meet them.

Xiao Xueer still smiled sweetly. She looked slightly crooked when she squinted her eyes slightly. She was a little puzzled, but she was hiding in the bottom of her heart, but An You completely wrote the unrealism felt in this line on her face. Without him, An's is really good, and the manager is too enthusiastic, making her feel unrealistic.

Anyang went up and asked, "How are you still satisfied?"

An You didn't answer ~ ~ The manager next to him wiped his sweat again, even though the temperature of the human body is constant throughout the year.

Xiao Xueer smiled: "Well, I'm very satisfied. The environment here is so good. I didn't dare to think of working here."

The manager was relieved, but he didn't expect that his expression was all in Anyou's eyes.

Anyang smiled, patted Xiao Xueer's shoulder, and said, "Just be satisfied, go back and think about which department you want to go to. I will take you to dinner tonight."

Xiao Xueer agreed very well and came up close to him: "Okay, I can eat a big meal for free again."

When they walked out of the company, Anyou's doubts continued.

[It ’s really quite harmful to staying up late. To prevent readers from staying up too late, gold has already accelerated the code word speed. So, readers who are still staying up late and waiting for updates, go to bed as soon as possible. Next time In the middle of the night, Jia will not tell you any more. 】

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