My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 464: You drink tea and talk about life

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Xiao Xueer and An You quickly caught up, and in the laughter of laughter, the boy was completely forgotten.

Anyang bought a glass of iced drink for each of them on the roadside. The two beautiful girls hooked their hands, while the other held the drink while walking and drinking. The picture was very beautiful.

Especially Xiao Xue'er, white skin and tall and tall figure curve, the girl's exquisite appearance and youthful student dress, like the girl who walked out in the comics, if she put on sailor suit, put on black ladies student shoes And black stockings, it would be perfect.

The sky was a little bit dark, and the street lights on the road lit up on time, reflecting the fiery red of the sky.

In the countryside, it is now time to wash and sleep. For a modern city, this is the beginning of a wonderful life. Under the bright lights, each city seems to be a country that never sleeps. Many are not seen during the day. 'S novelty stuff won't show up until then.

Especially in Jinguan City, Yizhou Province, the night also means the beginning of food.

Many people take pets or boyfriends out to walk, and some gray-haired elderly people take walks with their wives, some simply go out to play, or drag their families out to go shopping, making the streets of the night seem more Prosperous and crowded, it's easy to get lost if you don't pay attention.

the weather is nice today.

Anyang smelled a few traces of fragrance, the smell of skewers, and couldn't help but stop.

It's hard to see this kind of junk food in the mission world. He hasn't eaten it for a long time, and he really misses it. After careful calculation, the last time you should eat it, you should go to the street with Ji Weiwei. Say, that really has a lot of time.

"Xiaoyou, Xueer, do you want to eat skewers?"

An You, who looked back in front of her, swallowed her saliva, and then said simply, "No!"

Xiao Xueer's voice said sweetly: "If Brother Anyang wants to eat, I want to eat!"

Anyang turned to look at Anyou: "Do you really not want to eat? I invite you to eat."

Anyou finally couldn't hold back the temptation: "Who wants you to invite me, every time I come out and hold a big money, this time I invite you to eat."

Anyang spread his hands and did not object.

Soon, they brought a bag of skewers and ate while facing the dim street lights and thousands of lights.

Anyang just wanted to try it, but he didn't really think how delicious it was, so he ate a little but didn't eat it, but Anou, who was very firm and said not to eat it, didn't care. It is not uncommon in Jinguan City to walk along the road and eat beautiful skewers. It is also a great scenery here.

Xiao Xue'er was afraid that it was too greasy and would not be good for the skin, and she ate a little but didn't eat it anymore. She began to walk with Anyang and whispered, and from time to time, she gave a sweet laughter and talked to her usual time. The cleanliness of the line is completely different, obviously the deliberately sweet and sweet look.

Anyou finished the food and wiped her mouth unwillingly.

Like Ji Weiwei, this girl is also a typical example of not eating fat at all times, her body is naturally maintained, and her skin is very white.

Perhaps it was enough to eat and drink, and her mood was a little flying, and she no longer cared about Anyang. She would talk about anything when she met the roadside.

"Come on, Xueer, the little yellow man in the window is so cute!"

Xiao Xueer said indifferently: "Brother Anyang is here, shall he let you buy it for you?"

"Uh, I suddenly felt that it was not good-looking."


"Xueer, look, that dress is also pretty good, the white one!"

Xiao Xueer stared at the front calmly, keeping her pace without stopping: "Brother Anyang bought a lot of clothes for you. You tell him that he will definitely buy it for you."

"Well, why mention this, I mean it looks good on you."

after awhile.

"Xue'er, look at that poster, the one on the billboard, and the model's legs are so beautiful."

Anyang twitched and finally couldn't help but say: "You said you are a girl, make a fuss, just talk about dolls and clothes. You have to comment on the legs of women. I don't know if I'm a hooligan. ! "

An You hummed: "If you want to control it, it is beautiful, long, white and straight!"

Anyang looked up and pouted: "The technology is so advanced this year, maybe it's a technical product, maybe it's what it is!"

An You rarely saw an opposite tone with him, but agreed: "That's right, there is a girl in our class. The photos sent to the space and the circle of friends are like the fairy out of the dream. I don't know how many people have cheated. It turned out to be a big bite in reality! "

After a pause, she glanced at Xiao Xueer: "Still Xueer's legs look good!"

Anyang walked in the back, An You and Xiao Xueer walked in the front, if he wanted to see, Xiao Xueer's pair of extremely eye-catching beauty--legs were undoubtedly in front of him. So his eyes moved down slightly, and suddenly saw the straight long legs sway in front, the rhythm of walking was a little elegant.

If a girl's legs were whiter and more symmetrical this year, she would already be beautiful. Xiao Xue'er was tall and slender, and her legs occupied the perfect proportion of her body. She looked slender and straight. People, beautiful curves, coupled with the girl's delicate white delicate skin ......

It's totally temptation!

Immediately above is the firm buttocks, because it is not old, so it is not big, but it is well developed and looks very round and upright.

Anyang quickly drew back his gaze, and the girls' beautiful legs were too tempting for men.

Shopping at night is like this. Either walk quietly for a few days, you can buy a drink to drink while walking to make adjustments, or just eat snacks and buy some gadgets that can only be seen at the night market.

Anyang lifted his watch to see that the time was almost up, and said, "Let's go back, I will send you back."

An You reached out and pointed to another path: "A good horse can't go back to the grass, and can go back here!"

So the three people went back to the parking place from this road.

In the car.

Anyang turned his head and asked, "Which school do you two go to?"

Xiao Xueer said: "Back to our school, because Xiaoyou and their dormitory have summer projects near the dormitory, and it is very dusty, so it is not convenient to apply for overnight accommodation. It is just that our school can apply for renting a teacher ’s apartment during the summer vacation. This small suite can live for two months. "

"So, don't you live in the original dorm?"

"Well, there are not many people in the whole building of the dormitory during the summer vacation. They live in a scary place, and the conditions are not good enough."

"Wait for Xueer when you enter the school.

"Okay, then I will sit in front!"

Anyang braked with one foot, and the car stopped steadily.

Xiao Xueer changed from the back seat to the co-pilot, with a slight shy face, and the red was very cute.

And the girls ’delicate and beautiful legs—the legs were lying side by side. For comfort reasons, they were pointing right at him. The skin could be blown, and there was no gap between the curvy legs. Very ladylike, but the little temptation is full.

An You pouted her lips in the back without speaking.

What kind of guidance is clearly an excuse, is it afraid that there is no chance to sit in front of it!

The car drove smoothly, and soon entered the school, following Xiao Xueer's guidance to the teacher's apartment they rented.

An You can't wait to get out and close the door with a bang.

Xiao Xueer also opened the door and got out of the car, but pulled the door: "Brother Anyang, come and drink a glass of water. I bought black tea."

Anyang smiled and said: "It's not too late, your little Qian sister is still waiting for me at home."

Xiao Xueer froze for a moment, his eyes darkened a little, and then smiled sweetly again: "Aren't you going to see Xiaoyou's residence?"

Anyang hesitated a little and looked at Anyou with a calm expression next to her. Nodding, she silently turned off the car: "Alright."

The smile on Xiao Xue'er's face bloomed. Fortunately, it was night, and there were few people on vacation. Otherwise, if it was seen, it would have caused a wave of gossip about the cold goddess of the Department of Architecture. After all, her gestures and smiles are really rare, not to mention inviting people to visit her residence, which is unbelievable.

Anyang followed them upstairs, the lights of the corridor were dim, voice-activated, and garbage was occasionally piled up in the corner.

It seems that the conditions are not very good. It is estimated that it is still some years old. It is a very old-style building, like a unit distribution building of the last century, but after all, it is a teacher apartment for single teachers in the school. The dormitory is much more comfortable.

Xiao Xueer inserted the key into the keyhole, and in a slight rattle, the shabby old security door was opened. The whole process was matched with the dark lights of the corridor. Or those very old small-investment family TV series.

"This dormitory building has been under repair for a long time. Brother Anyang should not be surprised."

"How come, school, everything is like that!"

Anyang said quietly, but he noticed that as soon as the door opened ~ ~ as soon as the light was turned on, the warmth of the room was revealed.

The building frame outside is very old, but the inside is very nice, bright floor tiles, suspended ceilings and reddish yellow lights, clean furniture, soft sofas and coffee tables, LCD TVs are all available, and air conditioning, a It was renovated in recent years, and it is very warm.

Xiao Xueer explained, "This is a teacher's house. She is going to leave because of summer vacation. We happen to be renting a house. I have a good relationship with her. I rent it to us at the same price as other poorly decorated teacher apartments Now, let's clean up for her. "

Anyang nodded, but looked at a bedroom inside.

A little doll hung from the door handle of the bedroom, which looked cute and girlish.

Xiao Xueer walked over and opened the door: "This is the bedroom. It was originally the teacher's. Xiaoyou and I cleaned it and changed the sheets and bedding. By the way, we simply decorated it. Will Brother Anyang come in to see Look? Ah yes, I have n’t made tea for Anyang brother! "

Anyou's face suddenly darkened.

Would you like to invite him to sit in bed again?

Anyang shook his head: "The bedroom will not be seen. The environment of this room is not bad. The dormitory is not standardized and there are no security measures. The school is on summer vacation. Most of the students are not in the school. Some people who are not clean in society come in. "

Xiao Xueer nodded with a smile.

An You went to the bedroom with a black face: "You drink tea and talk about life, I will take a shower first!"

Anyang was stunned.

Soon, she came out with a pile of clothes, obviously pajamas.

Xiao Xueer smiled sweetly, shaking her graceful posture and walking past Anyang: "I will make tea for Anyang brother."

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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