My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 467: Bunny Massage

For a long time, Anyang closed the book. .し wχS520.

He was suddenly wondering how stupid he was to seek absolute killing in magic in the pursuit of power.

This is related to the background of the Taoist law system.

Because the world of China has never been invaded by foreigners, it is not as tense as Azeroth. The environment is relatively simple, and both the monks and the mountain spirits are actually detached from mortals. It can be said that they have always been in a high position. Not much threat and pressure.

Under such circumstances, the Taoist law system has no external stimulus, develops very slowly, is relatively free and peaceful, and rarely seeks to kill.

Many so-called wandering Taoists dared to break through the rivers and lakes in the name of practitioners without knowing where to learn some small spells. Throughout the famous various avenues, either pursuing a prosperous life, or seeking truth or evolving into immortality, martial arts such as Shushan pursuing kendo and pure Yangmen who concentrate on studying spells are basically non-mainstream.

These circumstances did not begin to change until Anyang moved into the predominantly China and integrated the Quartet with iron fists.

However, the development of spells is similar to technology. It is difficult to blow out without a strong stimulus. It is difficult to change the nature of the Taoist law system in a while.

"I'm actually struggling to find the weakest part of the Daoist system. It's really a matter of ignoring this!"

Anyang put down this "Introduction to Chengyin Real People", thinking about the nature of Taoism described above, and thought it was very thought-provoking. It is no wonder that this book can be included in the Kunlun Mountain Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

It may be necessary for me to list this book as one of the necessary publications of the Empire's "National Center for the Training of Talents".

But he felt there was another thing more necessary.

That is to supervise the Ministry of Education to regulate the naming format of professional books by the monks in the Divine World!

It seems that people in the Shenzhou World have such a habit of writing books. Taking some names can't understand them at all, and they are not easy to understand at all.

For example, in this "Written Talks of Chengyin Real People", if you don't look carefully, who knows that you are discussing the Taoist Law System!

You see how good the name of the paper written by Antonidas's teacher Antonidas is!

"Cause and Effect of War: A Comprehensive Study of the Orcs' Weakness"

"Comparison of orc customs, sociology and psychological behavior before and after the Second War"

"Experimental Research on the System and History of Fel Magic and Their Relationship with the Orc Race"

It's easy to understand and point out the central theme. It sounds very professional. You can know what is written in it at a glance!

This is the format that the Shenzhou World needs to learn, and it also needs to learn the research atmosphere contained in it.

For the Taoist law system, its real advantage is that it is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is in harmony with nature and can be small.

For example, the technique of attracting lightning, as well as the great power of Kunlun Mountain to remove Demon Sky Lei, are based on their own mana and Dao behavior, using magic spells and fingerprints or even magic instruments and magic arrays to seduce the power of the world and attract. Huang Huang Tianwei, the energy expended by itself is very different from the energy exploded.

This is different from science and technology. Science and technology weapons exert as much power as they have in their own energy. These can be calculated using a fixed formula.

But the spell has something to do with one's own way of doing things. It also casts a unit of power. Some people can provoke the sky thunder, some people can only burst the arc. The mana consumed by Dayan to eliminate Demon Sky Thunder is naturally far from the magical power of lightning, and correspondingly, the power of the heaven and earth it mobilizes is also stronger and achieves a stronger effect.

This ratio is not absolute, and is related to the structure and nature of the spell.

And the killing effect is not linked to the released energy!

Anyang suddenly realized that he seemed to be taking the wrong path.

For ordinary people, the killing cost of Nightmare and Curse is actually higher than that of Lightning, and it is almost irresistible.

The best way for a monk to defeat a mortal army is to poison it with evil art. This kind of "poison" does not need to be placed in the army's food, nor does it have to be exhausted into the water source, only by the spell, Immediately can kill a large group of mortals, no matter what kind of weapons they carry, even if everyone is driving an alien fighter with the ability to destroy the earth, it can only be easily dropped.

Although the palm thunder in Kunlun Mountain is well-known, but it really fights, if it does not have that powerful exorcism characteristic, it may not be able to beat the stone giant, and when it is also against a non-evil enemy, the practicability of palm thunder is not as powerful Stone giant.

In this way, the evil puppet technique and the psychic art of mountains and waters are really practical. The only bad thing is that the evil puppet can not be seen during the day!

Therefore, Anyang decided to give up the obsession of simply pursuing the killing spell in the future, and to revise some comprehensive spells.

But before that, he has to study some of the "yinqi side", "strange side", and "soul body side" spells on the one hand, in order to supplement his knowledge gap in this area, so that he will When you are on this kind of enemy, you can know yourself and each other, on the other hand, it is to teach Comrade Xiaoqian.

After all, Comrade Xiaoqian still has a strong desire to learn.

Today, Haoxuan answered Comrade Xiaoqian ’s question. If Comrade Xiaoqian asked him later, he did n’t know, how embarrassing!

This feeling of teaching Xiaoqian to learn spells reminded him that when Xiaoqian first came to the real world, he taught Xiaoqian to recognize simplified Chinese characters and Arabic numerals and how to integrate Xiaoqian into the world. Probably Xiaoqian also felt this, so when teaching her spells, she always had a light smile on her face.

At that time, Xiao Qian arrived at first, uneasy and confused, and she didn't understand anything. It was easy to be nervous, panicked, and surprised. Even the street was very cramped. So that she faced this strange world cautiously, fearing that she would make mistakes, showing the weakness of the classical woman everywhere, which was particularly pitiful.

Fortunately, Comrade Xiaoqian is very smart and adapts quickly under his comfort. Now she can calmly face the world, and she has been able to stand with him in the process of constantly familiarizing herself with everything her husband has contacted There was no inferiority and weakness at the beginning.

But Xiao Qian's reliance on Anyang is still the same as before, and she is still charming and soft, gentle and charming in front of Anyang.

Probably because of what she said, in this world, she only has him?

Correspondingly, Anyang also wanted to maintain the image in Xiaoqian's heart. He didn't want Xiaoqian to let him teach her spells one day, but he couldn't help it.

"I seem to be getting busy now!"

Anyang sighed and rubbed his head on the recliner.

It didn't take long for him to feel that his hands were gently massaging his head. The technique was very rusty, but his fingers were delicate and tender, which added a lot.

The keen perception tells him that this is not Xiao Qian, but rabbit essence.

He opened his eyes, sure enough!

The rabbit essence bent slightly, and her hanging hair touched his face, and the pure face was in front of him, which was particularly beautiful and charming, and she leaned her head as if thinking about what she was thinking, her five fingers carefully on his head. Force, changing position and strength from time to time indefinitely.

Anyang feels that she should have studied Xiaoqian.


At night, after dinner, he entered the end of the world.

As the first natural world he entered, the power of the Doomsday world is obviously not high, which is in line with his early strength, but here is also his first door to build space, to establish a natural world belonging to his forces, so There is something special in his mind.

Although the Doomsday world has a small population, little development potential, no developed technology or other special capabilities as a foundation, and the time flow rate is slow, it is the most complete world he controls. It can be said that the Huaibei base is a machine loyal to him , Based entirely on his development.

So he is always willing to invest more in the end world.

Science and technology, population, Taoism ...

A dark blue hole appeared in his office, and the man who walked out closed it casually, restoring calm.

The guards who had kept their posts outside still stood upright, and the strong armor accompanied by a straight posture made them appear more powerful.

Anyang was silent, looking at the neat pile of documents on the desk, feeling a little helpless.

It seems that the world of apocalypse has only passed for more than a month, how can it feel that it is a lot of things!

There are also several red-covered document bags, which are put together separately, which means that some important documents require him to sign for approval, or some events or bills that the Huaibei high-level council does not have the authority to decide are waiting for him to nod before reviewing. Start planning.

Anyang sat down on his chair and quickly understood the reason for so many documents.

Because the reform he announced last time before he left was too big and too shocking, most of these documents reported on the progress and achievements of the law ’s popularization of education, and there was a report on the formation of the special competence control department, which required him to screen and decide Important candidates, or the result of immigration from China World ...

All you have to do is look at it, and the people under you are doing very well without worrying about it.

Anyang swept at random, then looked at the red file bags again, and then got up and pushed the door and went out.

The guards outside stood upright and saluted: "Sir!"

In the armor, the soldier's face was full of excitement. He had been on duty for so long. After so many shifts, he met with the return of the chief.

He felt it was time for him to buy a lottery ticket and give it a try!

Anyang nodded his head and was about to leave ~ ~ Suddenly he walked and turned around and said, "I go out and walk, you inform the members of the base's parliament, and then call the army general, tonight The meeting is at eight in the General Assembly Hall. "

The soldier immediately saluted again: "Yes, sir!"

Anyang nodded and left the office and walked out of the military and political building.

Not far away, a few special silver-white armor figures were approaching quickly, hiding in the light blue arc.

Walking to the street, Anyang had to lament that the colonial policy was indeed correct.

The base is now more alive than before!

And as long as you do not take the AI ​​civilization route, population is the foundation of everything!

Although Anyang is busy, he has a lot of idle time, and he does not have to worry about security issues, which gives him more opportunities to understand the people's feelings. A way to feel the base order from the most common people.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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