My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 469: Technology, Taoism and Magic

readx (); Anyang did not hear the comments of the review policy, but it can be seen from the side that the current base is moving towards glory.

This is an era of doomsday. In this land of **** killing, most survivors are wandering on the edge of life and death, looking for poor food on the edge of the city full of zombies, and wild and violent mutants in the wild. Dance together.

At the same time, the filth of human nature began to erupt, making the general environment more evil.

But at the Huaibei base, there are students sitting in the tea house and drinking tea in the afternoon. There are people who work for the base and those who work hard to sit together and chat, discuss politics, or educate their juniors. Jealous.

The reason is actually very simple.

They have n’t worried about the threat of zombies for a long time, and they have n’t even seen zombies for a long time. They have a modern city, a steady supply of food, a strong and trustworthy army, and an enlightened government ...

So there is no need for other words, just this calm and laid back that seems so luxurious in the end, their expression and appearance are enough to serve as the best proof of the prosperity of the base, so that he can rest assured enough to return to the office to deal with political affairs!

This included the decree that the group had just discussed the expansion of the base.

Zhou Mingyuan has proposed the plan, and he is also ready to approve. Now that the base has the conditions for expansion, only after this group of immigrants from Shenzhou World has completed basic education, they can immediately invest in the new base to contribute to his career. .

At eight o'clock in the evening, the meeting started at the base's Great Hall.

This time, in addition to the members of the Huaibei Parliament, including Zhou Mingyuan, Chen Yafei, Zhai Liying, Chang Hui and other veterans, there are also many army generals.

As soon as Anyang walked in, he found these generals in brand new black military uniforms.

Each of them has a shining military rank, a tall and upright posture, a firm and solemn face, and a stern eyebrow, and it is very eye-catching to sit neatly in a row. They have much higher physical qualities than ordinary people, and the special ability conferred by the badge. Under the policy, they quickly stepped into the threshold of monasticism. Almost everyone was fighting from the battlefield. At this time, the momentum gathered together naturally. It radiated out and caused considerable pressure to the maid in charge of water beside him.

And the most terrifying thing is a group of people sitting behind them. They have scarlet eyes, both men and women. Although their faces are plain and impermanent, but somehow it is chilling. For the maid who knows a little about their identity, they have no heart at all. Different from facing demons.

Obviously, to accept them, the base will take a lot of time.

Anyang didn't care, walked to the front and cleared his throat, said a few words at random, then opened the 3D suspended projection and started talking about the business. dudu1 ();

The first to approve was the development plan of the base, and he expanded the expedition scale that Zhou Mingyuan expected a lot, because he had made up his mind that he would embark on a larger scale immigration from the Divine World, which would be enough to support the base to conquer a lot of land. Expand his influence even wider.

"Now the base has seven sub-bases, basically occupying Xuechuan and Xifeng provinces. I saw Lao Zhou's plan to send troops to open up larger territories, but I need to make breakthroughs from both the north and the south at the same time. The current preliminary plan is to go directly into place Complete the occupation of Luoxiao and Shanbei. "

"You must have heard of these two provinces. One of them has the largest oil field in the world, and the other has rich steel production. Both of them are necessary for the future development of our base, so we must win this expedition. If you meet the survivor's power, the block can be eliminated directly. "

"As for the population, I will increase colonial efforts. The army needs to be prepared to cooperate with the master. During this period, the military and industry will also need to come up with detailed planning books during the expansion of the military and industry. The first step in oil is to declare war on the zombies. "

The generals of the army immediately became excited, and the legislators looked at each other and declared war on the zombies. Doesn't that mean recapture the whole country?

They know that as long as there are enough people, the base army can do this at any time!

And after that? Restart the glory of human civilization and unify the world? Build a new civilization where Dao law and science and technology compete for brilliance?

Members of the Political Department felt full of pride when they thought about it, and they were undoubtedly the generation of legends.

It is not impossible for celebrities to live forever as long as they have really good political achievements!

By comparison, army generals are much simpler. They just saw a lot of wars, and that is the game that makes them bloody!

Even if the supreme chief lets them cooperate with the ruler, the rank of the empress among the rulers is not lower than the highest rate of the army. The supreme chief may promise to give them the same status as humans, so no one will look at them with strange eyes. However, after all, the master has no army. They may be able to help the base drive away the zombies in the city and defend against the zombie tide, so that the zombies become a living target when facing the army, but they cannot directly kill the zombies.

If the highest chief wants to complete the unification, then the zombies cannot exist. It is impossible to drive them out, and they will never be passively defended again. The base will take the initiative to destroy all zombies. At that time, most of the military power will still fall into the possession of powerful forces and Destructive weapons of the human army!

And to deal with other human survivors, it is simply the military merits on the floor waiting to be picked up!

Only the zombie masters were a little upset, especially the enchanting female zombie master who was named the queen by Anyang.

After all, they are zombies after all. Although the zombies that the Huaibei base is about to eliminate have no IQ, they are still their kind. dudu2 ();

They are a little worried that when there are no more zombies in this world and human civilization is restored, will the base immediately "destroy" them!

Several masters looked at each other, the expression on their faces was very stiff and helpless, obviously they also knew that the current base with their help will make it easier to fight the zombies, but without them they can still fight this war without any disadvantages, and they There is no capital to rebel against the base.

Not to mention the control of the badge, even an armored soldier can kill them in the army!

Anyang has a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, but he still has nothing to say, and soon plans to expand the territory.

"In addition, the second point I want to talk about today, this old week has a little understanding, the problem caused by the time flow rate."

"Some human generals have participated in my cross-world expedition, and some of my colleagues’ colleagues are still in charge of the overall situation in Shenzhou World. I have also told you that the speed of the Shenzhou world is more than three times faster than this world, and nearly four times Look, so I have a proposal. "

"Now that we are in the base with population inflows, we need more troops, but the army is not only blessed with badges, but also needs training. The time it consumes will undoubtedly slow down the base's upcoming recovery plan, so I think it can Select an instructor to send the army to Shenzhou World for training. "



"This is a good way!"

"I agree too!"

Anyang glanced silently, said lightly: "So, then plan well, I will review and sign."

In fact, he can directly choose and train the army among the civilians of Shenzhou World, but once his big plan has not been implemented in Shenzhou World, many policies including "tax exemption" and "increasing production" have not yet played a role to let him Receiving the love and loyalty of all civilians, secondly, the popularization of cultural education and technology education in the Shenzhou World is still short. The civilians have no knowledge of science and technology. Even many people ca n’t recognize two, and they should be allowed to drive everywhere. The high-tech individual armor is really embarrassing, and the space-time forces system can hardly make up for the civilization gap.

Anyang continued to talk about most of the recent development directions.

Below Zhou Mingyuan's secretary kept pen and paper and kept recording. dudu3 ();

It wasn't until his mouth was a little dry that he had to say it, and it was fortunate that his brain was now supported, otherwise he wouldn't think so much in a short time.

Next is the recent military and political reports of the parliamentarians, and he makes additional adjustments and discusses amendments if he makes mistakes.

The original doomsday world technology will be a little ahead of the real world ~ ~ The central empire is also a superpower. Technology is ahead of China for decades, and later got the technology of deep space amnesia and Marvel world, Anyang issued The policy also encourages scientific research, which can be described as a period of rapid technological development.

Biotechnology and military technology are boiling, and it was at this time that he joined the Taoist law system.

Listening to several students in the teahouse said that after all, it was too one-sided. Moreover, most of the brilliance that Daofa burst out in this short period of time did not come from the people. Only after a narrator named Lan Chengxiang did he understand what he left behind. What effect has the legal system achieved.

Not mentioned by the Ministry of Political Affairs.

The soldiers in the army have badges, and the proportion of high-level units is larger, which led them to quickly enter the door during the practice of Taoism. Just like the original Anyang, many soldiers have now greatly improved their overall quality and have mastered Mana and a few simple spells are even more powerful!

The craziest thing is the group of realistic researchers.

Seeking the essence of science, they saw a system other than science and were undoubtedly greatly affected.

But when they found that this system is also perfect, they can also conduct in-depth research and development, they can analyze and trace the essence of all things from another angle, and even combine with technology to learn from each other. Start to study Taoism constantly.

This is exactly what Anyang wants to see.

The addition of Taoism is like two completely different substances coming into contact with each other and starting a wonderful chemical reaction!

At this time, Anyang joined the Arcane Magic System.

He changed a slide projection to add a heavy burden to the Ministry of Education, which is running at a high speed!

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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