My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 475: Sovereignty declaration

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

When Anyang came to the living room, this outfit with his temperament made him the focus of onlookers.

In fact, this is not the case. In this villa, he has always been the focus of this peerless beauty, but today is different.

If in the past he had converged his sharp edge in the real world and showed himself to the ordinary, then he is now full of temperament, even in the mission world, there is little majesty that has been exposed, like a halo The same surrounds him, and calmly contrasts with each other.

The rabbit looked up at him staring blankly, with a little light shining in its ruby ​​eyes.

She has seen such an extraordinary Anyang, when it was in the back hill of Shenzhou World Village.

At the beginning, Anyang was powerful and imposing, and he was ruthless in killing many demon who were driven by the six filthy demon, which made her fearful of panic. He was calm and indulgent, and sometimes even confused her.

The same is true of Huang Lan and Xiao Chan.

Especially Xiao Chan, she probably depends on Anyang most, but she is also very afraid of Anyang, which is not without reason.

Immediately afterwards, the rabbit essence saw the same dress, holding Anyang's arm, dignified and gentle Xiao Qian.

She was confused in her eyes, and the scenes she saw in the movie flashed through her head, and suddenly realized that this is the rhythm of going out!

She quickly grabbed Anyang's corner while Anyang was passing by her, her squeezed hands squeezed hard, and looked up at him pitifully and seriously.

"I and I have practiced very seriously these two days!"

Coupled with her serious look, the red, crystal-clear eyes flickered involuntarily.

Anyang was stunned, reaching for her head and rubbing her head: "Good boy, I need to do something again, wait at home, I will come back to take you out to play!"

The rabbit bit his lip and didn't speak, but his expression became more pitiful.

Anyang sighed, and his expression suddenly became stiff, coupled with his serious temperament was very deterrent, and his voice became a little deeper. In a few days, I thought about being lazy again! "

Rabbit Jing was a little afraid of him at this time, and let go of his hand weakly.

Xiaoqian stood next to her, who was extremely pitiful, suddenly smiled slightly and said, "If you are willing to become a rabbit, I will take you out."

The rabbit was stunned.

Anyang also froze.

Even Xiao Chan and Huang Lan next to them did not respond to what Xiao Qian was doing.

ten minutes later.

Dressed in a custom-made suit, Anyang, whose hair was also meticulously ridiculous, was particularly mature and tall, and a little handsome. He quickly sat on the black Rolls-Royce phantom parked at the gate of the villa. Exudes some natural majesty that has been high for a long time.

Xiaoqian came in from the other side of the car door. She was wearing a white dress. The tailoring curve outlined the slim and tall figure. The design style further complemented her classic gentle temperament. The soft fabric material and the white and delicate luster The skin shines brightly.

She dressed in a classical white dress seemed to have similarities and similarities when she was dressed like this. They were all so beautiful.

The slender waist and the full-bodied peaks form a tempting ups and downs. The delicate collarbone is on the top. A simple sterling silver necklace hangs on the neck. Immediately added dazzling brilliance. The dress has a skirt and split ends, and the snow-white shapely and straight legs show the perfect lines that ordinary people can't reach. In her arms, she also holds a very beautiful little white rabbit.

Anyang and Xiaoqian sat together, a faint fragrance filled the car.

With a loud bang, the door of the driver's seat closed, and the young and capable woman started the car skillfully and left slowly.

Going down the hill is the Panshan Highway, but sitting in the car can not feel the slightest abnormality.

Comrade Xiaoqian freed one hand to hold Anyang's arm and turned to look at the scenery flying away outside the window.

The rabbit looks perfect after being refined into a body. The fur is white as snow, soft and clean, with a pair of ruby-like crystal clear eyes, the body is small and light and full of sensibility, quietly staying in the arms of Comrade Xiao Qian, turning his head from time to time Staring at Anyang.

The confused eyes always make people feel very confusing.

Anyang feels strange. For the first time, he saw the body of the rabbit essence. He could not help reaching out and kneading her body. The touch was very soft.

The car gradually entered the urban area, but it drove through the bustling downtown and gradually entered the remote area.

The sycamore trees that are growing well around cover the sunlight and cast a shade on the ground, which makes the road look very quiet. Occasionally, there are pedestrians passing by, and the three rounds of manpower that have not been seen for a long time are crunching, and there are some very simple buildings next to it, as if to pull people back to the old Jinguan twenty years ago.

Among the small shops in a row, a building with simple and heavy decoration is so conspicuous, such as a castle standing in a private house.

Especially the row of vehicles parked in front of this building, there are no luxury cars or gorgeous sports cars, only the license plate number that represents the highest authority in the city, and there are usually hard to see Most of those belong to the military or special departments.

If luxury cars are proof of wealth, then these license plates are badges of rights. It is no exaggeration to say that if a rich second-generation Lamborghini drove over at this time, even if he wiped a Toyota's side, he would not be able to bear the consequences.

Rolls-Royce stopped slowly at the door of this building, and immediately a waiter came to negotiate.

Anyang got off and looked around lightly.

In fact, he had been to this place, and it was not far from Jinguan University City. At first, he and Ji Weiwei had walked past this place, but at the time, he didn't expect that this building that stood out from the crowd could even be a platform for personal communications among the powerful.

Not far away, a few middle-aged men got out of the car and greeted each other. When they saw the figures standing silent, they bowed slightly to show respect.

The waiters opened their eyes wide, but dared not say a word.

Some of them took their wives, some of them did not, but on this occasion, they certainly did not dare to bring the women who were outside!

The doorman is familiar with the parking, and hides vehicles with extraordinary license plates in the underground garage.

All of this has aroused the attention of many pedestrians.

Anyang glanced at the bodyguard carried by a middle-aged man recently and led Xiao Qian into the gate.

The young man in a suit and leather shoes at the door glanced at the rabbit that Xiao Qian held in one hand, and just wanted to open her mouth, but she wisely closed her mouth when she saw this battle.

It wasn't until I walked into this vast building that a red carpet was shown under the brilliant lights. As I went deeper, there was a whole row of tall girls with long legs and long legs splitting to the roots in the second door. Only then did luxury and extravagance show.

Because the identity of the customer is special, these exhibitions cannot be exposed outside the door!

"Welcome, please come here."

The welcoming girl also glanced at the rabbit in Xiaoqian's hands, her eyes lit up, hesitated again, or chose to ignore them.

On such a formal occasion, bringing pets is not very good, but since no one is blocking them at the gate, they will naturally not touch this mold.

None of the guests here can offend, especially today. Those people are usually enough for them to look forward to stuttering, but today these unborn faces are undoubtedly those who stand at the top. Such people usually do not come here easily. Once they gather here, it is a big deal.

Rabbit Jing looked up and looked around, struggling in the arms of Comrade Xiao Qian, suddenly jumped aside.

Anyang had no choice but to catch it and swept down her dress, and felt that holding a cute little white rabbit was really ridiculous.

The originally mature and upright posture suddenly became a little weird, and the majestic and calm attitude disappeared.

The big man in the palm of his hand holding a little white rabbit on a formal occasion is a bit of a violation.

It's just that no one dares to laugh at him, and no one has the right to blame him. The rules that restrict the behavior of other people present can be ignored in their eyes.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the lobby, the fairy-like Xiao Qian immediately won all the glory, but Anyang holding the little white rabbit got all the attention.

Comrade Xiaoqian smiled, and took the rabbit essence consciously.

Anyang didn't change his face, he sorted out his clothes and stepped in calmly.

Comrade Xiao Qian held his hand a little behind and set his position clearly.

In fact, she does n’t have to do this at all. As Anyang ’s partner, they are equal. She has the qualification to enter and leave the world with him. Even today, the mother and No. 1 have not participated in many important occasions. There are still some concepts that are difficult to change.

This is probably her most attractive point.

Suddenly it was quiet all around. I do n’t know how many people put down their glasses to show respect for those who held their lives and even their thoughts.

In fact, they are more familiar with Xiaoqian, a woman of unbelievable beauty, just like a beautiful goddess in a classical fairyland, but she has been in control of all rights of Yizhou Province and even the surroundings for so long, whether right or wrong ~ Everything she said is beyond doubt!

For a few people, this is probably the first time I have seen the Lord.

Sure enough, as rumored, they are a husband and wife relationship!

Xiao Qian, who had a strong personality and even used formidable methods when dealing with certain things, was quietly and calmly doing the foiling. It seemed that this was a normal thing, but she certainly did not know that she was In the eyes of many people with great power, they are as tall as goddesses.

She is just beside her husband, who is a nice little wife.

Anyang sat down in the top position, looking calm and silent, letting the rabbits jump to the table and looking around curiously.

This is a tour of the forces he controls and a declaration of his sovereignty and status!

[I ’m not an aunt, I ’m a handsome guy, a handsome young college handsome guy! 】

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