My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 483: Bombard roadblock

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

"Optimus Prime? My companion is on the way."

The bumblebee said so.

? 32? "You should be able to contact him, then, maybe you should tell him what I said."

Bumblebee glanced at him without a word, his body began to transform into a cool shape, and turned into a yellow used sports car, driving directly into the boundless darkness.

The roar of the engine gradually went away, and the taillights also gradually blurred on the highway, so Anyang reacted.

"I don't even say hello. It's a bad manners transformer."

There was a metallic click, and the silver-white armor spread rapidly from behind him until it covered his entire body, turning him into a humanoid armor.

"Oh ~"

The light blue flame sprayed out under his feet, accompanied by the white-yellow flame in the palm of his hand, driving him to skyward, chasing him in just ten seconds in the direction of the bumblebee leaving, and flying over him. The city center.

Back in the room, Anyang removed his armor and drank a cup of tea before he discovered that the Hornet had returned.

He pursed his lips, turned back to his room and finished washing, and then took out a thick and bulky book in his bathrobe and read it.

Learning arcane magic and Taoism is harder than the original college entrance examination.

If these books are those literary masterpieces, then he is now properly covered in literature and art.

It is a pity that these books are either magical and Taoist analysis of mysterious gods, or extremely deep professional knowledge in the two systems, as well as some strange records and strange talks, or strong research papers, which can only Become an uncompromising big stick.

The next day, in the afternoon.

The bumblebee started on its own, circled around Sam's house, stopped under each window, and seemed to be looking for Sam.

After about two or three minutes, Sam opened the door in a panic and rushed out of the bicycle. While anxiously calling the phone, he rushed to the road, looking for a crowded place at a very fast speed, and looked back from time to time. Like some flood beast chasing him.

Behind him is a worn second-hand Camaro sports car.

If you look closely, you will find that there are no drivers on this used car.

Anyang stood in front of the window on the second floor, watching the bumblebee chasing Sam away, disappearing at the end of the street.

It seems that the Transformers warrior who is mainly responsible for the investigation and spy missions is really smart, knowing that he has to prepare for both hands.

It ca n’t be said that the Hornet did n’t believe in himself enough, he did n’t deny himself, but he still did n’t give up getting the coordinates on the glasses from Sam, so that it would almost guarantee foolproof, no matter which side made mistakes or lost clues, he could continue to look for energy Piece.

Two-pronged approach, but I do not know whether it is Optimus Prime's wisdom or the Hornet's mind.

As a deputy commander of the commando and a pioneer who came to earth, this guy should not be completely brainless.

Speaking of combat effectiveness, limited to the size of the body, Bumblebee does not actually dominate, and those who perform detection and spy missions in the army are often very powerful with excellent comprehensive capabilities, and their minds and survivability are indispensable.

Anyang stood for a while before going downstairs without any trouble, and walked from the other side of the road to another abandoned factory.

Having said that, in the sci-fi American blockbuster, the US emperor is really abandoned factories everywhere!

As the sky neared dusk, he arrived at the factory and found a place to sit and wait quietly.

Ten minutes later, Sam rushed in in a panic on his bicycle, and the Hornet chased behind.

The two worn-out used sports cars at this time showed better performance than the new car, and things that had not been controlled by Sam and turned off did not happen at all.

Anyang noticed sharply on the other side, a compact, sturdy, fierce Ford Mustang police car drove in, and issued intermittent sirens.

Seeing this, Sam quickly drove to the police car.

The bumblebee slowed down silently, turning the car body to seem to leave, but hiding in the corner of the factory.

Having said that, this guy really understands his strengths and weaknesses, so he tries his best to avoid confrontation with the enemy to avoid damage to himself. For example, in the face of the deceptive hunters and scouts-roadblocks, he is very wise I chose not to expose myself temporarily.

It is really a small body responsible for detection and intelligence tasks.

Anyang took the individual soldier's energy gun in his hand, opened the optical stealth module, and quietly bypassed some factory facilities and came behind the roadblock.

Sam was undoubtedly very happy to meet the police here.

Only he never imagined that the protector in his eyes was the hostile evil, and what he feared was his guardian.

Sam immediately rushed towards the police car in a car and shouted, "Sir!"

But just as he was about to rush past the police car from the side of the police car, the door of the police car suddenly opened, knocking him to the ground with a bang.

Then the unknown Sam continued to try to call for help from the 3D police projection simulated in the police car, but the police car ignored him at all, just when he patted the hood and accused himself of being chased by the Hornet all the way while riding a bicycle. The roadblock finally lost patience.


The police car suddenly started the engine, rushed forward and knocked him to the ground.

Sam backed and rolled a few times, but the police car didn't stop at all, rushing forward and braking urgently, threatening him.

"No, no, parking, no ... ah! God, okay, okay, enough, please stop!"

As the sound of the engine became more fierce, Sam became more and more frightened. He was really afraid that the car would suddenly kill him.

"Sorry, I didn't want to touch your car, stop it!"

At this moment, the headlights of the police car suddenly stretched out, accompanied by sharp metal nails, reaching Sam's face.

The two nail claws stretched more than a meter long, and surrounded Sam in front of the front of the car like a guardrail, continued to rush forward and then braked urgently, constantly intimidating the poor high school student until he moved forward for ten meters. Only then was contented and retracted the extended headlights and nail claws.

But the next second, a series of mechanical sounds sounded.

This compact and fierce Ford Mustang police car opened from the door, the shape of the whole body changed suddenly, the red energy center was revealed, and the whole body suddenly became a five-meter-high black robot with a slender and strong, cruel and gritty head. The eyes flashed with blood.

Sam opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it was true.

Then, he showed the excellent qualities of the protagonist in the American blockbuster, and found that he could not turn around and ran away.

A horrified shout and heavy footsteps became the main theme of this factory.

"Oh **** it! God! Damn it, ah! Damn it!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ..."

The factory environment is more complicated, and it is not suitable for big guys like Transformers, but how can Sam ’s short legs run through a robot that is five meters high. Although the roadblock is suppressed by the complicated terrain, the footstep frequency is not chased after less than 20 meters. He got on him and flew him away with a single wave.


Sam's figure smashed heavily on a car, and the front windshield shattered inch by inch.

He finally got up, but his eyes were full of terror.

But when Yu Guang swept away, he saw a silver-white human-shaped armor in the rear through the gap between the legs of the robot, which was almost as tall as the ordinary person, holding a single-artillery gun with a sci-fi sense of more than one meter in length, and aimed it The robot standing in front of him.

"Oh, no!"

Sam lowered his head suddenly, protecting his head with both arms.

The barricade with black as the main color is slapped on the front of the vehicle, and the powerful force grabs the car and shakes it.

"Is your eBay user name 10,000 people ..."

He hadn't said anything yet, a blue streamer roared across a distance of hundreds of meters, hitting him hard.


A huge explosion stopped his words abruptly.

The huge power of the energy shells in the explosion range instantly tore his armor into pieces, the shock wave slammed fiercely, the parts and steel plates were spattered everywhere, falling on the ground of the silent factory and making a jingling sound, there are many The heavy object was hit by the steel plate.

When the flames dissipated, his back had left a hole with a diameter of more than one meter, instead of being penetrated and torn like ordinary heavy artillery or missiles.

This gun just hit his energy system, and it was the main body of the body, not the limbs. For Transformers, it was tantamount to fatal wounds, but his powerful vitality and willpower still supported him, and did not fall. .

"Oh, **** Autobot, I won't let you get energy blocks."

There was red liquid flowing through the barricade, and he raised his right arm and pointed it at Sam.

With two clicks, his right palm had turned into a twelve-tube rotating heavy machine gun, and began to buzz and rotate.

Sam, with his arms open, was terrified, backing up again and again, but only heard a roar.

A silver-white figure flew rapidly from afar, and stepped on the back of the roadblock with sparking current, making a bang.

The barricade was not supported for a while.

In an instant--


A laser sword with a blazing red light pierced the robot's head, all the way from the back of the head to the mouth.

The main processor is damaged ~ ~ The central circuit is damaged, the barricade and the pit are silent, and a huge and heavy body slams to the ground.

The rotating twelve-barrel heavy machine gun stopped.

Sam lying in the car opened his eyes wide and stared at the sudden savior without blinking, seeming to be stunned.

Anyang opened the mask with a click and glanced at him, said lightly: "Hi, Sam."

Sam was even more shocked.

Anyang ignored him and slammed down from Transformers. He held a special laser sword in both hands and slashed down. He cut the chest of the roadblock and found a blue square energy block in his hand. Looking up, he said to Sam lightly:

"Sam, you know the rules. You can call the police and say you were chased by the robot, but you ca n’t talk about me, understand?"

Sam nodded stunnedly.

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