My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 589: Weiwei's face

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

The bar is a good place. 【Love ↑ Go △ Small ↓ Say △ WwW.AiQu】

For its part, it is actually a literary leisure place, not dirty or fashionable.

Anyang has experienced so many pubs in other worlds, which itself is the prototype of the bar, and I must have a deep understanding of this.

It's just that there are many people who use bars to achieve some vulgar purposes and lower people's impression of bars. However, in Shangri-La, a comprehensive bar open to the inside is basically just a place for leisure and relaxation.

If it is just a bar that listens to music and drinks, it will be easy for people to relax, and it is often suitable for young artists.

If they are singing and dancing or rock bars, it is easy to temporarily forget the fatigue during the day and put down some restraints on the body, so as to achieve the purpose of relaxation or venting, often suitable for stressful office workers.

However, the bar inside Shangri-La Hotel has no fixed nature.

You can drink sad memories of sad music on your own, or you can convene the crowd and start rocking heavy metal music on the dance floor, depending on your thoughts and the overall opinions of all customers.

Dozens of students in Class 13 no doubt occupied the numerical advantage at once, and began to dominate this bar.

For some purpose, Luo Yang chose the latter.

The crimson-like lights gradually dimmed, replaced by white light with rhythmic waves, and colorful headlights that made people seem to enter the dark heaven. The melodious music was also replaced by a shocking DJ.

Several guests who had originally sat quietly in the bar left a few, but there were still some left.

Such a style can undoubtedly quickly bring together some unfamiliar students who haven't seen them in six years, which is the so-called young people throwing away all the fun and play, but it will also make some inferiority people more resistant to this environment.

The group entertainment of class 13 starts ten minutes.

Another young man dressed in an expensive suit and well-dressed, very petty bourgeoisie, shook his head and left. 【Love ↑ Go △ Small ↓ Say △ WwW.AiQu】

The students sitting close to the center of the dance floor are already very popular. They play different games and drink wine. From time to time, there are exclamation and laughter in the dynamic music sound. A few glasses of wine are like the past. Best friends together.

Anyang shook his head, he did not like this environment.

The sitting position in the bar is also a bit particular.

The group of people sitting in the most center often play more often, and often come to the bar to play. They have an outgoing personality. For them, even strangers can easily get together, not to mention the old people who have not seen for several years. Classmates.

In addition, it is already old when eating, and it is estimated that many people drink some wine.

So now they are the most hilarious.

The group of people in the corner are generally those who are more introverted or do not like this kind of environment.

Anyang noticed that many of these classmates were uncomfortable and could n’t stop looking at the center, but they did n’t dare to join in to fear that they could n’t fit into that circle. Some students simply ordered a drink and played with their phones.

Sitting in a high place overlooking the whole world, and not too close to the dance floor, they are Anyang.

Such people are not in conflict with the environment of the bar, or such an environment can have no effect on them, but they do not like to put themselves in full noise, or temporarily do not want to join because of mood and other reasons.

Ji Weiwei had abandoned Lin Siyan and Xu Minqing at the same table and instead sat with Anyang, Yuan Shu and others.

"Let's have some more bars?"

Supervisor Ji was bored watching the juice in the glass.

Yuan Shu drank a lot with Anyang before, and now he has a bit of alcohol, but he has a good drink, he still keeps awake. Hearing this, he immediately became interested: "Why, how did boss Luo just persuade not to drink, now suddenly Want to open up? "

Ji Weiwei glanced at him disdainfully: "Why is the big man so wordy, drink it or not, give a happy talk!"

Yuan Shu looked at Anyang.

Anyang shook his head: "Forget it, I'll be too lazy to resist you later, although you are also quite light, but it is too shameful."

Ji Weiwei suddenly seemed to be insulted: "What do you mean, this goddess is so beautiful, even if you let me carry me on the street, you will earn face, if you are wrong, how can you be so sure that I will drink drunk!"

Anyang did not speak, but just looked at him lightly.

Ji Weiwei was a little guilty and dared not stare at him.

Obviously she is very clear about her own wine.

Anyang finally flinched: "Okay, it's a big deal to open a room for you in the hotel and leave you here!"

Ji Weiwei looked at him contemptuously and called for a waiter.

As soon as he opened Anyang, he knew he was worried, because apart from a dozen cold beers prepared for them, Ji Weiwei only asked for two bottles of non-drunk lady liquor for him. The alcohol content of this kind of liquor is only a few degrees at most.


Anyang and Yuan Shu looked at each other.

Ji Weiwei left them alone, took a sip and took a big sip, and then said with emotion: "It's still your kind of wine."

Anyang pouted: "It's gone."

Ji Weiwei glanced at him sideways: "Drink!"

Anyang had no choice but to hold a bottle of beer and lift the lid.


A soft sound was covered by heavy music.

This Nizi cared about her image in front of so many people and didn't want to get drunk. She ordered only two bottles of ladies' wine, but she was determined to pay attention to drinking them. It was shameful! But destined to disappoint her ...

Anyang drank his mouth and found that both of them were staring at him with a surprised look.

To be precise, staring at the bottle of wine in front of me.


He seemed to realize something.

Still Ji Weiwei reacted first, bent down and brought another bottle of beer, and put it on the table: "Come here, just the action that you just used your thumb to lift the bottle cap, and try again, otherwise I always feel dazzled. Now. "

Anyang was a little embarrassed: "... in fact, you are really dazzled."

Ji Weiwei's eyes widened: "Hurry up!"

Anyang Ning is still: "Look, you are dressed like a lady today, so generous and temperamental, don't mess with me."

Yuan Shu is also helping beside: "How did you do it, I thought I saw Wolverine!"

At this moment, two waiters with wine trays came in and helped Anyang to free the encirclement.

Jiang is still old and spicy, the fox is still old and treacherous, like Xiao Chan will only sell cute, Li Chengzhi and Ouyang Sheng still sent Ji Weiwei a few bottles of valuable red wine, including two bottles of champagne, but just changed Kinds of ways.

"Sorry, bother everyone for a few minutes."

The music stopped and the waiter stood on the high platform.

First, a bunch of beautiful scenes, compliments to all the customers present, then finally came to the point.

"Thank you for your continued support for Shangri-La Hotel. To express gratitude and give feedback, Shangri-La Hotel decided to give four bottles of top dry red and two bottles of top champagne to all the people who spend at the bar today."

Several strange men in front of them exclaimed.

They are other customers of the hotel. Naturally, there is no gold owner like Luo Yang, but they live in by themselves. At a close distance, they immediately recognized the brand and value of the wine. It was inevitable for the hotel's generosity.

Class 13 students looked back to Ji Weiwei.

At this time, even people who don't understand the world will know whose face is at work.

However, Ji Weiwei was somewhat black and dissatisfied.

The methods of Li Chengzhi and Ouyang Sheng are undoubtedly very clever. They did not show up. They were just two ordinary waiters who used the name of the hotel to give back to the customers and sent all customers. She had no room to refuse.

However, the vast majority of the consumption in the bar are students in Class 13 of 2007.

This was completely given to her in disguise.

Moreover, Ji Weiwei didn't recognize the price of the two bottles of champagne, but recognized the four bottles of red wine. The Westbrook family winery from the St. John's Estate in Australia has a collection of dry red wines with a market value of about 30,000 to 40,000, just a bottle.

From this speculation, champagne is estimated to be similar.

This time the price of "customer feedback" is close to 200,000!

No wonder the people in front of you would be so surprised, even Ji Weiwei himself was in a state of consternation.

Her salary for half a year is not so high!

At this time, she only thought that these rich people really don't take money seriously, and the Ans sales department is too oily. Just if she accepts Li Chengzhi's thanks, it is estimated that these hundreds of thousands will be directly in her hands. No wonder so many people will fall.

But she was still very happy that she could stick to her heart.

This is not only because of the results of those who were found to have accepted bribes, but also their own persistence and bottom line.

Li Chengzhi and Ouyang Sheng Gao Gao Gao did not tell the waiter who these wines were given to. At this time, it is estimated that even the waiters did not know the gust of their boss, but only knew what to do, and gave these wines one by one. Everyone tastes.

And he did not mention the price of these wines.

But this is obviously not concealed.

Those business people who live in Shangri-La can see the price at a glance ~ ~ and use this to talk about it, but the students who can't see it also decisively use Baidu to solve their curiosity, and then there is a burst Exclaimed.

Among these bottles of red wine, perhaps a bottle is the salary of many ordinary students for one year.

How big is Ji Weiwei's face!

They are somewhat unimaginable.

The result is that Ji Weiwei once again enjoys a wave of baptism, many of which have changed a bit.

Anyang was comforting next to him: "Don't be entangled. The reason why they are so obscure is that they don't want to put a burden on your heart. This group of old foxes are savvy in dealing with people. You just give back to customers when they are really broken.

Yuan Shu also said: "Yes, they are just paying for peace of mind. You do n’t have to do anything. They do n’t intend to let you remember their feelings. You just accept that you are not angry. . "

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