My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 592: Look at the eyes of the great god

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

Anyang played very seriously, not paying attention to the movement below.

What the instrument mastery gives him is the feeling of being in touch with the musical instrument in his hand. Although it is only elementary, it seems that he has been with it for many years.

This is far from the skill of his college.

However, as the notes from the classical guitar gradually rose from gentle and melodious, but they were desperately suppressing that emotion, making it unable to be intense and high-pitched, the students below gradually entered a state of fascination, and some people were even crazy.

"California Hotel" English name "hotel-california", is the pinnacle of the Eagles.

From the perspective of artistic conception, it almost wiped out all the sadness and confusion of the United States in the 1970s, so it took the championship position in May 1977, and was also among the 100 greatest English songs rated by "Rolling Stone" Ranked eleventh.

And its position in the guitar song is unshakable.

"California Hotel" has a beautiful melody, but it is not difficult to appreciate, which is why Anyang chose it.

After all, many students have not studied the music in depth, and the level of appreciation is limited. Even if he chooses other classics, whether it is suitable for such an environment or not, students will not necessarily buy it, but this song is just right for this place.

Nice, there is a fan, and it can show technology!

The reactions of the students below have proved that his choice is correct, and many people have estimated that they have heard this song.

The classical guitar he chose is also very particular.

There are two main types of guitars, classical guitars and folk guitars. Folk guitars are generally common.

The artifact of the young guy's bubble sister basically belongs to this kind. Anyang played the folk guitar at the beginning of the university. The main characteristic of the folk guitar is that the wire is the string, the posture is relatively casual, and it is mostly used for accompaniment and singing.

Classical guitars generally use nylon strings, which are relatively more solemn, similar to pianos, and have more requirements. They have strict postures and techniques, and are mostly used for solo, ensemble, academic, and concert performances, and are more difficult.

Many music schools have a major in classical guitar.

In the process of learning classical guitars, some people will even be asked what length and shape the nails must be modified, playing posture and holding posture must be exactly the same, no matter how you want to play the folk guitar.

In terms of artistic connotation, the two are even more different.

Classical guitar is an extension of music art, and it is also called the world's three largest musical instruments with piano and violin, and its expression is the crown of all musical instruments, but it is not touched by most people in this era of popular music.

With the mastery of musical instruments, Anyang is undoubtedly very standard.

At the same time, it also shows the technology to the fullest, although the classical guitar is not as good as the popular guitar!

Some students who have studied music can naturally feel the feelings in this piece of music. Those who have not been in contact with it can also simply listen to the perplexity of that era from the beautiful and confused notes. This just touches everyone in the bar.

Lin Siyan sat on a high place and took everything into view.

She was amazed by Anyang's musical instruments before, and now even more so, Anyang's attainments in this area are so high!

This solo even the layman knows that the technical requirements are extremely high, and it is difficult to hold up without a certain foundation. Especially for such a solo hard song with high finger and anti-sweep requirements, he can actually perform this kind of solo. degree!

And Ji Weiwei actually put up her phone and recorded it, but she was a little stunned.

When the song ended, everyone was a little stunned.

It's like being in the unbearably fierce heat of three days, suddenly a pot of ice water splashed, like the clear stream in the Yellow River, the pure music looks so different from the previous impetuous, but it is so beautiful and immersing Which is difficult to extricate themselves.

Anyang did not stay, took the guitar and turned and left.

"another one!"

"Don't go, haven't you heard enough, people?"

"I can't think of it. There are such artistic talents among our classmates. I thought they would only do problems!"

When the crowd had recovered, he had stepped down.

Anyang sat straight back in his seat and asked at random: "Grandma, didn't you embarrass you?"


Ji Weiwei looked very happy and raised Yang's mobile phone, the screen was fixed on the picture of his guitar.


Anyang grinned.

Yuan Shu said: "I didn't expect your kid to have this hand!"

Anyang did not speak.

Xu Minqing sighed sourly again and glanced at Ji Weiwei, who was happily still not speaking.

My boyfriend does not have this hand.

Although Anyang is not Ji Weiwei's boyfriend ...

Ji Weiwei said: "I want to send it to your family Xiaoqian!"

Anyang twitched his lips.

Ji Weiwei and Xiao Qian seem to communicate on WeChat often, but he doesn't know when this is the case!

"Is Xiao Qian the girlfriend of Anyang ..."

Xu Minqing leaned over her head and looked at it. The first thing she saw was the chat background made by a very beautiful woman. Even the photos seemed to show the classic temperament, and then the head picture made by Anyang and her group photo .

This guy Yan Fu is not shallow!

Xu Minqing glanced at Ji Weiwei next to him and said with emotion.

Then she said: "Gee, this year, Xiao San actually dared to talk to WeChat with the original wife!"

Ji Weiwei's face suddenly froze.

Anyang quickly held her down.

"Quite anger, anger!"

Ji Weiwei snorted again, she was not really angry with Xu Minqing, and instead asked: "When did you play the guitar so well, how can I not know, and when did you learn classical? guitar?"


Anyang was a little embarrassed.

Ji Weiwei knows him too well, and some things are not easy to hide.

Because the learning process of classical guitar is more professional and rigorous, it requires too much, and it is not easy to learn. Folk guitar is relatively free, focusing on accompaniment and rhythm, and the threshold is lower. So these two kinds of guitars actually have certain contradictions when studying, and their habits are also different. Folk guitars often become other restrictions on learning classical music.

Therefore, a person who learns to shape a folk guitar often has to overcome many difficulties to transfer to a classical guitar.

Ji Weiwei was watching him practise his guitar at first, so he knew it clearly.

Anyang had to casually say, "Not long ago."

Ji Weiwei's expression was a little subtle at once: "Master An's talent is very good, I can learn so fast."


Anyang was a little embarrassed.

Ji Weiwei glanced at him and said no more.

Lin Siyan said to him here, "I can't see your guitar playing so well, and I won't worry about eating."

"Are you going to sing?"

Anyang was embarrassed.

Lin Siyan smiled generously.

It happened that the loud music sounded again, and her speech was also covered up, so she simply didn't speak.

It did n’t take long for them to turn to their table. Lin Siyan was naturally pushed out by several female classmates who did n’t want to take the stage. The old class leader also took the stage gracefully. He also picked up a guitar, but it was not a classical guitar, but a folk guitar.

The accompaniment stopped, and the lights subsided.

There was another round of cheers on the court.

"Hello students."

Lin Siyan smiled slightly at the crowd.

Compared with Anyang's silence and completion of tasks, she is undoubtedly really performing a show, and she needs to be a lot closer.

Especially the guitar in her hand has added a lot of literary temperament, plus its beautiful image and generous temperament, many male students have straight eyes, people can not help but sigh, even after graduation, the old class leader ’s aura is still very strong what!

Lin Siyan also quickly plucked the strings, proficient in movement.

"When You Are Old".

An Yangguang knew what she wanted to sing after listening to the accompaniment. This song was originally sung specifically for Jiang Xinrou. Of course, Ji Weiwei actually listened more, including full of affection and poetic literary atmosphere .

At the same time, he can see at a glance that the old squad leader's guitar plays very smoothly.

Obviously practiced in college.

"When you are old."

As soon as Lin Siyan's first sweet and distant voice came out, he immediately conquered all the people present. No matter the classmates or other people watching them playfully closed their eyes subconsciously, and realized this scaldy and numbing statement.

"Hair is white."



She is like a poem, like an empty call, or a quiet person telling a peaceful love.

Anyang suddenly discovered that this generous and capable old class leader was still a literary young man.

As a person who also played guitar in his youth, he naturally could hear the emotions in it. It was a manifestation of his clear heart and longing for mellow love, but it was a pity that he had abandoned these for a long time.

Anyang also felt a little funny.

The reason why I did n’t perform classics such as Terega and Barrios just now was to prevent turning the lively bar from everyone into a solemn classical music appreciation, so I chose the California Hotel.

Although this piece of music is meaningful, it is a rock song anyway, and it can still be played on this occasion.

However, as soon as the old squad leader came out, he turned the rock-and-roll di bar directly into a small and clear art bar, and the effect is so good that it is estimated that he may not be able to get up in the next half an hour. Too.

When Lin Siyan stepped down, everything was as he expected.

"Squad leader, don't go!"

"keep going!"

"Lin, leader Lin, beauty Lin!"

Everyone yelled, but no one went to bring back the heavy metal music, and no one turned on the flashing colored headlights again. The light beam on the stage still shines at that location, but there is no trace of that beautiful shadow, and soon the bar falls silent.

It took a long time for the sound engineer to respond, playing a beautiful female song, and at the same time dimming the light.

Sure enough, Di Bar will be transformed instantly.

Anyang saw the business elites sitting not far away whispering and taking a look at Lin Siyan from time to time. It seemed to be talking about this beautiful and musically talented girl, but no one set her sights on the stage.

Then people came on stage one after another, but they were not amazing.

Probably the reason for the atmosphere left by Lin Siyan. Everyone who had a lot of fun on the stage was a little overwhelmed. If the stage is full of light and music, they can dance wantonly, but now, is it possible to have a jazz dance?

It did n’t take long for everyone to be on the table.

Of course, except for the few people in the corner.

Everyone is an adult, knowing that they shyly don't like this kind of environment, and no one has deliberately embarrassed them.

Ji Weiwei hadn't expected anything bad before. When the bar was a little cold, all the students, under the leadership of a few people, pointed their fingers at the three beauties in the class, especially Ji Weiwei and Xu Minqing who came to power.

"Come one, come one!"

"Come one, come one!"

The cry was loud.

From the very beginning, only a few business people who have been paying attention to Lin Siyan glanced in the eyes of everyone. They were immediately fascinated by the beauty of Ji Weiwei and Xu Minqing. A natural beauty, a charming dress, all were amazing.

They can't help but look forward to it.

However, Ji Weiwei was already prepared, got up and smiled, and pushed everything directly to Anyang.

Anyang had no choice but to get up again.

In this world, there are only a few people who can let him perform in person, the most rogue is Ji Weiwei.

This time, instead of choosing a guitar, he picked an electronic piano, sat in front and switched the piano to piano mode. It was a smart show of "Wild Bee Flying Dance", and then walked in the eyes of many people. Back to the seat.

That is a gaze to see the great god.

The difficulty of this tune can't be compared with many world-renowned hard tunes, but Anyang played a dim sum when it was selected. Its main feature is that it sounds difficult, and everyone who has heard this knows it.

So he greeted Ji Weiwei with a frown, staring like an Anyang possessed by an alien.

"When did you learn piano?"

"After graduation."

"Is it like this?"

"Of course, I am a genius."

"It's not easy to learn, and you have done so many things behind your back, I don't even know this goddess."

Ji Weiwei expressed congestion.

Anyang didn't know how to answer the call for a while.

Speaking of that, he didn't carry Ji Weiwei to learn music. These are things that he learned in just a few seconds, but what he did with her was far more simple than learning music. If you really say it, she might not accept it. .

Well, why use the word back?

it's wired!

So Anyang ignored Ji Weiwei's gaze ~ ~ At that time, several businessmen next to him came and asked whether he could ask Lin Siyan to drink a glass of wine. After Lin Siyan refused because of alcohol allergy He set his eyes on An Wei ... next to Ji Weiwei.

"I'm afraid of birth, thank you!"

Ji Weiwei refused very simply.

The few people realized that they had no drama, and did not ask for boring, and nodded with Anyang and left.

Obviously, they still admire beautiful women more than Anyang, which can pop their "California Hotel".

At this time, Xu Minqing had a headache.

PS: Four thousand words in this chapter, thank you all!

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