My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 604: Anyang's troubles

"Next you are my guardian knight."

"Guardian Knight?"

"Have you never heard this word?"

"Have seen in the novel."

"Then you are."

Anyang smiled and motioned for Shelly to open the door.

The morning light outside was just right, showing a mild pale gold, and the world was bright, hitting the body warm.

Shirley felt a little bit awkward, thinking of his psychological thoughts when he first entered the room. But this embarrassment did not show up on her face, she still kept her face indifferent, unsettled by the snow against the sun.

The two went out and the door was closed again.

When Anyang was walking in the manor, Shirley had replaced him with light steel armor and followed him.

This guardian knight is still very satisfying. His figure is very eye-catching, his brain is clever, and there are not many words, because the personality is more arrogant and the interpersonal communication in the territory is not extensive. Now the average physical fitness of three points is barely enough.

Generally speaking, the physical quality from 1.0 to 2.0 is relatively simple, and the overall combat strength is not much improved.

However, it is more difficult to improve after going up from 2.0. There is a faint way to reach the limit. With the systematic algorithm, the power increase will increase more and more every time a decimal point is added above 2.0, and the increased power will become more terrifying in the later period.

The people who have reached the reserve knight in this world have basically exceeded the limits of the human body in the real world.

Walking to the manor stables, there was a figure ahead.

Lidia looked at him with a chill on his back. She was wearing a light armor and her body was unusually protruding. She carried a slender cross sword around her waist and kept walking with Anyang. It seemed to guard him, and his long legs were very eye-catching. .


"Sister Lydia."

Anyang smiled and walked over.

But Lydia still had a bad look, a anger filled her heart, and the full chest under the light armor fluctuated. Although I don't know when to start, it is clearly my right to protect Ain in her heart.

"How is this going?"


"When did you get involved with Shirley?"

"Cousin, you misunderstood."

"My eyes tell me this is the truth. It's only in the morning now, she will stay close to you, this kind of thing I have only seen on Mickey and Shirley's sister! So, she finally expressed to you with her body Are you loyal? "

Shirley was slightly sullen, but forced to hold back.

Although she now feels that she should have beaten Lidia, it should be no problem, but she is after all the guardian knight of Anyang, and in addition to her own strength, Lidia also has an identity in the territory. It is not wise to rashly clash with her.

Anyang turned to give her a look of not wanting to move: "My cousin Shirley and I haven't had the kind of relationship you think."

Lydia sneered twice.

After hearing this, Shelly didn't know what she thought of, and when he looked at it, she showed a little shyness.

Lydia's sarcasm is more intense.

Anyang continued to explain helplessly: "Sister Courier Shirley said that she would support me this morning. I happened to be seriously injured, so I asked Cousier Shirlier to walk with me in the manor. I didn't expect to meet my cousin. What a coincidence. "

Lydia frowned, thinking that he only recovered from his serious injury, and said, "Uncle is looking for you."

Anyang was surprised: "The baron is back?"

"You should call your father!"


Anyang nodded: "Did he have anything to do with me?"

Lydia's expression was serious: "It may be that I don't know very well. I just saw my uncle wearing armor. The wounds on my body were furious before they could be dealt with. Looking for you everywhere in the castle may be very important."

Anyang Wen's face suddenly sank.

He turned and looked at Shirley again, and walked silently forward: "I'm going to the castle immediately."

Lydia nodded and walked alongside him.

The sound of their armor collided with a clear rhythm.

Just at the gate of the castle, the sturdy figure stood in the middle of the road waiting for them. The baron was really injured. The heavy knight's plate armor was cut out of the huge mouth, and the battle was fierce. He saw the arrival of Anyang. His face sank.

"Ian, come with me!"

What followed was a large heavy armor back.

Anyang kept silent as before, and turned to glance at Shirley, before silently following the baron.

Standing next to him, Lidia immediately looked cold and turned her head to look at Xuelier coldly. From the look just now she could see that Anyang trusted Xuelier more, and her face became more silent. With a little bit of anger.

Shirley looked at her uncharacteristically, without fear, and walked into the castle with a sword.


Lydia's eyes became stronger.

Lydia even shook the cross sword around her waist, paused before releasing it again, and followed her quickly.

The castle was not big, but it was designed to meet the needs of the war. It was designed to be around 20%. About ten minutes later, Lydia stopped Shirley before a corridor leading to the top of the castle and held it with one hand Sword hilt.

"The front is the place in the castle that is usually used for meetings. Your identity is not eligible to enter!"

Shirley also held his hilt with one hand, diametrically opposed, and an amazing sense of familiarity came from the sword.

"Miss Lydia, I come here often!"

As a reserve knight, Lydia clearly felt the changes in her body, but she still disdain: "I am curious what gives you the courage to talk to me like this, is it Ian? What happened to you? "

Shirley glanced at her, not much to speak, trying to cross her and move on.

Lydia stopped her again: "Now the baron has something to do, I forbid anyone to go and disturb!"

Shirley insisted: "I'm at the door!"

"There are guards at the door, don't need you!"

Shirley's face was dull: "Master Ain needs me!"

Lydia snorted dismissively and immediately pulled the cross sword halfway out: "The baron will not hurt Ain, and I will protect him even if something happens to Ain, I do n’t need you, it ’s good if you can protect yourself. Now! "


The conference room is very large and empty, with black accents as the solemn, solemn and solemn.

At this time, two figures stood in front of a long oval stone table. One was well-proportioned, with a green face, and the other was a middle-aged man wearing broken blood-stained heavy armor. His tall figure was set off by heavy plate armor Even more terrifying.


The baron remained calm under the serious injury, but his voice was heavy.


"I heard that you defeated Beshua and Nirat?"


"Do you have something to tell me?"

Anyang shook his head: "I don't understand."


The baron slapped **** the table, and leather gloves inlaid with iron left some potholes in front of the stone table: "Then how do you say that you defeated Bishua and Nilat? Why do I impress you Not so great. "

Anyang said lightly: "I always do."

How strong the baron ’s desire to control is, even among the remote aristocrats who are perverted in power, almost to the point where even his own son must be firmly in his hands, and he is not angry to hear this.

"But why have you never told me!"

"You never asked me."

The baron immediately opened his eyes and raised his hand to give him a slap, coupled with a tall figure and a **** uniform, which undoubtedly caused great pressure, coupled with the traditional brutal means, and even the maids on both sides began to shake.

But he paused in the air, his anger continued to grow, and he still failed to drop this slap.

The cold light in Anyang's eyes disappeared, but he was also relieved, at least not as if he was worried.

The baron said, "How can you beat them!"

Anyang wondered: "What do you mean."

The baron repeated his voice aggravatingly: "How can you just beat them at this time!"


The baron did not puzzle him, but continued to ask: "Why are you detouring on the way back?"

Anyang repeated the original remarks again.

The baron was silent, and suddenly he seemed very tired, saying, "The grandson of the marquis is dead, the one who made you the referee in the duel between you and Bishua, and the one who robbed your fiancee Conoco. child."


Anyang took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes immediately: "They thought I did it?"

The baron stared at him deadly, with a heavy tone: "The marquis was furious and arrested all the people who had close contact with Cage Pol on the day, but only found you ~ ~ especially on the day and Cage ’s close contacts with Bessiah Ances and Nilat Ente and others, they stabbed you and Cage Poll to get rid of them, and said that you ran into Cage for Confi · Bol was severely injured! "

Anyang is a little dignified. He has guessed all the causes and consequences of the matter, but in order not to show a big gap with the original Ain, he pretended not to know: "But ... How can the Marquis believe this?" thing?"


The baron clapped his hand on the table again, the wound of the vibrating armor cracked for a while, but he did n’t frown: "Bad is bad. You temporarily changed your route halfway along, and the Marquis never found you back to the territory." ! "

Sure enough!

Anyang made some palpitations.

The baron took a deep breath, looked at him again, and finally sighed: "Ah, you really changed a lot. I just started listening to the Enke butler saying I still don't believe it! But don't be afraid, I'm like that How will protect you! "

After a pause, he said again: "As for you concealing my things, I will wait until this matter passes."

Anyang nodded heavily.

Opening the door and walking out of the meeting room, he was shocked to find that Shirley was standing at the door and was ready to go. As soon as he heard the signal, he could pull his sword and rush in. The two guards on both sides were also made by her. Nervous.

At least ten meters behind was Lidia, with a disbelief in her face, panting, her hair slightly messy.

Anyang looked up at the sky and nodded to Shirley: "Go."

Through the doorway, we can see that some tired baron was half leaning on the conference table, blood dripping down the heavy armor, but his eyes were glancing at Anyang's back, his hands knocking on the table consciously, I don't know what to think.

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