My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 615: Hakurai adult

Anyang sat in the carriage, chanting a spell in a low voice, first cast a breeze on the carriage, and spent a lot of time and energy on the three horse-drawn carriages and two **** preparation knights. Make it faster.

The carriage began to gallop on the road, and the sounds of bells, horseshoes and horses sounded intermittently on the unmanned road.

"Da Da Da ... Ha!"

The two-day journey ended in only one day.

It was too late to arrive at the Earl of the White Eyes. The night and the misty fog enveloped a town ahead. Because the knights and Shirley were heavily armed and the inspections were stricter, they still delayed for some time after indicating their noble status.

When the carriage and two reserve knights entered the city gate, the sky was completely dark, and there was no one on the way.

"Let's find a place to settle first."

"Yes, lord!"

The answer was two reserve knights responsible for escorting him.


The carriage quickly drove up on the road.

Towns are not prosperous and not big, but mainly due to the influence of this great era and the wars in the south, it is difficult to see the big cities in the real world in the real world in this ancient barren land. The north is different. Too.

Compared to the baron, it is still prosperous, with at least one town and so many residents and shops.

The buildings on both sides are a bit similar to the Gothic style, the shape is more three-dimensional than the ancient Oriental buildings, and focus on the carving art. Even though many buildings are very old and even damaged, they are still imposing and more intuitive than the implicit implicit of the ancient East.

There were occasional iron basins on both sides of the road, and the oil in it was still firewood, burning with a crackling flame.

This seems to indicate that this territory is not poor, but only a small scale. At least in this era when all the lords in the southern part of the Federation are either greedy for pleasure or armored with armor, there is still leisure energy and money to decorate the night of the town.

Anyang didn't overthrow this idea until he saw a crippled person on the roadside seemingly stealing oil from the brazier.

Shirley and the two reserve knights have good eyes, with the guidance of flames, and they will not fall into the river with the help of the glimmer of the sky, and soon found an unclosed hotel, it seems It is for adventurers.

Shirley soon returned: "It's a bit noisy here."

Anyang waved his hand, indicating that it was okay.

So the four stayed in this hotel.

When she passed the pub on the first floor, Shirley, who was wearing a leather suit and was very attractive, also caused a whistle, but she ignored the meaning of these people and followed Anyang on the second floor with no expression. Everyone at a glance.

Such a cold and hot woman attracted a group of men with excess energy to laugh and talk in a rough voice.

"Look at the full chest, the slender small waist, it must be very strong to twist on the bed, and the long legs, caught on my waist, are estimated to kill me, haha, really a fairy-like woman, It ’s worth my sleep! "

"You don't want to be delusional, I bet this woman and that little white face must have a leg!"

"Maybe this little white-faced slave girl!"

"Haha, be quiet, others heard it!"


Anyang also walked upstairs lightly.

When I arrived in the room, I found that the conditions were better than the wooden houses commonly seen in Western magic movies. In addition to two small beds, the room also had a coat rack, a writing desk, and a stone tank. It was estimated that it was used for Take a bath.

Shirley took off the cross sword and placed it on the writing desk: "For convenience, I will live with you tonight."

"I don't need your protection anymore."

Shirley nodded and said: "But you still need my care. I will act as your entourage and maid, and the hotel has only two rooms left. They live in a room with only one bed. Here is left. "

After a pause, she said again: "If you mind, I can also go to the night outside the door and you can call me at any time."

Anyang waved his hand: "You can sleep here."


Xuelier walked to the bed next to the door and sat down, took out the baggage and started to count things one by one, put all the paper, quill pen, ink, etc. he might use on the writing desk, and took out another one. The clothes were changed and folded and put on his bed.

The room gradually fell silent.

The laughter on the first floor is very weak. This stone-built building is better than a wooden house in terms of sound insulation, but this little sound can easily be amplified in a quiet atmosphere. Frowned.

Shirley immediately noticed his expression and grabbed the cross sword and walked outside the door: "I'll warn them."

Within two minutes, she was back.

There are no more voices below.

"How did you do it?"

"I just cut off a table, cut off two men's armor, and a man's restless hands."

"Will the Earl and the City Guard have trouble?"

"will not!"

Anyang nodded and ignored the matter.

He knows that knights and nobles in this world have privileges. The specific rules of each nobility leader are different, but people who want to come to this kind of initiative to offend the knights and be taught, as long as they do not have too much background, nobility and city guards will not tube.

"But what about Yuhe Mara?"

"They are still investigating the news of Burley."


However, Youhe Mara is the two reserve knights assigned to him by the baron. His duty is to protect his safety, but he is actually dealing with some miscellaneous things for him. Burley was the mysterious man in the mouth of the marquis, and he had seen it a few years ago.

Anyang didn't want to study Qiankun's borrowing method tonight, so he said to Shirley: "Relax, get up early tomorrow."


Shirley got up and closed the window, and took out a set of his own changing clothes and stacked it on the head of the bed. Then he sat by the bed and untied the leather armor. He unloaded the beautiful leather armor to reveal the outline. Tights with an attractive body.

Anyang looked down faintly.

But then, Shirley ’s voice sounded—

"Do you need to take a shower?"

Shirley just untied the ropes of the knight boots, a pair of long legs were wrapped in tight black knight pants, and the high boots worn on the knee looked more attractive, straight and round, and there was a kind of real world Queen of Temptation means.

"no need."

Anyang saw this scene when he turned around.

Shirley's slender waist bent downwards, and her chest hung naturally on a very large scale. The two groups of plumpness were even more striking when they left the armor. It's probably the reason for Caucasians' height and height. Shiril and Lydia both have exceptionally white and elegant necks. Light brown hair pours down from the other side.

The temptation of the beauty knight is very strong!

Shirley quickly took off all her leather armor and leather boots and put them aside, gathered her hair, sat on the bed in a bodysuit for armor lining, and put the cross sword in the most convenient position by the way. Blowed out the lamp on his side.

"You can call me at any time if you need it."


Anyang also began to take off his clothes.

Shirley hesitated, then lowered his head and said, "If you have other needs, I can serve you, just like a general maid does for her lord, and ... like Lunan, Misha they do the same for you. "



"no need."

Anyang walked quietly and closed the quilt.

The remaining two candle lights went out.

When I woke up again, it was early in the morning, and my genius was bright.

Shirley, who was wearing light armor, made an apology and immediately apologized to him: "I'm sorry, but I quarreled with you."

Anyang waved his hand and also got up.

The two reserve knights also stepped out of the door almost simultaneously.

After eating breakfast, leave the hotel.

But You is also a light steel armor, riding on a horse next to the carriage, and said respectfully: "After our investigation, you said that Lord Burley is probably south of the town with white eyes. Adults are backers. "

"Well, let's go."

"Yes, Master Ain."

Count Caffey White Eyes is also very famous. Of course, his fame is mainly because his ancestors once fought for the Federation in the South, and finally left such a very rich territory. He has never heard of it himself. Anyang will naturally have no scruples.

There are civilians on the streets during the day, as well as other carriages or people riding horses, and the walking speed is greatly slowed.

About half an hour later, the carriage stopped.


But Yu said beside him.

At the same time, Shirley also opened the curtain.

Anyang only saw one building after getting off the car. There was a garden in front of the door. The style was old and the surroundings were empty. At least it was necessary to travel hundreds of meters to the left and right to see other houses. Therefore, this single building looked a bit gloomy.

"Are you sure this is?"

But Yu explained: "Because Lord Burley has a lonely personality and some bad rumors, many people dare not live next to Lord Burley. After a long time, somehow, Lord Earl ordered the demolition of these buildings. "

Anyang nodded and stepped forward: "Go."

In fact, many of the information given by the Marquis are inaccurate. On the one hand, after many years, on the one hand, he did not know that Anyang had to ask these questions before he came to the Baron. The information was all in mind, and it was inevitable that he could not remember it so accurately.

Fortunately, Burley's fame is not difficult to find!

Anyang walked straight through the garden. He walked slowly and concentrated his energy on the way, but he did not find anything like the magic circle of Shenzhou World or the magic trap of Azeroth. He did not even sense any special energy fluctuations. .

"It really looks like a little trick."

Anyang was disappointed for a while.

Shirley who walked in front knocked on the door ~ ~ After a few seconds, an old and gloomy voice came out from inside.

"who is it?"

Shirley said, "Is it Mr. Burley?"

"Tell me who you are!"

The sound in the door was still somber.

Shirley glanced back at Anyang and said, "We are guests from Kofi Nori. We heard that Marquis Aaron Polle said that there is a distinguished mysterious lord here. He came to visit specially and presented Kofi The friendship of the Nori family. "

The voice in the door was a little impatient: "The little nobles who come from here are you all day and night. They are bothersome, and they dare to mention the name of Marquis Poul! I do n’t know Kofi Nori, nor want to reap your friendship. , You go back! "

Shirley's face sank, and he turned around again.

Anyang waved her hand to signal her to let it go, a few steps forward, only to hear a click, the door opened. (To be continued.)

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