My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 636: Labrador in a different world

"Flump ..."

The birds fluttered in the woods.

After all, this mercenary regiment has extraordinary combat power. Even if it was caught by surprise when it was tired, it quickly reacted. One by one, the cross swords were pulled out and the fierce slaves fought fiercely!

Almost 100 of them have knight strength, fully armed and well equipped. The thick knight's plate armor couldn't help but even the minion's claws, the sword was extremely sharp, and the war horse under the stride was far more powerful and fierce than the real world horse. Slave back and forth in the slave camp.

Before Anyang had never understood how in the cold weapon era, once the races of strong and fierce tigers possessed wisdom, how did humans win under them?

Now he understands.

The quick knights still show a strong style!

And still more enemies!

However, with the constant slaves rushing down the mountains on both sides, and the terrain here is narrow and complex, it is suitable for the play of the slaves! On the contrary, the Cavaliers cannot form a formation, nor can they form an effective charge, which is equivalent to the Tigers losing their minions. The number of enemy troops is small, but once the number increases, it seems a little stretched!

The black wagon in front of the team was as immobile as the mountain.

Flynn still didn't mean to shoot.

But this carriage seems to have become a taboo. The knights did not build a defense in front of the carriage, and the mons dare not attack it. Obviously they knew who was sitting inside.


Martin's sword split an invading ghost slave in half.

Several other slaves were surrounded by the carriage, some were afraid and did not dare to enter, and there were dozens of corpses piled beside them.

Martin danced his sword at random, understatement.

"It's really boring!"

"Don't care, concentrate!"

"Yes, Master Shirley."

Martin looked serious and chanted a spell in a low voice.

Acid surgery!


A green acid flew out, and in an instant an arc was crossed in the air, falling on the body of a ghost slave.


A white smoke mixed with an unpleasant smell rose. The ghost slave rolled painfully on the ground, making an angry roar, and a blood hole was corroded in the blink of an eye.

Numerous slaves were even more afraid.

"Go attack others!"

"it is good!"

The slaves roared and fled!


Anyang said to Danyou and Martin: "Go and see what happened to Lord Lydia, and if possible, bring her over!"

"But your safety ..."

"I don't need your protection, and there is cousin Shirley here."

"Yes, lord!"

The talents who are not far away are still facing the massacre of the slave slaves. Although they are crazy toward the trainees and knights, they still do not help.

"Help, help!"

"Save me, Master Nia!"

"Master Sirf, I need your protection now. You will not forget it. I slept with you last night!"

A group of previously noble and talented noble talents are now like the loach of the oil pan, desperately struggling, desperately wanting to seize all the survival opportunities that can be seized by their side, but the Yunu weighs more than 300 kg The beasts are really not resistant to them, and the number is too large, causing people to die almost every moment.

There are already anxious knights going to protect.

But under the ambush of so many slaves, even if the knights can single out the slaves without pressure, it will inevitably be overwhelmed!

So some talents who had established a relationship with the knight a few days ago were torn apart by the claws of the slaves. For the knights, it is a subconscious thing to give priority to protecting the talents who are more intimate with their own relationship. The other talents who weren't chosen by the knight were even more sad and reminded, and died a little inattentively.

Some people began to ask for asylum in Anyang, but the number was very small. It was probably almost dead when they came to Anyang, and Anyang did not refuse.

About ten minutes later, the slaves retreated.

There are many corpses piled up on the ground, there are ghosts and humans, but probably because there are no slaves to participate in the war, rarely see knights who died in battle.

The official knights once again defended their glory and unquestionable military status under the mystery!

However, due to the sudden impact of the Yunu at the beginning, the talents were still seriously injured. It is estimated that about half of them died, and some were seriously injured. They are still hiding in the corner and shaking.

The air is filled with **** smells, and the ground is also red and green, especially the blood of the Yunu emits an inexplicable smell, which is very unpleasant, plus the smell of vomiting and the crowd The voices of people who have never seen the cruelty of war cry, it is unbearable to stay here.

"I'll see if there are any slaves attacking."

Anyang waved his hand high.

"I will go with you."

"me too."

The three of Shirley quickly followed.

Several talents who have been protected by them and lead them to guardian gods suddenly panicked and insecure.

Along the way, there were dense jungles, and there were some dark green blood stains on the branches. In addition to the agile slaves, humans are really difficult to step on.

"Roar ..."

Suddenly there was a low growl beside him.

But You Lima rushed over with a sword.

A moment later, he came back with the cross sword, and the sword body continued to drip with dark green blood stains: "A mere slave that has been seriously injured and can not move, has been killed by me!"

Anyang nodded and reached the summit all the way.

Standing high, looking for a gap that is not blocked by trees, you can vaguely see the convoy that was hit by scattered pieces, and the pain of pain still came.

The fighting power of this group of slaves is similar to the ordinary slaves he saw on the battlefield on the southern border. They are not elite soldiers and there are no slave sacrifices, and they have an obvious characteristic that they are not afraid of Trainees, at least not like the slaves on the southern border, see the extraordinary power and frighten away.

"It seems that they come from the south. It doesn't hold water."

"And if the mysteries in the southern slaves were sent to stop the new blood of the silent tower, should at least some powerful soldiers in the slaves come?"

Anyang shook his head and looked down.

This time the talented casualties are undoubtedly the highest.

After all, thieves and war are still different in nature!

However, Anyang has already noticed the time-saving carriage position shift into Aklan. Although they did it secretly, naturally, they usually achieved it through other orders. Perhaps the knights responsible for executing the order did not know that they were Adjusting the position of the team, even the talents themselves are not aware of this, but they can't hide him.

Some low talents have already been gathered together.

That is the place where the Yunu focuses on attacking.

This means that the silent tower has long been clear about the attacks of the slaves, but they did not take defensive measures, but used this to ... to kill people.

The heavy losses of these inferior talents are also expected by the silent tower, and even under their control, most of the talents have survived ‘luckily’.

If every mysterious person walked into the altar was laid by the bones of countless dead, then for these gifted people alive to reach the silent tower, the bones along the way are the first to lay their mysterious path Since then, they have made them aware of the humbleness of life and the value of power, and it is caused by the silence of the tower.

Anyang couldn't understand the silence of the tower.

Recruit these people and make them die.

This is more indifferent to life than murder.

These people's lives are like a worthless tool, even if it only has a little effect, they are not stingy.

When returning to the road below, the knights had removed all the bodies and drove all the carriages forward.

After about half an hour's walk, they finally arrived in an open area, which was not easy to be attacked. Tris then ordered everyone to repair it in place, but it only took 10 minutes to repair it.

The team continued on the road and had to walk out of the forest before dark.

The next day-

The convoy is stationed on the spot to prepare food.


There were terrifying roars in the distance.

Everyone was stunned and immediately panicked.

Teres got up and shouted: "Don't panic everyone, gather in the middle, the mercenaries push the carriage over to form a barrier, form a guard circle, and prepare to face the enemy!"

Everyone acted immediately.

Anyang frowned: "Is this the cry of a bear?"

Martin said next to him: "This is the gathering place of the Labrador, and it should have been the Labrador."

Several black lines immediately appeared on Anyang's face.


"It's Labrador, Master."

"Oh, are they wolf or dog?"

"It's a bear-like creature, lord."

Anyang nodded: "Oh, Labrador."

Martin: "..."

Soon, Anyang saw Labrador.

This is indeed a bear-like creature. It looks like a bear, but it is not so bloated. It looks more sturdy. About a hundred heads rushed towards them.


"Kill humans, kill humans!"

"Let the mystery be nobody from now on ~ ~ kill them all!"

The Labrador Bear Clan shouted.

The knights frowned, and a group of knights surrounded the gathered talents. They also divided out dozens of knights and came out, and drove towards the Labrador bear clan.

"Boom ..."

The war horse began to accelerate and launched a charge.

In a flash, the knights collided with the Labrador bears.

This race is actually larger than the average bear, even comparable to the monslaves, and its combat effectiveness may be a little higher than that of the monstrosity. Dajianbi soon suffered heavy casualties.

After about three minutes, the battle ended.

A pile of corpses lay in the distance.

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