My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 669: Back to the real world?

Unreal blows are silent, but deadliest. 【】

It is only used as an auxiliary attack technique, but its role is not trivial, it becomes the straw that crushes the dead horse!

The calm on the island was messy.

Half of the islands were almost destroyed, traces of ancient monsters raging everywhere, footprints of several meters in diameter and depth everywhere, and deep pits of tens of meters can be seen everywhere. Especially the places where the ancient giant M traveled were basically smoothed by its torso, and the rubber tree and coconut tree were deeply pressed into the ground, making it hard to imagine what has been experienced here.

The main battlefield area is even more terrifying. Many big trees are uprooted and thrown on the ground, and the sea and sand are intertwined.

The purple-red tassels blasted the ground in an incomplete manner, and there were dense holes everywhere, just like the surface of the moon.

The earth also exudes the energy left by Lorenka, and bursts of dead air, resulting in a layer of fish, shrimp and crab bodies floating on the sea near the island. In the distance, the plants that haven't been affected by luck are also unlucky. Because this kind of cursing energy is very spreading and stubborn, Anyang estimates that the island will not grow in a few years.

And Loren, the body is gone!


Anyang sat down and exhaled for a long time.

When he waved his hand, the only two fierce beasts attacked the blocking technique on the island, and he rested silently.

Although he kept pressing Lorenka to fight in battle, Lorenka, who was only good at cursing, did not have much power to fight back, but the third-order warlock was a third-order warlock after all, and Anyang almost consumed three points of the mysterious energy in the body Only the second succeeded in killing him! And this is due to the blocking technique above the head, otherwise Lorenka would have turned into a bug and flew away ...

After about half an hour, the barrier technique was broken!

Anyang only snapped his fingers, and the two ancient fierce beasts immediately disappeared, turning into pure energy and returning to his body.


His body turned into black smoke and rose into the sky.

On another small island, Eve has been waiting for him for a few days.

In the past few days, Eve has been hiding next to the eclipse, even if he is looking for fruit, he dare not leave too far. After all, this small island is still very dangerous, with many wild beasts.

In her anticipation, Anyang finally arrived.

The two rested on the island for another day, and then set off again the next day, heading straight to the mainland over the sea.

Although the erosion speed is fast and the endurance is good, this is a long-distance leap after all. The two men and one eagle find a rest on the island every day. They set off the next morning and spent a whole week.

Across tens of thousands of kilometers of waters!

A week later--

With Anyang's vision, he can see a forest-filled land in the distance, which is vast and flat, and is not a large island.

"It's here!" Eve's voice was excited.

Etching will also begin to reduce the height.


The creatures in the forest did not recognize this distant visitor, but they were all amazed by its huge size and grim appearance. They were suddenly scared to flee around, which caused constant movement in the woods.

The erosion sculpture slowly fell to the ground.

Eve jumped first, with an excited smile on her face, as if she was home.

"Forest, I haven't seen it in a long time!"

"Is there no forest on the island?"

"That's different!"


Anyang also looked at this strange land.

A green bird stood on a branch in the distance, blending with the surrounding environment. I can't find it without looking closely, but Anyang's visual capturing ability is naturally extraordinary.

"Ah, it was found!"

The bird suddenly burrowed into the forest.

Anyang was very interesting, immediately opened his five fingers, and the invisible attraction instantly grabbed it back.

"Did you just talk?"

"Let me go, let me go!"

"... still elven language."

"I let you let go of me, you stink!"


"Smelly humans, let me go!"

The green bird kept shouting and shouting, and the gentle and sweet elf language completely changed its taste.

"It's really fun!"

"Adult, this is a noisy bird, a bird that only we have here. They are very talkative and chatter as soon as they say it, and usually live in groups ..."

Before Eve's words, the green bird turned to look at her: "Hey, there is an elf, and it looks like this is a kind of moon elf or water elf! The humans who have caught you in recent years are coming The more, do n’t you hide deeper? Why are there elves daring to stay here? It was only a few days ago that there was a team of human knights ... quack! "

The noise of the noisy bird's piercing sound kept ringing in his ears, and Anyang was a little upset. He simply extended his other hand and pinched its upper and lower jaws, forcing it to close its mouth.

At this moment, a group of birds appeared.

The birds were all hiding in the tree D or lush grass before. At this moment, they heard the screams of their companions, all rushed out regardless, and surrounded Anyang and Eve.

"Release Atto, let go of Atto!"

"Smelly humans, let go of Ato!"


These birds are not big, but the sound is not small, and it is very harsh, and it is really unbearable.


Anyang shouted in elven language.

At the same time, a bit of cold energy swayed from his body and swept across the entire flock of birds in an instant.

The densely noisy birds all calmed down.

A moment later, a slight voice came out.

"God ... mystery!"

"It's over, it's a human mystery ..."

Anyang was speechless.

It seems that these noisy birds can speak, but the size of the brain limits their IQ, and a lot of money is owed!

"Speak again and die!"

The scene was quiet again, and the noisy birds were silent!

Anyang only looked at this race: "You are not only green, but it is very interesting, shouldn't your biological wisdom evolved naturally?"

No one dared to answer him.

Anyang turned black: "I can talk now."

"Ah, the mystery!"

"It turned out to be the mysterious man!"

"We're done, I heard that human mysteries like to take the creatures they are interested in for anatomical research ..."

"Then what should we do!"


A burst of harsh and dense noise exploded.


Anyang exhaled deeply, threw away the little green bird in his hand, turned his head and said to Eve, "Let's go."


Eve nodded cleverly.

The two turned around without hesitation, and accelerated their pace, leaving a group of noisy birds dull.

"They ... how did they go?"

"It's not important, what matters is that we are rescued!"

"Yeah, we were rescued!"

"Is that female elf a moon elf? Why should she be with a human mystery?"

"It's not important, what matters is that we are rescued!"

"Yeah, yeah, we were rescued!"


Anyang couldn't help it.

Eve whispered next to him: "Noisy birds are like this. They are stupid and chatter all day long, but because they are no different from ordinary birds, some people want to catch them and go back to raise them for fun. It survived because of this. Our elves generally do n’t provoke them in the forest because they are social ... "

"There is nothing special about this bird except that it can speak. Even if it is a group, can it pose a threat to you?"

Eve only looked at him with a smile.

The smile is so delicate ...

Anyang just remembered that he had just fled and fled!

For the elven races who have never liked killing lives, dealing with these noisy birds may be a headache than him!


Soon after, Eve stopped: "Adult ..."

"I know, right here."

"Thank you, sir, really thank you!"

"you are welcome."

Eve paid a deep tribute to Anyang.

Anyang pursed his lips and said, "I will give you a mark that belongs to me. I will put it on my back. I usually wear clothes and your companions can't see it. If you meet a knight of humanity again, you have my mark They dare not catch you. "

"... Master, it's my pleasure to meet you!"

"Okay, turn around."


Eve turned around.

Anyang sketched a few mysterious words in the air, instantly transformed into a small imprint of An, and flew to Eve, leaving a warm and mysterious imprint on her back.

"Then you go, I will go back."

"Well, thank you again ..."

Eve repeatedly thanked Anyang for his kindness.

Anyang did not say much, and waved away.

And Eve had been watching his back disappear, his beautiful big eyes blinked and blinked, and then suddenly turned around and ran freely in the forest, truly becoming an elf ...


The eclipse is still waiting for him at the same place, but there is already a beast corpse half eaten at its feet.

Anyang is not in a hurry, and jumps on its back when it finishes eating.

"Let's go."


The eclipse eagle flew into the sky suddenly.

Another week later.

It is now early summer, and the eclipse lands thousands of kilometers away from the Federation. Anyang is here.

"Go back yourself."


"Help me bring a letter to the tower owner, the content is as follows."

Anyang sketched a series of mysterious words in the air, forming a small phonographic method, printed on the body of the eclipse, before saying: "Master Tower Master, I killed the third-order warlock Lorenka of Smel a few days ago as The gift is for the tower. "

Immediately after he closed his hand, the imprint light flashed away!

A very short sentence ~ ~ presumably the master can understand.

"Okay, bye, man!"


The eclipse flapped its wings with huge wings, and flew further and further away, hiding in the sea of ​​clouds soon after.

Anyang withdrew his eyes and said nothing.

After half a month, the system prompt finally arrived.

"The mission is successful and you will receive mission rewards: props ability * 1, skill points * 6, physical fitness points * 2! The selected person can return to the real world at any time."

Anyang finally relieved.

As he was preparing to return to the real world, the system suddenly heard another reminder: "Weak signal source similar to the second system is detected, please pay attention to the selected person!"

Anyang was surprised for a while!

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