My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 673: Farce call

"Okay, okay, okay. [Read all text]"

Anyang only asked Xiao Xueer to hug her for a while and pushed her away a little, then turned to her cold face and looked at it.

"Is it hard these days?"

"Fortunately ..."

Xiao Xue'er is a standard face of melon seeds, and the goddess is different from sweet Anyou, but Xiao Xueer is obviously more haggard than before, and there are really dark circles under his eyes.

It is estimated that she has experienced many difficulties these days.

Anyang sighed. He must help the girl who always called him Anyang's brother sweetly.

Several people in the ward gradually frowned at this time, and one of the middle-aged women asked: "Xue'er, who is he?"

Xiao Xueer only released Anyang, and blushed to say hello to Anyou next to him, before turning around and saying, "He is Xiaoyou's brother, Anyang brother, this is my aunt."

Anyang nodded and said nothing.

Several other people in the room looked at him as well, sweeping Anyou with his eyes, and gradually brought a touch of disapproval.

Just as An Da and An Ma are familiar with Xiao Xue'er, they have also seen An You, and have eaten together, knowing that An You's family conditions are also normal, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Xueer, how do you think about the things I just said?" The middle-aged woman then asked.

She was obviously negotiating with Xiao Xueer before, and her attitude was very strong. She now has a loud voice. She doesn't care about Xiao Xueer's parents who are lying down. She is very aggressive.

Xiao Xueer heard the words and immediately bit her lip: "I can't do anything about this, so I have to wait until my parents wake up."

"What if they can't wake up?"

Xiao Xueer immediately looked ugly.

The faces of Anyang and Anyou are also ugly, especially the simpler Anyou, whose expression is as disgusting as eating a fly, and such relatives have also felt at home.

This woman's words are too unpleasant!

Xiao Xueer called her aunt, then she should be the sister of Xiao Xueer's father. Although she didn't know the reason, it was too much to talk directly in front of Xiao Xueer's parents' bed!

This should be the relatives that An You said.

Anyang thought.

At this moment, another middle-aged man also stood up.

"I think your aunt made sense. The savings of our two lives have been invested in your company. Now you are losing money and you should pay a little compensation. Anyway, after the company goes bankrupt in order to give the second brother You have to sell the house for treatment. It is better to give us the house. We will give you a little money. The car can also be compensated at the market price. "

"I heard that your dad still has Kangda's stock. Although it is locked up, we can also ask for it if we can't help it. We need to know that our loss is much more than this!"

The two young men also stood up: "Yes, cousin Xueer, we have lost too much, and most of our savings are gone. We have to compensate us anyway."

"Anyway, Xueer, cousin, you look so beautiful, and you won't worry about eating. We will be different ..." The man who said this was wearing a black vest with a butterfly tattoo, and his eyes were slightly hot. Swept across Xiao Xue'er's delicate and hot body, and swallowed quietly. It seemed that if Xiao Xueer was not his cousin, he would rush over.

Xiao Xueer did not speak in silence, with a sad expression.

These people are relatives of their family, and they did not have money before. Later, when their family was developed, they borrowed money from her parents, and even bought and brought their company shares. In the company also relying on the status of relatives to **** the blood of the company all the time, her parents all closed their eyes with one eye, feel that somehow they are relatives, no matter how trustworthy outsiders.

But it was this mentality that made the two families feel the indulgence of her parents.

It can be said that the failure of the company now has flaws in the system and management, and the current situation is not right, and they also have a big contribution. And they did not lose much. Seeing that the company was about to close down, they pumped faster than anyone else. Now they just want to take advantage of this opportunity to make another payment to get the property of Xiao Xueer's family in order to ensure the next half of their lives life!

The so-called loss to be compensated ... is just an excuse!

They are so accustomed to laziness, now that Xiao Xue'er's cash cow is gone, they don't want to go out to work.

This can only be said that Xiao Xueer's parents were blind!

Xiao Xueer was hit hard and was silent in the face of these former relatives, but Anyou couldn't help it anymore: "If you want a house and a car, what the **** do you want to do!"

In her view, these people are extremely shameless, even if relatives are not helping the Xiao Xueer's family when they die, even before Xiao Xue'er's parents' bed, they began to fall down! This behavior is even more abominable than her aunt and uncle!

The room was quiet for a while, and then the expressions of several people sank: "You little girl knows what, shut up!"

Xiao Xueer's cousin in a black vest came out and stared at her coldly: "It's hard to break the housework of the official, you don't know about our family's affairs, it's better not to talk nonsense!"

Perhaps Anyang was by his side, Anyou had a habitual guts that he did n’t even notice, and stared at this person without fear: "Oh, uncle and aunt are still in bed, so you are so anxious to want Do you have your own family like Cher's house and car? "

Before waiting for the family to respond, Anyang patted Anyou on the shoulder: "It's not a shame to quarrel with these people."

After that, he turned to Xiao Xueer again: "The company's lawyers are gone. Is your lawyer's consultant still there?"

Xiao Xueer lowered his head, embarrassed: "It's gone."

It ’s rare for Anyou to ignore Anyang ’s pat on his shoulder and the old-fashioned Chen Qiu to educate himself, and whispered: “The legal adviser is gone long ago, and the legal team was disbanded when the company went bankrupt. Now. "

Anyang nodded and said clearly.

Xiao Xue'er's aunt started frowning and put on a posture of a shrew: "Who are you when you are, you have to take care of the housework of our family, and you won't say anything ..."

Anyang looked at her look and knew that in fact they were just savage goods, it was estimated that they were only fascinated by money and money. Now I only dare to take advantage of Xiao Xueer ’s parents when they are not awake, but they are still a little daunted when they meet other unfamiliar people, so they repeatedly emphasized the term family affairs and did not want Anyang to intervene. Come in.

But this kind of stuff is too low-level, Anyang doesn't want to care about her at all, and feels that any statement with her will lose her status!

Including the man who embroidered ... tattooed a butterfly.

Anyang looked all spicy eyes and hit his head!

Thinking about what came, seeing Anyang completely ignored the meaning of middle-aged women. The butterfly tattooed man's face was gloomy. He understood that this should be his time to show toughness, but when he saw Anyang's calm expression and only a few words, he calmly expressed And he was a little bit head-to-head, so he nodded and said, "This is our family's business, indeed you shouldn't be in charge."

Another cousin of Xiao Xue'er, the son of a middle-aged woman, came out to echo: "Yes, my friend, no matter how good your relationship with Xue'er is, there is no blood!"

Anyang didn't speak, only wrapped her arms around Xiao Xueer's shoulder, letting her feel helpless at this time.

At this moment, a scold came from outside the door—

"Who is your friend ?!"

Several people in the room were stunned, and a group of people walked in immediately, led by a man in a police uniform.

The man in police uniform stood in the house and scanned a circle. He crossed Anyang, stopped his eyes on the two young men who had just spoken, and walked over to light up his identification.

"You are suspected of intimidating and seizing other people's property. Now go back and make a note with me. Let's cooperate with the investigation."

"What? What is intimidation to seize the property of others?"

"What is this crime ... When did we commit this crime? Are you wrong, police officer!"

"This is definitely a report of this person indiscriminately, I want to sue him for slander!"

Several people suddenly opened their mouths and eyes in surprise, and quickly excused themselves. The two young men who had just pretended to be innocent turned pale, and their mouths were unfavorable when they talked.

To defend them, the man in police uniform only responded with one sentence: "Go back to the police station to make a transcript first, cooperate with us to investigate, and wait until our investigation is clear!"

"The procedure is not like this. Why do you catch people as soon as you come up? This is a matter for our own family. If you don't believe you, ask the person, Xueer, do you say that?"

Anyang held Xiao Xueer's shoulders tightly and motioned to her not to speak, and Xiao Xue'er also really kept silent in coordination.

Several people's complexions were a bit ugly.

"Xiao Xue'er, what do you mean? I tell you that it is illegal to not tell the truth to the police!"

"Xiao Xue'er, you said it!"

Anyang frowned, this is still a ward!

In order not to disturb Xiao Xueer's parents, he gave a glance at the police uniform man. The latter suddenly realized that the look of just returning to the public office suddenly became awkward.

"Stop talking, take away!"

"Xiao Xue ... You let me go!"

"You are not policemen, you are soil ... gangsters!"

Soon, the room was quiet.

Anyang loosened Xiao Xueer's shoulder and looked at her helplessly, saying: "The next time you encounter such a thing, remember to call the police. The police may not work, but there is still a deterrent."

Xiao Xueer nodded in a low expression.

Anyang shook his head and sighed again: "It seems that you haven't learned much from part-time work in the company!"

Even Anyou didn't dare to refute this sentence ~ ~ No matter how they say, they are still just a student.

"Forget it, I won't talk about you anymore."

After a pause, Anyang said again: "But don't worry about Xueer. Although I can't help you when the company goes bankrupt, those who illegally invade your family's property after the company goes bankrupt, whether they are employees of the original company or not Relatives of your family, no matter where they are now, I will all get you back one by one!

"Um ... thank you Anyang brother."

Xiao Xueer's voice was a little trembling, but she refrained and looked at the two figures in the bed silently.

Only then did a nurse walk in and looked at Xiao Xueer coldly, and asked, "Is the farce in your family over? If it is over, I will start hanging medicine bottles!"

Xiao Xueer's face flushed immediately.

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