My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 689: An You wants to commit suicide

An You wanted to run, but it was too late!

"Um ... uh!"

Several big men rushed over and covered her mouth and forced her into the car, no matter how she struggled.

The door slammed shut and left.

The roof of the Academy of Biological Sciences was far away, and there was a slight ripple in the air, but after a while, he still didn't attack, and the faint ripple disappeared into the air again. But no one saw him, he suddenly jumped down the tall building and swooped towards the car!

These are two black Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles, whose license plates are completely unobstructed, showing the owner's publicity and extravagance.

Several big men squeezed Anyou in the middle, but they did not receive any abuse. It is also related to her not violently resisting. A middle-aged woman turned around with a tape to close her mouth, and was also the first middle-aged. People waved their hands to stop it.

"Are you Anyou? Little girl."

An You looked at this ugly middle-aged man with a little fear in her heart, but asked: "Who are you?"

"My surname is Tang, my name is Tang Qiang!"

"Are you the father of Tang Xinduo?"

When he heard this, a strong sadness flashed in Tang Qiang's eyes, but he nodded calmly: "Yes!"

An You's breath immediately became more dignified: "I have no guilt with you, what do you want to do if you catch me?"

"No injustice and no hatred?" Tang Qiang's eyes were sad, but there was an ironic smile on his face, "Well, there is no injustice, no hatred, then my son went to you last night and was killed by your people. With more than a dozen lives, should n’t you have happened? "

"Your son was killed? More than ten lives, this ... this has absolutely nothing to do with me, I don't know anything!"

"Oh, ha ha!" Tang Qiang's eyes were cold.

An You only knows what fear is now, and the murderous feud is not common. If she ca n’t explain it clearly, people like Tang Qiang can do everything: “It ’s true, I ’m just an ordinary person How could it kill someone! "

"Even if it has nothing to do with you, it has to do with your brother!"

"My brother? Anyang? He is even more impossible. He quarreled with me from an early age to a big one. I know him best!"


"What I said is true, you need to ..."

Before An You said it, Tang Qiang waved it impatiently, and the middle-aged woman immediately sealed her mouth!

"Hurry up, don't give them reaction time!"


The commercial bus drove quickly from the city to the suburbs. Although Anyou didn't recognize the road, she could still feel it as she moved further away from the center of the city. She suddenly panicked and started struggling hard in her seat, but to no avail!

Until the car drove out of the city completely, and more and more remote.

An You suddenly felt a drowsiness in panic. This drowsiness was like a flood, which made her unable to stop it!

"Brother Tang, this girl passed out!"

"I was scared so quickly, hum!"

"What should I do to her?"

"Don't care, she is either our bargaining chip or the object of our revenge, don't hurt it first!"


"How far?"

"Only ten kilometers away!"

"Hurry up!"


The two business cars came one after the other, one was driving in the front, and the other was carrying Anyou, and they all hummed low, constantly roaring over the cars that were scarce along the way. Until the road becomes narrower and narrower, the road gradually becomes uninhabited!

At this moment, a silver ray in front fell from the sky!


Yin Guang fell heavily on the ground, even stepping on the concrete road with a slight crack, and this was actually an armored figure!

With a squeak, the commercial vehicle came to a sudden stop!

Several people in the car opened their eyes wide, not daring to imagine the picture in front of them, and some even felt that they were dreaming.

See more clearly during the day, this man is wearing armor like the Iron Man in a science fiction movie, but the color is not so colorful, the whole is only silver and white, the shape is also very different, a little less chivalry, but a lot more kill With Lingli!

With two clicks, an ion cannon pops up on the armor shoulder, similar to that of the Jagged Warrior, but with the armor embedded!

"This ... what the **** is this?" Tang Qiang couldn't help but said to himself, only to realize that he realized that the tone used by Tang Xinduo on the phone last night before he died. His expression suddenly sank, and his eyes were murderous!

"Look at this girl ..."

Before Tang Qiang's words were finished, he found that the person in front of him was gone, then flashed behind him, and An You was gone!

"Xiemen! What is this situation!"

Tang Qiang knew that, and finally the chips were gone.

Several other big men were also terrified. They had no other ideas now. They were only thinking about it. Such a weird person, even if Iron Man and Jagged Warrior added together, he was not as cool as a man. ?

An You was sitting next to them, but was easily picked up by people in an instant. This is simply a mythological means!

If this person just wanted to kill them ...

"Drive, the fastest speed!" Tang Qiang made a decisive decision!

The driver had no extra words, immediately released the clutch, the accelerator stepped on the bottom, and the car suddenly rushed out.

But in the next second-


The silver figure came again, but it fell directly on the front hood of the car, ignoring the high-speed operation of the car. I do n’t know how strong the falling force directly stepped the hard hood out of a deep hole. Stopped!

"Squeak ..."

The body moved sideways, and the tires rubbed against the ground with a sharp sound, almost rushing out of the road and into the fields.

The car in front didn't stop, and it seemed that he was completely scared by this terrorist method and abandoned Qiang Qiang! But the guard soldiers kneeling down on the hood were unscathed and only extended their hands backwards. The missile compartment of the right arm opened to reveal a miniature missile!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! ..."

Tang Qiang's eyes were flushed, and he took out his pistol and aimed at the guard soldiers without breaking the gun, but he was stunned when he saw this scene!

He had seen the blood cut with a big knife, and had seen a shot of someone blasting his head. The most intense thing he had seen in his life was the seizure of drugs in Yizhou Province, but such a soldier had never seen it. Missiles have never been seen!

What does it mean if someone used a micro-missile weapon in the battle of the black forces?

Can't allow him to think more, the next second--


A mini-missile less than a foot long flew out of the guard's arm in an instant, dragging long flames and white smoke, and hit the commercial vehicle in flight in front of it at a very fast speed. Loud, soaring flames.


The fragments of the commercial vehicle are flying, and the parts are scattered!

It's not that there is only one frame left bombed as in the special effects movie, but there are no frames left, only broken pieces!

As for the people sitting inside ...

How terrifying the explosion was at that moment. No one realized it at close range. I never understood it. The flame expanded in the blink of an eye. The shock waves and heat waves swept through it. It's broken!

Tang Qiang's expression was dull, and he really realized at this time that in the face of such power, he was nothing!

What a gangster of black forces, what is Yang Yutang of Yizhou, is just a fish pond in the eyes of others! Including those business families who are high on weekdays, in front of this explosion that shattered everything, it was nothing but ants!

At this moment, the figure on the hood lowered his head, staring at everyone in the car through the alloy visor!

Several brawny men were so stupid that they all had their guns ready to fight hard, and suddenly they threw them on the ground.

This is no longer a level!

Perhaps even if the regular national army came, he would n’t be seen by him. Did n’t see the bullet hit him without any movement? That's not a fake black market black star, but the 54 that Zhenger Bajing got from special channels, the number is not much, the power is great!

They had to guess at this time, which country's secret force or alien from aliens?

Suddenly, a small convertible drove from the front.


A small sports car with an electronic speed limit of two hundred and fifty is actually like a plane passing across the ground, so fast that they can't see clearly. Those famous sports cars don't even have the qualification to lift shoes. In front of them.

With a loud bang, the car door opened, and a young man came out of the car, standing on the spot and examining the surrounding lightly.

Tang Qiang's eyes shrank suddenly, and it was Anyang!

Anyang withdrew his gaze and faced the guard soldiers without looking at them, and asked, "Is the road closed?"

"Blocked, the processing department also notified!"

"Well, what about that girl?"

"Over there." The soldier pointed a short distance away.

Anyang turned his head and saw a figure faintly appearing in the field, seeming to be sleeping on a wire pile.

His indifferent attitude chilled a few people in the car!

The wreckage of the commercial vehicle not far away was still burning, and the soldier said that he had notified the processing department. Does n’t it mean that no one would know that even if someone used a missile to bomb them directly in the suburbs during the day? What a power!

They are dead, will anyone know?

With a click, Tang Qiang opened the door and walked down.

In an instant, the guard soldier turned and his shoulders did not know what weapon was aimed at him, and the blue light became stronger.

Tang Qiang instantly lost the gun in his hand.

"It really is you!"

"Why am I?" Anyang turned lightly.

"You killed my son!"

"No, I was just now. After I received the notice that you kidnapped my sister, I realized that your son was dead!"

"Don't you find it ridiculous to say this?"

"I'm not interested in lying to you! But your son's death is indeed related to me, but no one reports to me."

"Huh, you want to say that you didn't give this order?"

"I really don't know what you did to her, and I didn't know your son's death. It's probably because you are too weak. They don't feel the need to tell me. I only issued an order. Anyone who dares to offend me, don't kill. ! "

Tang Qiang swallowed, very terrified!

Anyang's strength is beyond his imagination. Such a soldier alone surpassed the world's perception. Even the strongest troops of the superpowers are far from reachable. Especially this command is by no means the master of the Ans group. So simple!

It is conceivable that even if it is the central prince who offends Anyou, I am afraid this is the only one that ends!

After a pause, he asked with a fluke: "How do you want to let us go?"

Anyang looked at him lightly and didn't speak.

He moved a step to the side just to let it go, so that Tang Qiang could see the commercial car torn to pieces behind him.


Several people took a breath, and instantly understood what he meant.

"Okay, I confessed it, but the people in my family have nothing to do with this matter ..." Tang Qiangqiang said hardly.

"My sister didn't do anything, but was repeatedly offended by you!" Anyang pointed to the distance and shook his head lightly to Tang Qiang. "I have no sympathy for your life. I only know one reason. Weeding must be rooted! "

Tang Qiang felt cold in his heart. From the indifferent eyes of Anyang, he did see a kind of indifference to life!

Several people in the car gritted their teeth and immediately raised their guns. Anyway, I ca n’t get away, so it ’s better to fight a fishnet!

But the guard soldiers reacted much faster than them-

"Boom ... Bang!"

A few bluish blue **** crossed and directly penetrated the windshield of the car window, blasting several people's bodies into a mud.

Anyang glanced lightly and turned away.

The wind coming into autumn is really cold when blowing!

Although Yizhou has basically been put under his control, today's movements are still too great. Fortunately, Tang Qiang and others have chosen a place that is inaccessible and not known, but he must block the news as soon as possible.

At night, six o'clock.

Anyou's eyelashes tremble, and she slowly opens her eyes.

The fiery red light of the sunset showed through the window, so beautiful ...


She woke up suddenly.

Where is this?

Anyou's eyes widened greatly, and when she found herself lying on a bed, she was instantly ashamed.

Finished ...

It took a long time for her to react.

Checked the body again, it seems that there are no traces of infringement, but it is also difficult to say! She remembered that she was kidnapped and brought to a car by a group of unscrupulous men, and then somehow, she gradually lost consciousness.

Tang Xinduo ... Yes, Tang Xinduo!

It is precisely the father of Tang Xinduo, it seems that Tang Xinduo is dead, God, a big brother who died his son!

An You is somewhat unimaginable. A gangster who has just suffered the pain of a bereavement takes his men and treats them as an inhumane treatment. For a pure girl, it was hell!

And it is a group of fierce men!

One! group! Big! Chinese!

A group ...

Anyou feels that she doesn't want to live anymore!

Open the quilt ~ ~ Sure enough, my clothes have been taken off, only wearing underwear and compassionate clothes, not wearing underwear!

The same as when I usually sleep at home.

The feeling of despair is so suffocating!

Also, where is this ...

Will you not be imprisoned?

Does it mean that such painful experiences will happen again?

Do not! She will never allow it!

She would rather commit suicide!

PS: Well, I was caught again after skipping class!

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