My Wife, King Arthur

Chapter 354: Joan of Wisdom

Chapter 354: Joan of Wisdom

ps: Fifth more! Hahahahaha! Won!

ps1: Win!

ps2: Nima five more, the book review area did not even have an encouragement, one reward, one month ticket, one recommendation did not ... tears. www.} dyzww.} 网} m} qaq


Looking at the Uma people who came up like ants, Jeanne yelled, "Let it go!"

Five hundred long arrows were shot at once by strong bows. The Round Table knights were all skilled in martial arts. They practiced martial arts longer than they did on horseback. Bows and arrows never "covered" in their hands. The concept of "sex shooting" faces thousands of enemies who rushed towards them, and their flat shots caused very heavy casualties-each of them is a **** archer, and it is only natural that he will hit the enemy with all his might.

Of course, the previous 100 hits were based on the premise of standing still and not moving.

But after training at the Cavaliers Academy, the double horse saddle and saddle equipment finally let them discover the benefits of this configuration. Facing the enemies that rushed over, they only needed to ride the horse slowly and slowly to distance. You can slowly use the speed advantage to slowly kill the other two thousand people.

The two thousand people on the other side are nothing more than leather armor and wooden shield and copper spears. This equipment is more **** than ordinary iron armor. In the face of the knights, the long bow is a fate to wear. Even a trot of 1,200 kilograms, or 1.2 tons of warhorse, would charge much faster than this group of infantry.

The different premise of the two arms is that a 1,200-kilogram warhorse can trot for a few kilometers before stopping to drink saliva, pour, and eat something.

If this group of infantry maintains such a speed and then runs about 500 meters, they will have to kneel!

It turns out that using infantry to block cavalry is simply stupid to the extreme!

The infantry couldn't keep up with the speed of the knight!

In the range of bows and arrows, ordinary archers are by no means the opponents of the knights-the knights have the ability to accelerate the projectile to the Mongols who have hit half the earth in Europe and the Middle East, and the infantry is at best Just throw it at the other side.

The former can use horse speed to throw countless arrows into the enemy's position, while the latter obviously can only stand and be beaten in the face of the former-when the arrows thrown by them fall, the enemy does not know where to go!

This group of 2,000 infantry was quickly annihilated by Jeanne. The reason for the 2,000-to-500 battle was wiped out, and the 500 did not lose even a hair, which is inseparable from the war horse. !!

Returning to the position of more than 2,000 people, the knights began to collect arrows and rations and water.

In the early twelve days, all the way was raids and attacks, so the round table knights who raided the cities and towns along the way did not lack water. In the first twelve days, they even had the remaining time to boil the irrigated water and wait for it to cool before pouring it back.

But now is the third day of the night of Red Lotus, they even have no time to go to the nearby river for irrigation.

And because the arrow has been facing the enemy, it is also in danger of running out.

This had to make the knights start to pick up their arrows to prepare for the next battle.

In fact, the arrows of the Uruks are completely incomparable to the arrows of the special Camelian special round table knights.

Leaving aside, the feathers of the wild goose are used exclusively as the balancing device for the tail of the arrow. The triangular arrows polished by the pointed uniform water-frosting device cannot be owned by the other party, let alone the three-sided arrows plus three pieces. The feathers under the wild goose's neck and the hard birch poles have an amazingly high arrow stability.

When shooting flat, bows and arrows with a maximum range of up to 200 meters can wreak havoc on the enemy when facing the enemy.

And look at Uruk's arrows.

The flat triangle heads are still pretty good. What about the drophead arrow that is so stupid as to be so extreme that it doesn't even look like it has formed?

The wood of the arrow shaft is made of a kind of unknown wood, soft and soft, wait a moment. Isn't this thing Nannan? The arrow feathers are even more excessive. The mottled feathers are definitely the handle of a poultry? !!

Are you two feathers sticking together? !!

The Camelian Round Table knights, who have been appetizing, are dismissive of Uruk's arrows, but Jeanne drew them to pick up all available arrows in preparation for future battles.

After half an hour cleaning the battlefield, each round table knight team with a bundle of bows and arrows slowly disappearing into the vast grassland.

After another half an hour, Enki brought more than 6,000 Gilgamesh guarding the knights to the battlefield. Watching a messy battlefield, Enki sweared: "Damn!"

This isn't to blame Enki, because Jeanne's course is so strange that it is not too strange to call it weird.

Jeanne once again smashed the city two hours after leaving that night.

She dared to return to Uruk with a five hundred rider and even planned to rush into the city again.

Fortunately, the guards who have just experienced a war will never let the city gate open until they receive an order, so this time Joan's sneak attack returned without success.

But it scared Enkidu, who was following Jeanne.

Leading more than 6,000 light cavalry, Enki, who rushed back overnight, looked at Uluk, who was strictly guarding against death, and realized that he had been deceived by the news. Having spent so much time, when he went to chase Joan, he had slowly lost Joan's trace.

Fortunately, the hundreds of messengers sent by Enqi finally paid off, two hours after dawn. A riding messenger came to Enqidu with exhausted blood, and he only had time to say "Southwestern", which ran dozens of kilometers back and forth in one night. He had already connected the horses to the ground and was tired.

Enki was non-stop and led the guard knights who had rested for more than two hours. When they caught up with Jeanne again, they found that a town had been burned to scorched soil.

This time, Jeanne had no mercy, and anyone who did not escape the town within time was burned to the ground.

Again, there is no hatred, only a stand!

No innocence, only stand!

The same thing happened one after another. Enqi seemed to exist for the sake of Joan's break, and every place was a piece of scorched earth. Everywhere it was, it was a mess, and any resistance was shattered. The tired soldiers of the other 500 people scattered bravely and hardly survived to the third day under his pursuit. Now even this group of Jills who are one thousand miles away Gamish's guard knights were already exhausted, and the other party was able to escape after a war.

Judging by common sense, this is almost impossible. Are these guys all monsters? !! !!

Poor Enki certainly didn't know how much load Jeanne had on the guys they called the "Round Table Knights" heavy cavalry.

A knight counts an average height of 1.8 meters, an average weight of two hundred kilograms, plus three hundred kilograms of armor, and here is five hundred kilograms. Counting a dragon gun with steel poured into the body, one Adding a knight sword, the two add up to about 20 kilograms, and the weight of the long end of the horn is irrelevant. There are about 36 pots of dense arrows, and there are three pots. In other words, the three pots of arrows add up to ten About a kilogram, and a knight shield, the v-type knight shield weighs about forty kilograms, here is the weight of 570 kilograms.

Then the saddle weighed about 20 kilograms, and some other things were fragmented about 20 kilograms.

It weighs almost six hundred kilos here.

Six hundred kilograms of horse armor is not yet included!

The armor of a warhorse is about 300 kilograms, which adds up to almost 900 kilograms.

And a war horse must hold up to 900 kilograms, which is simply incredible!

But the Warhorse half-blood warriors did it, and these round table knights are simply miracles!

After discarding 300 kilograms of war horses and 250 kilograms of armor, only 400 kilograms of horses need to be borne. This is simply heaven!

Horses accustomed to the weight of 900 kilograms can now even recover energy while running.

If it were not for the physical exhaustion of the Round Table Knights, this group of horses could even run non-stop for a day!

It can be said that it is not the physical strength of the steeds that is holding down the speed of the Round Table Knights, but the physical strength of the Round Table Knights!

"I don't understand." The trot of the war horse is actually very physical, because in the trot of the war horse, you need to clamp the war horse's belly with your legs. At this time, the muscles of the calf need strength, and then the waist needs to constantly adjust the fluctuation of the war horse Radian, the lumbar spine muscles here need to be hard, and it is worth the spine to make your entire back work hard.

It can be said that it is inevitable that vehicles such as horses are eliminated by cars. After all, driving for a day is just stiff muscles, tired mentally, and you will continue to go on the road as soon as you sleep ~ ~ But if you It's strange to run on horseback for a day without getting tired of you!

Jeanne was taking the lead, and the white Rose Knight flag had not fallen at any time, nor had it fallen.

This is her handsome flag. When people are in the flag, the flag is destroyed. The so-called slashing the flag means this.

The flags are together. Where can you see you among the armies? It's a vague thing to see you over 200 meters, but even on the battlefield of hundred miles, as long as you hold this banner high, no matter which unit can clearly feel you, your lord, the Lord will Here, beside us, stay with us!

So Joan took this flag, even when she was not fighting.

An old round table knight frowning at Jeanne, of course, he was not questioning Jeanne's commanding ability. It turns out that Jeanne's commanding ability is probably in the top of Carmelo.

"Everyone is tired, why not go straight back ?!" he asked.

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