My Wife, King Arthur

Chapter 689: War continues

ps: ps: The next three chapters are three endings, and one ending represents a continuation.レ m ♠ 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ

Chapter 689: Continuing the War

The war came like a wind and rain, but it came to an abrupt end.

For many people on the mainland, when they heard the news of the beginning of the war, they also heard the news of the end of the war.

The Kingdom of Fiore ... No, Kailar's strength is creepy and frightening. No one wants to face such a powerful country.

After Kerar got the Kingdom of Karlum, the narrow position of the Fiore Kingdom on the terrain was suddenly changed. The Kingdom of Fiore, located on the cape, owned the land of the Kingdom of Karlum. The Kingdom of Aure is backed by the sea and has no worries. At the same time, it borders two countries. The border is also new land and people. Under the condition of no worries in the country, the cost of launching the operation is reduced.

After all, fighting with neighboring countries is not the same as launching into remote countries.

Logistically speaking, it is a huge pressure.

So the threat from the kingdom of Fiore suddenly became great.

Threats to the entire continent suddenly increased.

But good extensions didn't appear.

In fact, if you think about it, you only have to wait for two years. The follow-up 2 million army will come one after another. The increase of his power is determined from the beginning. The **** of time is standing by him. On this side, he only needs to wait to become stronger, and what he needs most now is time, and Kaylar is also most in need of time.

People who can see his purpose are beyond reach, but people in neighboring countries are just afraid of his strength and do not dare to act rashly.

It can be said that Kailar is not in a hurry at all. What's so tense?

The calm and calm Kylar's dormancy once again plunged the entire continent into an inexplicable agitation and anxiety. According to common sense, shouldn't these go directly to the north? What happened to this weird silence?

Kailar is still buying everything he needs, and he is devouring countless things on this continent like a puppet.

This is the benefit of dúcái politics.

If it is still the kind of parliamentary system, it is shackled. Kailar couldn't let go at all. He needed the consent of one-third of the lawmakers to do what he wanted to do, but now he can easily be arbitrary.

Everyone has his own justice and persistence.

So Kailar was in no hurry.

It shouldn't be him who is worried.

That's right.

Erebonia was in a hurry.

After a secret operation against the Kingdom of Fiore, the Republic of Kavald had no movement, because the opponent and Kaylar did not have any deep hatred, and the previous action was just a purely great power mentality. It is good to succeed, but not Adding a block to Kaylar is also pretty cool.

Now that Kylar has become a climate, don't use that little trick.

The mission of the Republic of Kavald soon came to the kingdom of Fiore, and with the mission of the Republic of Kavald also benefited the mission of the kingdom of Bell.

"Is Louise here?" Kaylar nodded slightly. "Go and play with her."

Tabasa nodded slightly, a smile appeared. Then turned around and went out.

"Playing a relationship card? Haha, what if you let me know?" Kaylar said with a soft smile to himself.

This is the sorrow of a small country.

What if you know these things?

He knows everything and has no power to change him.

Kaylar tapped the table gently, thought about it, then stood up and asked, "How about Alexander?"

"Already on the road." Someone reported.

The reason why the dual design of the guide force and the sail is used is because the ship has less power when it reaches the Knights Land, and finally can only move forward through the sail.

But when dozens of sailing ships are sent out, an intermittent intelligence point at sea can always be established.

This kind of intelligence point brings information that is only available once a few months, but anyway, it also let Kailar know the news from the Cavaliers mainland.

The fact that Gilgamesh was left at the end was that they stabbed Gilgamesh once and for all.

This time the pit didn't need any language at all, just a glance and a tacit understanding gave Gilgamesh the pit.

Because in a sense. Proud Gilgamesh is basically a guy that all kings can admit-leaving Gilgamesh on the knight continent while they are away and Gilgamesh's pride is never at stake .

Except for Gilgamesh, how many very pit-riding people can bear everyone's trust?

To be honest, if it wasn't for Gilgamesh being too proud, everyone didn't want to leave this tacit understanding to him. After all, when everyone came to the magic continent as the backbone, if the country was easily attacked by people, the king and the army would come in large numbers In the case of the magic continent, it is easy to mess up with a chance to be taken by the other party.

This is why they attacked Carthage before coming again.

And Gilgamesh's pride is his pride. It is also a place to restrain him.

Everyone has seen this, so everyone will arrange him as the last king to come to the magic continent.

The third wave was Alexander's advance with 500,000 troops.

Carmelo's shipbuilding industry never stopped.

Alexander's arrival was at the beginning of the third year.

When Alexander arrived with half a million troops, Kaylar finally knew that the time was ripe.

It's time to start a large-scale attack.

900,000 troops plus 50,000 troops trained locally. There are also thousands of mage units.

All the conditions are complete.

Kailar looked at Alexander and Isli, and nodded softly: "It's time, then bother you!"

"Oh! Give it to me!" Alexander's gaze was flashing in his gaze ~ ~ he never felt that he felt so furious.

Compared with the knight continent's fanfare, the weak victory over the strong side makes him even more enchanted!

After running through this series of small countries, the big ones are next!

This is really exciting!

"Then the two of us carried 5 Holy Ten and 2 legions to crush!" Alexander said boldly.

"Please remember to cooperate with the use of the mage when using soldiers." Kailar reminded calmly, even if Alexander is a genius of war, but it is still inevitable to suffer when facing unfamiliar enemies.

"Oh!" Alexander nodded solemnly.

"Now, you can eat!" The King of Silver asked with a smile.

"Oh, go!" Kaylar nodded slightly. . )

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