"Who knows?" Bai Chuanxia shrugged. He had just experienced the gang fights and felt out of place with these students.

But this kind of unscrupulous squandering of leisure time is what students really look like.

"I knew you would say that." The boy waved his hand, with a wretched smile on his face: "You are so handsome, didn't you think of chasing a beautiful teacher in the past? You have dated with a teacher, and this alone is enough to brag about for a lifetime. "

"For example, Teacher Qingshang~" The boy on the other side also showed a wretched smile: "Teaching is good, people are cheerful and gentle, easy to get along with, especially good at dressing up! It's a pity that it is peaceful."

Bai Chuanxia shrugged, and when the two of them continued to make obscene remarks, he raised his finger and pointed behind them.

The boy turned his head and saw a smiling face with his hands behind his back, looking at them.

Qing Shangqiu, the teacher in charge of world history, today is wearing a fitted striped background and a white knee-length skirt. She is well-dressed and smiles like a neighbor’s big sister: "Recently, the boys have become like aunts with grandchildren in the park. It's eight."

Seeing that Qing Shangqiu broke their gossip, the boy looked frank: "Since I was broken, I will stop pretending. Teacher Qingshang, please date me for the purpose of getting married."

"What a pity." Qing Shangqiu crossed his hands in front of his chest: "I'm not interested in a brat like you~"

After she finished speaking, she turned to look at Bai Chuanxia: "Student Xia, long time no see."

"Teacher Qingshang." Bai Chuanxia greeted him. He had a good impression of Qingshangqiu. He was enthusiastic about teaching and could mingle with the students. However, the two did not meet each other: "I heard that you are looking for me. Is there something wrong?"

"Because you didn't come to class without asking for advice." Qing Shangqiu said and shrugged: "I'm afraid that you will be brought to do strange things by these cancerous tumors."

"Hey, Teacher Qingshang, this is blatant prejudice!" the boy shouted.

"If you have any opinions, show some momentum and show me if you pass the exam!" Qing Shangqiu said, reached out and used the textbook to touch the heads of the two boys one by one, turned to look at Bai Chuanxia, ​​and blinked: "Classmate Xia If you encounter difficulties, you must bravely tell the teacher."

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand at several people, turned and left.

"It's really enviable." The boy pursed his lips: "This world is really unfair. Does being handsome get more attention?"

Another boy said: "Last time, the guy from Class A was tricked by hooligans in a nightclub. Teacher Qingshang also went to help solve it."

"So I'm not special?" The boy put his arms around his body, making a gesture of estrus: "Ms. Qingshang and Mrs. Zao are the most popular teachers in the school. They both teach us, so happy~"

Bai Chuanxia smiled, this is what college life should be like.

Back in the classroom, it was Qing Shangqiu's world literature history course.

She showed several oil paintings of figures on the projection, and said with a smile: "Everyone can first talk about the first impression of seeing these paintings."

The following girl with a slightly fat body raised her hand, and after being named, she stood up and said: "I think this is a product of gender discrimination in the Middle Ages. From the first to the fourth picture, women are bystanders, listeners, and commanded , educated, boys are in positions of authority, that's a gender stereotype that we should be fighting against right now."

After she finished speaking, the classroom was silent, with embarrassment on her face.

Bai Chuanxia was also taken aback, looking at the oil paintings on the projector, which seemed normal to him.

He looked at Teacher Qingshang, thinking about helping her out of her embarrassment.

Qing Shangqiu smiled, looked at the fat girl and said, "Student, you can't assume anyone's gender based on clothing and appearance. This is discrimination. The characters in this painting may all be men or all women .”

"Puff." After she finished speaking, the audience burst into laughter.

Only then did Qing Shangqiu wave his hand and said, "Then other students, do you have any insights on oil painting?"

This class was not embarrassing because of someone's disturbance, Bai Chuanxia also listened very interestingly.

The day passed quickly.

Bai Chuanxia was waiting for Sexy Fox in the parking lot. Not long after, she saw her coming, followed by a woman. The two were talking and laughing. It was Qing Shangqiu.

He quickly dodged and hid aside, poked his head out to peek, the two of them were just having a normal conversation among colleagues, and waved goodbye at the parking lot.

Only then did Bai Chuanxia come out, stepped forward, kissed her quickly on the lips without any explanation, and then left.

Kimura Sakae took out her mobile phone and typed quickly.

"What are you doing?" Bai Chuanxia asked strangely, he wanted her to experience the feeling of dating, but he didn't expect such a reaction.

"Record it." Kimura Zao said after typing: "This is the first time we kissed after dating, so when we read the record, we can clearly recall the current scene."

Chapter 236

Bai Chuanxia's heart beat faster for a moment, and was teased by the perverted fox.

A mature beauty with an indifferent face, doing girlish things, has a special sense of contrast.

"Why do you have such an expression?" Kimura Sao put away her phone.

"Let's do it again." Bai Chuanxia said seriously, "This time the kiss lasted longer."

Kimura Sakae frowned slightly.

"Can't you?" Bai Chuanxia patted his head, this time he really wanted to kiss the perverted fox.

"Since we're in a relationship, you can't say no." Kimura Zao nodded seriously, then raised her head and closed her eyes.

"It's so cute." Bai Chuanxia was teased, lowered his head, and then kissed him lightly.

The moment their lips touched, Bai Chuanxia saw a figure behind the pillars in the parking lot.

"Who's there!" He raised his head abruptly, reaching for the pistol at his waist.

He shined in the underworld a few days ago, and it is normal for him to be targeted by dangerous people, and he has been careful.

With a yell, he quietly pulled out a head from behind the pillar, with long hair draped over his shoulders.

"Ah, I'm sorry, you continue." Qing Shangqiu said with embarrassment on his face, "I originally wanted to talk to Mr. Kimura about something."

After she finished speaking, she hurriedly added: "I understand this aspect very well, and I had a vague feeling that you have this kind of relationship before. Anyway, work hard and don't pay too much attention to the world's eyes."

"What worldly eyes?" Bai Chuanxia was taken aback for a moment, and quickly understood that Kimura Sakame has the ability to interfere with the five senses, but she is a male teacher in the eyes of others.

He wanted to explain, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

Qing Shangqiu made a cheering gesture towards Bai Chuanxia: "Student Xia should work hard too."

After giving an encouraging smile, he quickly left on his high heels.

Bai Chuanxia covered his face with his hands: "Don't you say something, you should be able to feel being followed, right?"

"No." Kimura Sakae shook her head: "My ability is to interfere with the five senses of creatures and distort my appearance in their perception, not to manipulate other people's senses."

"Okay." Bai Chuanxia shook his head. He took it for granted. He took out his mobile phone and clicked on the Huangmao app. After these days of hard work, his favorability has risen to 71, which is a remarkable achievement.

"It seems that we should not do this kind of thing outside and in places where people may find it."

"Otherwise, there will always be times when people see it like today because of carelessness."

Momo Kimura is a beauty, but in the eyes of others, she is a neutral and beautiful male, which is very grassy.

"Okay." Kimura Zao nodded in agreement, then turned and opened the car door.

Bai Chuanxia breathed a sigh of relief, the color fox is a rational type, not as emotional as a human woman.

Immediately, I saw that the favorability dropped from 71 to 70.

"?" Bai Chuanxia.

The two returned to the apartment, Min Zhikui was practicing with Xuan Mu, and they returned home very late.

He has been staying at Kimura Zao girl's house recently, and he has decided that he must attack Kimura Zao girl.

You can't stay stuck on the main line all the time.

They cooked a large pot of braised chicken nuggets in the kitchen, and the two of them ate together, then sat in the living room and went about their own affairs.

He leaned on the sofa, the voice of Teacher Qing Shangqiu was in his head.

From her perspective, she saw the students and the male teacher from another class kissing passionately in the parking lot.

It was hard for him to imagine what kind of expression he would use to meet her tomorrow.

"Forget it, let's think about tomorrow's matter tomorrow." Bai Chuanxia stretched his waist, then looked at Kimura Zao, and saw that she was still typing on the keyboard seriously: "I'm going to take a shower, do you want to go together?"

Kimura Momo didn't even raise her head.

Bai Chuanxia could only shrug his shoulders and go to the bathroom alone.

Soak your body in the bathtub, and you will instantly feel alive.

"It's really troublesome." Bai Chuanxia leaned his head on the bathtub, closed his eyes, trying to attack the perverted fox was more difficult than he imagined.

Her mood cannot be measured by human cognition at all.

He does things that human women find romantic, but it is not romantic in Zao women's cognition.

It's like you hold 999 roses and arrange them in the shape of a heart. From the perspective of the wild cat, she only cares about whether there is cat food.

Zao Girl's favorability is also very messy, it often rises inexplicably, and also decreases inexplicably.

While he was thinking, the bathroom door was pushed open from the outside.

Kimura Zao girl walked in from the outside naked, and stepped into the bathroom with her jade feet, showing her figure without reservation.

She raised her foot and stepped into the bathtub, then sat down in front of Bai Chuanxia, ​​frowning slightly: "It's so crowded."

"This is a bathtub for one person, of course it will be crowded." Bai Chuanxia pursed his mouth, and their feet touched each other in the bathtub.

Bai Chuanxia reached into the warm water, grabbed one of her jade feet, and put it between his feet.

There was no reaction in Kimura Momo's expression, and she took a bath calmly.

"Why do you want to be a teacher?" Bai Chuanxia asked while playing with his feet.

Momo Kimura replied: "When you want to try to integrate into human society, the first recruitment information you see is a teacher."

"It's really a simple reason. I thought there would be some special opportunity." Bai Chuanxia took her two feet in his hands.

"The opportunity that humans talk about is made up of such small things." The fox sank into the bathtub a little bit.

Bai Chuanxia felt that she liked playing with water very much.

"What does Mr. Xia want to do in the future?"

"There is no special plan." Bai Chuanxia was surprised that the fox would ask him such a question, and answered honestly: "I feel that everyone around me is moving towards the real goal, and occasionally I feel uneasy."

He has a yellow-haired app, but unlike Goldfinger in the general sense, the task is extremely difficult and dangerous, which makes him feel uneasy.

"As long as you want to do, I will support you." The fox leaned out of the water, leaned over, and opened his mouth slightly.

Bai Chuanxia knew that she wanted to bite again, the fox couldn't figure out what was going on.

She is learning about humans, causing her to switch between two completely different personalities.

In front of outsiders, she is as gentle as jade, a perfect wood algae girl.

At home, he is a bit clingy, a perverted fox who can say some clingy things.

However, after the perverted fox is comfortable, he often pulls his abalone ruthlessly and kicks him away, regardless of whether you live or die.

"Since just now, you have been thinking about things between men and women." The fox wrapped his arms around his neck and stuck out his tongue.

"Aren't you too?" Bai Chuanxia stretched out her hand, her body was fully prepared, at least the physical compatibility between the two of them has been getting better and better recently.

Pat her buttocks, and she'll automatically assume a comfortable position.

But if you don't touch her when she is in heat, you will be bitten.

When the time came to the second day, when Bai Chuanxia got up from the bed, he felt sore all over his body. It was a real physical effort to satisfy the perverted fox.

Even with the tauren heart and kidneys, there was a sense of weakness.

Facing the sink, his eyes were slightly sunken in the mirror, obviously caused by continuous overwork.

Picking up the phone, the column of friendship has changed back to 71 points.

"Okay!" Bai Chuanxia made a cheering gesture to himself in the mirror, and it seemed that the strategy was correct.

Shaking his head, he shook his fatigue out of his head and went to school.

"Student Xia, please answer this question." The voice came from the podium, and Bai Chuanxia staggered, suddenly regaining consciousness. The lecturer was Qing Shangqiu, and the other students all looked at him.

"Are there any other students who are willing to help Xia?" Qing Shangqiu didn't embarrass him, and then looked at the others.

Bai Chuanxia smiled awkwardly. He kept thinking about the matter of attacking Zao Girl in class, which caused him to be distracted.

Qing Shangqiu's class was the last class in the morning. After class, Qing Shangqiu called Shang Bai Chuanxia to the dessert shop alone.

There are stylishly dressed girls choosing pastries at the counter, and most of the seats are filled. Obviously, the business of this store is good.

"Student Xia, you're welcome, the teacher pays the bill." Qing Shangqiu smiled softly, holding her long hair behind her ear with one hand. She was the type of sister next door, and this smile made people feel extremely cordial.

"Teacher Qingshang, is there something for me?" Bai Chuanxia had a weird expression on his face. He didn't want to see this teacher right now.

Even though she is known among the students as a confidant big sister.

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