Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 110: Fighting Basilisk

In Slytherin's secret room, a green light shone through the crystals in the ceiling. In front of the Slytherin statue, a low figure stood there, surrounded by a dozen strange machines that were as tall as one person. The room was silent, save for the occasional dripping water and the sound of gears turning.

After all the preparations were done, Ryan took a few deep breaths to adjust his body condition. After that, he read out the narcissistic door code in snake language.

"Speak to me, Slytherin - the greatest of the Big Four at Hogwarts."

As soon as the voice fell, Slytherin's huge stone face moved. His mouth grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a huge black hole. There was a rustling sound from the black hole, as if something was about to crawl out.

Ryan released a floating spell on himself and tightened the hook on his left arm, and then the whole person was taken behind a statue by the hook.

After releasing the floating spell, Ryan grasped the black cloth on the rooster cage while sensing the position of the basilisk through the magic circle.

The basilisk's behavior is no different from that of an ordinary snake. When it swam out of the hole and started to stop spitting out snake letters to detect the surrounding environment, Ryan started.

He activated the magic circle on the floor, and the magic circle released golden light, forming one golden ring after another on the basilisk. At the same time, Ryan lifted the black cloth covering the cage, and the roosters in the cage began to croak when they saw the light.

The basilisk was obviously blinded by the sudden attack, after all, this was the first time it responded to the call after fifty years of sleep. I thought I could welcome a new Slytherin descendant and complete its mission under the command of the descendant, but I didn't expect to be hit by a storm as soon as I went out.

Ryan urged the spiritual power in his body to twist the basilisk's head to the predetermined position through the golden ring around the basilisk. Fortunately, because of the sudden attack and the crowing of the rooster, the basilisk was in a state of confusion, and Ryan could feel that the pressure from the circle was not too great.

After twisting the basilisk's head to the designated position, Ryan shouted: "Shoot."

Those weapon stations began firing crossbow bolts in the intended direction after receiving voice commands. After that, Ryan felt the pressure from the magic circle suddenly increased. After the intensive explosion sound, Ryan took out a mirror from his arms and stuck out the stone pillar to check the status of the Basilisk.

The results of the investigation are mixed. The good news is that 2/3 of the crossbow arrows successfully hit the target and exploded in the body of the basilisk. In particular, there were a lot of wounds on the head that was the focus of attention. The place that used to be the eyes turned into two eyes. It was terrifyingly empty when it went up, with black blood coming out of it.

And a lot of places on the snake's body were also hit with large and small wounds, and bones can still be seen in some places. The scales also peeled off a lot, exposing the flesh underneath.

But the bad news is that the basilisk is still alive and exploded after being provoked. Ryan saw that the apertures that had restrained the basilisk cracked and then shattered at the same time. At this time, the Basilisk had exceeded the upper limit of the strength of the restraint circle, and it was completely destroyed after the last two flashes of the circle.

After breaking free of the restraining aperture, the angry basilisk let out a creepy hiss and charged towards Lane's location.

It is a very bad thing to upgrade the enemy in front of him. After all, the experience of playing online games to open up wasteland tells Ryan that once this kind of unplanned situation occurs, it is easy to destroy the group.

Losing both eyes and sustaining serious injuries is fatal to most creatures. While snakes generally don't rely solely on their eyes to explore their surroundings, the loss of vision and their strongest weapons is still an unacceptably traumatic experience for a basilisk.

Even though most of the time, the basilisk goes dormant under the influence of Slytherin magic, but that doesn't mean it likes to be as motionless as a stone. And Ryan's attack greatly affected its mobility, which made the basilisk's simple brain mark Ryan as an immortal enemy.

So after judging Ryan's position, the Basilisk ignored Ryan's disgusting cock crowing by his side.

Directly rushed towards Ryan.

Seeing the huge basilisk rushing towards him, Ryan hooked the hook on the raised pattern on the upper part of the opposite stone pillar, and then used his strength to swing over. And the basilisk is likely to have a problem with its balance due to the attack on its head just now. After a loud bang, it slammed into the stone pillar.

The stone pillar was directly smashed by the middle, and the basilisk continued to castrate and smashed another pillar until it stopped under the third pillar. Ryan looked at the rising smoke and swallowed in fear. If he ran a little slower, he would probably have turned into minced meat now.

The smoke dissipated, and the basilisk's body reappeared, with more scales peeled off than before. The shattered rock rubbed against the basilisk's body to create more wounds.

"Break to pieces." Ryan used his wand to point to the fragment of the pillar on the basilisk's head that was connected to the ceiling. The crumbling fragment was hit and smashed directly at the basilisk.

The basilisk quickly dodged after hearing the movement, but the wound on its body and its huge size prevented it from dodging completely in the end. The rock hit its tail, and it pulled the tail out from under the rock. However, Ryan saw a lot of scales peeling off and shattering on the tail of the basilisk, and even slightly deformed. It seems that the damage to the basilisk is not small.

"Hiss" the basilisk began to breathe vigorously, and part of the green gas also spewed out of the basilisk's mouth. Ryan felt dizzy from the distance.

Not good, poisonous. Ryan thought of this, took out a poison talisman from his pocket and slapped it on his body, then took out a tube of broad-spectrum antidote he had made while helping Madam Pomfrey dispense the medicine, bit off the cork and poured it in. . Thanks to Madam Pomfrey's only good potions, these good-level potions were given to Ryan as inferior products, and now they are just in use.

Sure enough, the things left by the Big Four should not be underestimated. At least neither the novels I read in my previous life nor the materials I checked in this life have ever said that the basilisk will spray poisonous gas. Fortunately, before each adventure, I am used to being fully prepared, carrying all kinds of potions and spells on my body, otherwise it is likely to overturn here.

But then again, just smelling a trace of poisonous gas from such a distance can make Ryan's strengthened body feel dizzy, which means that once bitten by a basilisk, it is a high probability that Ryan will die. Because he has no antidote that can directly fight snake venom.

At this time, Ryan was also secretly thankful that when the basilisk just came out, he was caught off guard by using all his firepower to hit the basilisk. Otherwise, the half-crippled basilisks are so powerful now. If it is a complete basilisk, Ryan feels that he should not talk about fighting, it may even be difficult to escape successfully.

But now that the Basilisk has been stripped of its most dangerous instant-death ability and most of its perception and dealt a lot of damage, Ryan feels confident that he can kill it.

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