Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 112 Looking for the spoils

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the absorption of the mutant dragon grass finally ended, and the basilisk became a pile of bones. Lane put on the dragonskin gloves and went up to pick up a piece of bone, but found that the weight was obviously lighter than expected. After pinching it a little harder, the white bones quickly turned into a handful of ashes.

This absorption is too clean. After seeing the basilisk bones and confirming that there is nothing of value, Ryan began to carefully check the condition of the mutant dragon grass.

From the outside, dragon grass has hardly changed, at most the leaves are greener than before. But in the spiritual connection, Dragon Grass told Ryan that he had undergone a reborn change, and that he would be born after a while.

born? Thinking of this, Ryan observed the dragon grass again. Only then did he realize that the one who signed the pet contract with him was not the whole dragon grass, but the football-sized fruit on the dragon fruit.

It seems that I was too tired just now, and I neglected to see it for a while. It seems that I am still inexperienced and not cautious enough. I can't be like this in the future.

When the basement garbage was almost cleaned up, Ryan recalled all the robots and sent them back to the world of Plants vs. Zombies, and sent the reluctant mutant dragon grass back to the grocery store. Then start exploring the secret room.

According to legend, Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets was originally used by him to study some of the magic that the other Big Three were opposed to. If this is the case, then there may be other valuable things left in this secret room.

After all, the size and exquisite decoration of this secret room would be a bit too wasteful if it was simply used as a basilisk's lair.

As for what is said in "Hogwarts, A History of the School", Slytherin kept basilisks in the back room to cleanse the school of Muggle-born wizards. Ryan didn't believe a single letter.

The reason is also very simple: on the one hand, in the battle just now, Ryan discovered that the Basilisk is completely a beast with a little wisdom and instinct to act. Today, there are not many wizards in the British wizarding world who have always been pure-blooded, even including many families who claim to be pure-blooded. Ryan doesn't believe that the basilisk's IQ can make accurate judgments.

On the other hand, the ability of the Basilisk is unlikely to completely cleanse Hogwarts. If there is a covert attack, the school may be closed as long as a few students are attacked. And if you attack, the only option is when the students are gathering, and at that time the professors are often there. The headmaster and professor of Hogwarts have always been strong, and it is definitely not very difficult for them to join forces to kill a basilisk.

So what is the basilisk doing? With this question in mind, Ryan carefully checked every inch of the secret room, trying to find the answer to the question.

After checking the various places inside the secret room and finding no problems, Ryan turned his attention to the statue of Slytherin. After chanting the door opening spell again, Ryan slipped in through the open mouth of the Slytherin statue.

The bottom of this hole is very dark, and the length is not short, and there is a feeling of fear when walking in it. But the diameter of the tunnel is large enough for an adult to walk upright in it.

After walking more than ten meters, Ryan saw a bright light ahead. After walking a few steps and turning a right angle, he found himself in a stone room. Several transparent crystals are inlaid on the side of the stone chamber, allowing the light from the bottom of the lake to shine through the crystals. In addition, there was a dim yellow light from above.

With these lights, Ryan looked at the stone room carefully. The space was about the size of a classroom, and there was nothing in it except a burning oil lamp overhead.

Ryan just felt a little depressed, and suddenly woke up with a shock: oil lamp, how can there be oil lamps in such a confined space? And how could such a small oil lamp burn for so long?

After using the hook to hook the oil lamp off, Ryan discovered that it was a very simple bronze oil lamp with a silver Slytherin Academy symbol inlaid on it.

the most important is,

Inside the bronze lamp is a silver oil bowl with two serpentine letters embossed on the edge of the bowl, representing the initials of Salazar Slytherin. There is a gold wick in the middle of the oil bowl. The light was burning on the wick, but there was no fuel in the oil bowl.

This should be Gublai Immortal Fire. According to legend, only the most powerful wizards can release this magic, so that the flames can span time and burn forever.

Thinking of this, Ryan hung the oil lamp back to its original position (this oil lamp looks like it should be a Hogwarts thing made by Slytherin himself, with the logo of Slytherin House on it. This kind of commemorative thing belongs to the school property, It’s not good to take it. Not to mention that this thing can’t improve people’s abilities, and it can’t be exchanged for money, so it doesn’t make much sense to hold it). Then began to search the entire stone room inch by inch.

Because if there is something hidden in the secret room, it should be hidden in this stone room. After all, if that's the case, the presence of a basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets would make it clear: it's the monster Slytherin had brought in to guard the treasure.

After repeatedly searching for nothing but the oil lamp in this empty house, Ryan tried to read various requests in snake language. After he said the secret of revealing you in snake language, the oil lamp suddenly increased several times in brightness, displayed a large amount of text on the four walls, and projected a lively snake on the corner of the wall.

Is this Slytherin heritage? Ryan didn't dare to neglect and immediately entered the world of Plants vs. Zombies to get a film camera and rushed back to the house.

While taking the photo, Lane discovered that the text was in Latin. Fortunately, he knew Latin numerals, so he photographed all the words in the order of the Latin numerals at the beginning of each paragraph.

After spending half an hour watching two loops and consuming several rolls of film. Lane determined that there are 186 pages in these inheritances. It's a pity that he basically doesn't know what is written on it, so it seems that he can only find a way after going out.

After confirming that there was no omission, Ryan tried to read the snake language to the wall where a snake had just been projected: "Open."

A stone door with a delicate serpentine bronze doorknob emerged from the otherwise smooth stone wall.

Ryan grabbed the door handle and pulled it hard, and the door opened easily, which made him almost fall because he didn't have a good balance. Even after a thousand years, everything in the secret room is functioning normally under the protection of Slytherin's magic, which is a very shocking discovery.

Behind the door was a spiraling staircase. After walking up the stairs for more than ten minutes, Ryan finally stopped at a wall.

After opening it again in snake language, the wall moved quickly to both sides, revealing a small door for one person only. Looking longingly from the door, Ryan could see the tapestries on the corridor outside the door and the burning torches on the wall. It appears that he has returned to the castle.

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