Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 125 The establishment of a new stronghold

After releasing the robot to work for a while, Ryan was surprised to find that the torch stump, which was the power source, quickly wilted. He also sensed that the life of the torch stump was slowly declining.

Could it be because of FEV virus pollution and radiation in the air? Thinking of this, Ryan immediately told the robot to stop the construction, and then sent a note to Plants vs. Zombies to send some sealed containers.

After the sealed container was delivered, Ryan arranged for the robot to take samples of water, air and soil, and sent them back to the world of Plants vs. Zombies together with these wilting plants. Then take a bunch of high-pressure steam storage tanks out there as a temporary source of energy, and let them clean up the site and build shelter here.

By the time he was done, Knight and his wife had gathered the supplies and were going to take a look at Concord.

Ryan thought for a while and decided to go and see with them. Because he needs to collect more things, it is necessary to visit the city.

At the Red Rocket pit, they encountered a bunch of mutant moles. After applying the Iron Armor Charm to the three of them, Ryan waved his wand and joined in the cleanup of the mutant moles.

During the battle, Ryan took out the spells he knew one by one to test the results. It turned out that the Disarm Charm had no effect on the mole, and the Stunning Charm could successfully stun the mole. Surprisingly, the ancient Viking's life spell, Unclean and Quiet, is surprisingly easy to use, and can cause a lot of damage to the mutant mole.

It was only when Ryan was picking up the spoils after the battle that he thought: Most of the creatures in this world have been mutated under the stimulation of virus weapons and radiation, and the uncleanness is the spell for these unnatural creatures. At the same time, this world is a world dominated by science and technology. The mutation of creatures is entirely due to the reasons of science and technology, which leads to their extremely poor magical defense capabilities, and it is very easy to deal with.

At this time, Ryan sent all the computers and some equipment that could be used in the repair station back to the world of Plants vs. Zombies through the time-space gate. At this time, a note came from the opposite side, telling Dave Ryan that he had found something very useful from those plants and samples, and was now returning to the laboratory for research. If there are similar biological samples, please send back as many as possible. Now the warehouse has been changed to the highest standard sealed space, so there is no need to worry about contamination.

It seems that if you encounter death claw for a while, you may not be able to use this spell, otherwise, you will not be able to study it if you become ashes as the mutant mole.

After the loot was collected, the three had some disputes. Knight believes that the world is much worse now than before, and for safety's sake, he hopes that Nora can temporarily return to Sanctuary or a sanctuary. But Nora disagrees, feeling that now that the world has gotten so bad, she needs to get used to it all the more.

Ryan watched them argue and hurried forward to mediate, because it was getting late, and he didn't want to fight Death Claw when it was dark at night.

After Lane repeatedly stated that he could provide protection with magic, Knight finally agreed that everyone should act together. In the end, a Knight with service experience was formed in the front, and Ryan, who knew magic, was in the back. A formation that protects Nora in the middle.

After easily killing two huge mutant mosquitoes on the road, they came to Concord. As soon as they reached the intersection, they heard gunshots coming from the town.

Knight's face changed when he heard the gunshots, and he signaled everyone to pay attention to concealment. Then slowly touched the place where the gun sounded.

After walking for a while, he found that a looter in front was shooting in the direction of the museum with a gun, and another looter stood beside him and looked around.

Knight motioned him to go up to solve the problem, so Ryan put the Illusionary Charm and the Iron Armor Charm on him, and then saw a vaguely transparent shadow touch the direction of the two predators.

Soon there was blood on a predator's neck,

Because this action is too large to destroy the invisibility effect. Another looter found out that he was about to turn his gun, when Ryan used a disarming spell to knock his weapon away, and was then knocked unconscious by Knight.

Knight took the captives back to Lane's hiding place, tied them up and woke the captives up for interrogation.

The looters were indeed composed of unscrupulous scumbags. Before Knight was executed, the looters found that the situation was not good and immediately poured out all the instructing information.

Watching Knight, who had confirmed the information, cleanly deal with the captives, Ryan felt cold in his limbs and numb in his scalp. After all, after so many battles before, he had never fought against humans, so he felt a little uncomfortable seeing the dead. And Nora's reaction was even stronger, and she started to retching after seeing this scene.

It took several minutes for the two to adjust their emotions, and then rejected Knight's kindness to let them wait here, and decided to go to the front together to rescue the people trapped in the museum.

At this time, Ryan also picked up a short double-barreled shotgun used by predators. After all, he hadn't used these guns very much before, and shotguns were more suitable for beginners.

After coming to the museum and eliminating a few scattered looters, a wounded civilian begged them to enter the museum to save the civilians inside.

After Ryan treated the militiaman with Baixian essence, the armed civilian followed behind with a gun and joined the team.

After that, with Ryan's life magic detection, the team easily killed the enemies in the museum. Met the last volunteer, Preston, on the top floor.

The person hiding here was a middle-aged woman named Mum Murphy. When she saw Ryan, she said to him, "Who are you? Why haven't I seen your existence in the past or the future?"

Others beside her said to Ryan, "Don't pay attention to her, she has always been like this."

But Lane felt that Mama Murphy might be a true prophet, or at least she was right.

Under the guidance of Preston, Knight went upstairs to check the situation of the power armor upstairs, while Ryan went to the lower floor to get the nuclear fusion core.

Fortunately, the looters in the house have been wiped out. Lane used the hook rope to jump from the patio upstairs to the basement directly. After using the unlocking spell to open the door and take out the nuclear fusion core, he used the hook rope to quickly pull himself upstairs. After that, I happened to meet Knight, who had just arrived here, at the door of the rooftop.

Ryan handed the nuclear fusion core to Knight, and then came to the rooftop with him.

As soon as they got to the rooftop, a bullet hit their side, splashing a lot of dust. Ryan quickly put an iron armor spell on the two of them, and then started to fight back with the shotgun in his hand, buying time for Knight to wear the power armor.

After killing the predator on the roof opposite, Ryan found that he did not have the various stress reactions he imagined. This may be because you have experienced a lot, and naturally you will be immune to various events.

After a few minutes of firefight, Lane managed to keep the looters from approaching the museum. But at the same time, the closer the predators got, the more accurate the bullets got. If it wasn't for the Iron Armor spell on his body, he felt that he might have been injured long ago.

But even so, Ryan added several Iron Armor spells to himself. When he felt that he might not be able to stop the predators, he finally heard the sound of an electric motor behind him; the power armor started.

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