Have something to do? Ryan and the other little wizards all looked blank. However, according to the professor's instructions, they sat down at the long table by grade level, and then looked at the professor.

Professor Sprout waved his wand, and a paper and a quill appeared before everyone. "The teachers have told you that you need to learn Spanish by yourself, so let's take a test to see your self-study results."

Thankfully, Ryan was so busy studying magic these days that he didn't have time to learn languages ​​at all. But fortunately, Spanish was included in the language memory implantation received in the Fallout World before.

Naturally, Ryan, who was hanging up, successfully won the first place in the language test. After packing up the exam papers, Professor Sprout used his wand from behind to direct a blackboard to float in the air, ready to give everyone a make-up lesson.

Ryan originally thought that this year's study tour would not only take classes in Castro Brusso, but also self-study the textbooks of Hogwarts. He did not expect that there are additional things to learn besides these.

For example, on the train, they need to learn etiquette and common herbs and usages in the Amazon region, and they also need to understand some unique attack magic in South America.

Attack magic? Isn't this an academic exchange? If etiquette is to avoid being rude when communicating with each other, and Castro Brusso is good at things related to magical plants, it is also useful to know the subject of each other's specialties in advance. So what happened to this last attack magic? Why does it sound like you're going to fight?

Looking at everyone's puzzlement, Professor Kettleburn tapped his wooden leg with his wand and said, "You are all top students in all grades, so there are some things you need to know. In the wizarding world, strength is A very important part. Our headmaster Dumbledore as the most powerful white wizard is one of the important reasons why our school has been so distinguished over the decades.

Therefore, it is inevitable for us to exchange ideas with students from other schools during our visit this time. Therefore, I will try my best to teach you some means of self-protection on the way. Lastly, I know that your colleges have some disagreements in the school, but I hope you can stay united in this event. "

It was only then that Ryan thought that the current Ketelburne was also a master of death, who had received a record 62 times of probation during his teaching period. And he, like Hagrid, has a soft spot for dangerous magical creatures, and often gets into trouble because of it. This year he successfully retired with only half a leg and one arm left. If it weren't for this communication being more important, Dumbledore would personally ask him to trouble him for another semester. It is estimated that he has now been in close contact with those dangerous big guys in the Romanian Fire Dragon Reserve.

But this can also be explained from another aspect, even if he is scarred. But to survive decades of dealing with dangerous magical creatures, it is likely that the actual combat ability is no less than that of many elite Aurors. In this case, sending him as another team leader teacher can very well show that this exchange activity may not be so peaceful.

After the first class, they had a hasty meal. The taste of the meal wasn't comparable to the one at school, but it was also much better than the box lunch Ryan had eaten on the train in his previous life. For a light meal on the road, this is already very good, far better than eating instant noodles directly.

Professor Sprout went to the front of the car to ask the driver after the meal, and then told the little wizards that everyone would arrive at Castro Brusso in the evening tomorrow.

Since this journey is not long, both professors have tried their best, hoping to squeeze more knowledge into the students' minds. So after the classes were all over at 9:30 p.m., a look of extreme exhaustion appeared on every student's face.

After the class, the two professors opened the door and went back to their rooms. At this time, a sixth-year Slytherin girl stood up and knew she was a prefect by looking at the badge on her robe.

I saw her walking to one end of the carriage, and then said to all the students, "I know that our college may not be very popular,

We also don't like students from other colleges very much. But this time we are all representing Hogwarts, so I hope that in the process of this exchange, everyone can let go of the contradictions in the school. Unite and let those Castro Brusso students see how good we are. "

After the senior sister spoke, the carriage suddenly became quiet. Then a Ravenclaw sixth grader stepped up, shook her hand and said, "You're right, come on." Then everyone shook her hand and made a sympathetic attitude.

When everyone went back to the carriage, they didn't find the two professors standing in a place they couldn't see, looking at them with relief.

Obviously, the communication between magic schools is not just communication, but also a competition between magic schools that are not magic schools. Since it is a competition, the winner will naturally be decided. So in order to win, the students of the four colleges, who were at odds in the school, began to try to unite. It's not very harmonious, but at least it's a good start.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that in Ravenclaw and Slytherin, where there are more pure-blooded colleges, those students from big pure-blood families are often not ambitious in their studies, and at the same time need to spend a lot of energy to build people network. So it's not the best academically. And the few pure-blooded students who came to communicate this time are from some small families that are relatively marginal in the wizarding world, and they do not have such strong racist thoughts. In this case, it is easier for everyone to unite than expected.

In theory, long-distance travel in the wizarding world is often a happier thing. But none of the students on the trip felt happy—it was just a dull blue sky and white clouds outside, and there was no scenery to see. Also study hard. In addition, the diet is also very monotonous, and the house elves who are not at all make delicious food.

Luckily it didn't last long, when the wall clock in the lounge played music the next day. Professor Sprout told everyone to change into their gowns, because the destination was coming.

Lane's dress robe is navy blue. When he got dressed and walked out of his room, he happened to see Hermione walking out of the next room. She was wearing a goose-yellow robe, which made her look more sunny than before.

When I came to the common room, I saw Professor Sprout standing there wearing a brown silk robe and shouting: "Everyone stands in two rows according to grade, and then follow Professor Kettleburn and me to keep in line and get off. Now you check each other's clothes again to make sure there is nothing wrong."

Afterwards, Professor Sprout called out Zhang Qiu and another fifth-year Slytherin boy from the team and asked each of them to hold a silver instrument that Ryan did not know at all. And told them that after the two professors saluted, they would give these gifts to Principal Castro Brusso.

It turns out that even in the magical world, there is a habit of exchanging gifts for each other similar to the Muggle world. Fortunately, the overall appearance in the wizarding world is not low. So Professor Sprout was also able to choose a representative whose appearance would not detract from the image of Hogwarts.

Ten minutes later, when everyone stood a little impatient, everyone could feel the train stop slowly, and then there was a feeling of weightlessness.

After a few minutes with some shock, the carriage came to a complete standstill. This should be the arrival of Castro Brusso.

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