Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 147 Garden Exchange Meeting

At David's warm invitation, Ryan also tried a flaming snake fruit. Biting open the fruit, a sweet and sour juice filled the entire mouth. Although the taste is good, Ryan feels that if it is just like this, the red snake fruit can't bear the adjective precious at all.

While thinking about it, the juice flowing into the throat seemed to suddenly burn, like a line of fire from the throat to the stomach. Ryan could feel the heat flow from the body to the limbs and bones, removing all the dampness and heat in the body. I have swept away a lot of discomfort in my body since I came here. Then a gust of wind blew, and Ryan felt some long-lost coolness.

"This is a good thing. It can remove the discomfort caused by the humidity and heat in the body, and it should also prevent heat stroke, so you should eat a little." Ryan said to Hermione and the second-year Hufflepuff student next to him after he recovered. .

"Amazing." David gave Ryan a thumbs up, "At our age, there are not many people who can feel its special effects so accurately when they eat Yanheguo for the first time. Since you can see it, your herbal medicine Must have learned well."

"Indeed, Ryan is even sometimes called by our school doctor Madam Pomfrey to be an assistant." Hermione took a deep breath after eating the Fire Snake Fruit, looking a little more energetic than before. He replied after hearing David's words.

Using this topic as an introduction, the two sides began to discuss the issue of herbal medicine. Castro Brusso is worthy of being an academy known for herbal medicine and magical biology, and even junior students can come up with points of view that have never been seen in herbal textbooks.

Fortunately, Lane gained Dave's lifelong efforts in plant research, and at the same time gained valuable practical experience in the process of nurturing Xiaoqing. Cowardly here. But for others, the content of their discussions is still a bit esoteric. Ryan tried very hard to explain these questions about magical plants to the two people around him, but they still looked confused.

After all, Ryan and the others were discussing some details and various operating skills in actual operation. This is indeed a bit difficult for the lower Hogwarts students who have not had enough experience in herbal medicine lessons. Because many tricks in the operation cannot be found in the book at all, and can only be understood through actual operation.

However, as a top student at Hogwarts, at least he has a good habit of asking if he doesn't understand. Ryan saw that both Hermione and the Hufflepuff student took out their notebooks and began to record the knowledge points that appeared in their discussions. Because in order to communicate smoothly, everyone discussed in Spanish. Therefore, Ryan needs to spend some energy to translate the communication content into English so that his classmates can understand.

This also made Ryan feel the fire in his throat when more than half of the discussion time had passed in the afternoon. Fortunately, this is Castro Brusso, there may not be many other things, but there will be no shortage of various herbs. Lane thought about the herbs he found around by using simple natural feelings, and after taking some medicinal fruits from the table, he borrowed a crucible from the stove and began to brew the potion.

When Ryan started to cook medicine in a pot, his actions quickly attracted the attention of many people. After all, due to the current environment and the fruits served, most of the students naturally chose herbal medicine as a way to communicate and discuss. the content of the exchange.

As we all know, Castro Brusso College has great advantages in the research of magical animals and magical plants, which has led to the fact that the students of Hogwarts have been at a disadvantage in the discussion just now. Looking at the proud eyes of Castro Brusso's two accompanying professors on the stone platform, the big guys quickly knew that this was a game they deliberately set up to show their strength.

However, at this time, Hogwarts students also have some difficulties. After all, if the topic is diverted, it will appear that they are not only good academically, but also can't afford to lose. So for one afternoon, they only watched Castro Brusso's students showing off in front of them in an unhappy mood.

It's just that Ryan's group, because of Ryan's plug-ins, can have discussions with the students on the opposite side.

So naturally I didn't notice the embarrassment of other students.

Now that Ryan suddenly started to boil the potion, the Hogwarts classmates finally breathed a sigh of relief and found an excuse to get rid of the current unfavorable situation.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Ryan handled the raw materials like water and skillfully controlled the heat. This set of actions stunned the little wizards who were watching. After all, they had seen similar scenes, but they were often in the hands of some pharmacists with more than ten years of experience. Seeing that a rookie like Ryan, who has only been exposed to potion for two years, can reflect this state, the word "genius" appeared in the student center onlookers. After all, apart from this, they couldn't explain Ryan's skilled operation process.

It's just that Ryan knows that he is not a genius at all, but he has obtained the inheritance of a Chinese medicine through Wanjie grocery store before. Although that Chinese medicine practitioner was only at an upper-middle level, he had at least studied medicine from a master at the level of a genius doctor for several decades, and during the decades of studying medicine, what he did most was to help the master prepare and decoct medicines.

Fortunately, the raw material handling and production of potions has a lot in common with traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, after absorbing the inheritance of this traditional Chinese medicine, Lane mastered a series of experience and tips about making potions after a simple change.

Naturally, this kind of inheritance is not perfect. At school, Ryan was criticized by Snape for being too rigid in his movements and lacking the important aura in potion making. So it is difficult to make the perfect potion.

However, for the little wizards watching, being able to brew a pot of excellent potions is already a great achievement. So Lane finally distributed the medicine to everyone in the eyes of a group of admiring eyes. Fortunately, Lane thought of this situation and made a big pot of medicine, so everyone who needed it could get a copy.

After drinking this potion to reduce swelling and relieve the heat, the students at Hogwarts naturally turned to the topic of potions, in which the students of Hogwarts were better than the students of Castro Brusso. After all, having a young potions master as a potions professor is a luxury. With a potions master teaching attentively and under pressure to deal with all kinds of disgusting potion materials, students are naturally at the mercy of potions. There is a low level of learning in the class.

In the wizarding world, potion masters have always been a profession with far less supply than demand, especially young potion masters often choose to make full use of their time to improve their access to resources, often only older potion masters will When there is little hope for a breakthrough, I choose to go back to school to teach and train young people. But their age determines that they can't have enough energy to train students as young people.

Professor Snape at Hogwarts is a special case, because he chose to stay at the school to teach because of some things, which also led to the improvement of the overall level of potions of Hogwarts students. Think about how even Neville, a weak potion student, could pass the normal-level wizarding exam. This shows the level of Professor Snape very well.

Sure enough, in the potion discussion that followed, the Hogwarts students had the upper hand, which saved some face.

After returning to the carriage after the final bonfire barbecue party, Professor Sprout praised Ryan for his honor for Hogwarts, although Ryan felt that he was just a coincidence and could not be praised.

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