Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 151 Castro Brusso's Secret

After entering the Emerald Dream, Ryan found that the principal of Castro Brusso and several students were still standing there and talking under the totem pole this time. But he didn't dodge, but walked over generously.

When he just walked under the totem pole, he saw Castro Brusso's headmaster looked at him and said gently: "I am very happy to see a comrade who has come from afar, you can join us here first. Discuss the issue, and after the discussion is over, you can go upstairs to see some of our materials."

After listening to the principal's words, Ryan immediately realized that he was actually discovered when he entered the Emerald Dream for the first time, and Castro Brusso welcomed those foreign guests into the Emerald Dream.

This made Ryan think of the teaching of Aunt Betty, the centaur. In her class, she told Ryan that those in this world can enter the Emerald Dream on their own, except for those evil people who distorted the surroundings and formed an Emerald Nightmare after entering. The rest will be treated as comrades and treated with kindness. It's just that Ryan was skeptical of what Aunt Betty said, out of a defensive mentality. But now it appears she was right.

While thinking about these things, Ryan listened to everyone's discussions. There are not many people here, except for the principal himself, there are only six students, but these six students are different from the principal, and each one's face is covered with a mask made of tree bark.

What they are discussing now is about how to deal with the Emerald Nightmare that suddenly appeared in the rainforest. It seems that this problem has been there for several days. They are discussing today for the final decision.

Clearly, everyone is equal in such situations. Because Lane found that the students were seriously discussing issues with the principal, and sometimes even refuted the principal's words, but the principal didn't care about these refutations.

After convincing all the students, Castro Brusso's headmaster turned to Ryan to ask his opinion on this kind of thing. Ryan thought for a while, and after omitting the process, he briefly talked about how he cleaned up the emerald nightmare formed by the eight-eyed giant spider in the Forbidden Forest.

"Um-" The headmaster was about to say something after listening to Ryan's narration, when a figure in a green robe walked in from the door. Because although he has a mask, he puts the mask on his head. So Lane recognized him as the professor of Castro Brusso's herbal medicine class.

"Mr. Principal, I came back from the investigation. The reason for the Emerald Nightmares there is that the seal of a temple of the evil god broke, and the evil Sakhisakyu escaped."

"Sakhi Sakyu? What is that?" Ryan asked a student next to him curiously.

"It's a giant bird that looks like an Andean condor. It can drive clouds together to create thunderstorms. It's very similar to North American thunderbirds." A girl wearing a red mask explained enthusiastically.

"Now everyone joins me to deal with the magical creature that has been polluted by evil. This guest will stay here for now. We will be back soon." After listening to the professor's report, the principal stood up and said out his resolution.

"By the way, guests, you can go to the house to read if you stay here, and you can enter as long as you can open the door." The principal said to Ryan after arranging all the staff.

Watching the eight people leave the courtyard, Ryan turned to go upstairs to see what the book they were talking about just now. Because this is only a small school, there are not many rooms. Except for the room that looks like a meditation or a laboratory, there is only a small room as a study.

In the study are some stone shelves, on which stand one book after another made of leaves. But no book is protected by an emerald green transparent magic shield.

After trying around, Lane found that he now only has one book to read.

This book is placed at the entrance of the room, and it is also the largest book in the whole house. It is almost half a person high and placed on a stone platform alone. The title of the book is "Castro Brusso,

The other half of school history

Why is this kind of school history kept in such a place? Is there anything precious about it? Lane opened the book curiously and found that it was about some parts that were not mentioned in the official school history. For example, the origin of the masks on the faces of students and professors that I saw just now recorded here.

Castro Brusso's third headmaster was a wizard who could communicate with the Emerald Dream, and he hoped to pass on this power as part of the school. So he obtained seven masks from the jungle dwarves at the cost of accomplishing several arduous tasks.

As long as the mask is worn, it can help the user enter the Emerald Dream. If there are more such opportunities, the user will have a greater probability than others to be able to master the power of nature and enter the Emerald Dream on their own.

For example, the herbal medicine professor wearing a mask on his head means that he has mastered part of the power of nature. Only need the power of the mask as an introduction to enter the Emerald Dream semi-autonomously.

It is no wonder that this school is famous for magical animals and herbal medicine. If people who enter the Emerald Dream can be mass-produced, they will naturally have specialties in this area with natural affinity.

In addition, what is recorded in the book is how a lot of schools have solved difficulties step by step and become brilliant with the help of these people.

After reading the whole book, Ryan began to think about some questions, and finally said to himself: "In the Emerald Dream, although the strangers who master the power of nature are not hostile, they should be neutral when they get along. Why do I feel it from the principal? Is it friendly? I'm not gold, how can everyone like it."

"Because Little Betty asks me to take care of you." A male voice came from behind.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Mr. Principal." Ryan looked a little embarrassed. After all, it is a very embarrassing thing to gossip about people behind their backs and be found on the spot.

"It's alright, normal people will definitely be suspicious in such a situation. You are Betty's apprentice, so you can just call me Mr. Fernando in private. By the way, I think you have some doubts, I think you can ask directly Come out." The principal stroked his white beard and smiled kindly.

"Okay, Mr. Fernando. I want to know why I was allowed to enter the Emerald Dream here. Because as far as I know, some schools want to hide everything about themselves, and even the exact location of the school is not known to others. Why Castro Bleu Shuo is so open to his own secrets?"

"Because Castro Brusso's secret is the Emerald Dream, child," said Principal Fernando. "You must know that the Emerald Dream itself is an open space. Intelligent creatures that can move autonomously in the Emerald Dream, except for the evil nature predators, gain strength from this feedback by maintaining the balance of nature."

"Then as long as you are sure that you are not a natural predator, then you are our natural ally. As you have just seen, this is the largest rainforest in the world, so there are many problems in the local jade dream. So the jade in this place Dreamland we have enough resources for all people to use, the only problem is that there are too few people, and most of the time is too busy. So we sincerely welcome everyone who has the same mind as us to come here. Let alone you are Betty The recommended one is half our own for us, so we naturally welcome it.”

"That's right." Ryan nodded. This answer finally relieved the biggest doubt in his heart, and he finally relaxed some of the previously tense nerves.

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