Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 153 Castro Brusso's Weekend

When Professor Jason allowed everyone to start the operation, Ryan immediately took out his wand and started experimenting with the method taught by the professor.

"Call God Guard." After chanting the magic spell, Ryan found that there was no response. This is a normal reaction, after all, the Patronus spell is also a high-level spell. Even if you can use the spell in full, you can get extra points on the fifth-grade general wizarding test.

Naturally, the probability that such a spell can be successful at one time is definitely very small, but the two next to it are not much better. Professor Jason took the trouble to remind him: "You need happy memories in your heart and the determination to protect beautiful things. In short, you need enough positive emotions to release this spell."

Ryan began to recall how happy he was when he got the golden finger and learned that it was possible to go home. And the joy of saving a lot of people before, and then raised the wand,

"God Guard." Now Ryan saw a silvery smoke spew from the head of his wand. Finally, at the end of today's lesson, Ryan found that his spell was capable of producing a lot of silver smoke. The progress of the other two students was similar.

"Very good," said Professor Jason with a smile, "I will bring a dementor here next Friday afternoon, as long as you can block the attack of the dementor with the Patronus Charm. As for the physical Patronus, that's fine. It takes a long time to study, so I won't make demands here."

Facing a real Dementor in the second practice? Ryan was shocked, this operation was simply too violent. You must know that Lupin only used a Boggart as a teaching aid when he taught Harry, so here is the real thing.

However, the other two students from the school did not show any surprise. After leaving the classroom, after explaining it with David's kindness, Ryan finally figured out the reason.

Castro Brusso specializes in magical plants and magical animals, and they use a wide variety of creatures in their teaching. Magical creatures in the Amazon are much more dangerous than the UK, where most magical creatures are relatively safe. So the two of them felt that it was normal to use Dementors as teaching aids this time, not to mention that there was a professor next to them, so there was absolutely no problem in terms of safety.

In this comparison, there are still some deficiencies in British wizard education in this regard. Lane thinks this may be the reason why they came out to exchange and study this time. Know your own shortcomings in comparison with other schools.

Everyone is very tired because of the study just now. So we said goodbye to each other and went to dinner.

The next day happened to be Saturday off, so Ryan planned to take a good sleep in. When he was woken up by Hermione when he was sleeping soundly in his bed in the morning, Ryan saw her standing in the room neatly dressed.

"Get up and say you can't be lazy just because you're not at Hogwarts," she said loudly, pulling the curtains up to let the sun shine into the car.

Lane has to be thankful that he has learned to sleep in pajamas after so many years in the UK, so he is not disrespectful now. But he was still surprised to block the sunlight with his hands and said, "Hermione - this is my dormitory, how did you get in?"

"Don't you know that this carriage is the same as the dormitory in our school. Girls can enter the boys' dormitory. It is said that the founder of the school thinks that boys are not as reliable as girls," said Hermione, raising her eyebrows.

"It's not fair." Ryan complained, then turned his head to Hermione and said, "Okay, I'm going to get up and wash now. Please wait outside for a while."

After washing up, Ryan came to the corridor of the carriage, where Hermione was already waiting. The magic of space folding has been released here, so the corridor is very spacious, and they decided to practice here today.

Because today is the first practice of this school year, the two started a pair of practice first, which is a summary of the previous school year and a reference for the next step. Naturally, Ryan would limit his abilities to only use spells and powers similar to Hermione's during this kind of matchmaking, otherwise the matchmaking would be meaningless.

Through the experience of studying magic together for a long time,

Ryan found that although Hermione was not a genius player in the learning of combat magic (Harry is a genius, he can use Cruciatus to overturn Bella just by listening to the spell, although it is only half-baked. But it is very good to get down without backlash. ), but her intelligence and hard work can achieve good results in most skills, including magical battles. For example, Hermione, who only mastered the spells in the textbook this time, performed a little better in that battle class than Daphne, who had a family heritage.

In this pairing exercise, Ryan found that after many previous exercises, Hermione began to slowly adapt to Ryan's tactics that were completely out of routine and completely figured out from actual combat.

For example, she can now predict Ryan's actions by observing his actions, and then cast a targeted spell. Many of the spells that could be avoided in the past, Ryan, had to be blocked with the Iron Armor Curse, and when Ryan moved his footsteps to change positions, he was almost knocked over by the glass beads she suddenly conjured.

Fortunately, Ryan has recently gained enough combat experience in the wasteland, so he can easily defeat Hermione in the duel training. If there is only experience in dealing with zombies as before, maybe it will overturn this time.

After the practice session, the two breathless men sat directly on the hallway rug. Hermione wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "I always thought magical battles were just like in the books, two wizards wielding their wands dashingly, and the flames formed by the collision of magical powers surrounded them. I never thought magical battles were so tiring, You need to keep moving.”

"Maybe a wizard of Dumbledore's level can really do what you said. But our current level simply can't judge the details of the magic spell coming from the opposite side, and at the same time accurately use the magic power to offset the magic of the opposite side or Choose a suitable defensive spell. In this case, our only way in actual combat is to avoid damage by dodging, and at the same time create a better attack angle. After all, no matter how powerful the life-suppressing spell is, it will not cause damage if it fails to hit. " Ryan went back to the room and took a pot of sugar and salt water prepared in advance and poured a glass for Hermione.

"I think I've practiced hard enough, why do I still feel inferior to you?" Hermione asked depressedly after taking a sip of water.

"After all, I've practiced longer than you. These things are, to put it bluntly, proficiency. You don't practice enough. But seriously, you can use all kinds of magic in battle, which is already very powerful. . As far as I know, most of the students at Hogwarts don't appreciate this, and they only choose combat-related magic when fighting, which is far less flexible than you are now."

Hearing Ryan's compliment, Hermione's ears, who felt a little embarrassed, began to turn red. Just as she was about to say something, a knock on the glass window interrupted her.

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