After Hermione took a sip of water, she put the water glass in her hand and made a gesture of listening intently. Ryan cleared his throat and said, "It's true that pure-blood wizards will go deep into the study of black magic, but they usually don't need to use black magic much. After all, except for a few families, most pure-blood families have accumulated long-term experience. The wealth and network of relationships they have built is enough for them to live, and they don't have to go shirtless on their own."

Hermione nodded in agreement. Lane continued: "It's different for hemp wizards. They have basically no social connections in the wizarding world. After graduation, they have no other way out than to join the Ministry of Magic or work as a clerk in a store. But the wizarding world The closed and small-scale of the city also determines that the jobs that can be provided every year are far from enough. This means that many hemp wizards will face the situation of unemployment after graduation.”

"In the Muggle world, they only have a primary school diploma at most, which means that it is basically impossible for them to continue their studies and find any good jobs in the Muggle world. Once they can't control their abuse of magic, they will soon be They will be arrested by the Ministry of Magic. In other words, once the Muggles choose to enter the wizarding world, they will basically sever ties with the Muggle world and cannot go back."

"And in the wizarding world, it's just as bad. They basically have no other way to gain knowledge other than school. But in the magic world, knowledge equals power, and power equals status. Without enough knowledge, it means that they will always be at the bottom."

"Occasionally a few lucky people may become part of a pure-blood family, and there are more women here. They will become full-time housewives, or use the strength of their husband's family to enter the circle of pure-blood wizards. For example, Diagon Alley is There are several shop owners who are called madams, and there are hemp wizards among them. But the male owners of those shops are pure blood."

Hearing this, Hermione opened her mouth to say something. But then he shrank back as if thinking of something.

"It's hard to find a job in the magic world, and the Muggle world can't go back. In this case, they can only take the risk of learning some black magic that is dangerous to both the user and the target to improve their strength. However, the black magic circulating outside Magic usually has great side effects, and these people don't have the valuable experience that pure-blood wizards have, so it's easy to fall into darkness completely. That's how many dark wizards in Knockturn Alley came."

After Lane finished speaking, the dormitory fell silent. Then Hermione asked in a strange tone: "Is this true? How come I don't know?"

"Of course you don't know. As students, our scope of activities is nothing more than Diagon Alley, Platform Nine and Three-quarters, Hogwarts House, and this year, Hogsmeade Village. What can we do in this situation? Maybe see those dark places in the magical world."

Hermione stared at Ryan.

"It's unbelievable, I've never paid attention to this. Are you saying this is true?"

"It's true, the origins of all the people at the Ministry of Magic and Diagon Alley, and how many dark wizards they arrest each year are not secret. Percy has been chatting with me a lot recently, and he doesn't need to lie to me about this. And I think The status quo is also very logical.”

"Logical? I don't think it's logical to discriminate against hemp wizards and Muggles. Why would those pure-blood wizards do this?" Hermione asked in confusion.

"Just like the Greek and Latin in the British Civil Service Exam, the public education institutions in the United Kingdom cannot find teachers of Greek and Latin at all. Only those private aristocratic schools can provide Greek and Latin teaching from junior high school. maintain the weighting of Greek and Latin in the British Higher Civil Service Examination,

The monopoly of the upper classes can be maintained under the guise of fairness and impartiality. This is true in the Muggle world, and so are wizards. "Ryan's current situation in the Muggle world is an example to explain to Hermione why the purebloods do this.

"Injustice, is this what is hidden under the beautiful and magical exterior of the wizarding world?" Hermione put the water glass on the table, leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes, thinking about something.

The sun slanted westward slowly, reflecting a golden-red light on the red wallpaper and carpet in the house. The afternoon lessons must have begun, but Hermione remained motionless in her chair. In this case, Ryan could only give up the afternoon classes to accompany him here.

In the end, Hermione finally came back to her senses and said, "Sorry, I've delayed your class. Now that we rush over with the books, maybe we can catch the second class."

Ryan let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Hermione was back to normal. He had been worried that he would have a bad influence on Hermione by saying too much. Even if she would become Minister of Magic to lead the reform of the wizarding world in the future, but she is only thirteen or fourteen now, these things are still a bit too much for her age.

In fact, I said so much today because Ryan was also confused. The first time he found out that he seemed to be reborn, he decided to make money for a lifetime. After having the golden finger, he hoped that he could find his way home through the golden finger. Later, after I went to school at Hogwarts and got acquainted with everyone, I felt that I should kill the anti-human guy Voldemort.

Now, Ryan feels that all the previous plans can see the hope of completion. At this time, he is confused about his future goals: going home is not something that can be done in a while, and Ryan feels that he is likely to live here for a long time. Time to find the way home. In this case, the world is very important to him.

Killing Voldemort is just destroying the old world, so what should the new world look like? Who are your friends in the process of creating a new world? Who is the enemy? Should I be involved in this process? What to do if you are involved? These were the questions Lane pondered over and over again without getting an answer.

Ryan and Hermione talked so much today, just hoping to get some inspiration. But now it seems that Hermione may not be as mature as she thought. But that's okay, there's plenty of time to think anyway. Not to mention that the One World Grocery Store also brought enough worlds to Ryan as a reference for the new world.

In the days that followed, everything seemed to be back to normal. But Hermione seemed busier. When she was studying in the library, Ryan saw her reading a book about the history of magic.

During the study of the Patronus Charm on Friday afternoon, the combat class professor found a Dementor to use as a practical test. Because of the practice of Middle-earth Dao, Ryan is able to restrain this evil creature, so he can only be minimally affected by the face-to-face with the Dementor. This allowed him to easily release a thick silver smoke to block the attack of the Dementors.

By the end of the course that afternoon, all three were able to confront the Dementor, releasing silver smoke to block its progress. And in the absence of dementors, an animal loomed in their smoke.

The professor also announced that their course was over, because he had finished teaching what he could teach, and the remaining physical guardian angels needed constant practice and self-comprehension.

Ryan left the classroom after thanking the professor. He decided to practice more in private because he was really curious about what his Patronus would look like.

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