? The auditorium is full of a strong festive atmosphere. In addition to the common jack-o-lantern and bat decorations, there are also some very local decorations, such as some ghost models. Special snacks such as sugar skulls, blood-filled candies and tombstone cookies also appeared on the table.

"Isn't it Halloween tomorrow, why is it like a holiday today?" Ryan asked strangely. Several students around also showed puzzled expressions.

When Hermione heard the question next to her, she replied, "This is different from our British customs. Halloween in South America is from October 31st to November 2nd, a total of three days."

It seems that wizards and Muggles in South America have longer vacations, but this is a good thing for Ryan, after all, everyone likes vacations. At least from a dietary point of view, the diet of Castro Brusso festival is much richer than the daily diet.

It's just that Ryan's good mood didn't last long, and he received several letters early on Halloween the next day. Here are the Weasley twins, Percy's, and even letters from Colin and Ron, who don't usually communicate much, all of them telling Ryan that a terrible thing happened at the school Sirius Black doesn't know how Broke into the school, and even destroyed the portrait of Fat Lady Gryffindor with a knife.

When Ryan came to the common room with these letters, he found that most of the people were waiting here, and everyone had a letter or two in their hands. 35xs It's just that the news from other people is not as true as the news that Ryan got. For example, a Hufflepuff student next to him swears that Blake broke into the Gryffindor common room and fought a bunch of students for hundreds of years. Forced to run away.

Just as everyone stood in the room anxiously exchanging the news they had obtained, Professor Sprout walked into the room and roughly counted the number of people and said to everyone, "Okay, you are all here now, I have something to do. Say it. Many of you may have received letters from friends at school about what happened at Hogwarts last night, and to avoid the spread of rumours, I am giving you a formal notice."

"First, Sirius Black did indeed enter Hogwarts Castle last night and destroyed the Fat Lady's portrait without being able to enter the Gryffindor lounge. Second, there were no casualties in the process, hopefully Don't spread rumors. Unfortunately, we didn't catch Sirius, so I hope you can also persuade your friends to cooperate with the school as much as possible at this time, and don't mess with things." Professor Sprout also read Glancing at Ryan.

It seems that the Weasley twins are notorious at school, and Ryan can only reply with an embarrassed and polite smile to show that he knows.

After Professor Sprout finished speaking, everyone disbanded. On the way to class, Ryan had been wondering what happened to the defense of Hogwarts Castle? In his last life, many of his colleagues said that the headmaster could monitor the movements of the whole school. Of course, this is not difficult from a technical point of view. After all, Harry Potter's father can do this. Hogwarts school has a set. The same monitoring system is not difficult.

But if it is possible to achieve the kind of real-time monitoring that some fans say, why didn't Dumbledore catch Blake directly?

Of course, Ryan doesn't agree with the Dumbledore conspiracy theories mentioned by many fans. After all, as the leader of the White Wizard, Dumbledore should not be able to indulge criminals. Of course, under this premise, Dumbledore would not be able to do anything that he knew that his subordinates were wronged, and that his subordinates had to stay in Azkaban for more than ten years.

The most likely explanation for this is that the Hogwarts surveillance system can only show who is where, but all this requires people to watch all the time, and there is no automatic alarm function. And Dumbledore, as a headmaster,

How could he be staring at the monitor all day like a security guard?

In this case, Ryan felt that he would be more sure of doing things in Hogwarts Castle in the future, as long as he was not too lucky and avoided those portraits and ghosts.

Naturally, in this case, everyone can't help but discuss how Blake broke through the blockade of the Dementors and infiltrated the school, but most people think that he should enter the school through some secret passage.

Because everyone is in Brazil now, the Hogwarts thing is a bit far from them after all. So after discussing for a long time, everyone put this matter behind. It's just that when everyone wrote letters to friends at Hogwarts that night, they couldn't help but comfort a few words.

But the situation at Hogwarts did not change because of this incident. Just when everyone was about to forget the previous incident, a new bad thing happened at Hogwarts.

It happened to be mid-November, and Ryan returned from dinner to find everyone in the common room discussing the upcoming Hogwarts House game. In particular, the Ravenclaw students are very nervous about this year's competition. After all, because Zhang Qiu participated in this exchange activity, Ravenclaw can only find a substitute to play the game.

Although Ryan didn't have much of a cold for Quidditch, he still joined the discussion circle for social purposes, and occasionally said a word or two to pretend that he was not a rookie.

While the discussion was in full swing, Hermione suddenly pushed the door and walked into the common room, holding an open letter in her hand.

"Lane, something happened at Hogwarts, the Dementor got out of control and broke into the Quidditch pitch, and Harry fell straight from the sky."

As soon as Hermione's voice fell, there was a loud bang in the common room. Everyone started talking to Hermione about what happened. As Hermione read the letter aloud, the specific process of what happened was slowly constructed by everyone. To sum it up, the excitement and happiness on the Quidditch pitch made the hungry Dementors out of control. Harry passed out because he was too close to them. Fortunately, Dumbledore shot away the Dementors and rescued them. Get off Harry.

"I really don't know why the dementors are supposed to protect the school."

"This filth is long overdue for its complete elimination."

"What the hell is the Ministry of Magic thinking? What's the difference between Hogwarts and Azkaban like that."

While all the people in the common room were discussing the matter passionately, Ryan and Hermione returned to their carriages.

"This letter was written by Ginny at Harry's bedside. She said that when he was taken to the hospital, Harry was very bad, pale and shaking. So she wanted to ask Harry this question now. How to solve it?" Hermione asked while handing Ryan the letter in her hand.

"As far as I know, there's only one solution Harry has right now," Lane said.


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