The Response Room is now engulfed in a blood-red light. There is a complex magic circle on the floor in the center of the room, and these lights come from the mysterious pattern composed of three blood-red runes floating on the magic circle in the air. An equilateral triangle is formed. Each group of pattern formations corresponds to one of the previous three dragon eggs.

These patterns covered the entire magic circle, not only dyeing the interior space red, but also making Hermione sitting in the center of the magic circle look blurry, leaving only a dark figure.

Now that the entire magic ritual has entered a critical moment, the first step is to eliminate the unnecessary parts. The first thing to consider here is the fit with Hermione. If the fit is too low, it is very easy to induce power out of control, and naturally it needs to be eliminated.

The second thing to look at is the demand. For example, the giant dragon in the world of "A Song of Ice and Fire" is actually a kind of monster, so the wisdom of their beasts or the appearance of the dragon is naturally unnecessary and can be directly eliminated.

The final step is integration and balance. After all, Hermione's body is limited even if it has been strengthened once, so Ryan must make a choice.

Fortunately, Slytherin's record on body modification has some content on this aspect. After integrating the knowledge of several worlds, the plan formulated by Teacher Luo Zhen has minimized the risk.

As we all know, the dragon is a creature at the top of the biological chain. It can adapt to most harsh environments, and has the best wisdom among beasts. In addition, it has a naturally extremely strong body and a keenness that matches the body. Most importantly, dragons also possess some innate spell-like abilities, which are also the most powerful abilities of this group.

But all things in the world are balanced, and such a powerful creature will have a lot of corresponding problems. For example, the magic of a dragon is matched with his soul, and if a dragon wants to master its magic-like abilities, it must accept its IQ. In the same way, if you want to get the powerful body of the dragon, you may need to accept part of the dragon transformation.

In short, this is a creature with many advantages, but equally obvious disadvantages. Many of the advantages of the body are bound to the negative effects, and even some are simply derived from the negative effects on people.

If you don't want to become a large kobold with a lizard head after undergoing the transformation, who is extremely irritable, or has a serious obstacle to understanding the world, then there must be a trade-off in the choice.

Fortunately, Tianyin, which is materialized as a belief, and dragon blood, which is homologous to the dragon egg, are used in the magic circle, so that every rule hidden in the dragon egg can be clearly displayed in front of Ryan in pictures and texts, which allows him to adjust. Space.

I think Slytherin did this too, but at that time, magic research was still blank in some places. So he just summed up something simple. And Voldemort, who has seen the summary of these seniors, should have been a little too impatient when he was young, and finally chose the most dangerous transformation and bloodline transplantation to accept these rules regardless of whether they are good or bad. This approach allowed him to gain a lot of shortcomings while gaining great power.

In front of the magic circle, Ryan stretched out his hand to a lot of rule patterns, and as his magic command pattern began to change.

The three groups of regular patterns were directly scattered, and the lines connecting the different regular patterns were cut off one by one by Ryan with the help of the sky silver on the magic circle, and finally turned into a large number of independent patterns.

A large number of complex runes that are difficult for the human body to bear have been deleted, as well as many parts with excessive side effects and the same parts of the three dragon eggs. The last ones left are some simple runes.

"The avenue is the simplest!" Seeing the pattern that was less than 1/10 of the scale left at the end, Ryan thought of this sentence inexplicably. Then it's time to put those leftovers back together.

Under the command of Ryan's fingers, the patterns began to slowly connect, and at the same time, they were charged by the magic circle below and emitted light. When all the regular patterns are finally linked together,

These regular patterns shrank together and formed a small red ball on top of Hermione's head.

After reading it carefully, he began to recite another part of the incantation, and at the same time took out a pale golden sky silver crystal the size of a peanut and threw it at the red ball. The production method of this Tianyin crystal is formed by repeatedly compressing and upgrading the liquid Tianyin. Ryan only learned from Mr. Luo Zhen two days ago. It can also be regarded as the first high-level energy crystal produced by the Ryan Institute. To this end, he also took out most of the loot that he captured last time as a thank you gift to the teacher.

Under the urging of magic, two things, one real and one virtual, were combined into a small ball between the virtual and the real, and then slowly descended. Finally, when it touched the top of Hermione's head, it turned into a blood-red light and merged with her.

At this time, Hermione's body showed a strange suction that sucked the energy of the magic circle into her body, which should be the beginning of the transformation.

There are not as many things transformed this time as imagined. The first one is to strengthen perception, which can improve people's sixth sense. It can make people avoid danger in many places, and it is easier to seize those fleeting opportunities and inspirations when doing various things.

The second is the flexible body. As a flying creature, the dragon has strong balance and flexibility that is not commensurate with its huge size. After strengthening this aspect, Hermione can have a more flexible body and sense of balance, and can do some movements that ordinary people can't do.

The last and most important enhancement is Tough Soul, which is known to be extremely powerful as well. At least the vast majority of soul-controlling magic can't do anything with dragons. After removing the side effects, the remaining power can only increase Hermione's soul toughness by about half,

It doesn't sound like much, but it's actually quite powerful. According to the records that Lane has seen before, even the most powerful alchemists and wizards in this world have various means to improve the toughness of people's souls, but in history, it is the best in a person without side effects. The record is barely at this level.

As for why he didn't choose the dragon's most attractive physique or magical ability, it was entirely because when he analyzed the runes just now, he found that these very powerful abilities were completely bound to the dragon's body or soul. If you want to have these, you must completely transform yourself into a giant dragon. Not to mention the difficulty and the ability of the person to be transformed, it is unacceptable to simply transform into a beast that has lost himself.

The last ray of light on the magic circle also disappeared, which also represented the complete end of this magic enhancement. Hermione slowly opened her eyes.

"How do you feel?" Ryan asked.

"Hmm-" Hermione tried to stand up after feeling it for a while, but it turned out that her legs were numb because she had been kneeling for a little longer. As a result, he sat back again.

Lane hurried over and she picked it up and put it on a few cushions in the corner, then took out a cup of blood-activating medicinal tea and handed it over. Hermione took a sip of tea and said.

"I feel that the whole person feels different from before, but I can't tell what's wrong for a while."

"It's alright, it's just past lunch time. We still have enough time to feel different than before." He handed over a lunch. "You can feel it slowly after eating, I will always be here with you."

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