I have to say that Sirius is a very generous person to his friends. As a direct descendant of a pure-blood family, of course he can feel the preciousness of this artificial hand. To put it bluntly, this level of alchemy products can be regarded as heirlooms in many families. Therefore, after Ryan did him such a great favor, the thank you gift from Sirius was unexpectedly precious.

You must know that the most precious thing in the European and American magic world is knowledge. Especially the knowledge accumulated over a long period of time by a pure-blooded family like the Sirius family. Every sentence and every formula embodies a lot of experience and painstaking efforts of the predecessors. The practice of giving away all the books on alchemy in the family like Sirius can be regarded as an absolute prodigal behavior in a pure-blood family. Of course, Sirius didn't care about that.

With a snap of his fingers, Kreacher appeared in the living room with a dozen thick books made of parchment stacked a little higher than himself. Fortunately, Ryan sensed Kreacher's breath and opened the space protection barrier of the house. Otherwise, creatures like Kreacher who tried to teleport into the room directly through apparition would be directly exiled to the chaotic space by the peripheral defense system.

After putting down the book, Kreacher looked at Sirius' fake hand. Then he greeted Ryan and the others respectfully and left. It also saw the value of that fake hand, so it didn't object to Sirius giving away part of the family inheritance. Besides, the core inheritance of the Black family is black magic, and Kreacher felt that exchanging some fringe knowledge for a family heirloom was a relatively worthwhile thing.

After everyone packed up, Sirius and Merriam Apparated with Ryan and Hermione respectively.

After a familiar squeeze, Ryan and the others appeared on the path near the Burrow. Lane saw the Burrow standing far away at the end of the path.

"Since Harry moved in, the Burrow has received the tightest security the Ministry of Magic can offer, including anti-apparition charms. It's the closest we've been able to Apparate to the Weasleys. We need to walk the next way." Sirius explained. Lane could also feel eyes watching them, probably Aurors patrolling the area for safety reasons.

After walking for five or six minutes, four people appeared in front of the Burrow's door. After knocking on the door, Mrs. Weasley's slightly nervous voice came from inside: "Who's outside?"

"I, Sirius, take Ryan with them." The door opened immediately. Mrs. Weasley stood at the door, short and fat, wearing a blue coat that was washed a little whitish.

"Oh, you are finally here, welcome!" Mrs. Weasley turned sideways to let everyone in, and then shouted upstairs: "Sirius and Ryan, Ryan, won't you come down and say hello? "After speaking, he led the four of them to sit down at the kitchen table, and Ryan took out the gifts he was going to give to the Weasley family: two large boxes of biscuits baked by Hermione herself, and the Two bottles of wine produced by myself under the guidance of Er. They are all inexpensive gadgets, but they contain the heart in them.

"Thank you, you are so kind." Molly Weasley took the gift from Allen and thanked her. At this time, the Weasley twins apparated in the kitchen and greeted everyone hurriedly before turning to Ryan and the others. "I heard that you went to the Celestial Dynasty to hold your engagement ceremony this time, how do you feel?"

"It was a completely different magical world, and my father had some relatives there. So I gained a lot of things, and at the same time, I ordered a large number of high-quality and cheap raw materials smoothly. Now the first batch should have To Norwegian Lupine,

It is estimated that these raw materials will be delivered next Monday. "

"That's a good thing." Fred said: "Now the situation is getting worse, because many growers have moved abroad or planted other things, and the deteriorating security has hindered imports. Recently, many raw materials have been rising. Fortunately, we have our own plantations to ensure that the cost rise is within a controllable range. Now that we have new channels, we don’t need to worry about this.”

"But don't change the subject," George said now. "As the first of us to get engaged, how do you feel? Mom always thinks that you two are getting engaged a little too early."

"It's a bit early, but it's not marriage." Hermione said unexpectedly, and at the same time took Ryan's hand beside her. "Well, as long as we feel that we are suitable for each other, what else do we need to wait for? Besides, in this situation, I think it is good to do some things earlier, otherwise we may regret it for the rest of our lives."

"I understand that it's all because the mysterious man has returned. Everyone is in a state of panic and feels precarious. Therefore, things that would have taken time to think about were made in a hurry. The last time the mysterious man gained power, That's it, people elope everywhere—" Mrs. Weasley said with a look of reminiscence, and added hastily after glancing at Ryan and the others. "Of course I'm not talking about you. You two are more mature than the children sitting here, and you are both good at thinking and able to keep calm. I believe that you made such a choice after careful consideration. By the way , I'll make you a pot of tea."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Weasley left. As soon as she left the other Weasley children and Harry, she came down the stairs to greet Ryan and the others. After a few pleasantries, Ryan asked curiously: "I think your mother supports my engagement with Hermione, so why did she say that people eloped everywhere when they were talking—"

"Ha, that's because of my brother." Ron understood immediately. After taking a look at Harry who went straight to chat with Sirius, he said: "Bill and Fleur got engaged at the beginning of the summer vacation and are going to get married next summer. The time of their engagement may be longer than the engagement ceremony of your two." A little earlier. Recently, Fleur only works at Gringotts in the morning every day, and lives at our house the rest of the time. But our mother doesn't like her. She thinks Fleur and Bill are not in the same situation as you. After all, you have known each other for many years , and their personalities are very similar. But Bill is a hard worker, but Fleur—”

"A pure Frenchman." Watching Sirius and the Weasley brothers and Harry happily chatting about some kind of joke product, Ginny came over and sat next to Ron and said. "You know, the standard French people tend to be a little lazy and lack of order. Our mother thinks this is really out of tune with Bill. But I think Bill, who is a spellbreaker, is probably more interested in romantic and exciting things. "

"How is Percy?" Ryan asked after talking about everyone's recent situation for a while. He hadn't heard from Percy since he learned that Percy confronted Voldemort head-on when he went to visit Ms. Burns. News, so I am a little worried.

"It's a good thing he wasn't seriously injured last time," said Ron, "and then he was promoted again, and now he's in charge of three squads. But this makes him very busy, and he often stays home for most of the week. In the office, he may only have time to stay at home for two days on weekends. In addition, he is also devoted to work, and often likes to lead the way. Everyone is worried about him, because now his job is the most dangerous in the Ministry of Magic. That group was a little safer than the Aurors, and my mother even cried twice because of this. But everyone still admired him. For example, Fred and George are now proud of Percy and think that He's a true warrior."

This is quite in line with Percy's character. As the most utilitarian member of the Weasley family, he seized the opportunity and worked hard. This has not changed at all. It's just that because of Ryan's influence, Percy didn't choose the wrong path, and now it seems that his official career is much smoother than in the original text. As Ron said, when Mr. Weasley was working in the ministry, he heard many people say that Percy was a rising political star, and many people were optimistic about this young man who dared to fight.

Everyone chatted while drinking tea. After chatting for a while, Harry found an excuse to call Ron, Ryan, and Hermione aside, and told them the contents of the prophecy ball.

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