That's not all.

The life span of bees is very short, the average life span of worker bees is only twenty-eight days. The life span of the queen bee is only four to five years, and the drone bee will die after mating.

But these bees also directly spanned the millennium. The queen bees in the thousand-year hive have lived for thousands of years and are about to become sperm.

The queen bee of a century-old hive has also lived for a hundred years, and the worker bees have lived for a hundred years, so they are called spiritual bees.

Therefore, the honey they brew is even more special.

Not only that, the honey they brew has been fermented for thousands of years and has a more unique flavor.

The most important thing is that during this process, in addition to eating the honey produced by these bees every year, they also leave a small amount of honey for storage.

Then when brewing new honey, the new honey will be added to the old honey to enhance the flavor of the old honey and obtain more essences of different flowers.

30Then these old honeys continue to ferment.

This is like making wine and then sealing it, letting time give it more unimaginable changes.

During this process, bees continuously add nectar from various flowers.

That’s why we have Hundred-Flower Honey. Hundred-Flower refers to the essence of hundreds of plant flowers, not just a hundred.

Similarly, the century-old hundred-flower honey brewed for one hundred years is completely different from the one brewed for two hundred years. The longer it is, the more flower essences are added to it, the stronger it has been brewed over time, and the stronger it is in terms of taste and nutritional value.

The same is true for Five Hundred Thousand Flowers Nectar.

Not to mention the nectar of thousands of flowers, which contains the essence of tens of thousands of plant flowers.

Especially the 1,400-year-old nectar of thousands of flowers already contains the essence of nearly 20,000 various plant flowers, and the effect is unparalleled.

The effect of these honeys is also surprising to the extreme. The century-old honey of hundreds of flowers has strong beauty and beauty properties.

How powerful is this extremely powerful facial beautification effect? ​​Du Yu has never tried it, so he can’t guess.

But one thing is that five hundred years of Thousand Flower Nectar can already make your appearance ageless.

If we extrapolate from this time, the beauty and beauty effects of this hundred-year-old flower nectar must be extraordinary.

Then there is the treatment of diabetes and high blood pressure. This function is also staggering.

Diabetes is caused by high blood sugar among the three highs.

So far, medically, the pathogenesis of diabetes has not been found.

This disease seems to occur all of a sudden, which makes no sense, and the incidence rate of the three high diseases in modern society is getting younger and younger.

In the end, medical science can only attribute the three highs to excessive nutrition.

But the problem is that obtaining nutrients for the human body is necessary for survival, and it is also the reason why humans live so long now.

Only adequate nutrition can allow organisms to live longer.

The emergence of the Three Highs seems to refute it.

Moreover, the three highs cannot be cured at all. At least in modern society, there is no method that can completely cure the three highs.

Patients can only suppress the symptoms of three highs by taking medicine continuously every day.

For example, patients with high blood pressure need to take high blood pressure medications every day, and patients with diabetes also need to take hypoglycemic drugs every day.

However, you can’t ignore the three highs!

If left alone, it may cause various complications and may lead to sudden death.

For example, high blood pressure may cause a blood vessel to suddenly rupture, which can easily cause blood clots.

If it is a brain hemorrhage, it is easily caused by cerebral thrombosis or cerebral congestion.

Diabetes can easily induce heart disease, which can be life-threatening. Poor blood sugar control can also cause complications such as diabetic foot and ulcers on the limbs.

In the current world, people with three high-income families have the largest number of patients with various diseases.

So if there is something that can completely cure the three highs, you can imagine the sensation it will cause.

Finally, if you use Millennium Flower Honey for a long time, you may gain the ability to communicate with insects.

This really makes Du Yu's heart beat fast! After all, it is a special function, a supernatural power, who doesn't want it?

And don’t look at the honey obtained this time, which seems to be a lot.

Seventy-eight thousand kilograms of century-old hundred-flower nectar is indeed a lot in absolute terms.

But that was fourteen hundred years, a total of sixty hives produced.

Those thousand-year-old hives, hives that are more than five hundred years old, not only produce five-hundred-year-old honey of thousands of flowers, and thousands of thousand-flower honey, they also produce hundred-year-old honey of hundreds of flowers at the same time.

That's it, it took fourteen hundred years of accumulation to collect so much.

And only those that have been brewed for more than a hundred years are century-old honey. The actual accumulation and production time is 1,300 years.

This calculation equates to the average production of only one kilogram of century-old honey from each hive every year.

Is this a lot?

You know, Du Yu has already observed that the century-old hive is directly close to four meters.

Such a large hive can produce one kilogram of century-old flower nectar in a year. This output is really impressive.

This is also understandable. Bees make honey for themselves to eat, which is equivalent to food for bees.

No matter how much it brews, it will still eat more. Only a few can be left to store it in the end, let alone store it for hundreds or thousands of years.

Similarly, the 12,600 kilograms of 500-year-old thousand-flower nectar is the accumulation of 1,400 years of 14 hives that are over 500 years old, including the three thousand-year-old hives.

The first batch of 500-year-old nectar also takes at least 500 years.

Therefore, the production time of this kind of honey is only nine hundred years.

Based on this calculation, a hive that is more than 500 years old can only produce at most one kilogram of honey a year.

The diameter of hives that are more than 500 years old has

The nectar production of Millennium Flowers is even more impressive. Calculated, on average, a Millennium Beehive can only produce half a kilogram a year.

The thousand-year hive has a diameter of more than thirty meters.

Such a large hive produces half a kilogram of thousands of nectar every year.

The output is surprisingly small!

This is the most reasonable method of honey harvesting adopted by the system. Without solidification, fish will be the result.

Otherwise, if you think about it, if every time you collect honey, you collect all the hundreds-of-flower nectar, there will be no five-hundred-year-old thousand-flower nectar or thousands-of-flower nectar. .

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