Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 635: Where

In the Governor's Mansion of Hefang Island, the hall of the conference room is the center of the round table.

  Gritt frowned while listening to her subordinates reporting their work, her face cut by the scar was haggard and tired.

   is not only her alone, but also the other managers where she sits.

  Managing a group of humans under the apocalypse is not a good job. In the desperate situation of the gradual flooding of the sea, they are only a thin line away from the mob who lost their bottom line.

   If not handled properly, they can easily cross this line, and there are some malicious people who are constantly tempting them to cross this line.

   "The resettlement of the islanders in the dock area was completed yesterday. The navy has stationed in every street and has taken over public security work. All current laws are subject to wartime..."

   "Personnel transportation is under planning. According to the calculation of the Ministry of Administration, the reduction of young adults can significantly reduce the occurrence of violent crimes, and -"

   The voice of the middle-aged woman who was reading the report was interrupted by the old voice.

   "Your Excellency, the most valuable thing in the Earth and the Sea is population. If you really send young and middle-aged people to the surface, it will basically send the future of our island out!"

   Margaret looked at the old man with age spots indifferently. "Now the most valuable Earth Sea is the entire Earth Sea itself. If the above progress does not go well, there will be no future. You must know that the Mochen Island has been completely submerged."


   "It's nothing, the plan has been finalized, what else is there? If not, so be it today."

   The old man seemed to want to say something, but seeing Margaret's determined attitude, he finally sat down again when he was decadent.

   After a few seconds of silence in the hall, it was broken again by a male voice.

"The Governor, the initial effect of using beliefs to stabilize the hearts of the people, everyone has gradually joined various religions, but now most of the religions on the island are Protestants, and the cohesion is a little insufficient. The monks of True Eye said after telegram that they can be willing to talk to us. Where to cooperate."

   Religion wants believers, and the governor needs stability. The combination of the two is just to reconcile each other's interests. Faith is blooming everywhere.

No matter what they believe in, but they seem to have discussed it, they are all spreading that as long as they believe in their own gods and are pious enough, when the end comes, their gods will take action to lead them back to the kingdom of God, or take action to stop the sea. rise.

  Margaret never trusts these, but anyone who is sane will not trust it, but it is too difficult for the islanders to guarantee their saneness under such circumstances.

   "Let them come to the Governor's Mansion tomorrow morning. I want to have a face-to-face talk with them. There is nothing else, so let's stop here today."

   The sound of moving stools sounded one after another, and everyone present bowed respectfully to their governor, then turned and left.

   After Marguerite sat on the armchair and looked at the empty hall for a while, she stood up and walked towards her office.

   sat down on the chair that once belonged to his father, Margaret closed her eyes and rubbed her swollen head with her hands.

   She didn't know why her father was always so grumpy before, but now she finally knows.

   Dealing with these troublesome things every day, there is no end to it, and the temper is impossible to get better.

   After a short break, Margaret opened her eyes and looked at the file sent by the secretary on the table.

   The first document shows that Julio's invincible fleet has arrived in the East China Sea, and has initially engaged with Fatanism.

  Analyzed from the situation of the battle, Fatanism does not intend to fight to the death. From their standpoint, the gods are about to recover and a good life is about to come. Now it is impossible to fight Julio.

   Julio also did not directly rush into the land of God's Landing, and directly started the war.

   In addition to diverting the contradictions on the island, his current battle was also to prevent Fatanism from making trouble for Charles on the surface.

   The best defense is offense. As long as he stays in the East China Sea like a thorn now, then Fatanism has no time to mix with the above things.

   After reading carefully, Margaret opened the second copy, which was related to her influence.

   The spiders on the Spider Island suddenly took a special move. Seeing that the sea was gradually flooding the island, all the spiders began to gather in everything, constantly weaving their webs day and night.

   They plan to use spider webs to weave into a boat to leave that island and migrate to other unsinkable islands.

   Although I don’t know why these small house-sized human spiders have this habit, their actions are destined to be futile. All islands are the same.

   "If the spiders are gone, then the spider silk specialties on Spider Island will disappear, and the various finished clothes sent to the surface will be insufficient. We must find a way to keep them."

   Just as Margaret was thinking about this question, she heard a knock on the door of her room.

   She looked up and saw the smiling Anna leaning on the door, tapping gently with her fingers rhythmically. "Miss Margaret, we haven't seen each other for a while, why didn't you call me to chat with me?"

   "What's new on the surface?" Margaret put down the things in her hand stood up and asked.

   "I am looking for you this time, it has nothing to do with the surface, and it has nothing to do with Charles, I just came to you."

   Anna walked up to Margaret, put her hand on her shoulder, and pushed her back on the stool.

   "Look for me? In which way?" Marguerite was a little surprised.

   "Don't worry, I'll take you to a place. I'll find out after I go."

   Anna said that the space next to her was gradually distorted, and she soon appeared next to her with a height of 1.3 meters. Not only has her height increased by one section, but her appearance has also changed greatly.

   If she was only a child before, then she is now between a child and a girl.

   Shining looks a little longer, I don't know if she deliberately, she looks a bit like Anna now.

   Looking at the glittering green cross pupils, Marguerite was a little bit unrecognizable. "She is...?"

   "Shiny, haven't you met her before? Charles' daughter and I think that the changes are a bit big? It's normal, she is not young anymore, after all, she is three years old now."

   Shining squeezed the sides of the skirt with her hands, crossed her legs and gave Marguerite a dress lift.

   The current Margaret is very shocked. The growth rate of the other party has exceeded her cognition. The woman of the two of them is simply a monster.

   "Marguerite, can you keep it first? I'm very busy, and now I have to learn a lot of things every day."

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