Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2513 Demon King Personality

Then they informed the prophet of their realization.

Wen Rensheng nodded: "Yes, only by accumulating more power can you defeat the Demon King."

"I guess you got it right this time."

"This is true enlightenment."

After hearing this, the brave men were speechless for a moment.

"You had to tell me earlier. If you had told me earlier, would we have taken so many detours?"

Wen Rensheng shook his head and said, "You won't listen even if I say it. People are always like this. If you don't touch your head yourself, you won't know it hurts."

“If you don’t suffer the consequences yourself, you won’t know how to correct yourself.”

After hearing this, the brave men hid it silently in their hearts.

But they still didn't listen to this.

If you want to truly transform into your own consciousness, you have to go through a harsh lesson.

Growth is always painful.

And mortals have a limited lifespan.

Life is over if you don’t grow up...

Then the brave men began to lead the villagers to resist the king and lords.

They thought of ways to arm the red dragon.

The imagination of modern people is always great.

They started looking for enough iron plates, and finally collected them for a long time to build a meter-thick armor for the red dragon!

The red dragon was happy about this because it made it much safer.

So it was heavily armed and then acted as a dragon tank.

Then attack the local lord's castle.

The results speak for themselves.

When seeing the heavily armored red dragon, bows and arrows and spells had no effect.

The soldiers defending the city fled immediately.

Only a few knights bravely charged.

Then he was captured by the kind red dragon.

They were ordered to redeem themselves with pork chops.

They said it insulted them and had to use gold and silver coins.

The red dragon said it didn't like those things and couldn't eat them or use them as mattresses to sleep on.

This made everyone wonder if it was a dragon.

In this way, they defeated one greedy lord after another.

Finally, the local kingdom was defeated.

Then they introduced a new system.

They just took advantage of the modern system and slightly changed the crude way they collected taxes.

Reducing the middle layer can make taxation more transparent and efficient.

Then taxes and labor can be reduced.

For the people in the feudal era, having less work and less labor was their greatest happiness.

As for other big things, they don't want to get involved.

Those epic actions were followed by massive amounts of blood and tears.

As for how to implement the system, it still depends on the inspection of the red dragon.

It's like a moving palace.

The ancients built great halls to intimidate the people, so that they would have a sense of awe and not dare to rebel.

In this way, the brave men won two victories with the help of the red dragon.

A kingdom was conquered, and the braves began to face the will and power they possessed.

They are warriors themselves, and they are fully equipped.

Using them and the red dragon as arrows, they soon conquered one kingdom after another.

After conquering these kingdoms, they began to select elites and began training them into heroic units.

That is, brave units that have the same upgrade capabilities as them.

Then they discovered that during battle, these elites could transform.

So they went on to conquer other kingdoms.

They even subconsciously prolong the war for the sake of more war.

The city that could be captured in one attempt was allowed to be defended by the opponent over and over again.

It was obvious that their hearts were quietly changing.

No matter how upright and brave a person is, once he starts to take care of things on the table and start dealing with business, he will inevitably make actions that go against his will.

But the effect is really good.

They picked out new heroes one after another.

It's just that they took the red dragon to fight everywhere. When the heroes grew up, the red dragon also gradually grew up.

Almost none of them noticed a thing.

That is, as time prolongs and the battle intensifies, Red Dragon's memories from his original demon king are gradually awakening.

Demon King is the essence of fighting and killing.

By letting the red dragon fight, they are releasing the devil's essence.

The red dragon's courage slowly grew from small to large.

From the beginning on the battlefield, he was timid, and then gradually became rampant.

The red dragon saw that his opponents were not strong either.

They were completely unable to break through its armor.

Slowly the level of the red dragon is getting higher and higher.

Finally one day when the red dragon accidentally trampled an enemy soldier to death, it was stimulated by blood and killing.

"So I am the devil!" A bloody scene flashed before its eyes.

That's what happened in the past.

All kinds of killings and stories of various demon kings flashed in the back of my mind.

And it also knew that the person driving it in front of it was a hostile hero.

It was about to make a sneak attack, but at this time the red dragon had already established a deep bond with the four brave men.

It thought of the past playing and laughing process.

Bow Girl likes to say that its wings are decoration.

The shield man and the other two are always jealous of the bow girl.

It is also used to send love letters.

It suddenly discovered that there was no benefit to being a demon king.

It's better to hang out with humans.

It thought carefully.

When you become a demon king, you have to be in constant fear all day long.

Worried that one day I will be defeated by a brave man.

Moreover, we have to consider the food, clothing and housing of so many monsters.

How could I be as comfortable as I am now?

If one person is full, the whole family will not be hungry.

In this way, it chooses to hide its identity.

And the braves quickly occupied the entire brave land.

Then they continued to train the hero characters, and after gathering 200 people, they went to attack the Demon King's territory.

Naturally, they didn't know that the real Demon King was beside them, and the Demon King was watching them training his army there.

It finds these people interesting.

These guys don't know their true identities at all, and they are still fighting with the air.

This sentence is what they often say.

But now the devil's mentality has changed.

If it were his former self, he would definitely try to get rid of or defeat the opponent.

However, after reincarnation, different life experiences made it have different thoughts under new memories.

In fact, it is similar to the emperor who is tired of playing and wants to visit privately incognito and play with another character.

Of course, emperors who play this way often get slapped in the face.

In reality, there are emperors who do this, and they encounter a lot of dangers, and some even kill themselves.

It only has one thought now, and that is to live peacefully and live better than before.

So it didn't contact its former subordinates.

There was no attempt to stop these brave men.

Thinking about it, it would be good if the original power of those demon kings was eradicated.

In this case, there is no need to involve yourself.

But one day, when it ate three more cow steaks, it had a small quarrel with Brave Spear.

A voice suddenly appeared in his heart and said:

"Look at you, what are you doing?"

"You bastard, you can eat steak and let others talk about you!"

"Have you forgotten those loyal men?"

"With them here, let alone eating steak, no one will say anything about you even if you eat people every day!"

"Now it's just a snack and a few cows, but someone is talking about you!"

"Why don't you help them? You even have to help these demons who want to kill you!"

The red dragon was stunned.

It closed its eyes, and a huge cave appeared deep inside.

The place went from pitch black and quiet to fiery red, hot and bloody.

A majestic, strong, and courageous voice echoed.

"You idiot, wake up quickly."

"Kill them all for me."

"Ah, you are the devil!"

The red dragon said in his heart, "You devil, don't tempt me here."

"You bastard, I'm just telling the truth," the majestic voice said angrily, "Damn it, you idiot, you were deceived by them!"

"Don't you know that you have worked so hard for so many things? What humans like to do the most is to cook the rabbit to death and hide the bird behind the bow!"

"Have you heard the stories they told? Han Xin, Sima Rangqie, Yu Qian, etc... wait until they finish destroying the monsters, wait until they finish destroying your men."

"The next target is us!"

"No matter where you hide, they will definitely find you. Why can't you figure it out?"

The red dragon was silent.

At this moment, the brave men should regret telling each other so many stories.

There are not only good stories, but also many bad ones.

Ordinary people still have white-eyed wolves, and there are many such things as repaying kindness with hatred.

What's more, a high-level struggle involving complex interests?

But the red dragon obviously can't understand this level.

All it knows is that bad things happen to good people.

"You don't need to say any more. All in all, I won't listen to you."

"I think living like this is very good and comfortable. It's much more comfortable than before."

The majestic voice scolded: "Idiot, idiot, don't you know that your current comfort is only temporary?"

"Sooner or later they will kill you, and you will regret the comfort before your death!"

However, the red dragon didn't care at all about what he said, and didn't even listen to what he said.

This is the most powerful manipulation of the world's will.

No matter how powerful you are, how strong your will is, or how high your wisdom is.

I will directly restart your memory and your life.

Then give you another thought and idea.

Just like a certain filial son, the stronger the power, under the control of a twisted heart, will only make the fate of the family more tragic.

Then the demon king's second personality saw his opponents fighting and killing there.

And it's sleeping and eating fried pork chops...

He thought of his hard-fought past.

But now this guy only knows how to eat, drink and have fun.

Compared with his fulfilling combat training life in the past, this guy is a complete lay-off.

So there is a benefit too.

That is, the brave men had absolutely no doubt that the red dragon was the Demon King.

Because the brave men know how powerful the Demon King is.

I know how cautious, hard-working, smart and cunning the devil is.

So the second personality also found it funny.

These brave men are still as stupid as ever.

One after another, they all regarded their reincarnated red dragon bodies as their closest friends.

And they were completely defenseless.

He told it many embarrassing things.

And it also serves as a tree hole perfectly.

He knew that Dunyong was once a loser.

I learned that the gun man had fallen out of love 50 times.

I learned that Bow Girl had been working as a green tea player for a while, but her rank was not high enough and she still couldn't play, so she finally gave up.

Green tea is also tiring. You have to manage your time well and prevent too much and one or two people becoming emotionally disturbed.

I also learned that Jiannan had failed many times in his business ventures, losing his family's 20 billion fortune and creating hundreds of multi-millionaires... He was known as a great philanthropist.

These brave men were not wary of the red dragon at all.

They thought that as long as they unified the land of heroes and had the red dragon as their trump card, that would be enough.

As long as you control the red dragon, you can automatically control those heroic units.

These guys have it all turned upside down.

Then, the second personality thought about it carefully.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

The more I think about it, the more I lose.

These brave men have too many flaws.

He must correct the mistakes of his reincarnation.

So he decided to take advantage of the red dragon's negligence and turn it black.

In this case, it can wake up.

this day.

The outskirts of the capital.

The red dragon ran into a forest wilderness.

It has formed good relationships with many elves in the forest.

These little elf friends help brush its body every day.

Because ordinary people are still afraid of it.

I won't let my children play with it.

Elves, on the other hand, belong to a category of fairies, and are born with the instinct to form contracts with strong men.

The elves climbed up and down it.

The dragon, which is dozens of meters tall, is used as a skateboard by them.

The red dragon was also very happy about this.

Soon after, the elf began to feed it.

Brewed with mead and various fruits.

The red dragon was lying on the ground, one by one.


It seems to be asleep.

The second personality took the opportunity to slightly manipulate its nerves.

If you accidentally open your mouth, you will eat these little elves.

It wants to use this extreme method to force the villagers and everyone to think that it is a devil in nature.

No matter how well you pretend, the evil nature of the five-color dragon will eventually be exposed.

Then let it go on the path it should go.

But this time.

The devil made a mistake.

The brave men specially sent a person to keep an eye on the red dragon.

It's not that they think there's something wrong with this red dragon.

They were just worried that Red Dragon was too stupid and would be deceived by others.

have to say.

They are right to worry.

The hero who was monitoring the red dragon immediately jumped out and stopped the red dragon.

And imprisoned it directly.

It didn't resist, in fact it was a little dizzy.

The hero asked: "Big Dragon, why do you want to eat the elves?"

"It wasn't me, I was just careless."

"No, it's a devil in my heart..." Red Dragon was still too timid.

It was actually frightened by the other party and told everything...

The devil personality wants to explode on the spot.

There was no news from the other party yet, but as soon as Hong Long opened his mouth to speak, he admitted everything.

Soon they were investigating and something felt wrong.

A demon hidden in the heart of the red dragon?

This is very serious at first sight.

They initially thought there was something wrong with a kind red dragon.

Until they got used to the red dragon's cowardice.

But now that I think about it, this discomfort makes sense.

It just proves that there must be something wrong inside.

Sure enough, by now, the unexpected happened.

Suddenly someone thought of a question.

"I remember the prophet said once. He said that a villager went to Longshan to cut firewood."

"Then the dragon was discovered."

"We thought it was just a casual perfunctory response, but it was actually predicted by the prophet himself."

"Now it seems that that villager is very problematic." Bow Girl said.

They finally figured out the loophole.

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