Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 470 Bad Money

Just as the big cat and the parrot were returning from the battle, they were in a private room at their departure base.

A fox puppet is playing a next-generation triple-A masterpiece.

It's just that it didn't kill monsters or PK at this time, but was typing quickly with its claws.

This is a private chat channel.

"How about it, the reward for two blood fruits. As long as you abandon the darkness and turn to the light, you can still embrace Ziyou, enjoy the cooking, and let yourself go... This is a good thing to buy one get two free, do you still have to hesitate?" A nickname called The player of "XX1" is chatting privately with it.

"Blood fruit? Are you really willing to take out two? That can directly help the aliens break through the bottleneck and be promoted. One will cost millions of sacrifices. Are you really willing to give it up?" the fox was very surprised.

"Of course I'm willing, aren't we just some poor and untouchable people? We are not as hypocritical as you Chinese people, who say benevolence every day, and tie their own hands and feet. On our side, we kill when we need it, and we kill when we don't need it. In short, we can’t let those poor people turn over. If they turn over, can this earth still live? It will be a disaster for the earth. In this world, only a small number of high-level people are destined to enjoy the world.” XX1 seemed to be moved when he saw the other party, Immediately increased the intensity of persuasion.

The fox fell silent, thinking quickly in his mind:

This XX1, I found it before, but the chips given by the other party were nothing but money, beauties, sports cars, big houses...

After hearing these conditions at that time, it immediately laughed at the other party. There will only be more of these things here in Shenzhou. For people of its class, they have already enjoyed them too much.

Later, the other party vaguely hinted that it could have many privileges, be able to dominate, and have the same freedom as feudal lords...

This made it a little tempted, but it was far from the point where it would betray the Sovereign Society.

After all, it can enjoy those things as well as taking a vacation outside every year.

Until today, the other party actually took out the fruit of blood, and it finally could no longer be indifferent.

The greatest greed of aliens is to promote themselves.

This is the same as the ancient imperial examinations. From scholar to Juren, from Juren to Jinshi, each step means a huge improvement in social status and a huge leap in life class.

And the aliens can get even greater leaps from experts to masters, and from masters to masters.

It's just that the difficulty is also extremely difficult.

And it's not like the imperial examinations where you can cheat and cheat. You can only make progress one step at a time.

Recalling the difficulties and thrills of being promoted to an expert in the past, Fox is even more excited at this time.

After making some calculations, the fox quickly typed: "What you said is very good, but I still can't trust you, after all, your reputation has never been bad, and the guy who cooperated with you has either been betrayed in the end, or is being betrayed." On the way to sell."

"Okay, we will find a chance to send you a blood fruit by express delivery. In this way, we can always prove our sincerity?" After a while, XX1 typed out this text.

"Very good, very good, now I have a little faith in your sincerity. The delivery address is here..." The fox quickly replied, looking very impatient, "But you must be careful not to be targeted by others. The Domineering will punish the traitors. The punishment is severe, and they send people to the Inspectorate's hell."

"Hell? What's that?" XX1 seemed curious.

"Oh, I can't tell you yet. I can tell you something only after I see your sincerity arrive." The fox said.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened.

The fox immediately pressed the boss button, the computer desktop flashed, and the game interface was hidden.

"Hey, old fox, why does your computer display the desktop every time I come in?" the budgerigar joked.

"Uh, you don't allow others a little privacy?" The fox stood up and complained to the parrot.

Behind the parrot is the big cat.

Wen Rensheng scanned the entire room, it was an ordinary room with no smell.

The most eye-catching thing is a high-end notebook, and the wireless connection symbol is showing that it is connecting.

Although it is located in a remote place, Shenzhou has long established a Starlink network, which can cover the whole world, and the network speed is as high as 100 megabits per second.

Wen Rensheng was not surprised by this. Many aliens like to play with computers, because they are tired of playing with ordinary things.

"Okay, okay, I don't care about your privacy. You are the smartest person I know. Now I want to ask you to do something." The parrot flew to the table and looked at the fox.

"What's up?"

"We just killed a super soldier, but it's a pity that one of them ran away. It's really a headache. Can't you just stand there and let us kill it? Do you really think that if you run away, you don't have to die? Give me an idea, next time How can we catch them all?" Parrot's tone was filled with unconcealable pride.

In fact, it doesn't want to find an answer, it just wants to pretend | force in front of acquaintances, because its problem needs to be discussed at the meeting.

The fox was shocked when he heard the words, and he was really shocked: "What, you actually killed a super soldier?"

"Yes, it's a pity that they counterattacked too quickly, so they can't show you the corpse, but you can still watch the video." The parrot said proudly.

Now it can finally feel the power of a fox pretending to be a tiger...

In fact, it is a non-armed alien. It used to have a low status in the meeting, and could only do some corner work.

Now relying on the big cat's relationship, he can finally feel proud in front of his acquaintances.

After the fox was horrified, he calmed down quickly, and then said: "I can't give you an answer to this question, I have to go through the battle meeting. Otherwise, if you have an accident, I can't bear the responsibility."

"Okay, okay, you really are a cunning guy, I know you are timid and afraid of getting into trouble." After hearing this answer, the parrot was not disappointed.

It didn't expect the other party to answer.

But at this moment, the big cat suddenly jumped to the side of the computer, raising its paw to touch the keyboard.

"Don't touch my computer!" The fox stopped it immediately.

"Why, don't you, old man, still watch those indescribable movies?" The parrot suddenly became interested.

It has some friendship with this fox, and the other party doesn't seem to be a person who is obsessed with women.

"Some confidential work is not easy to disclose to outsiders." Fox shook his head.

"Since you are doing confidential work, why don't you close the door?" The parrot suddenly became interested when he saw the other party's reaction.

"My door is clearly closed, but that's to guard against gentlemen rather than villains." The fox snorted coldly.

How could it forget to close the door?

"Uh, I came here in a hurry just now, I did open your door," the parrot said in a sly voice, and then said to the big cat, "Okay, let's go."

Big cat leaves.

However, Wen Rensheng was thinking about the string of English that he saw just now, which was a sentence that suddenly appeared on the status bar of the desktop.

"Okay, we will send the fruit to United City today, using Changfeng Express."

Fruit, Union City? Changfeng Express?

Wen Rensheng is such a smart and sensitive person, he has experienced countless incidents, even a little bit of abnormality can make hundreds of turns in his mind.

Could it be that this fox is a corrupt traitor?

In the past, it was difficult for the McCanns to win over high-level aliens. After all, advanced aliens valued resources, knowledge, and promotion opportunities rather than ordinary benefits.

Shenzhou is extremely rich in resources, whether it is natural resources or mysterious resources.

But as soon as the Fruit of Blood came out, under the circumstance that the Shenzhou side couldn't do anything due to the bottom line, they guys who had no bottom line immediately had a huge advantage.

In history, it has happened repeatedly that bad money drives out good money.

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