Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 17: ancestral legacy

"Mystery: Key of the Star(

Although when talking with Susie, Igna always felt something strange.

But after visiting many dreams with Susie, Igna felt that his body and mind were a lot more lively, and he even had the urge to run in the sun.

After the treatment, Igna felt much better.

"Thank you very much, Miss Susie," said Igna sincerely to the beautiful blond lady.

"No thanks." Susie smiled at Igna, her voice soft, "Mr. Abraham is the most cooperative guest I've ever met. If it wasn't for making money to support my family, I'm afraid I wouldn't even want to charge your medical fees. "

"Haha, Miss Susie is also the funniest psychiatrist I've ever seen." Igna laughed twice. Because he knew that what Susie said was true, he could really feel Miss Susie's trust and sincerity.

"Then, that's the end of our clinic today." Susie lifted her skirt and bowed to Igna.

"Okay, thank you very much." Igna also made a court salute to Miss Susie.

Then, with a bang, like a fairy tale, Igna returned to reality from the dream.

Igna opened his eyes and saw Fors Wall, who appeared at some point, was standing beside him, looking at him curiously.

"How do you feel?" Fors Wall asked, " the doctor's treatment specialty? It seems that your mental state has improved a lot."

"Professional." Igna nodded and replied, "I think I'm in better spirits."

But... how could Miss Fors ask this question? Wasn't this doctor introduced by her?

"Well, that's fine." Fors Wall changed the subject a little stiffly, "When are you going to be promoted?

"Wait a moment. Today is Tuesday, the constellation belongs to the brown star, and it is the day of Mr. Fool's shelter. It may be better to be promoted today." Igna asked a question that had been prepared for a long time, "When it is promotion, Woo Does Miss Er need to supervise?"

Sure enough, Fors Wall nodded: "Yes."

"You are the first Abraham to take the Extraordinary characteristics of the 'Gate' angel. If you decide to take that Extraordinary characteristic, Mr. Fool ordered me to witness the complete process." Fors Wall said solemnly.


"A fool who does not belong to this era,"

"The mysterious master above the gray fog,"

"The king of yellow and black in charge of good fortune."

After chanting Mr. Fool's honorable name in ancient Hermes, Igna felt that layers of fog appeared in front of him.

He seemed to sense that someone was hiding behind the gray fog, with a majestic and mysterious aura that made people involuntarily want to surrender.

There are six angels standing beside him, and behind each angel are huge six dark wings.

He did not speak, but Igna knew that this was the asylum he had been seeking.

"Praise Mr. Fool." He said sincerely.

Then, Igna stood up, raised his head and drank the potion prepared from the extraordinary characteristics of Bethel Abraham.

Just like the experience of drinking the potion above the gray fog, after entering this cup of cold potion, a cool and smooth feeling filled his mouth, slipped through his esophagus, and filled his limbs.

The viscous and ice-blue liquid seemed to grow thin and long tentacles, and the cold and stimulation penetrated into every cell in his body instantly.

Around him, things that were indescribable, even transparent to the point of non-existence appeared.

There are still stars shining in the distance, but this time the raving voice is much smaller.

But this time, Igna did not listen to their thoughts.

He is very awake now.

He clearly remembered why he was promoted to astrologer.

Because he has been mentally sorted out and his mind is more determined, this time Igna's promotion is no longer on the verge of running out of control like the last time.

He quickly mastered his consciousness and completed the promotion.

But when he opened his eyes. Once again, Igna felt very clearly that he was in a dream.

There was only an orange lantern standing on the ground in front of him, and the dim yellow light could only illuminate a small field of vision.

But Igna could also see, with the help of the faint firelight, that the circular rod-like patterns that spread down from the dome hung down from the ceiling, and the bottom merged with the wall. There are slash-like pattern marks on the black walls.

... again.

I don't know how many times Ignatius has entered a dream in the past few days.

But he still treats it with caution!

Because he clearly knew that this dream could only belong to Bethel Abraham!

Senior Xiao Zhou is right, Bethel's Beyonder characteristics do contain secrets.

Therefore, Igna did not hesitate to chanted in ancient Hermes in a low voice.

"A fool who does not belong to this era..."

However, before he finished speaking, he heard a man's voice coming from the shadow in front of him.

It was the Old Feysac language that Igna was familiar with.

The man said: "Oh. There are other visitors here?"

Igna's whole body tightened.

someone! There is someone!

This is totally unexpected!

Igna can only speed up the chanting in his mouth, hoping to get the attention and protection of Mr. Fool. While concentrating, he tightened all the muscles on his body, alerting the sudden burst of incoming people.

"The mysterious master above the gray fog..." Igna said.

"Abraham actually prayed to the The sound of boots stepping on it came from the slate floor. It was crisp and clear. Step by step, it seemed to be approaching Igna.

"You came here because of Bethel's Beyonder characteristics?"

This man is calling his ancestors by their first names...

Ignatius suddenly felt a chill down his spine. To be able to call the ancestors by name, what rank is the person in front of?

Fortunately, the words of prayer also came to the end.

"The king of yellow and black in charge of good luck." Igna said quickly.

However, as Ignatius' words fell, nothing happened.

On the contrary, the person in front of him has already walked in front of Igna.

Afraid of losing control by staring directly at the unknown, Igna closed his eyes immediately.

However, very strangely, he still "sees" the appearance of this man.

It was a man dressed in asymmetrical service from the nobles of the Fourth Epoch, and he was only about thirty years old. The hair is void black, mixed with a small amount of white hair, and has a pair of rippling blue eyes, which looks a bit too handsome, even a bit like a legendary blood clan.

Igna was stunned for a while, this person gave him a very strange sense of familiarity, and he could even feel that the person in front of him was kind.

So, Igna opened his eyes subconsciously.

There is no difference between the person in front of you and what you see when you "close your eyes".

"Hello, little Abraham, nice to see you here." The young man smiled and extended his hand to him.

"But you shouldn't be here."


Suddenly, Igna felt that he was hit by a blue light.


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